
Seborrheic Alopecia


Seborrheic alopecia is a disease in which hair begins to thin out. It is found in both men and women at any age.

This disease develops due to the fact that the sebaceous glands of a person begin to cope worse with their work. That is, their hypertrophy occurs.

Most often observed in people with impaired endocrine and autonomic nervous systems. Another prerequisite may be a hereditary predisposition to seborrheic alopecia.

Like any disease in this disease eats a number of characteristic signs, based on which you can make an accurate diagnosis. Main symptoms development of seborrheic alopecia:

  1. Pruritus. It can spread to the entire area of ​​the head.
  2. Occurs consolidation of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.
  3. Hair and scalp acquire greasy shinewhich persists for a long time.
  4. The skin is exposed strong flaking. As a result, there is a detachment. Scales are formed, which is characterized by a grayish-yellow hue. They can be found on the shoulders.
  5. The scalp acquires a characteristic unpleasant smellthat causes an increased sense of discomfort.
  6. Severe dandruff.
  7. There is a gradual hair loss.

Seborrheic alopecia leads to a weakening of the skin. They become very gentle and sensitive to any influences. In addition, eczema or a rash in the form of small nodules may appear on the head. If you do not take action, then over time they develop into plaques.

There are small differences in the symptoms of seborrheic alopecia, male and female. In men, hair loss begins in the frontal and parietal parts of the head, and in women hair loss occurs slowly and evenly over the entire surface of the head.

Today, there are a number of obvious and common causes that, according to experts, provoke the development of this type of disease. Among them are:

  • Hormones. They play an important role in the proper functioning of the body. When hormonal disruptions in humans can begin to fall hair. This is usually observed in adolescents or in pregnant women. As soon as the hormonal background returns to normal, then the seborrhea will pass.
  • The wrong amount of estrogen and androgen in the body.
  • Diseases such as Parkinson's disease, lethargic encephalitis.
  • Mental disorders. Very often, people who have diseases such as schizophrenia, epilepsy, psychosis can be diagnosed with seborrheic alopecia.
  • Prescribed medications. Some medications may have side effects such as hair loss.

Each of these causes can lead to baldness of the head. But very often a person has several prerequisites for the development of seborrheic alopecia. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion, you should immediately consult a doctor in order to begin treatment of the disease as soon as possible.

The best way to solve this problem in a complex way is to: restorative treatment methodscombined with local effects on areas of hair loss. It may be ointments, special shampoos or other anti-inflammatory agents that the doctor prescribes. In addition, he will prescribe a complex of drugs for oral administration, which will normalize the processes of the body.

In addition, individually can be assigned medication for the normalization of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, sedatives or sedatives, as well as anti-allergy drugs.

With the right approach, the doctor for each individual patient assigns his treatment regimen, which will have the most favorable and effective effect.

With timely treatment for medical care such conservative methods will be enough to stop hair loss and normalize their growth in the future. In cases where this does not help, then there is still a treatment such as hair transplantation.

In adolescence

It is impossible to treat scornfully the development of this disease in children. As the started or wrong therapy can lead to a complete loss of hair. Treatment should be carried out comprehensively and quickly, relying not only on external therapy, but also on eliminating the causes that provoked this process. It is better do not self-medicate, and immediately contact a good specialist.

First of all, the doctor prescribes a general strengthening therapy, which consists in taking immunomodulators, as well as vitamins (A, C, E, B1, B6, B12). It is also recommended to take phytin and pantothenic acid in a strict dosage according to age. Drugs that contain hormones are prescribed only in cases of strong development of alopecia in adolescents.

It is recommended to use different emulsions, tinctures or shampoos that will help stop the process of hair loss.

If a child has strong feelings about hair loss, then it must be taken to a child psychologist. Otherwise, it can seriously affect the psyche, and to minimize the consequences you need the help of a qualified specialist. It will help eliminate the complexes and improve self-esteem.

Therapy for this serious disease for women must necessarily consist of a set of measures. External impact should go along with the use of various cosmetics, as well as the normalization of proper nutrition.

Very well help women in the treatment of seborrheic alopecia such means as:

  • Various shampoos, masks and balms, which include tar.
  • Salicylic acid.
  • Antifungal agents.
  • Medicines with zinc in the composition.

It is necessary to pay attention to your diet. It should be correct and as balanced as possible: remove fatty, salty, fried foods from the diet, as well as canned food and ready-to-cook foods, eat more fruits and vegetables. In addition, a course of taking vitamins and minerals is recommended.


Seborrheic alopecia is almost impossible to prevent, but general preventive measures can be carried out and thus slow down the process. General recommendations are in proper and balanced nutrition, the use of special tools for external therapy.

All these rules and regulations must be observed throughout life, only then the risk of developing seborrheic alopecia will be reduced:

What is seborrheic alopecia?

Seborrheic alopecia is a type of baldness caused by a painful condition of the scalp, namely the hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands. Their activity is disrupted by the malfunctioning of the neuroendocrine and nervous systems. There is evidence that this type of alopecia is more common among the male population.

It should be understood that not always seborrhea leads to hair loss. According to statistics, only a quarter of people with seborrhea will be exposed to this pathology. In addition, it is believed that seborrhea is only an additional factor provocateur baldness, but can not be the only cause of hair loss.

