
Vitamin complex - Elevit - against hair loss


marisha Mar 15 2012, 07:43

Re: Vitamins Elevit with hair loss and hair restoration

makarova Mar 15, 2012 11:38

Re: Vitamins Elevit with hair loss and hair restoration

Olesita Mar 15, 2012 12:03

Re: Vitamins Elevit with hair loss and hair restoration

makarova Mar 15, 2012, 12:09

Re: Vitamins Elevit with hair loss and hair restoration

makarova Mar 15, 2012 12:12

Re: Vitamins Elevit with hair loss and hair restoration

nadejda Mar 15, 2012, 12:28

Re: Vitamins Elevit with hair loss and hair restoration

makarova Mar 15, 2012, 12:38

Re: Vitamins Elevit with hair loss and hair restoration

marisha Mar 15, 2012 1:46 pm

Re: Vitamins Elevit with hair loss and hair restoration

NEllY Mar 15 2012, 13:55

Re: Vitamins Elevit with hair loss and hair restoration

marisha Mar 15, 2012, 2:25 pm

Re: Vitamins Elevit with hair loss and hair restoration

NEllY Mar 15, 2012 2:30 pm

Re: Vitamins Elevit with hair loss and hair restoration

marisha Mar 15, 2012, 2:36 pm

Re: Vitamins Elevit with hair loss and hair restoration

makarova Mar 15, 2012, 2:39 pm

Re: Vitamins Elevit with hair loss and hair restoration

makarova Mar 15, 2012, 2:44 pm

What are good Elevit vitamins?

Beautiful thick hair - the joy and pride of a woman, regardless of her age. Vitamin complexes have been developed to preserve and strengthen hair. They play the role of activators of biochemical reactions occurring in the hair follicles. One of the best vitamin complexes - "Elevit".

"Elevit" is not a specialized tool for the restoration and growth of hair. It is designed for women in position and awaiting the birth of a baby.

During this period, the mother’s body gives the lion’s share of nutrients to the development of the fetus. A woman’s minimum remains, often not enough for the normal functioning of the body.

For this reason, pregnant women often begins "hairfall", weakens the immune system. In order to prevent these negative effects, a pharmacological complex has been developed for expectant mothers. Elevit Pronatal.

It includes 12 essential vitamins for the body, 3 trace elements (magnesium, phosphorus, calcium), 4 minerals (zinc, iron, manganese and copper). The composition of each dragee is strictly metered and contains the same amount of nutrients.

Vitamins have on the woman's body next action:

  • activate metabolic processes
  • contribute to the full absorption of protein
  • activate redox reactions,
  • provide bone tissue with so necessary for her calcium
  • significantly reduce the risk of developing anemia or minimize its manifestation,
  • promote cleansing of cells from metabolic products.

The action of the complex on the hair and nails

The main cause of hair loss is in one degree or another severe hair follicle dysfunction. Reception of specialized vitamins is aimed at restoration of the work of the bulb, its nutrition.

The composition of "Elevita" includes the same vitamins that are the basis of specialized complexes. Therefore, the effect of this drug extends to the hair. Their excessive loss stops, shine and elasticity return.

All this speaks of the safety of the complex and its usefulness for the woman’s body.

In the "Elevita" no hormonal components, therefore, it can be safely taken at any age. It is noticed that this drug has a pronounced beneficial effect on the hair during periods of seasonal hair loss.

Why taking vitamins does not always give results?

To achieve the best result from taking vitamins, you need to understand that they will help solve only half the problem. Namely: they will saturate the blood with useful substances and microelements, thereby providing full nutrition of the hair follicles.

But there is a second side to the coin. In order to deliver these beneficial substances to the follicle, its normal blood supply is required.

To solve this problem, stimulating microcirculation of blood is used. One of the most popular is the tincture of red capsicum.

A comprehensive approach to the restoration of healthy hair always gives a better result than the long-term use of any one drug that is not able to solve the whole complex of problems. This should be considered when choosing a vitamin complex for hair growth.

Application and contraindications

There are no contraindications for taking the Elevit vitamin complex. there is several recommendations:

  • do not take or take with caution in case of hypersensitivity to any components of the drug,
  • not recommended long-term use of vitamins with hypervitaminosis,
  • at the beginning of the reception there may be minor violations in the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, diarrhea),
  • possible staining of urine in a bright yellow color due to the presence in the preparation vitamin B2.

Take "Elevit" 1 capsule 1 time per day. It is advisable to do this at the same time. Wash down with a small amount of water. Recommendations regarding reception before or after meals, no.

Therefore, the drug is taken at the most convenient time. If you follow all the recommendations of the doctors, you will achieve the maximum benefit from the effective vitamin complex "Elevit".

Instructions for use

The vitamin complex is taken as prescribed by a doctor, one tablet fifteen minutes after a meal. The tablet is washed down with a small amount of water. Experts recommend taking the tablet Elevit Pronatal in the morning, after the first meal.

Important! The daily dose of the drug should not exceed one pill. Excessive uncontrolled intake of the drug Elevit Pronatal can cause nausea, vomiting and pain in the head.

Especially important is the reception of the complex Elevit Pronatal for women in the planning period of pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. The metabolism is broken. The condition of the skin and hair indicate an acute shortage of nutrients that the Elevit Pronatal vitamin complex is capable of replenishing.

After a month of regular intake of the vitamin complex, you can visually assess the positive changes in the condition of the hair.

The duration of the course of taking the vitamin complex is determined by the doctor in each case individually.

Elevit helped me get rid of VSD, depression and asthenia + accelerated HAIR GROWTH!

* Vitamins Elevit Pronatal I purchased not for the purpose of planning, and I am not pregnant. Therefore, the review will not deal with the topic of pregnancy in general.

In August, I experienced a great neurosis with rash of urticaria on the body and vegetative-vascular manifestations (dizziness, asthenia, depression, numbness of the half of the head, etc.). Immediately antihistamines (which, by the way, I still drink), drugs for the heart (Kratal, corvalent, valerian, asparkam), for the stomach (because I could not eat on the nervous system), daytime trunks (adaptol, bifrene). Perhaps I forgot to mention something else, but thank God, I managed to get out of that state.

You can imagine how the body felt: tired, weakened. The state of health was still not very (dizziness on the background of low pressure, periodically walking pain in the abdomen, urticaria stably made itself felt).

It was decided to take vitamins for:

  • general body maintenance
  • improve immunity
  • mood enhancement
  • energy addition
  • and like any girl, I wanted to speed up hair growth and improve the condition of nails

The choice of vitamins today is huge! Why did I stop on vitamins for planners and pregnant women?

