
Methods for diagnosing hair of any type


Hair loss is a common problem that each of us can face.

Today, the problems of baldness and partial hair loss are relevant for young people. Let's discuss how to diagnose hair loss.

Various tests help to more accurately and fully diagnose hair loss and assess its degree. In addition, some types of tests may indicate possible causes of illness.

Epilation test (pulling test)

The pulling test is performed on various parts of the head. The doctor grabs a small strand of hair and slightly pulls it. This test allows you to determine how easily the hair is separated from the scalp. The result of the epilation test allows you to roughly determine the intensity of hair loss.

Trichogram is a study of the hair roots. Hair during its life goes through several phases (hair cycles):

• Growth or anagen phase
• Transitional or catagenic phase
• The phase of rest and rejection (telogenous phase).

Based on the trichogram, it is possible to estimate the amount of hair at each of the above mentioned stages (phases). Accordingly, the result of this study allows us to conclude about the intensity of hair loss.

To compile a trichogram from a patient using a special clamp (tweezers), 20 to 50 hairs are pulled out in the direction of growth. Hair roots are examined under a microscope to determine at what stage of the hair cycle they are at a given moment. In total, more than 80 percent of the pulled hair should be in the anagen phase, and less than 20 percent in the telogen phase. From one to three percent of all hairs are, as a rule, in the transitional, catagenic phase.

With such a study, it is impossible to do without pulling out the hair. Some patients insist that they use the lost hair they brought with them, hoping to avoid an unpleasant procedure. However, such hairs are completely useless for the preparation of a trichogram, because they are all in the telogenic phase - the rejection phase.

TrichoScan® is a special computer program that with the help of digital photography allows you to determine the following parameters:

• Density (density) of hair per square centimeter
• Hair diameter
• The rate of hair growth over certain periods of time.

It helps in evaluating hair loss. In addition, a comparison of the pictures taken before and after the start of treatment can show how successfully prescribed and undergoing treatment.

In contrast to the trichogram, with the TrichoScan method, the need to pull hair out is no longer necessary. True, they don’t do without “losses” here: a small area (about 2 centimeters in diameter) is shaved in one or two places of the skin of the head. Hair growing on these places after three days is colored and photographed again at high magnification. The special program calculates, on the basis of the growth rate, parts of anagen and telogenic hair (anagen hair grows with a certain speed, and telogen hair does not show signs of growth).

Scalp biopsy

Scalp tissue samples (biopsy) are analyzed when one clinical picture is not enough to correctly diagnose hair loss. This method, for example, is used when a cicatricial alopecia is suspected. This disease is an irreparable loss of hair due to inflammation of the scalp and subsequent scarring.

For biopsy of the scalp, in most cases, two small tissue samples are taken, with a diameter of four to six millimeters. In this case, the cut is carried out to such a depth that the follicle is captured in its full size. The obtained samples are carefully studied in the laboratory.

Chemical analysis of the hair shafts is carried out in very rare cases, namely, in case of suspected so-called Menkes syndrome. In this rare metabolic disease, in particular, copper, the copper content in the hair shafts is significantly reduced.

But the chemical analysis of the hair shafts is much more important than for conventional medicine in forensic medicine. It is usually used to confirm the presence in the body of drugs, poisons, medicines and heavy metals.

The essence of diagnosis in trichology

The main object of diagnosis in trichology is the study of the skin and scalp. The purpose of such studies is to identify the causes of dandruff, hair loss, seborrhea, skin irritation, as well as changes in the structure of the hair. As in many other diagnostic directions, the patient’s examination is primary.

Unfortunately, not every clinic has specialists, and therefore the main requests to trichologists regarding the condition of the hair and scalp are made by the doctors of private clinics. What interests doctors in the first place?

  • general condition of hair (volume, structure, damage),
  • quality and quantity of sebaceous gland secretions,
  • skin changes (dandruff, keratinization, dryness, inflammatory processes).