Taken to distinguish between oily and dry seborrhea. Each of them can become an indirect cause of alopecia. So, with insufficient production of fat, the scalp becomes more vulnerable to various kinds of damage. Hair thin, break and then fall out. When the production of sebum, on the contrary, is increased, this leads to the fact that dead cells of the epidermis are not able to reject normally, and fungi can begin to develop in the places of their accumulation. It also leads to malnutrition of the hair shaft and hair loss.

Alopecia with seborrhea usually manifests during puberty and reaches its maximum clinical manifestations by the age of 25-35, of course, if there is no therapy.

Symptoms of seborrheic alopecia

Among the main symptoms of seborrheic alopecia are:

Itching that spreads all over the head,

The horny layer of the epidermis thickens,

Oily shine appears on the hair and on the skin,

The skin begins to peel off and flake off. The scales have a grayish-yellow color, are able to easily separate from the surface of the head, even with slight scraping. As a result, they are constantly found not only in the root zone of the hair, but also on the shoulders,

From the head comes an unpleasant peculiar smell,

Abundant dandruff appears,

Hair loss occurs, but they do not fall out immediately, this is a gradual process,

Vessels expand, horny masses are deposited in the mouths of the hair follicles and cause their dystrophic changes. In the end, this leads to the impossibility of producing new hair,

Dry seborrhea is manifested in the fact that the patient's skin becomes thinner, becomes tender and sensitive to the slightest effect, and there is a tendency to increased trauma. Dandruff is dry and fine,

Eczema attachment is a frequent accompanying symptom of seborrheic alopecia. This is a chronic skin lesion with characteristic rashes in the form of small nodules, which are gradually transformed into plaques.

Symptoms of seborrheic alopecia vary in men and women. The male population has a peak baldness of 30 years. Hair is thinning in the fronto-parietal region, the remaining rods become thinner and dry. Alopecia goes from the parietal zone to the frontal, or from the edges of the frontal part of the head towards the back of the head. In addition, there is evidence of a decrease in some men’s libido against the background of existing seborrhea.

In women, seborrheic alopecia occurs in diffuse alopecia. The coat is lost gradually and evenly throughout the head. Most often, a decrease in estrogen levels can be detected, and amenorrhea can be simultaneously disturbing.

Causes of seborrheic alopecia

There are several reasons for the development of seborrheic alopecia, among them:

Hormonal restructuring of the body during puberty. This is the reason for the age at which the disease most often manifests. However, physiological seborrhea usually goes away on its own, in rare cases leading to alopecia,

Violation of the ratio of estrogen and androgen. Androgens, when their amount is excessive, stimulate the production of sebum. Most often in women with seborrheic alopecia, there is a lack of progesterone and estrogen and an increase in the androgen content in the blood,

In men, an increase in the level of androgens and an acceleration of their metabolism also leads to baldness. Sometimes this pathological process is caused by a testicular tumor,

Parkinson’s disease, lethargic encephalitis, can cause seborrheic alopecia,

Diseases of the mental sphere can trigger the development of the problem. For example, seborrheic alopecia is a frequent companion of people with schizophrenia, epilepsy, psychosis,

Taking certain medications may trigger the development of the disease. In this regard, the danger is a long therapy with glucocorticosteroids, anabolic steroids, vitamin H, hormonal drugs with testosterones and progesterones,

The pathological activity of yeast-like fungi, which normally are always present on the skin, can provoke the development of alopecia. In this case, the fungi themselves are activated against the background of exacerbation of chronic infections, with stress, a fall in immunity.

Treatment of seborrheic alopecia

After seborrhea has been identified as a cause leading to alopecia, it is necessary to begin treatment. So, if a patient suffers from oily seborrhea, then a day or even a few hours after bathing his hair becomes greasy again, so you have to wash your hair every day or every other day. For hygiene procedures, use special shampoos for oily hair and anti-dandruff. However, too often you should not wash your hair too, otherwise the hair shafts will even more become thinner, break and fall out.

Trichologists recommend their patients to periodically change the shampoo with which they wash their heads. The effect in oily seborrhea can be obtained through the use of medicinal herbal solutions with the content of ethyl alcohol. They are rubbed into the hairy part of the scalp. Perform the procedure is twice a day in the morning and evening hours. If parallel to the rubbing massage, it will be a good addition to the treatment of seborrheic alopecia, as it will saturate the hair follicles with oxygen due to blood flow. The course of treatment with such solutions is 5 days, then for two weeks the head is washed with a medical shampoo. Thus, it is necessary to process the head for at least 8 weeks.

Sulfur, tar and salicylic acid - these are the three components that should be part of shampoos for shampoos with oily seborrhea. These substances are able to dry oily skin and rid the hair of greasy shine.

Vitamin complexes are prescribed for oral administration. It is important to adhere to the appropriate diet. So, you should exclude from its menu marinades, preservatives, salty and spicy foods. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is worthwhile to limit the consumption of fats, this is especially true for saturated fats and carbohydrates that are easily digested (sugar, baked goods, sweets and confectionery). The priority in this case is given to bran and products rich in fiber.

In addition, a component such as ketoconazole must be present in preparations for the local treatment of seborrhea. It promotes the irradiation of the fungus from the scalp, the remaining substances are only auxiliary in relation to the treatment of seborrhea. When it is dry, keratins, proteins and amino acids should be included in ketoconazole-based remedies.

Treatment of seborrheic alopecia with ketoconazole should be carried out once or twice a week, depending on the severity of seborrhea. The rest of the time, therapy is carried out with the help of shampoo and solutions based on ethyl alcohol according to the above scheme.