Sometime during pregnancy, the doctor prescribed me Vitrum Prenatal Forte, then I drank it after pregnancy and feeding (to improve the condition of the body) - and I liked the effect. But at the time of purchase they were not available (probably due to the re-release of these vitamins called Vitrum Prenatal Plus). I just wanted to take Vitrum Prenatal, but stopped at Elevite.

Elevit accept not only planning, pregnant and nursing.

Elevit contains a good dose of vitamins and minerals. In my condition, I needed a vitamin and mineral complex that quickly helped me get on my feet, get rid of the remnants of depression and asthenia.

Elevit is used to grow hair and strengthen nails. I read a lot of positive reviews on growing hair, I would also mind.

No iodine - I say, as a fact, decide for yourself, plus or minus.

For me personally, this is a minus.

I immediately bought a pack of 30 tablets, in some pharmacies Elevit sell plates.

I was afraid of side effects (stomach pain, weakness, nausea, hair loss), but fortunately, I didn’t face anything.

She took Elevit only in the morning during breakfast or after it, washed down with half a glass of water.

I am very sorry that I did not try these vitamins before, but I was afraid of the negative reactions described in the reviews. Of course, we are all different and as long as you do not experience it yourself - you will not know.

In the third week of admission, I noticed that I did not feel weakness, apathy, fatigue and lethargy. It is easy for me to get up in the mornings and I run all day like an institution, I have a desire (!) To wake up a lot of things to do. This means a lot to a person after depression and neurosis!

I became more energetic, fun, cheerful.

Ovulation was painless (although I feel pain and literally feel it).

The PMS passed without wanting to shout at someone or to beat someone down, nobody annoyed and the mood was even, without differences (from screams to tears), as usual.

The only thing in the PMS was that I was overwhelmed by the evening gluttony: besides, I wanted not only sweet or salty, but also at the same time (I ate sweet curd with salty cheese - and that was my happiness).

A nice bonus was the fact that for the month of reception the hair of the industry was 2 cm (for the sake of interest, I measured them before and after reception).

Vitamins Elevit really helped me!

I feel better, vegeto-vascular symptoms (dizziness, numbness) are gone, nervous urticaria appears less often (it is not so easy to deal with it, as it turned out).

Vitamins Elevit pronatal with hair loss - a full review of the means

Regardless of age, beautiful, well-groomed hair is the goal of any woman. Hormonal adjustment, lack of vitamins, stress and unhealthy diet - all these factors contribute to the development of alopecia.

Vitamin complex Elevit Pronatal with hair loss will help solve the problem quickly.

A unique combination of all the necessary vitamins, trace elements, collected in one tablet Elevit Pronatal, quickly suppresses the process of hair loss, returns shine and beauty to the curls.

The composition of the vitamin complex Elevit Pronatal fills the daily need of the human body in vitamins, microelements. The drug is suitable for any woman. But its reception is of particular importance for those who are preparing or have already become a mother.

Indications for use:

  • lack of minerals in the body,
  • prevention of anemia,
  • normalization of metabolism and metabolic process.

Any and these conditions can trigger active hair loss and the development of alopecia.

An important point! The action of the vitamin complex is aimed at nourishing the hair follicles.

The composition of the vitamin complex Elevit Pronatal:

  • Vitamin A (3600 IU) - activates the process of regeneration of mucous cells and skin,
  • vitamin B (1.6 mg) - is actively involved in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates,
  • vitamin B2 (1.8 mg), vitamin B3 (2.6 mg) - are involved in the formation of red blood cells, antibodies, contribute to the process of regeneration of the skin,
  • Vitamin B12 (4 μg) - increases the oxygen metabolism of cells,
  • Vitamin C (100 mg) - strengthens the small walls of blood vessels,
  • Vitamin D3 (500 IU) - regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus,
  • Vitamin E (15 mg) - activates blood microcirculation,
  • vitamin B5 (10 mg) - regulates cholesterol metabolism,
  • Vitamin B (0.8 mg) - folic acid,
  • Vitamin H (0.2 mg) - nourishes and strengthens the hair,
  • Vitamin PP (19 mg) - is actively involved in the formation of enzymes and lipid metabolism,
  • calcium (125 mg) - an element of bone tissue,
  • phosphorus (125 mg) is an essential element of hemoglobin,
  • magnesium (100 mg) is an essential element of cells and tissues,
  • iron (60 mg) - activates the formation of blood cells,
  • Zinc (7.5 mg) - affects the condition of the skin and hair,
  • manganese (1 mg) - plays an important role in the reproductive function of women,
  • copper (1 mg) - helps prevent the development of anemia.

The complex Elevit Pronatal can be purchased at retail pharmacies across the country, as well as online pharmacies. The cost of the drug pack of 30 pcs. tablets varies from 670 rubles to 800 rubles. The average cost of the drug pack of 100 pcs. tablets is 1,800 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

In the period of childbearing a woman's body loses a large amount of nutrients, which is extremely negative impact on the condition and density of hair. Elevit Pronatal is designed specifically for women who are just getting ready or have already become mothers.

The advantages of the complex:

  • activates metabolic processes,
  • promotes full digestion of protein
  • activates the regenerating ability of skin cells,
  • reduces the risk of anemia and side effects accompanying this process,
  • nourishes the hair follicles, activates the process of formation of new hair follicles,
  • the drug is approved for use regardless of the age of the patient.

Disadvantages of the complex:

  • high enough cost
  • can provoke various adverse reactions of the body.

How to fix the result

The process of treatment of alopecia is complex, and, unfortunately, is not enough to take one vitamin complex.

Enhancing the growth of new hair follicles, renewing the cells of the scalp and restoring the damaged hair structure will be helped by taking medications that activate the growth of new follicles, using special medical cosmetics for hair (shampoos, masks, lotions), the effects of physiotherapy (iontophoresis, cryotherapy).

Precautionary measures

It is necessary to refrain from taking the vitamin complex in case of individual hypersensitivity of the body to any element of the drug.

Elevit Pronatal is contraindicated in the following diseases:

  • hypervitaminosis,
  • kidney disease
  • dysfunction of the urinary system,
  • iron digestibility disorders
  • hypermagnemia,
  • urolithiasis.

Important! The duration of taking vitamins is determined only by a doctor. Otherwise, the risks of side effects increase significantly.

The following negative reactions are possible:

  • severe allergies (urticaria),
  • sleep disturbance,
  • severe pain in the head, dizziness,
  • swelling of the face, neck,
  • anaphylactic shock,
  • dysfunction of the digestive system,
  • vomiting, nausea.