The list of the most common hardware methods for diagnosing hair disease includes:

  • computer micro video diagnostics,
  • phototrichography
  • spectral analysis of biochemistry.

The main stages of computer hair diagnostics

The basis of this method is the use of a whole complex of equipment and software: microcameras and computer diagnostics for hair. Due to this, it is possible not only to conduct a detailed examination of the condition of the hair, but also to compare their initial state with the results of treatment.

The technique determines any changes at the level of follicles, bulbs and sebaceous glands. The lenses of the microcamera can increase the image from 10 to 200 times. Such a maximum approximation gives a complete picture of changes in the structure of any part of the hair, regardless of its initial state. All obtained data are archived and then used for the selection of individual care programs. After treatment, a visit to the hairdresser will bring much more positive emotions.

Nuances of photo trichograms

The most effective morphometric methods for diagnosing the condition of the hair and scalp are phototrichogram. It is based on the principle of photofixation and computer data processing. The technique requires preliminary preparation of the patient for the examination procedure with the exception of visiting a barbershop a few weeks before taking the studied material:

  • First, on several small sections of the head (1x1mm), all hair is carefully shaved off.
  • Two days later, these places are stained with a special substance and scanned with the trichoscan, which magnifies the image 40 times.
  • The information obtained with the help of a special program is processed and analyzed.

The duration of the examination is small, but the presence of the patient is necessary throughout the examination, which makes the method not very convenient.

As a result of the survey, the trichologist obtains reliable data on the density of hair, the intensity of hair growth, the thickness of each hair, the ratio of healthy and damaged hair and roots, as well as the amount of hair in the telogen and anagen stages. This is the best method for the diagnosis of androgenic and diffuse alopecia with accurate tracking of treatment results.

Conditions of Trichogramma and its results

Another very effective method of examination of any hair types is trichogram. Such hair diagnostics is based on microscopic examination of the roots of the removed hair. The technique is great for determining the ratio of hair in different phases of growth. What does this give? First of all, the information content of the study allows to identify the intensity of growth and aging of the hair, the cyclical nature of the renewal of hair and other factors that may affect the total volume of hair.

Before the examination, 60 to 80 hairs in different areas are removed correctly from the patient's head. Only roots are examined under a microscope with a powerful magnification. Their condition allows finding out the amount of hair in the anagen, telogen and catagen phases. Additionally, the thickness of the hair and its length can be measured.

Basics of spectral analysis

Spectral analysis is a fundamental method for studying the condition and the most effective hair diagnosis and is widely used not only in medicine, but also in forensic science. According to the results of the study can be accurately say about the presence of chemical elements in the structure of the hair. The fact is that hair tends to accumulate all the information about mineral metabolism. This allows us to conclude that there is an excess of or deficiency of specific substances and trace elements in the body during the growth period of the material being analyzed.

How is the research done?

  • Several small strands of hair from different zones of the occipital region are clipped from the patient's head. The total width of the strand is 1 cm, and its length is 4 cm. The basis of the spectral analysis is the detection of the presence and ratio of the 25 basic microelements. The list of required can also additionally include 15 additional, including toxic substances.
  • The results obtained are carefully analyzed.
  • The result of the research is the development of an individual program for the correction of mineral metabolism disorders.

About the benefits

Due to its non-invasiveness and non-invasiveness, the diagnostic method is considered one of the most effective in trichology. It not only provides high informational content of the material, but also opens up incredible diagnostic possibilities for physicians and scientists.

The results of only one spectral analysis allow to know in detail about the peculiarities of nutrition, habitat, the presence of bad habits, as well as the specifics of work, the condition of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and endocrine glands.

Spectral analysis of trace elements allows for the early stages to diagnose such diseases and conditions as immunodeficiency, diabetes, and a number of other diseases. The focus is on obesity, bacterial, viral and fungal infections.

Will analyze

Excessive hair loss is chronic and reactive. In the first case, it is an irreversible process leading to baldness.