Here is a list of other popular treatments for alopecia:

After you manage to get rid of the cause of alopecia, you can begin to stimulate hair growth. For this, it is recommended to use preparations based on Minoxidil. They reduce the amount of androgens and reduce their pathogenic effect on the hair follicles. However, Minoxidil should be used only if recommended by a doctor. First, this remedy has certain side effects. Secondly, after the main problem in the form of seborrhea is eliminated, seborrheic alopecia can not only stop, but also regress without any additional treatment.

It is important to use only a personal comb during and after therapy. When there is a struggle with the disease, it can be further treated with any disinfectant solution, for example, Miramistin. This should be done once a day.

If local treatment does not give the desired effect and seborrheic alopecia recurs, then it is worth looking for the cause in other organs and systems. So, baldness can be a consequence of endocrine pathology. In this case, the patient will need to receive hormonal drugs.

Special attention should be paid to the treatment of oily seborrhea, leading to alopecia in young men.The most common cause of this pathological condition is an increase in the blood level of male sex hormones. Therefore, to treat this problem, prescribe drugs with female sex hormones.

If alopecia is caused by dry seborrhea, it is recommended to wash the patient's head no more than once a week. It is also necessary to use drugs included in the azoles group. This may be ketoconazole or bifonazole. The choice should be made only after microscopic examination and bacterial seeding. These analyzes will make it possible not only to determine the type of seborrhea pathogen, but also the sensitivity of a particular fungus to the drug.

When problems with the ovaries are found, a woman is often prescribed hormonal contraceptives.

The means aimed at the general strengthening of the body include vitamins of group B, A, D, E, ascorbic and nicotinic acid. Preparations of selenium, calcium, sulfur, copper, zinc are used. As for the diet with dry seborrhea, the patient must include in the menu useful polyunsaturated fats. This is a variety of oils, nuts, fatty fish.

Despite the possibility of completely getting rid of seborrheic alopecia, the patient will need to follow preventive measures in the future. They are reduced to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the exclusion of harmful food from the menu, to the observance of the mode of work and rest. Refusal of bad habits, timely treatment of all diseases and medication under medical supervision are also considered preventive measures to prevent the development of seborrheic alopecia.

The prognosis for this type of baldness is favorable, relapses occur if treatment does not eliminate the true cause of the problem. In this case, a deeper diagnosis is required.

Main reasons

Seborrheic hair loss can trigger the following factors:

  • imbalance in the production of androgen and estrogen hormones,
  • long-term use of a certain group of medicines
  • hormonal adjustment period,
  • accumulation of yeast-like fungi on the scalp.

Hair loss with seborrhea in most cases occurs as a result of increased sebaceous excretion, which leads to the development of pathogenic flora in the form of fungi, which provoke the weakening of the hair follicles.

Characteristic symptoms

Seborrheic alopecia is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • thickening of the horny epidermis on the scalp,
  • skin peeling and itching,
  • the formation of flaking scales,
  • the appearance of oily shine on the hair,
  • intense fallout.

When dry, seborrhea is characterized by abundant, fine dandruff and the appearance of supersensitivity of the skin of the head.

Treatment methods

Seborrheic dermatitis, against the background of which alopecia has developed, requires an integrated approach to therapy. The following measures are taken as therapeutic measures:

  • use of local drugs
  • power correction,
  • use of masks.

In case of severe disease, the doctor prescribes hormonal ointments for local use.

If seborrheic alopecia is milder, you can get by with the three points described above.

The use of local drugs

In the complex treatment of seborrheic alopecia, balsams, shampoos, lotions and ampoules are used, produced under the following names:

Alerana is available in the form of shampoo, conditioner and lotion balsam. The medical series contains such important components as essential and vegetable oils, extracts of burdock, nettle and other plants, as well as provitamins of group B5. Oil contributes to the normalization of the sebaceous glands, the elimination of flaking, itching and dandruff. Herbal extracts help nourish and strengthen the follicle. Vitamins are responsible for the saturation of moisture curls and scalp.

It also contains sage extract, which has a calming effect on the scalp. Extract from horse chestnut is responsible for improving blood microcirculation and normalizing metabolic processes. Wormwood extract has a bactericidal effect and helps to eliminate inflammation and dandruff. Regular use of the “Aleran” medical series allows achieving the following results:

  • dandruff removal
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands,
  • the disappearance of oily shine
  • getting rid of itching and flaking
  • halting the balding process
  • accelerating hair growth.

"Rinfoltil" is available in the form of shampoo, balm and ampoules, which include only natural ingredients, including caffeine, peppermint extract, ginseng, Chinese camellia, nasturtium, etc.

Caffeine helps to improve local blood circulation, awakens the follicles, nourishes and activates the growth of curls.

Ginseng is responsible for the saturation of the rods and follicles with nutrients.

Mint has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and sedative effect.

Chinese camellia has a similar property as mint, additionally improves local blood circulation.

Nasturtium is designed to launch regeneration processes, and improve the nutrition of the roots.

Vichy's Derkos also produces a line of medicinal products in the form of ampoules, lotions, shampoos and balms against hair loss. Medical series shampoos are available for different hair types, so the selection of the drug will depend on the type of seborrheic alopecia. The preparations of this company are well proven and can achieve the following results:

  • normalization of the sebaceous glands,
  • reduction of pathogenic microflora,
  • reducing the number of depositions
  • growth improvement
  • restoration of density of hair.