In general, the drug is easily tolerated, the risks of severe side effects are high in the case of excessive, uncontrolled intake of Elevit Pronatal.

What vitamins are needed for hair and nails: the ranking of the best

Vitamins for hair loss and growth - the basis of the beauty and strength of your hair. If you are familiar with such problems, their solution will require replenishing the body of vitamins in the body:

  • slow hair growth,
  • hair lost its usual shine
  • greasy roots and brittle tips,
  • hair loss.

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Vitamins are substances involved in the performance of the main functions in the cell: nutrition, transport, removal of harmful substances, synthesis of building elements.

It is important to constantly monitor the level of vitamins in the body. To fill the deficiency of useful elements, it is enough to introduce foods rich in vitamins into the diet and use pharmacy masks.

A convenient way to create the necessary reserve is multivitamin complexes.

What vitamins are not enough if hair falls out

An acute lack of vitamins always affects the state and health of the body. Vitamins are responsible for many vital functions, including the development of energy that stimulates hair growth. With their pronounced deficiency in the diet, as well as with frequent stress and anxiety, there is increased fragility and hair loss.

The reason for increased loss may be a lack of the following vitamins:

  1. Vitamins of group B act directly and improve blood circulation in the scalp and normalize disturbed metabolism in the hair follicles.
  2. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), without which the regeneration processes are disturbed, the skin becomes dry and the hair does not receive the necessary nutrients.
  3. Vitamin A accelerates the metabolic processes in the hair follicle and thereby contributes to the rapid growth of new hair.
  4. Vitamin E solves the problem of antioxidant protection of cells, hair becomes stronger and healthier.
  5. Vitamin F together with vitamins of group B increases blood flow in the scalp, which contributes to the necessary flow of nutrients to the roots.
  6. Folic acid - a substance that the body itself is not able to produce. This is the intestinal microflora. With a long course of antibiotics, it is possible to reduce the level of vital vitamin, which can lead to brittle nails and hair.

To find out why hair falls out and what kind of vitamin is missing in the body, you should consult a doctor.

Vitamin E for hair

Tocopherol - vitamin E, a fat soluble substance, the content of which is especially high in oils of plant origin. The daily dose of vitamin is 8-10 mg.

Vitamin E plays a major role in the treatment of hair loss. It is characterized by antioxidant protection - the destruction of destructive reactive oxygen species. Due to this function, vitamin E is always included in the vitamin complexes against hair loss.

With a deficiency of vitamin E, the cells of the follicles die, and the hair becomes brittle and dull, and over time they begin to fall out actively. It is possible to fill a lack by means of local putting special nutritious masks. A more convenient way is to take vitamin E in capsules 1-2 times a day after meals.

B vitamins in ampoules for hair

In addition to tocopherol, in the first line of protection of hair against hair loss are all the B vitamins. This family has more than eight representatives - B1, B2, PP, B5, B6, H, folic acid, B12.

The main vitamins of the group, contributing to the restoration of disturbed metabolism in the hair:

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) necessary to maintain exchanges in the skin, hair and nails. Improves scalp circulation and nutrients. Acting on the hair follicle, it prevents hair loss and makes them healthy and thick.

Vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid) - in the cells is directly involved in the synthesis of energy, therefore, when the deficit is observed slowing down of hair growth.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - in the nervous system is involved in the metabolism of neurotransmitters, therefore, with a deficiency of vitamin B6 trophoneurotic disorders in the scalp are possible. This substance in the composition of vitamin masks restores the health of the scalp and hair.

Vitamin B9, better known as folic acid, is a substance, as mentioned above, which the body cannot synthesize itself. folic acid in food should always be maintained normal. Vitamin B9 is involved in the division of cells and cell structures.

Vitamin B10 or H1 - does not directly participate in the treatment of hair loss, but performs an important function of the normal synthesis of folic acid by the intestinal microflora.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)with a deficiency of which there is a violation of the absorption of important nutrients in the body and a decrease in metabolic processes. It acts as a catalyst for chemical reactions in the cell, it is necessary to monitor the level of cyanocobalamin in the body.

It is dangerous to underestimate the role of vitamins of group B for hair: their deficiency leads to aggravation of the hair loss situation. It is important to ensure the ingestion of foods rich in these substances: milk, bread, cereal, offal, nuts, eggs, fish and red meat. Perhaps the internal use of vitamins of group B, as well as in the composition of masks or capsules.

What vitamins are needed for hair growth

Vitamins that promote hair growth, today can be purchased at the pharmacy either in the form of a mask, or as part of a complex in capsules or tablets. The rapid effect is achieved by a combination of pharmacy vitamins and masks.

Each complex contains the main set of vitamins: group B, A, E and C, as well as additional components: macro- and micro minerals.

All of them perfectly compensate for the deficiency of vitamins, strengthen the hair on the head, restore the nails and improve the skin condition.

Hair mask with vitamins at home

To make hair shine, it is not necessary to spend money on expensive products, it is enough to prepare a vitamin mask for hair at home.

Herbal mask

Mask on the basis of herbal need vitamins in ampoules. The choice depends on the result you expect from applying the mask. It is recommended to use vitamins A, E and B2, as they are well combined with each other and easily digested. The effect of the mask with regular use is manifested in reducing hair loss and strengthening the roots.

Brew a collection of herbs, let it brew and add vitamins to it. Apply a slightly warm mixture to the scalp. After an hour, rinse with water and shampoo familiar to you.

Mask with vitamins, mustard and yolk

This option is well suited to anyone who wants to awaken asleep hair follicles and accelerate hair growth. Use vitamins B2, B3, B12, A and E in capsules, 1-2 teaspoons dry 0 mustard and raw yolk.

First, apply the mixture on a small area of ​​the head to check how the skin reacts. If there is a strong burning sensation, wash off the composition from the head, and use less mustard.

Keep this mask on your head should be no more than half an hour. Use the composition 2 times a week, and after a month the hair will become stronger and thicker.

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The best vitamins for hair

The pharmacy may offer to purchase a vitamin-mineral complex, but due to the wide variety of brands it is sometimes difficult to stop at a particular remedy. We chose inexpensive and effective drugs, and ranked the best complexes based on customer feedback.

Vitamins Solgar for hair, nails and skin. The manufacturer of the complex is an American company, which has long been known in the pharmacological market.

Vitamins that are part of the complex, stop hair loss, improve skin and nails, and also have a tonic effect on the body.