In the second case, the triggering factor for hair loss is an external or internal effect, which, if removed, reduces the hair:

  1. hormonal changes,
  2. climate change and seasons
  3. wrong hair care
  4. substandard cosmetics,
  5. influence of emotions, etc.

Determine the correct type of loss should be an analysis of their scalp: total volume, temporal zone and anterior growth line. Photos of five years ago will be a good assistant in this matter. If the hair picture is radically different from the current state (head gaps are noticeable, the number of hairs on the temples has decreased, the growth line has risen, the middle part has thinned), then this is a serious cause for concern. If the total volume of the hair has not changed, it is sufficient to detect the factor that causes hair loss and eliminate it.

In each of these cases, an appointment with a trichologist is to diagnose the hairline.

Modern methods of examination of hair and their decoding for a low price: phototrichogram and trichogramma

Today, to identify the cause of the loss of hair will allow two methods:

A hair trichogram is a method for studying the scalp in which the scalp, the structure and the roots of the hair are studied. The procedure is carried out with the help of a video camera having different modes of increase at different phases of development (during periods of active growth, slowing down cell division and rest). The method gives information about lost and remaining hair. Thanks to him, you can trace the dynamics of the therapy:

  • Does the hair structure change?
  • Does the "fluff" hair grow,
  • does the pigment of regrown hairs change?

A phototrichogram is a computer diagnostic method based on photographing two sections of the scalp during different phases of hair growth and obtaining the necessary calculations. Indicators of the study provide a determination of the percentage of hair follicles in the period of growth and dormancy. The displacement of hair follicles in the direction of the resting phase indicates the presence of baldness. According to the results of the photograph, the density of the hairline, the thickness of the hair and its structural content, dandruff, peeling, and inflammation of the scalp are estimated.

When do I need to make a photo trichogram

To investigate the skin area of ​​the scalp using the phototrichogram method is necessary at the first sign of any type of baldness:

  • androgenic (hereditary),
  • diffuse (sudden)
  • focal,
  • cicatricial

Also, the method of trichologists is used to monitor and actually evaluate the results of the treatment carried out.

Refer to the trichologist and he will help you.

For the study taken two or more areas, which are pronounced traces of alopecia. These diagnostics determine the condition of the scalp, reveal changes in the structure of the hair and its root part. They allow you to identify the exact cause of the disorder and help to create a suitable therapy.

Non-specific methods

This includes all studies that are not directly related to the assessment of the condition of the skin and hair:

  • examination of the structure and functions of the internal organs using ultrasound,
  • clinical diagnostics of biological media (blood, urine, saliva, etc.),
  • biochemical assessment of the quantitative content of certain compounds in the patient’s body,
  • immunological analyzes,
  • genetic typing, etc.

Of particular importance are these types of studies in the case of diffuse alopecia. It is also called symptomatic, because it is not a separate disease, but a consequence, a symptom of some other violation in the body. Accordingly, non-specific diagnostic methods can detect this primary disease. And after it is cured, diffuse alopecia will disappear on its own.

A good example here is a blood test for iron - hair loss is often determined by its deficiency in the body. Iron deficiency anemia can develop either with insufficient intake of this element with food, or in violation of its absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. In both cases, diffuse alopecia becomes one of the symptoms of the disease. And if this rather simple examination shows a visual result, then the treatment of alopecia will be much easier - you just need to adjust the diet.

Another example: tests for thyroid hormones, which are carried out with hair loss in women and men. Both deficiency and an overabundance of thyroid hormones can also cause symptomatic alopecia. The course of treatment in this case will be longer, but, nevertheless, when the hormonal balance returns to normal, the hairline will recover by itself.

Non-specific diagnostic methods are also used for other types of alopecia.For example, in androgenetic alopecia in a woman, an important role is played by the assessment of the content of testosterone in her body - the male sex hormone. In small quantities, it is produced normally even in women, but when overproduced it causes male pattern baldness. To combat this disorder, testosterone levels should be reduced to normal values ​​for women. In addition, androgenic alopecia has a hereditary predisposition. So, genetic analysis will help to accurately determine the cause of hair loss and to take some preventive measures in advance.