A series of medical shampoos, balms, lotions and ampoules under the brand name "Fitoval" from a domestic manufacturer helps to achieve equally good results.

It consists of only natural ingredients, the action of which is aimed at regulating the work of the sebaceous glands, eliminating desquamation, itching and suppression of pathogenic microflora caused by yeast-like fungi. Also, drugs help to improve the nutrition of the bulbs and accelerate hair growth.

Diet therapy

In seborrheic type of alopecia, an important and balanced diet plays an important role. During the period of treatment from the diet it is mandatory to eliminate the following food:

  • fast food,
  • semi-finished products
  • canned food
  • fried foods
  • fatty animal products,
  • alcohol and carbonated drinks.

Also from the diet should be removed or significantly reduce the consumption of sweet and flour, as sugar and yeast contribute to the development of yeast-like fungi.

The patient's menu must include the following products:

  • poultry meat
  • chicken eggs,
  • a fish,
  • whole grain,
  • dairy products,
  • vegetables,
  • fruits.

All food should be steamed, stewed or boiled. In the dry type of seborrhea, it is recommended to use as much vegetable fat as possible, which is contained in the seeds of various types of nuts.

Masks and decoctions

As an additional method of treatment, decoctions and masks are used, which can be prepared at home.

The use of masks is more relevant in dry seborrheic alopecia. Their action is aimed at additional nutrition and hydration of the skin. For this purpose, using vegetable and essential oils, as well as vitamins in ampoules.

The easiest recipe for making a mask includes the following components:

  • liquid vitamins A, E and B7,
  • aloe juice
  • olive oil.

Each liquid vitamin is taken in an ampoule, a tablespoon of aloe juice and an identical amount of olive oil are added to them. Mixed components are distributed at the hair roots and left to act for forty minutes.

In bold type of seborrheic alopecia, often as a mask is used the usual sulfur ointment, which is applied on the skin of the head exclusively in the affected places for an average of 20 minutes.

Herbal decoctions as a conditioner will be useful for any type of seborrheic alopecia. For their preparation, you can use chamomile, mint, nettle, sage or wormwood. In a glass of boiling water is taken any kind of grass and infused for half an hour. After this, the decoction can be used as a conditioner.

Care features

With a fat type of seborrheic alopecia, hair washing is shown up to two or three times a week; when dry, it is enough to perform a hygienic procedure once every seven days.

During the period of treatment it is recommended to use only your personal comb.

Differences from seborrhea

Manifestations of alopecia are similar to the symptoms of seborrhea, as they are associated with a violation of the sebaceous canals:

  • Unpleasant smell
  • fast salinization of hair after washing,
  • thickened skin of keratinized skin
  • inflammation.

Hypertrophied activity of the sebaceous canals leads to an excess of fat on the scalp, and ducts and hair follicles are clogged. On the surface of the scalp, face and entire body, keratinized skin particles accumulate, sticking together and forming a viscous mass. A fungus develops in this environment. The parasite infects the hair follicle, the hair weakens, becomes sluggish and falls out.

Seborrhea is of three types:

Alopecia is a consequence of oily seborrhea.

Causes of

This problem can be exposed to people of any age, starting with adolescence. Baldness is a result of chronic seborrheic skin disease. Seborrhea itself can last up to five years without any particular complications. But, in the end, there comes partial or complete baldness.

To fight the disease, it is necessary to find out and eliminate the causes of the violation of the sebaceous glands.

These are:

  1. Endocrine disruption.
  2. Imbalance in the autonomic nervous system.
  3. The effects of prolonged drug treatment.
  4. Disorder hormonal background.
  5. Wrong metabolism.
  6. Bad heredity.
  7. Certain diseases.
  8. Complications after certain diseases.
  9. Improper nutrition.

Before starting the fight against hair loss, it is necessary to analyze the causes of the problem, to eliminate the factors contributing to the disruption of the sebaceous glands.

Dry form

  • Overdried, strained skin, wounds are easily formed,
  • dry hair
  • increased weakness and brittle hair,
  • small dandruff.

In both cases, the sufferer wants to scratch the affected area, he experiences skin tightness and even pain. With a strong degree of this manifestation, scratching with the formation of wounds and ulcers is possible.


Manifestations of alopecia does not occur immediately.

  1. In the first stage, redness appears on the scalp and dandruff.
  2. The second is the disruption of the supply of hair follicles because of the coarsening of the skin and sebaceous layers.
  3. Severe complications are caused by the third stage. Hair bulbs die off. In this situation, hair growth stops and their restoration is impossible.

Totally with seborrhea hair does not fall out, but the rest have a very unpresentable appearance. Such negative manifestations can cause psychological distress, because a person with unkempt hair is unpleasant to anyone and will suffer from this.

Treatment with medicines and shampoos

First, the cause of baldness is established. The general condition of the body and the need to treat a particular disease, which resulted in seborrheic inflammation, is considered. The next stage - determine the type of seborrhea.

Drugs that treat oily seborrhea are slightly different from the means of neutralizing dry.

Treatment methods

With seborrheic dermatitis, hair loss occurs both on the entire scalp and in certain areas: the frontal part, on the temples, and the back of the head. It is better not to start the disease, to intervene at an early stage of development. It is easy to undergo treatment, but this will take a long time, an integrated approach, consistency and patience. The fight is conducted on a mandatory basis on several guides:

  • Power correction,
  • hair care special means
  • cycle of physiotherapy,
  • drug treatment.