The drug is completely hypoallergenic, does not contain fragrances and dyes.

Vitamins Alerana hair effectively deal with the problems of baldness at different stages. The manufacturer is a Russian company, the price of the product is significantly lower than that of foreign counterparts. It is an integrated approach to the problem of loss using balms and masks is the key to success.

Merts for hair and nails. The manufacturer of the vitamin complex is a German company. The preparation contains vitamins of group B, E, D, micro and macro elements. The course of treatment is several months, but the first results will be noticeable after 2 weeks of application: healthy hair shine, long and beautiful nails.

Priorin - an excellent prophylactic against hair loss, especially during periods of stress and emotional overstrain. Suitable for both men and women. Manufacturer of the drug - Switzerland, the price of the tool will be slightly above average, but the result from the use is worth it.

Pantovigar - A popular drug for hair loss in Russia. Multivitamin complex is used in the treatment of trichological diseases, and in the prevention of loss. Manufacturer - Germany. The duration of drug treatment is up to 6 months.

Elevit - A means that fills the deficiency of vitamins in food. The composition of the complex is rich, contains everything necessary for healthy hair growth. The country of origin is Switzerland.

Bunny gummy - vitamins in the form of sweets. This complex has destroyed the myth that sweet is harmful. The rich composition, the absence of artificial colors and preservatives, pleasant taste - this is what makes the complex so popular.

Useful articles

  • Keratin straightening
  • Minoxidil
  • Lamination of hair

Reviews of people about vitamins for hair

Customer reviews and reviews trichologists about multivitamin complexes are diverse due to the individual characteristics of the body. We chose the most useful:

My hair began to fall out of frequent stresses, I thought that as everything in life would get better, so the hair will return to normal. But my hair is no longer healthy. I decided to try Solgar vitamins for nail and skin hair containing vitamin E, A, B2, B6. A month later, the hair recovered. Now every six months, I drink through this complex as a preventive measure.

Irina T., 36 years old, Kiev

I never thought that the vitamins for hair as part of different preparations really work. Usually I was saved by various homemade masks, but last winter my hair condition deteriorated a lot. The pharmacy advised me to pills Mertz. At home, I read reviews about this drug in various forums and decided to try it. Everything is fine, the hair is alive and healthy again.

Ekaterina Sh., 29 years old, Moscow

Vitamins - a necessary component that stimulates the growth of hair, nails and good skin condition.

Earlier, in order to get the daily portion of the necessary substances, it was required to use certain foods, but today you can replace them with such multivitamin complexes like Alerana, Priorin, Pantovigar and others.

This is really a very convenient way to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and maintain them at a sufficient level. The percentage of hypovitaminosis over the past 50 years has decreased significantly, largely due to the proliferation of vitamin complexes.
Oleg Semenovich, doctor-trichologist

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Elevit pronatal with hair loss: reviews about vitamins, effectiveness, instructions for use, composition, price, contraindications, pros and cons

Regardless of age, beautiful, well-groomed hair is the goal of any woman. Hormonal adjustment, lack of vitamins, stress and unhealthy diet - all these factors contribute to the development of alopecia.

Vitamin complex Elevit Pronatal with hair loss will help solve the problem quickly.

A unique combination of all the necessary vitamins, trace elements, collected in one tablet Elevit Pronatal, quickly suppresses the process of hair loss, returns shine and beauty to the curls.

The composition of the vitamin complex Elevit Pronatal fills the daily need of the human body in vitamins, microelements. The drug is suitable for any woman. But its reception is of particular importance for those who are preparing or have already become a mother.

Indications for use:

  • lack of minerals in the body,
  • prevention of anemia,
  • normalization of metabolism and metabolic process.

Any and these conditions can trigger active hair loss and the development of alopecia.

An important point! The action of the vitamin complex is aimed at nourishing the hair follicles.

The composition of the vitamin complex Elevit Pronatal:

  • Vitamin A (3600 IU) - activates the process of regeneration of mucous cells and skin,
  • vitamin B (1.6 mg) - is actively involved in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates,
  • vitamin B2 (1.8 mg), vitamin B3 (2.6 mg) - are involved in the formation of red blood cells, antibodies, contribute to the process of regeneration of the skin,
  • Vitamin B12 (4 μg) - increases the oxygen metabolism of cells,
  • Vitamin C (100 mg) - strengthens the small walls of blood vessels,
  • Vitamin D3 (500 IU) - regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus,
  • Vitamin E (15 mg) - activates blood microcirculation,
  • vitamin B5 (10 mg) - regulates cholesterol metabolism,
  • Vitamin B (0.8 mg) - folic acid,
  • Vitamin H (0.2 mg) - nourishes and strengthens the hair,
  • Vitamin PP (19 mg) - is actively involved in the formation of enzymes and lipid metabolism,
  • calcium (125 mg) - an element of bone tissue,
  • phosphorus (125 mg) is an essential element of hemoglobin,
  • magnesium (100 mg) is an essential element of cells and tissues,
  • iron (60 mg) - activates the formation of blood cells,
  • Zinc (7.5 mg) - affects the condition of the skin and hair,
  • manganese (1 mg) - plays an important role in the reproductive function of women,
  • copper (1 mg) - helps prevent the development of anemia.

The complex Elevit Pronatal can be purchased at retail pharmacies across the country, as well as online pharmacies. The cost of the drug pack of 30 pcs. tablets varies from 670 rubles to 800 rubles. The average cost of the drug pack of 100 pcs. tablets is 1,800 rubles.

What are the Best Vitamins for Hair Growth - 2018 Reviews

Thick and healthy hair will help create the best vitamins for hair growth

Thick and healthy hair will help create the best vitamins for hair growth. Reviews of some tools will make the right decision.

It is not so difficult to solve problems with the growth of hair, if you eliminate the causes of pathologies, as well as provide the body and strands with the necessary components.

It is not always possible to restore damaged hair only with the help of shampoos and care products. The best solution is a special component for growth. They will help strengthen the roots, increase follicle growth, and improve structure. Let's find out which vitamins are considered the most effective for better growth of the strands.

It is not so difficult to solve problems with the growth of hair, if you eliminate the causes of pathologies, as well as provide the body and strands with necessary components

The best vitamins needed for hair growth

Any curls require food and oxygen supply. On how well the strands are provided with vitamins, depends on their appearance, as well as the growth rate.

When there is a shortage of necessary components, the strands become dull, fall out, and the tips split and break.

Choosing vitamins for hair growth, you need to study the feedback and characteristics of individual options.