Examinations of the immune system play an important role in nesting type baldness. Its occurrence is often associated with autoimmune disorders. Therefore, the assessment of the general state of immunity and the number of different types of immunoglobulins will make it possible to prescribe an individual immunotherapy aimed at correcting the underlying cause of alopecia.

Specialized methods

Examination of a patient with enhanced hair loss always begins with classical methods - history taking and visual examination. The doctor will ask you to tell when and how you first noticed hair loss, what events preceded this, what harmful factors you encountered, etc.

There are a lot of specific instrumental methods of examination in trichology:

  • trichoscopy,
  • drawing trichograms,
  • macro photography with contrast
  • measurement of hair thickness and density using special computer programs,
  • counting follicles on a fixed skin area,
  • hair bulb biopsy,
  • method of review photos.

The most popular medical tests for baldness are trichoscopy, macro photography and the method of review photos. They are mainly used by practicing trichologists in their daily work with patients. The remaining methods are mainly used in scientific research in the development of new approaches to the treatment of various types of alopecia.


This survey became widespread only in the zero years of the 21st century, but today it has become almost the "gold standard". No hair examination can be considered complete if you have not undergone trichoscopy. Its advantages:

  • accessibility - even a manual dermatoscope is sufficient to perform the study,
  • simplicity - hair is available for direct visualization,
  • speed of data acquisition - hair condition assessment is carried out directly during the examination,
  • non-invasiveness - the analysis is not associated with damage to the skin,
  • highly informative - often a preliminary diagnosis can be made based on the results of trichoscopy.

There are two types of trichoscopy:

  • Immersion, using a special liquid applied to the patient's head. It is used to assess the condition of the skin and blood vessels, passing into them.
  • "Dry", without the use of foreign substances. With its help, such hair loss factors as increased peeling of the skin, seborrhea, or keratinization of hair follicles are detected.

In general, when trichoscopy specialist pays attention to:

  • the structure and thickness of the hair shafts
  • condition of the mouths of the bulbs,
  • skin condition,
  • specific violations of the shape and structure of the hair, characteristic of some genetic diseases.

Macroscopic phototrichogram

This diagnostic technique is also extremely common in trichological practice due to its simplicity and high accuracy. This medical analysis takes place in several stages:

  • First, the doctor selects the zone to be examined. There are several standard points for different types of hair loss. For example, if androgenic alopecia is suspected, a site in the fronto-parietal region is examined.
  • Then, in the selected area, trim the hair in several areas, having the shape of a square with a side of 1 cm. Then the patient goes home.
  • After 3 days, when the hairs in the growth phase grow back a little, and those in the rest phase do not, the patient again comes to receive the trichologist.
  • A special dye is applied to the shaved areas, and then they are photographed through a computer-connected trichoscope with a magnification of 40 to 60 times.
  • After that, using the special software, estimate the total number of hair rods per 1 cm 2 of the scalp, and also determine the ratio of vellus, anagen and telogenic hair.

With the help of macroscopic phototrichogram, you can:

  • detect androgenic alopecia, which has not yet manifested itself clinically massive hair loss,
  • to distinguish androgenetic alopecia from diffuse, which is especially valuable when establishing a diagnosis in women,
  • evaluate with high accuracy the effectiveness of hair loss treatment in dynamics,
  • observe the cyclical development of follicles,
  • measure the characteristics of the hair shaft, such as diameter and density,
  • determine the average growth rate of hair in a particular patient and monitor its changes under the influence of various drugs, getting the opportunity to adjust the therapy individually.

Overview photography method

This technique is relatively new - it was developed back in 1987. But, nevertheless, in the list of what tests you need to pass with a strong hair loss, a survey photo is still included with full right to that. It can reliably assess the condition of the scalp, hair shaft and follicles, as well as monitor the results of treatment. The impetus to the widespread introduction of overview photos into trichological practice was the study of finasteride. This drug is the only one in the world that has demonstrated a statistically significant result in the treatment of androgenic alopecia. During the clinical trials of finasteride, it turned out that the effectiveness of its action is best assessed using this technique.