At the initial stage of treatment, an analysis of the causes of the disease is necessary.

Elimination of oily seborrhea

From the diet should be completely eliminated pickles and smoked. Marinated, canned products, smoked foods provoke itching, and worsen the condition. Products need to use only fresh, preferably vegetables and fruits. Cellulose, cereals, meat, fish should be on the table every day without fail.

As for flour, and products containing animal fat - with the fat form they should be categorically refused. Products containing a large amount of sugar: sweets, cakes, cookies - should be excluded.

Treatment of dry seborrhea

In the fight against this form of the disease in the diet should be present fats, but only of plant origin. Means intended for seborrheic hair loss are important to apply in two ways:

  1. Anti-dandruff formations.
  2. Stimulating hair growth.

Anti-dandruff drugs will help get rid of it. In severe seborrheic lesions, the treating agent must contain substances that block the activity of fungi.

Medicines and shampoos that have antifungal components in the composition, in the process of treatment, relieve irritation, itching, relieve peeling, prevent dandruff.

In the more complex manifestations of skin dermatitis, doctors prescribe medications that improve digestion and metabolism, hormonal agents, vitamins and minerals. Be sure to use drugs that significantly activate hair growth. For symptoms of oily seborrhea, drying shampoos are needed. In their composition must necessarily be the content of salicylic acid, birch tar and sulfur.

In the composition of detergents and balms are required moisturizing and nourishing ingredients:

It is necessary to apply means in two directions - to stop the formation of dandruff, and to stimulate hair growth. Antifungal shampoos, scrubs, lotions stop the reproduction of the fungus. Apply them according to the instructions, 2-3 times a week. Head massages, rubbing with the use of oils and herbal tinctures relieve skin irritation, strengthen hair roots and promote growth.

Oil treatment

Rose oil, lavender oil, linseed oil, castor oil are mixed with infusions of healing herbs and rubbed into the scalp. It is recommended to make lotions on the basis of oils and alcohol tinctures of herbs. The use of these tools significantly reduces the signs of the disease, relieves redness, itching.

Ulcerative foci are markedly reduced, if regular oil wraps are done, the metabolic processes in the hair follicles are restored. An oily solution of vitamin E and A also lubricates the foci of inflammation.

Hair care during treatment

With hair loss, it is good to use herbal masks made on his own, decoctions for rinsing.

  1. Well disinfects and dries chamomile grass, oak bark.
  2. Sage is known for its astringent properties; burdock root softens and nourishes the skin.
  3. Lemon water or soda water will dry the scalp, decoction of the train.
  4. Broths of onion peel, celandine useful to moisten the hair roots.
  5. Warming up masks improve blood circulation in the scalp, which improves hair growth. For such purposes, mustard, onion, red pepper. Are carried out by special hairbrushes.

It is often not worth washing your hair, as you can dry out the skin. For oily hair is recommended 2-3 times a week, if the hair is dry, then it is better to limit one washing.

Types and forms

There is oily and dry seborrheic alopecia.

Reasons alopecia is excessive sebum secretion. It accumulates in the hair follicles and causes a disturbance in the growth of the hair. In addition, the enlarged sebaceous layer creates an environment for the appearance of dandruff, reproduction of microbes and fungi. Traffic jams are formed in the ducts, and fat cannot freely go outside. This leads to inflammation and hair loss. As a result, the nutrition of the hair deteriorates and the area of ​​baldness increases.

Dry seborrheic alopecia, on the contrary, arises due to insufficient production of skin secretion. In this case, the skin dries, dandruff is fine and dry, the hair also weakens and becomes brittle, split. This often happens due to insufficient performance of the sex glands.

The main signs of the disease experts call:

  • compaction of the upper layer of the epidermis,
  • itching can disturb the entire surface of the scalp,
  • strong peeling
  • increased hair loss
  • peculiar smell of the scalp, delivering additional discomfort,
  • hair and scalp become fatter - it looks untidy and is not eliminated by detergents,
  • the epithelium becomes weak, becomes thinner, the upper layers are increasingly susceptible,
  • a rash may occur, eczema may occur,
  • if the disease is not treated, then over time, plaques and crusts will appear on the head, and the bald patches will increase in size.

An important point! The difference between the female alopecia of this species and the male is the balding area. In men, the crown and frontal lobe suffer more, and in women, hair loss is mostly even, spreading to the whole head.


For the diagnosis used:

  • hormonal blood analysis,
  • androgen level assessment
  • immune analysis
  • blood test for infections, for example, syphilis infection, which also causes alopecia,
  • mineral spectrum analysis,
  • phototrichogram
  • microbiological examination
  • biopsy to exclude dermatomycosis.

Preventive measures

If the hereditary causes of seborrheic alopecia can not be prevented, then other factors can be avoided. It is necessary:

  • change habits and keep healthy thick hair:
  • head massage is very useful for nourishing hair,
  • do not wash your hair with too hot water and apply detergents with aggressive ingredients,
  • smoking, unhealthy diet, alcohol abuse adversely affect, including the work of the sebaceous glands and can cause seborrhea and alopecia,
  • it is necessary to keep the nervous system in order and try not to disturb the regime,
  • fungal and bacterial infections should be cured in time and to the end,
  • taking vitamins courses has a positive effect
  • if the hair begins to fall out intensively, you need to visit the trichologist in time so as not to start the disease while it is still treatable.