Choosing vitamins for hair growth, you need to study the reviews and characteristics of individual options. This will allow you to choose good and inexpensive drugs.

Tip! A necessary component is folic acid. It contributes to the constant renewal of hair.

What substances are missing most often

If our hair grows very slowly, then, most likely, the body lacks the following vitamins:

  • Vitamins of group B strengthen the structure of the strands, and also contribute to the activity of hair follicles. Such components are contained in nuts, eggs and cereals.
  • E increases the microcirculation of oxygen in the blood vessels, and also protects the strands from aging and activates their growth. This vitamin is rich in seeds, nuts and vegetable oil.
  • Retinol or A restores elasticity of hairs, and also prevents hair loss.The body will be supplied with retinol products such as fish, liver, dried apricots and butter.
  • Vitamin C strengthens the roots and activates blood circulation. The sources of this vitamin include citrus fruits, kiwi and dogrose.
  • D promotes proper absorption of calcium. To supply the body with this component it is necessary to consume dairy products, cheese, eggs and cereals.
  • H allows you to maintain an optimal level of sebum production. In this case, the strands are well moisturized, but do not get fat.
  • PP contributes to the normal functioning of the hair follicles.

If our hair grows very slowly, then, most likely, the body does not have enough vitamins.

Tip! Vitamins can be purchased in ampoules and rub this tool into dry strands. Retinol, tocopherol or calciferol can be purchased in capsules or in an oil solution.

Vitamins in ampoules

To choose the best vitamins for hair growth, you should read some reviews and study the properties of individual components.

Substances in ampoules are not recommended to be mixed. It is better to use them one by one. Preparations should be applied at night.

To choose the best vitamins for hair growth, you should read some reviews and study the properties of individual components.

If the strands are too thick, then the contents of the capsule can be distributed using a syringe without a needle.

Tip! Such a procedure as mesotherapy is applied not only to the skin, but also to the hair. At the same time useful components are delivered immediately to the hair follicle.

Rules for the use of vitamins

Some recommendations will help you apply vitamins with the best result:

  • Special substances for hair can be consumed for a long time.
  • These ingredients are recommended for use during meals.
  • Vitamins need to drink plenty of water. This will also be beneficial if the components are consumed significantly, since with excess water all the excess substances will be rapidly excreted.
  • Hair masks should be combined with the use of vitamins inside.

B vitamins of group B are best consumed in the evening, as they have a calming effect.

Tip! B vitamins of group B are best consumed in the evening hours, as they have a calming effect.

best vitamins for hair

To decide which good vitamins for hair growth should be bought, numerous reviews on the Internet about different products will help.

So, here are some effective remedies.

Spray - balm Alerana contains the active substance minoxidil and other active ingredients. The components of this composition help to stimulate hair growth, prevent thinning, and also help to improve microcirculation.

Spray - balm Alerana contains the active substance minoxidil and other active ingredients.

The tool is used in areas of hair loss. In this case, 5–6 pressures of the dispenser are performed. The composition is thoroughly rubbed into the scalp. To stimulate hair growth, the procedure should be performed twice a day. Balsam is not required to wash off. The approximate cost of the drug is 1100 rubles.

This product is used for hair and nail growth. In addition, it is prescribed for problems with the skin. It contains beta-carotene, iron and tocopherol acetate.

This tool increases metabolism, and also improves microcirculation. Active substances successfully eliminate dermatitis, and also have antioxidant properties.

Perfectil is characterized by a strong firming effect on the strands and stops their loss.

This product is used for hair and nail growth.

The drug must be applied one capsule per day after meals. The approximate price is about 400 rubles.


These tablets contain calcium, keratin and amino acids. All components of the complex have a beneficial effect on the hair follicles, as well as strengthen the roots. This complex has a pronounced clinical effect.

He is able to restore the health of the strands after their damage during dyeing or perm. This composition can be used for growing hair, as it affects the rapid growth of healthy, strong and silky strands. Apply need for a capsule three times a day.

Duration of treatment is 4-5 months. The cost of the drug is about 1,700 rubles.

These tablets contain calcium, keratin and amino acids.

Evalar is also very effective. It consists of horsetail, taurine and brewer's yeast. The active ingredients of the product penetrate the epidermis, imbue the roots and restore the structure of damaged hair. The tool should be applied twice a day on a tablet during a meal. The cost of the drug is about 360 rubles.

This drug contains substances such as calcium, folic acid, and vitamin A. This remedy is prescribed for weakened hair. It allows you to improve the structure of the strands, and also stimulates their growth and gives shine.

This complex is recommended for women to maintain youth and skin health after 30 years. Such vitamins are prescribed for problems with microcirculation, as well as for vascular diseases. Merz is effective for improving the quality and health of hair, but it does not always help with hair loss.

It is necessary to apply 1 tablet. The cost of the vitamin is about 750 rubles.

This preparation contains substances such as calcium, folic acid, and vitamin A

Vitamin E in ampoules

The drug contains the active substance - alpha-tocopherol. This component is recommended for the treatment of dermatitis, eczema. It also promotes hair growth and strengthens the roots. The main substance has antioxidant characteristics. In addition, vitamin E is part of the well-known drug Aevit.

This component is recommended for the treatment of dermatitis, eczema

The composition is used as an additive in masks and shampoos. Can be used twice a week. The liquid substance from the ampoule is added to the main component. The solution is distributed over the roots of the head. Ampoule costs about 50 rubles.

Phosphorus, iron and folic acid are present in the product. This complex is known for its hypoallergenic characteristics. It restores the hair structure and strengthens the roots. Used on a tablet 3-4 times a day. Its price is about 300 rubles.

Phosphorus, iron and folic acid are present in the product.

The Revalid complex contains not only vitamins, but also minerals with amino acids. All components of the drug can restore the structure of the strands, and also make them healthy and beautiful.

This tool is recommended for damaged hair. For example, in case of fallout, breakage and porous structure. Revalid must be applied by courses.

In addition to improving the condition of hair, this drug helps to slow their loss, as well as accelerate their growth.

Complex Revalid has not only vitamins, but also minerals with amino acids.

The choice of vitamin depending on the structure of the hair

There are no best vitamin complexes, as for a different type of hair, you can choose the drug only individually. Consider which complexes experts recommend depending on the type of hair:

  • For mixed or dry strands more suitable vitamin A, Gendevit, Aevit or Undevit.
  • When fatty curls the best option - vitamins B, Alphabet, Cosmetic or Doppelgerts.
  • Normal hair suitable drugs such as Revalid, Alphabet or Perfectil.
  • Vitamins E are suitable for all types of hair, as well as Undevit or Complevit.