A survey photograph is performed using a special stereotactic device. This setting allows you to fix the patient's head in a well-defined position. This is the responsibility of a special panel designed for measuring the distance between the camera lens and the head area to be removed. Such a system is especially important, because the success of this diagnostic technique directly depends on the accuracy of reproduction of all parameters of the surveyed site. Each subsequent analysis should be carried out in the same conditions as the previous one.

The second part of the stereotactic device is the camera itself. It has a specially selected flash system, the characteristics of which are rigidly fixed. Due to this, during repeated examinations, the trichologist is guaranteed to receive high-quality photographs taken under the same lighting conditions, with the same frame sharpness, resolution, ISO parameters, etc.

Observing such standardization using a stereotactic system, it is very convenient to evaluate the results of baldness therapy over time. Usually this examination is carried out before the start of treatment, then after 3 months, after six months and after one year.

Fluorescent photography

In addition to the usual overview photographs, this technique also has an improved modification. In this case, photographing the site of hair loss is carried out using ultraviolet light radiation. As with UV trichoscopy, fluorescent photography is effective for detecting fungal lesions of the scalp. In addition, it can be used to diagnose certain types of porphyria, inflammatory disorders of the hair follicles, seborrhea, and other diseases that cause baldness.

The standard sequence of medical tests for the diagnosis of hair loss

On the first visit of a trichologist, you will have a history, conduct a primary examination and immediately apply a specialized study - trichoscopy. Based on the results of these tests, the doctor will decide whether to refer you (if necessary) to non-specific laboratory or instrumental examinations. In addition, he will determine the advisability of consulting with specialists from related areas.

Conducting macroscopic phototrichogram to clarify the diagnosis and determine the physiological parameters of your hair. At the same stage, it is possible to assign an overview photo using a stereotactic device. Do you need a fluorescent photograph in your particular case - the doctor will decide after studying the results of previous examinations. According to the results, after evaluating all the available information you will be given a preliminary diagnosis.

Sometimes, if the case is particularly complex and the data of instrumental techniques are ambiguous, a list of what tests you need to pass to find the cause of hair loss includes a biopsy of the hair follicles. This is a highly specialized examination, which is carried out by a specialist histologist in the laboratory. The task of the trichologist is to take the material from the patient correctly.

Repeated consultation at which the doctor will present you the data obtained during all the conducted clinical and laboratory examinations, and record the final diagnosis. After that, based on the available information, he will develop an individual scheme of therapy and monitoring of the results of treatment.

It must be remembered that in order to properly diagnose it is almost always necessary to use a whole range of techniques. Only a combination of specialized studies with a competent assessment of clinical symptoms will give confidence in correctly determining the cause of hair loss. And this, in turn, will guarantee the fullest possible resolution of existing health problems and, as a result, the earliest return of pomp to the hairstyle.

Computer diagnostics of hair and scalp

Computer diagnostics of the condition of the hair and scalp - the study of the scalp and the scalp with the help of a special integrated system, including a microchamber and a computer diagnostic program. Computer diagnostics allows you to inspect and compare the initial state of hair and skin with dynamics during and after treatment, to determine changes at the level of hair follicles, hair follicles, hair bags and papillae, sebaceous glands due to an increase in microcamera lenses 10, 60 and 200 times. The data of computer research and the obtained photographs are stored in the archive, which facilitates the selection of individual hair care programs.


A phototrichogram is a morphometric hair examination technique based on trichographic imaging and computer processing of data. To carry out trigraphy on 2-4 microzones of the head (0.1x0.1 cm), hair is shaved off, after 1.5-2 days the areas are dyed, scanned with a trichocan under 40x magnification and process data in a computer program. The obtained trichogram allows us to judge the density of hair per 1 cm², their growth rate, thickness, percentage of dysplastic hair, as well as the ratio of hair in the telogen and anagen stages. A phototrichogram is a method for diagnosing androgenic and diffuse alopecia and tracking treatment dynamics.