In conclusion, it should be noted that seborrheic alopecia is generally not dangerous for the body. However, it may indicate as a concomitant symptom of a very serious disease. Therefore, you should not let things take their course, you need to visit a doctor who will conduct a study, select an individual treatment regimen.

In advanced cases or in the absence of a baldness treatment result, specialists may recommend hair transplantation to damaged areas. However, transplantation has contraindications and can cause side effects.

It is important to take comprehensive measures in a timely manner and not to forget about prevention. This will help restore lost hair and prevent new foci of alopecia in the future.

Useful videos

Hair loss in men: features, causes, treatment.

Seborrheic dermatitis on the head.

Causes of disease

The production of sebum in men increases in violation of the ratio of male and female sex hormones - androgens and estrogens - in the body.

Such a disorder may develop as a result of hereditary factors or if present in the body a tumor that produces hormones.

With increasing levels of androgens in men, the sebaceous glands are activated. In women, oily seborrhea develops with androgen increase, which is accompanied by a decrease in estrogen and progesterone levels.

Mental diseases that can cause an increase in sebum production include schizophrenia, epilepsy, manic-depressive psychosis, and infectious psychosis.

The development of seborrhea can provoke long hormonal drugs - Anabolic steroids, including testosterone, glucocorticosteroids and progesterone. Also this pathology causes vitamin B7 deficiency, or biotin.

With increased production of fat on the scalp begin actively develop fungi. These microorganisms have a devastating effect on the hair follicles, which leads to hair loss.

Seborrheic alopecia has characteristic signs by which it can be distinguished from other types of baldness:

  • in this pathology, the skin flakes off and flakes off, small pale yellow scales that can be found in the root zone, on the hair and on the shoulders, depart from it,
  • itching all over the head
  • scalp and hair get oily shine.

Also seborrhea can join eczema. This is a lesion of the skin, which is manifested by the appearance of eruptions in the form of small nodules, which eventually develop into plaques.

If the thinning of the hairstyle does not stop, over time these two pockets of balding come closer and eventually can merge.

In women, seborrhea leads to diffuse alopecia, in which there is hair loss all over the head, but in the first hairstyle thins around the central parting.

Drugs for treatment

Treatment of seborrhea and hair loss caused by it will be as effective as possible. with an integrated approach, which involves taking drugs in the form of tablets, as well as the use of funds for local use.

In the presence of a fungal infection use antifungal drugs - fluconazole, ketoconazole, terbinafine or isotrethionine. Also used vitamin-mineral complexes, the reception of which allows you to saturate the scalp and hair with all the necessary substances.

Available drugs for the treatment of seborrheic alopecia in ampoules. They may contain herbal extracts, plant and essential oils, caffeine. The use of such tools allows you to normalize the sebaceous glands, get rid of the oily shine of the hair and scalp, eliminate flaking and dandruff, relieve itching, slow baldness and enhance hair growth. To eliminate the lack of beneficial substances, vitamins are also used in ampoules that are applied to the scalp.

Ointments and creams

For the treatment of seborrheic alopecia are used corticosteroid cream. Also used funds with peeling effect. When oily seborrhea is used Sulfuric ointment, which is applied to the scalp.

Castor, burdock and other oils can be used with dry seborrhea. Their use allows you to saturate the scalp with fat and moisturize it.

When treating seborrheic alopecia, medical shampoos containing antifungal agents, such as ketoconazole, are used if these microorganisms cause problems. Good effect also give tar based compounds.


Plays a major role in the prevention of seborrheic alopecia proper nutrition which includes four main points:

  • in the diet in large quantities should contain fresh vegetables, fruits and dairy products,
  • to the habitual diet is recommended to add sea kale and gelatin,
  • it is necessary to limit the consumption of tea, coffee, milk, chocolate and nuts,
  • it is worth refusing to use refined carbohydrates - pasta and pastries - as well as vinegar, spices and alcohol, or at least reduce their content in the daily diet.

Also, a good effect has a rejection of bad habits, elimination of stress, adherence to work and rest. Preventive measures can reduce the development of alopecia to a minimum.

They should also be observed after a successful cure for the disease, to prevent relapses.

Seborrhea is a common pathology that can cause baldness. Especially often this occurs in men. The disease has characteristic signs, in the presence of which it is possible to make a preliminary diagnosis.

But in order to accurately determine the cause of the problems, you need to contact a specialist and undergo the necessary examinations. It is not worth to postpone the visit to the doctor, because due to the timely treatment, you can reduce hair loss to a minimum or avoid it altogether.

Etiology of seborrheic alopecia

The following factors are believed to provoke seborrhea and subsequent hair loss:

  • neglect of personal hygiene,
  • poor nutrition,
  • long-term use of hormonal drugs
  • frequent stress
  • frequent changes of time and climate zones,
  • overheating and overcooling of the head,
  • undertreated dermatological diseases.

Very often seborrhea begins in children entering adolescence. In this case, it may be accompanied by acne. It is noticed that the disease is exacerbated in violation of hormonal levels. Its course is complicated by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcer, colitis, cholecystitis), chronic infections (sinusitis, tonsillitis, caries), hypovitaminosis.