Remarkably nourishes mummy hair. This tool is available in tablets. They are used inside or make masks of them. This drug is no worse than multivitamin tablets.

Vitamins E and Undevit or Complevit are suitable for all types of hair.

Tip! When choosing the appropriate vitamin complexes should focus on the individual characteristics of the organism, as well as on their own well-being.

Masks with vitamins at home

Vitamins are used not only inside as tablets, but also externally in the form of various masks.

So, how are the vitamins:

  • Several cosmetic vitamins are added to cosmetic masks. In this case, the oil solution is taken in the amount of 5-10 drops. You can also crush 1 tablet per 100 ml of the mask. The mixture must be well stirred.
  • Liquid vitamins are often used to create homemade masks. The liquid solution is often mixed with honey, clay or egg.

When making masks, do not forget that in one composition you can add no more than two vitamins. Remember that vitamins A and E can not be mixed with other vitamin complexes.

Home treatment masks are a popular means for healing hair. They have a quick effect and also nourish the hair follicles.

Homemade medical masks are a popular means for healing hair

A simple mask can be done like this. It is necessary to take all the ingredients for a teaspoon. This is lemon juice, dimexide and vitamins. The composition is heated in a water bath, and then rubbed into the skin in circular motions.

To feed the epidermis, you can make a mustard mask with vitamins A and E. To prepare, you need to mix a teaspoon of burdock oil, vitamin E and A, as well as two tablespoons of dried mustard. The mixture is then diluted with two tablespoons of warm water, and then the yolk is added.

B vitamins in masks are added separately. You can add a whole vial for single use. You can add healing ingredients and shampoo.

The best vitamins for hair growth: reviews

Elena, 29 years old: Vitamins Evalar was advised to me by my friend. Noticed the improvement after two weeks of use. Loose hair on the comb became noticeably smaller. Also improved the condition of the nails.

Anna, 34 years old: After a strong cold, hair began to fall out. Friends recommended to buy these vitamins. I liked the composition, as it contains only useful components. After the course of treatment, the result is: the hair has become stronger, thicker, and shine has appeared.

Anastasia, 38 years old: After 30 years, my metabolism has slowed down, which affected nails and hair. They almost stopped growing, but after the course of taking Merz vitamins, the situation improved markedly. And the skin has become fresher.

Nina, 27 years old: I prefer the vitamins Alphabet. I take them twice a year. I have problems with nails and hair. Over the year, a thicker hair has grown and its nails grow well. Has ceased to use invoices.

Oksana, 31 years old: There are problems with hair and skin after childbirth. On the advice of a friend tried Perfectil. She was afraid of side effects, but they did not arise. While I drink three weeks.

It already seems that the first positive changes have appeared. Hair has become more silky, and the skin has become smooth. So far, everything suits, but I do not breastfeed.

And when breastfeeding, I think it is better to consult a doctor to recommend that you can drink.

Vitamins are used not only inside as tablets, but also externally in the form of various masks

Irina, 35 years old: After sitting on a protein diet, the hairs are strongly lost. In order not to stop the diet decided to buy useful vitamins.

The pharmacy advised Pantovigar. For me, this is not a cheap drug, but decided to try. The first month did not notice any positive changes, but a couple of weeks passed and my hair began to fall off less.

By the end of the third month, the hair was transformed and the hair became thicker.

To check the effectiveness of any course must take at least a month

With the right choice of suitable vitamins complexes, you can make wonderful masks, as well as apply the drug inside. In this case, the hair will grow healthy and strong. Do not expect immediate results. To check the effectiveness of any course should take at least a month.

Special complex drugs

If any man or woman can take advantage of a rather wide range of vitamin complexes directed against hair loss, then during pregnancy and nursing, a woman should be extremely responsible in choosing the drug.

And the best option would be to coordinate the choice of a vitamin complex with a doctor.

Pharmaceutical companies have developed special vitamin complexes that can be taken by moms during breastfeeding. In the opinion of doctors, these are the best means to preserve the health and beauty of young mothers.

Vitrum Prenatal

The American corporation UNIPHARM produces a specially developed complex for nursing mothers in two versions: Prenatal and PrenatalForte. These drugs differ among themselves by different mineral content.

In the usual complex of 3: calcium, iron and zinc, and in the complex with the note "plus" contains 10 names of various minerals. The amount of vitamin in both drugs is the same - 13 items.

The recommended dose of this drug (one capsule per day) copes well, according to women, with its main task.

However, before you start taking these vitamins, you should make sure that the nursing mother does not have high blood levels of iron or calcium.

What is Elevit Pronatal

Careful preparation increases the chances of a woman to become pregnant, bear and give birth to a healthy baby. Vitamins Elevit Pronatal is a complex supplement to the balanced nutrition of the future mother, because it is not always possible to replenish your diet with essential foods. This drug includes not only vitamins, but also the main mineral salts. A feature of the Elevit Pronatal is that the tool contains only non-synthetic components, and obtained naturally.

Composition and release form

Instruction Elevit Pronatal argues that the drug components of the drug should not be considered comprehensively, because they are all the main active substances. The drug includes:

  • vitamins A, groups B, C, D, E, PP,
  • calcium phosphate and pantothenate,
  • magnesium phosphate,
  • phosphorus,
  • iron fumarate,
  • manganese sulfate,
  • copper sulfate
  • zinc sulfate.

In addition, excipients (gelatin, cellulose, maltodextrin, and others) are included in the film coating. The vitamin complex is presented in the form of tablets of oblong shape, gray-yellow color with a characteristic risk on one surface intended for breaking. They are packaged in aluminum blisters of 10 or 20 pieces. The carton pack contains 10 blister packs of 10 tablets or 5 packs of 20 each.

pharmachologic effect

The clinical and pharmacological mechanism of this drug should be considered separately, since all of its elements are active:

  1. Vitamin A (retinol). Provides good condition of the skin, mucous membranes, improves the function of the visual apparatus.
  2. B 1 (thiamine mononitrate). Improves the nervous system, is involved in the normalization of the heart, water-salt, fat, protein, carbohydrate metabolism.
  3. B 2 (riboflavin). An indispensable part of the cycle of red blood cell formation (red blood cells). Contributes to the strengthening and renewal of the epithelial cover. Eliminates the effects of toxins.
  4. B 6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride). It lowers the concentration of cholesterol, improves the contractility of the heart muscle, normalizes the peripheral and central nervous systems.
  5. B 12 (cyanocobalamin). Participates in the formation of red blood cells, contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system.
  6. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). A powerful antioxidant that protects cell walls from damage, stimulates the immune system.
  7. D 3 (colecalciferol). Regulates the exchange of phosphorus and calcium, resists the destruction of teeth, softening of bone tissue.
  8. Vitamin E (α-tocopherol). It participates in the formation of elastic, collagen fibers of the connective tissue, strengthens the capillaries, improves blood circulation.
  9. Vitamin PP (nicotinamide). Takes part in recovery processes, provides transfer of phosphate and hydrogen.
  10. Calcium. Forms the desired structure of bone tissue, provides prevention of rickets in an unborn child.
  11. Phosphorus. Participates in laying teeth, other bone elements.
  12. Silicon. Participates in the absorption of almost all vitamins and mineral salts. Essential for healthy skin, hair, teeth, nails.
  13. Sodium. Provides normal fluid balance, participates in acid-base balance.
  14. Iron. Synthesizes hemoglobin.
  15. Zinc. The active component of protein catalysts and various enzymes.
  16. Manganese. Contributes to the activation in the female body of reproductive function.
  17. Magnesium. Included in all structures and tissues of the human body. Of great importance in the formation of bone and muscle tissue.

Indications for use

The rich composition of Elevit Pronatal ensures the daily need of the human body in all trace elements. Especially useful drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding, when a woman gives for the development of the baby half of its nutrients. Doctors prescribe Elevit with:

  • avitaminosis,
  • hypovitaminosis,
  • mineral deficiency and / or vitamins,
  • prophylactic treatment of anemia,
  • correction of vitamin metabolism and mineral metabolism.


The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity of the body to any component. Do not prescribe Elevit in the following conditions:

  • high calcium content
  • hypervitaminosis of any vitamin
  • disruption of the liver and / or kidneys,
  • urolithiasis disease,
  • violation of the absorption or utilization of iron,
  • increased urinary calcium,
  • urolithiasis or nephrolithiasis,
  • hyperphosphatemia,
  • hypercalcemia,
  • hyper magnesia.

Side effects

The use of Elevit should occur only on prescription. Self-medication can lead to undesirable side effects, which during pregnancy increase the risk of complications. In case of improper use of the drug or overdose, the following adverse reactions may occur:

  • allergy,
  • insomnia,
  • headache,
  • skin flushing,
  • constipation or diarrhea,
  • dizziness,
  • urticaria, rash,
  • nausea, vomiting,
  • swelling of the face
  • anaphylactic shock.

When planning a pregnancy

About how to take Elevit at the planning stage of pregnancy, the gynecologist will talk in detail at the consultation. According to the instructions, the dosage does not change - 1 tablet daily. It is impossible to allow an overabundance of the specified norm, it can be dangerous to the health of a woman. It is important to bear in mind that the complex contains lactose, therefore, if it is intolerable, the drug cannot be taken.

During pregnancy

German pharmacists during the development of the drug took into account all the indicators, ranging from dosage, and ending with the number of components. Vitamins for pregnant women Elevit fully meet the daily need of a woman who is expecting a child in useful elements. Begin to take the drug, as a rule, even before conception, continuing at all stages of pregnancy, if there are no medical bans.

After childbirth and during lactation

Immediately after childbirth and during breastfeeding, a woman cannot consume various fruits and vegetables to replenish the supply of microelements and vitamins. This is due to the fact that young children have weak immunity and a high risk of developing allergic reactions. For this reason, the intake of vitamin-mineral complex is required. The dose remains the same - 1 tablet / day, if there are no other recommendations from a specialist.

special instructions

In case of violations of the liver, women should take the drug with extreme caution under the strict supervision of a doctor. In severe pathology of the kidney Elevit can not be taken. When using the vitamin complex, the color of the urine may change to a bright yellow color due to the presence of riboflavin. The drug does not contain iodine, therefore, if there is a need for its source, the doctor should prescribe to receive additional drugs.

Drug interactions

Ascorbic acid contained in the preparation enhances the action and side effects of sulfanilamide drugs. The simultaneous reception of Elevita and diuretics of the thiazide group contributes to an increase in the calcium rate in the blood. You can not combine the reception of this complex with other vitamin or mineral preparations. Between taking Elevita and other medicines, you must comply with the 2 hour interval.

Price Elevit Pronatal

Today, to buy a vitamin-mineral complex from Germany is not a problem. The price for it is acceptable, both in pharmacies and in online stores. The average cost of Elevit Pronatal from the company Rottendorf Pharma GmbH in pharmacies in Moscow and St. Petersburg is 850 rubles per pack of 30 pieces. The drug with 100 tablets per pack will cost more - about 2,000 rubles. The German company Bayer is more loyal to customers, so Elevit of this manufacturer can be bought cheaper: 370 rubles for 30 tablets and 1,150 rubles for a package of 100 pieces.

Anastasia, 21 years old

First saw Elevit Pronatal during pregnancy, then switched to Vitrum, as it still contains beta-carotene and folic acid (as recommended by the doctor). Moreover, the latter are much cheaper in price. Elevit cut through courses at 4 and 6 months of pregnancy, Vitrum drank the rest of the time. Vitamin or mineral deficiency tests were not shown.

Saw Elevit Pronatal when planning pregnancy. I can only note the positive points. A month later, my hair loss problem disappeared, my nails stopped pulling. It was possible to conceive at 3 months of admission. The doctor insisted on taking Elevit during the whole pregnancy and feeding, and it’s not for nothing that neither I nor the baby had any health problems.

Elevit solved two of my terrible problems during pregnancy - the pelvic bones were painful (the doctor said there was a lack of calcium) and my legs were not allowed to sleep at night (the lack of potassium and magnesium). At first I was afraid of the horse's pill size, but then I got used to divide it into two doses per day. All my problems disappeared with time, thanks to the vitamin complex.