Trichogram - microscopic examination of the roots of depilated hair to determine the percentage of hair in different phases of growth. To perform a trichogram, 60-80 hairs are removed using tweezers or a clip from several areas of the scalp. The hair roots are fixed on a glass slide and examined under a microscope. In the study of trichograms, the percentage of hairs in the anagen, telogen, and catagen phases, simultaneously located in the scalp, are calculated. When conducting a trichogram, a trichometric study can be performed - measuring the diameter, length of hair, calculating the percentage of soft hair, and other parameters.

Spectral analysis of hair on micronutrients

Spectral analysis of hair for trace elements - the study of the mineral profile of the body by the presence and concentration of chemical elements in the hair. Hair is capable of accumulating and maintaining information about mineral metabolism during the entire period of its growth and reflects a deficiency or excess of mineral elements throughout the body. For spectral analysis, a strand of hair is cut from several zones of the occipital region with a total width of 1 cm and a length of 3-4 cm. More often, spectral analysis of hair includes determining a complex of 25 basic (essential) microelements, or 40 (25 basic and 15 additional, including toxic elements). ). According to the results of the spectral analysis of hair, an individual program of correction of a violation of mineral metabolism is made.

The hair cores accumulate trace elements that enter the hair follicles with blood and carry information about the elemental status of the body over a certain period of time. With the help of spectral analysis, the mineral composition of the hair is determined, which reflects the quantitative ratio of chemicals in the body as a whole over the period of growth of the studied hair. The advantage of the spectral analysis of hair is the non-invasiveness and non-invasiveness of the sample, the information content of the material, high diagnostic capabilities.

By spectral analysis of hair, one can judge the nature of nutrition, the habitat, bad habits of a person, the influence of occupational factors, the functioning of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and endocrine system. The imbalance of elements revealed by means of spectral analysis of hair allows diagnosing or predicting the threat of immunodeficiency, diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, psoriasis, dysbacteriosis, gastroenteritis, obesity, and, of course, diseases of the skin, nails and hair.

In addition to the study of spectral analysis of hair, including a profile of 25 or 40 trace elements, trichology uses the determination of the content of a single trace element, the deficiency or excess of which may be suspected in a patient. So, for example, the lack of manganese leads to a decrease in the processes of thinking, memory, slow growth of nails, hair, the development of skin rashes and vitiligo. With cobalt deficiency, menstrual dysfunction, neurological symptoms, skin hyperpigmentation, etc. may occur.

Full spectral analysis of hair includes the determination of 40 elements: aluminum, barium, beryllium, boron, vanadium, bismuth, tungsten, gallium, germanium, iron, gold, iodine, cadmium, potassium, calcium, cobalt, silicon, lanthanum, lithium, magnesium, manganese , copper, molybdenum, arsenic, sodium, nickel, tin, platinum, mercury, rubidium, lead, selenium, silver, strontium, antimony, thallium, phosphorus, chromium, zinc, zirconium.

Indications for the spectral analysis of hair

In trichology, spectral analysis of hair is the basis of laboratory diagnostics. Spectral analysis of hair is shown in hair loss, poor growth, change in structure and appearance. In addition, performing spectral analysis of hair can be useful for adolescents in the period of enhanced growth, pregnant, lactating, as well as people experiencing increased physical and emotional stress, prone to colds, etc.

Spectral analysis of hair is shown to people who adhere exclusively to a vegetarian diet, employees of hazardous industries, residents of environmentally disadvantaged areas, patients who take long-term medications. Spectral analysis of hair can be prescribed for overweight, dermatosis, allergies, anemia, asthenia, infertility, erectile dysfunction in men, acne, impaired visual acuity, rheumatic diseases, weakness of the musculoskeletal system, fragility of the nails, colitis, gastritis, etc. d.

With the help of spectral analysis of hair, predisposition to diseases caused by lack of minerals, their imbalance or toxic effect is determined, prevention and correction of disorders is carried out.