Pathogenesis of seborrheic alopecia

The impact of external and internal factors provocateurs leads to an increase in the size of the ducts of the sebaceous glands. The pores open, a secret erupts outside in large numbers. Its bactericidal properties are lost. All this creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Their activity leads to a thickening of the epidermis, especially in the mouths of the hair follicles.

The sebaceous glands, whose ducts are clogged with thick sebum, mixed with dust and dirt, become inflamed and lymphohistiocytic infiltration is formed. If untreated, the sebaceous glands die and their connective tissue is replaced. This phenomenon is expressed in the thickening of collagen and fragmentation of elastic fibers (up to their lysis). The process of keratinization is expressed in the hair follicles, which contributes to the atrophy of the papilla of the hair. That is why baldness begins.

Clinical manifestations of seborrheic alopecia

Clinical manifestations depend on what form of seborrhea develops: oily or dry. With oily seborrhea, hair washed in the morning looks untidy in the evening: they have a greasy luster, they lose volume, sag and stick to the skin. Dandruff in the form of yellowish crusts appears on the surface of the head. They stick together among themselves and form an ugly shell. From the head constantly emanates an unpleasant sour smell.

With dry seborrhea, the scalp skin becomes irritated and sensitive. She reacts painfully to any touch. There is a strong itch, actively the process of peeling. Dandruff scales have whitish color. Hair is constantly dry, brittle, it does not hold the volume.

Seborrhea and hair loss are causative factors. The release of a large amount of fat leads to the fact that it does not have time to spread on the skin. Mingling with dandruff flakes, dust, dirt, it turns into a cork, which clogs the duct of the sebaceous gland tightly. As a result, the hair follicles no longer receive oxygen and nutrients, therefore they die.

With seborrheic dermatitis, hair in men and women fall out evenly over the entire head. The diffuse nature of baldness in combination with the symptoms of seborrhea allows you to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment regimen.

What is seborrheic hair loss?

Under seborrheic hair loss refers to increased (abnormal) hair loss. Seborrheic alopecia is characterized by impaired sebaceous glands, increased sebaceous excretions. Usually, failure occurs through the fault of the nervous, neuroendocrine, and other systems of the body: due to hormonal failure, an increase in the number of androgens, increased activity of yeast-like fungi, and the use of a number of drugs. It is also established that the representatives of the stronger sex suffer from this disease more often than women.

Many believe that the main cause of seborrheic alopecia is a malfunction of the sebaceous glands, but this is not entirely true. In fact, seborrhea can cause hair loss, but be the only cause of baldness - never.

Modern medicine distinguishes two types of seborrhea: dry and fat. Moreover, alopecia may develop against the background of each of them. If the glands produce too little fat, the skin becomes dry and the hair is thin and fragile. As for oily seborrhea, it is characterized by increased production of glands, fraught with fat accumulation, the appearance of fungi, malnutrition of the hair shaft.

To determine the presence of seborrheic alopecia can be on the following grounds:

  • the presence of itching, burning and soreness, which gradually spread through the scalp,
  • the appearance of oily shine (hair has to be washed often, as they get dirty very quickly),
  • thickening of the surface layer of the skin,
  • the appearance of scales of gray or yellow color (dermis peels off, exfoliates, is easily separated from the scalp),
  • dandruff
  • the presence of an unpleasant aroma emanating from the scalp,
  • abnormal hair loss
  • thinning of the skin, the appearance of fine and dry dandruff (symptoms of dry seborrhea),

It is important to understand that seborrheic alopecia in female and male patients proceeds differently. Most often, men find themselves in this disease at the age of 30 years. The disease begins with hair loss in the fronto-parietal region, their thinning and increased fragility, the appearance of characteristic dryness. Sometimes men complain of reduced attraction to the opposite sex (libido).

As for women, their hair falls out evenly over the entire head (diffuse alopecia). Usually, tests reveal a violation of the ratio of androgens and estrogens (an increase in the first and a lack of the latter).

When the first symptoms of the disease should see a doctor immediately. Otherwise, the pathological process will become irreversible, and it will be very difficult to restore the hair.

How to treat seborrheic alopecia?

Treatment of seborrheic hair loss involves the use of medical cosmetics and pharmaceutical products. The first stage - cleansing the scalp of fat, normalization of the sebaceous glands. To accomplish these tasks, the skin is cleaned (usually in several stages to consolidate the effect obtained).

The doctor may also recommend the patient to use:

  • corticosteroid creams,
  • scrubs, balms and other products that can remove the detached dermis from the scalp,
  • products containing salicylic acid and selenium sulfide,
  • tar shampoos, etc.

As a rule, local therapy is combined with the use of vitamin-mineral complexes, which improve the condition of the hair, accelerate their growth, and diet.

Additional procedures include:

  1. massaging of the neck area and scalp,
  2. application of agents that improve blood circulation in the scalp (usually achieved by heat exposure).

According to trichologists, physiotherapeutic procedures, such as darsonvalization, give good results. This technique improves blood circulation, nourishes the tissues with oxygen and nourishes them, activates biochemical processes. The standard duration of treatment is 1-2 months (20 or 30 procedures daily or every other day). Some experts convince patients to undergo a course of mesotherapy, consisting of ten sessions.

We advise you to read:

  • How to recognize the total form of alopecia, what it is - study this useful article.
  • What means can be used to combat hair loss in a beard? Read this post.