My hair fell awfully last summer. Well, just shreds, combing them was just scary. Plus problems with the scalp. Objective reasons were - well, where far without stress now (in the fall in this sense, the situation returned to normal, but against the background of the fact that I decided to grow hair, withered and sparse ends looked just tragic. Of course, you can’t do anything with them, but increase the mass of new hair , and preferably quickly, very much like.
taking into account the extremely reactive scalp options with all sorts of rubbing is not very inspired
In general, for the first time in my life I decided to drink some vitamins specifically for hair.
Bought Doppelgerts for hair, here are these…=52&group_id=7
I like this company, they do not have rabid dosages, but the quality is good, German is. I have them before, and other additives saw. Packing for a monthly course, but I saw them longer because sometimes I just forgot to drink.
There were no negative effects from taking vitamins. And there are positive ones. Not immediately, but undercoat rapidly, the hair began to appear even where they had not been there for a long time (such a triangle in the middle of the forehead, and frontal hairs). Hair stopped their rapid fall. Now, when washing, I do not rake handfuls out of the drain) I won’t say anything about the overall growth rate of the hair - I didn’t notice something, it grows a little) And I also like the condition of the nails - I always had strong and grew fast, but they looked dry and grooves. Now they have some kind of healthy shine and the surface has become more even. Of course, the fact is that I began to regularly drink fish oil and also began to rub my nails with apricot Diorovsky cream, but I think that vitamins also helped here.
In general, a pleasant product.

To consolidate the result, I decided to buy Perfiktil ... I saw references to any gastric reactions, but after looking at the composition (and the doses of B vitamins there, of course, funny), I decided that it would not affect me, because I had to drink a lot of vitamins, but there were no reactions. But, in order to perebdet, drank yesterday the first capsule after a normal, hearty lunch with salmon soup. Everything was OK. Inspired, today I drank a capsule after taking pizi ala "coffee and bun". ... Hmm. Half an hour later, I really got sick - tachycardia, a headache, very nausea and stomach cramps. I was scared, really. True, an urgently eaten banana, coupled with omeprazole and duspatalin corrected the situation, but what the hell is that such a thing in these vitamins ?! I'll try to drink after a full-fat meal, but what nonsense comes out.

Why Elevit Pronatal

Today there is a wide selection of vitamin-mineral complexes of various composition and price. However, it is Elevit Pronatal who consistently tops the rating of consumer demand since its first appearance in pharmacies to the present. Why is it most often recommended by gynecologists during pregnancy and the postpartum period?

In the first place - due to the obvious effect of the intake, due to the balanced composition of 12 vitamins and 7 minerals. The first positive results can be seen already after 3 weeks: the hair stops falling, the nails become stronger, the vague desire to eat something disappears.

Elevit Pronatal is equally safe both during breastfeeding and during pregnancy, as evidenced by a large number of clinical trials of the drug.
Elevit has an optimum ratio of the price and quality. Of course, there are commercially available vitamin complexes that have the same, at first glance, composition and at a much lower price. However, if you look closely at their description, you can see that the dosages of vitamins are 2-3 times lower than those of more expensive complexes. Is it worth it to save on the drug, the reception of which does not have the desired effect?

Elevit Pronatal or vitamins from products

You can often hear the common myth that taking vitamin-mineral complexes negatively affects us, because in any case contains chemistry. Proponents of this theory believe that it is much more useful to eat foods containing vitamins, rather than drink ready-made preparations.

However, it is very difficult, or rather impossible, to organize your diet in such a way that it contains all the necessary substances in the right quantity. It is necessary not only to know where some vitamin is contained, but also to understand their dosages and characteristics of absorption.

In addition, do not forget that a nursing mother has to control her diet, refusing for a while from products that can provoke allergies or bloating in a child. Honey, red fish, nuts, cheeses, legumes, citrus fruits, many types of berries - all these products are rich in various vitamins and not recommended for nursing mothers. It turns out that in order to provide the body of the nursing mother with all the vitamins, it is necessary to do a lot of work, and also to spend a lot on the purchase of various products.

Alena, 39: I saw Elevit Pronatal both being pregnant and breastfeeding. She took them on the recommendation of a doctor. Hair and skin were just a sight for sore eyes! She also clearly felt vigorous, active, although she often had to get up to the child. I really liked these vitamins. I need to take only one pill per day, with my forgetfulness it is very convenient. I did not notice any side effects in myself or in my child. Of the conditional deficiencies I can single out the high price and large pill size, it was difficult to swallow.

At the same time, taking just one tablet of Elevit Pronatal will fill the daily need for all the essential vitamins and minerals, without the risk of overdosing them.

Add to this the safety of the breastfed baby and the ease of taking the drug: only one tablet per day after meals, fed with a small amount of water, and the problem of vitamin and mineral deficiencies can be considered solved.

Nursing mothers reviews

Information about a particular product today can be easily found on the Internet. Reviews of vitamins Elevit Pronatal there lacks both positive (their overwhelming majority) and negative or neutral.

The most frequently mentioned disadvantage of this complex is its cost. The price of the drug ranges from 530-690 rubles per pack of 30 tablets.

Natalia, 31 years old: I saw Elevit Pronatal with both the first child and the second when they were breastfed. After delivery, my hair immediately comes to a sad state. I was even once afraid to comb, so that I would not stay without them at all. After the course of Elevit, hair stopped falling out and looked much better. I do not think this is a coincidence, since this is observed in both pregnancies. While drinking the vitamins, I did not notice any side effects. The kids, too, everything was fine. A little expensive, true, but effective. Every six months you can spend this amount.

In some reviews, it is noted that there is no iodine in the complex, due to which this element had to be taken separately.

There are also negative opinions about Elevit Pronatal, the main idea of ​​which comes down to the lack of effect from their reception. Also, in some breastfed babies, small rashes were noticed, the appearance of which moms associate with the start of taking the pills.

Anna, 29 years old: I want to note that during pregnancy, the gynecologist told me to take Elevit 3 times a week. But I sometimes drank both 4 and 5 tablets. The son was born weighing 4,250 kg. The obstetrician said that if taking more vitamins than recommended, the weight of the fetus can become more, respectively, it will be more difficult to give birth. Therefore, when taking vitamins it is better to follow the recommendations of the doctor. Maybe such a big son was due to another. But in the next pregnancy I will drink them exactly as much as they say.

In general, reviews of the vitamin preparation Elevit Pronatal positive. Most women note positive changes in well-being and appearance after taking them.

AlfaVit "Mom's Health"

The manufacturer of vitamin complexes Alfavit specifically for nursing mothers developed a drug called "Mom's Health".

These are tablets sold in a package of 60 pieces. Each package contains 20 tablets of three colors.

Each of the colors is a special set of vitamins and minerals that most harmoniously interact with each other. They should be taken in different time intervals.

It is with this technique that nutrients are better absorbed by the body, and are more effective against hair loss.

AlfaVit is recommended to take courses for 20 days, with a mandatory break of 10-15 days.

Useful videos

Vitamins in the fight against hair loss and baldness.

Why women have hair fall out. Three tests for hair loss.


Watch the video: Can a multivitamin make you constipated ? (July 2024).