Spectral analysis of hair

To study the elemental status of the body, a sample of hair is required, which are collected by a trichologist or brought to the laboratory by the patient independently.

A hair sample for spectral analysis is a strand from the neck, 3-4 cm long and 1 cm wide, cut off at the root. Hair is cut off in the area of ​​the occipital bumps from 2-3 places. The hair sample submitted for spectral analysis should be matched in size to the match, and in quality to the usual hygienic state. After dyeing or chemical perm, it should take at least a month before performing a spectral analysis of the hair. The hair is wrapped in a paper envelope on which the direction of their growth is marked with an arrow: when performing spectral analysis, it is necessary to know which end of the strand was facing the head.

If it is impossible to study the hair from the head, it is possible to take them from other parts of the body (pubic, axillary, chest). In some cases, instead of hair for the spectral analysis can be used the nails, which are cut from all toes and hands. Before shaving nails, remove traces of varnish.

In the laboratory, hair is degreased with acetone, washed and dried. Then the sample is again washed with distilled water and re-dried. Dry hair is weighed and placed in a container, where water and nitric acid are added in a certain ratio, under the action of which the hair is dissolved. The resulting mass is loaded into the spectrometer and is treated with argon gas. High-temperature plasma leads to the combustion of the sample, and a signal is received at special detectors, which is then processed by an electronic program. The obtained data are compared with the norms typical for a particular region, age and sex. Typically, the time of execution of the spectral analysis of hair is about 2 weeks.

The result of the spectral analysis of hair is a mineralogram, reflecting the quantitative content of mineral elements: their excess, deficit and ratio. Based on the spectral analysis of hair, the trichologist draws up a medical opinion, recommends treatment or referring to other specialists.

Repeated spectral analysis of hair can be informative no earlier than 10 months after the initial study and the course of corrective therapy.

Express spectral analysis of hair on micronutrients

Express spectral analysis of hair for microelements - compilation of the mineralogram of the hair in a shorter time (3-4 days from the date of material sampling instead of the standard 10-14 days). Express analysis presents a detailed picture of the mineral equilibrium in the hair and in the body, may include the study of any elemental profiles (basic, additional, toxic). Express spectral analysis of hair allows to determine the concentration and ratio of essential and toxic trace elements and on this basis to judge the predisposition to various pathological conditions, to carry out an effective correction of mineral imbalance.

Determination of the content of a single trace element

Determination of the content of a single trace element - a study in the hair of the concentration of a specific chemical element. The test is usually carried out after correction of the deficiency or excess of the trace element detected in the process of spectral analysis, or in the case of prior contact with a known toxic agent. Since some hair diseases are often associated with a deficiency of specific elements, identifying them can be useful for focal alopecia (zinc, sulfur), total hair loss (zinc, copper, selenium), diffuse or androgenic hair loss (copper, iodine, iron) and etc.

The main stages of the diagnosis of hair diseases:

A trichologist's consultation consists of several stages: a conversation with a patient, during which the trichologist examines complaints, the duration of the disease, the presence of any diseases, heredity, and many other factors that can affect the hair problem.

External examination of the scalp and the test (test for stretching the hair). Some diseases of the hair have a very typical appearance, which already allows the trichologist to make a diagnosis.

In the modern world, computer diagnostics is used in almost all areas of medicine, including trichology. Among the most common methods for diagnosing hair and scalp diseases are trichoscopy and phototrichography.

Computer diagnostics or trichoscopy - it is carried out with the help of a trichoscope, a device representing a kind of camera equipped with magnification lenses (from tens to thousands of times), which displays the data of the investigated area on a computer screen. Computer diagnostics is a safe and painless technique that allows you to quickly and accurately diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment. In addition, this technique is absolutely indispensable for the prevention of the early development of certain diseases. In addition, with the help of trichoscopy, the doctor can determine the density of hair follicles in a certain area of ​​the head, up to a square centimeter, find out how much hair in the total mass is refined, and therefore, require treatment, average hair diameter, calculate the total amount of hair on the head patient, and also make a calculation, with which to find out what physiological rate of hair loss corresponds to a particular patient, for example, during the day.