Differential diagnostics

When making a diagnosis, it is important to differentiate seborrheic alopecia from alopecia of another type (androgenic, focal, cicatricial, autoimmune). For these purposes, an extended survey. The patient is assigned to the following examinations:

  • general blood analysis:
  • thyroid hormone analysis,
  • determination of the level of androgens in the blood,
  • blood test for syphilis,
  • spectral analysis of hair (the content of active elements in the rods).

The doctor trichologist or dermatologist necessarily conducts a microscopic study of the state of the skin of the head. It allows you to detect fungal infection. In addition, a biopsy of crusts is performed to identify ringworm. This analysis allows us to differentiate seborrheic alopecia from lupus erythematosus, sarcoidosis, lichen planus.

The phototrichogram can also be very informative. With it, a specialist is able to determine the qualitative and quantitative state of the hair. An immunogram is compiled to evaluate the performance of the immune system.

Methods of getting rid of seborrheic alopecia

Treatment of alopecia, resulting from seborrhea, must begin with the correction of nutrition. It is important to include foods that can compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals. For this it is useful to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, foods with a lot of proteins (beans, nuts, wheat sprouts) and animal protein (meat, fish, eggs). It is also useful to refuse to use too spicy, fatty foods, smoked products, convenience foods with a high content of preservatives.

If oily seborrhea develops, experts recommend minimizing the consumption of animal fats (butter, lard), sweet and flour. Yeast and sugar form a favorable environment for the reproduction of fungi, which are the main cause of seborrheic alopecia. When dry seborrhea, on the contrary, it is useful to enrich the food with vegetable oils, eat seeds and nuts. To reduce the intensity of the disease allows proper care of the scalp.

If hair began to fall out, you must:

  1. For combing use a comb with large teeth.
  2. Daily disinfect the comb with special preparations or rinse it in a weak solution of vinegar.
  3. Wash your head with oily seborrhea three times a week, with dry type of dermatitis once.
  4. It is advisable to completely abandon the use of a hair dryer: hot air dries the skin, and therefore aggravates the course of the disease.

Alopecia treatment will be effective if complex therapy is applied. It must necessarily consist of medical and folk treatment, physiotherapy.

Drugs from seborrheic alopecia

Purpose of pharmaceutical preparations is carried out after detection of the reasons for the development of seborrheic dermatitis.

If active reproduction of fungi is detected, antifungal medications are prescribed for oral administration (“Ketoconazole”, “Fluconazole”, “Isotrethionine”). Vitamin-mineral complexes (Alphabet) are used to enhance immunity.

For topical treatment used corticosteroid creams. With the development of oily seborrhea, the scalp is daily treated with sulfur ointment. Castor or burdock oil helps relieve the symptoms of dry seborrhea. It nourishes the skin with fats and actively moisturizes it. To wash your hair, experts recommend choosing a shampoo based on tar.

Rapid therapeutic effect provides the introduction under the skin with the help of microinjections of a combination of drugs that can improve the microcirculation of blood, active nutrition of hair follicles, their further recovery. The procedures of mesotherapy are well recommended in the treatment of seborrheic alopecia.

Hardware treatment methods

Apparatus treatment may include various physiotherapeutic effects. The action of all procedures should be aimed at enhancing the tone of the vessels that feed the hair follicles, to improve blood microcirculation or to ensure the penetration of therapeutic drugs. Some of them effectively relieve muscle tension, others stimulate metabolic processes. All this favorably affects the final results. Most often, patients are assigned to:

  1. Impact on the scalp ultrasound. It causes the activation of metabolic processes, stimulates the work of follicles, reduces inflammation and itching.
  2. Galvanic peeling. It is made using a special comb, which instead of teeth - electrodes. Previously, a special composition is applied to the skin, then the hardware installation is connected. In the process of its application, deep peeling is carried out: the stratum corneum is peeled off, the pores open. It is advisable to carry out such a procedure before the implementation of local therapy.
  3. Darsonvalization. In the process of its implementation on the scalp is the impact of high frequency currents and high voltage. The procedure is performed by means of a comb-shaped electrode. It moves smoothly over the head in the opposite direction from the growth of the hair. Several sessions help to completely get rid of the symptoms of oily seborrhea and start processes that can help restore lost vegetation.
  4. "Laser shower" - a technique of hardware exposure, in the process of which the impact is made on the inflamed scalp with a pulsed laser. The procedure helps to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, to improve the structure of weakened hair, to suspend their loss.

The choice of methods of exposure should be made by the attending physician.

Recipes of traditional medicine

Strengthening the effect of drug therapy helps popular treatment of seborrheic alopecia. Good results are provided by the use of decoctions based on sage and mint, nettle wormwood, pharmaceutical chamomile. With their help, experts recommend rinsing hair after washing.

Crusted skin should be lubricated with red pepper tincture. It is prepared from four bitter pods and 500 ml of vodka. The remedy is infused for three weeks and then used for its intended purpose.

To soften the stratum corneum, it is better to use an ointment that is prepared from burdock roots and butter. The roots of the plant are pre-boiled, then crushed into a mush, and then mixed with animal fat in equal proportions. The resulting composition is rubbed into the scalp twenty minutes before washing.

Strengthen weakened hair roots helps burdock oil, which is sold in a pharmacy. It is applied to the scalp half an hour before bathing with massaging movements, and then washed off in the process of bathing.

Before using any of the above folk remedies, it is imperative that you test for allergies.


Watch the video: Living with Alopecia and Seborrheic Dermatitis (July 2024).