The essence of the research method

Due to the multiple increase, with the help of a trichoscope, the physician conducting the study can fully consider the structure of each patient's hair and scalp features, since most of the problems begin precisely because of the malfunctioning of the adjacent skin.

Trichoscopy allows you to determine:

  • The density of follicles in the investigated area of ​​skin.
  • The density of the hair on every square centimeter of skin.
  • Determine the total number of hairs that are thinned, that is, require a specific treatment.
  • Determine the average size of hairs and their diameter.
  • Count the total number of hairs available.
  • Determine the daily rate of hair loss for each patient on a physiological basis.
  • Identify existing diseases of the scalp even in the initial stage and take the necessary measures in time.
  • Recognize signs of the appearance of any diseases and prevent their occurrence and spread.
  • Differentiate alopecia of cicatricial and non-cicatricial type, accurately assess the general condition of the hair follicles and the scalp as a whole.

Phototrichogram - The most accurate method for diagnosing various forms of hair loss. To carry out this study, a small preparation is required, which consists of podbrivanii a small section of hair (approximately 0.8 cm * 0.8 cm) in one or two areas of the scalp. After that, the patient arrives after 2 days, a section of shaved hair is stained with a special dye (phototrichogram with contrast), is photographed using a trichoscopy and entered into a computer program, in which you can calculate a number of important indicators necessary for making a correct diagnosis. For example, using phototrichogram you can find out the exact density of hair per square centimeter, hair diameter, average hair growth rate, the percentage ratio of hair in the growth stage (anagen stage) and in the loss stage (telogen stage). A phototrichogram is necessary for the diagnosis of baldness in the initial stages, for the differential diagnosis of various types of alopecia and for monitoring the treatment. Hair treatment is usually a long process, the visible results of therapy occur after 6-8 months, and thanks to the phototrichogram, they can be assessed after 3 months from the start of therapy.

In our clinic, a trichoscopy procedure uses a diagnostic apparatus that operates on the principle of photo-video diagnostics, called Aramo SG. The device is equipped with special software with which you can conduct the most accurate diagnosis of the structure of the hair.

The procedure is as follows.

Certain areas of the head are selected, in which, in areas of 8x8 mm, hair is shaved off with a trimmer. After two or three days, slightly regrown anagen hair is found among shaved hair. Nearby are untouched telogen hair. Thus, it is possible to examine the hairline in each of the growth stages at the same time. The hair sections are slightly tinted with non-ammonia dyes, so as not to distort the hair structure and not affect the results of the study with additional chemical exposure, and then, using trichoscopy, they are entered into the computer under 40x magnification of the photo, which reflects the current condition of the hair.

After receiving the photos, the program considers how much hair is per square centimeter of the patient’s scalp, calculates the percentage of anagen, telogen, or dysplastic hair, reveals other morphometric parameters of the hair. If the study is conducted in two zones, the results are compared.

It is with the help of the obtained data that we can diagnose diseases similar to alopecia already at the early stages, which allows them to be effectively and promptly treated. In addition, studies can be repeated at different intervals, for example, after six months or a year, and compare the results. This, among other things, will allow you to track the dynamics of the health of the hair.

There is a sense to repeat the phototrichogram no earlier than in three months - it is quite difficult to track noticeable changes in shorter periods.

Spectral analysis of hair. Allows you to determine the presence of deficiency, excess or imbalance of trace elements, as well as to find out the features of metabolism, which could lead to hair loss and diseases of the scalp. For its implementation, a cut is made from 5 points of a small number of hairs, which are sent to the laboratory.

Laboratory and instrumental examinations. Often the cause of hair loss can be very difficult to identify, so the trichologist may order additional research and seek the help of other specialists (for example, an endocrinologist, a gynecologist or a gastroenterologist).
