
10 light hairstyles with weaving and elastic bands


This luxurious hairstyle in no way inferior to complex hairdressing creations, and runs in just 10 minutes. It can be created even on not very thick strands, having absolutely no experience.

  1. Comb the whole hair back.
  2. Separate the hair at the level of the temples with a horizontal parting.
  3. Tie them with a thin silicone rubber band.
  4. Slightly lower separate exactly this section and tie it too.
  5. Turn it around its axis, forming an inverted tail.
  6. Continue to tie and twist the tails in stages for the remaining length.
  7. Stretch each section gently with your hands to make the hair look voluminous and fluffy.

Spit in the form of bows

Pigtails in the form of bows look very elegant and are ideal for girls of all ages - from schoolgirls to young mothers.

  1. Comb the whole hair back.
  2. Separate the hair at the level of the temples with a horizontal parting.
  3. Tie it with a thin rubber band.
  4. Divide the ends in half.
  5. Form one part of the bow by stretching the strand through the elastic, but not pulling it out completely.
  6. Cross the gum again and fix the second part of the bow with it.
  7. For reliability, pin him with studs.
  8. Step back a couple of centimeters and tie the tail again.
  9. Divide it in half and form a bow on the already known principle.
  10. Repeat these steps again so that the last bow is at the level of the neck.
  11. Gently stretch the weave by hand.
  12. Secure hair with lacquer and hairpins.

Spit tail with rubber bands - weaving scheme. Hairstyles with elastic bands for long hair

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French braid

Beautifully braided French braid - the perfect solution for a variety of events. She will give your look charm and make it incredibly feminine.

1. Comb back all the hair.

2. Separate the hair at the temples level with a horizontal parting and tie them into a “malvinka”.

3. Separate the thin strand and wrap the gum around it, hiding the tip under the hair and pinning it with stealth.

4. Just below, separate another small section and tie it as well.

5. Divide the first tail in half and skip both halves under the second tail.

6. Lift the second one up and pinch it with a clip so that it does not interfere.

7. Below separate another section and tie it with an elastic band.

8. Release the second tails from the clamp, split it in half and skip both halves under the third.

9. Continue weaving to the desired level. Do not be lazy and braid the French braid along the entire length.

10. Gently stretch the spit sections with your hands. This will hide the gum and make styling lush.

You can also braid the braid around your head in the same way - ideal for holidays and work.

To braid such hearts, it is not necessary to own a complex technique of French weaving. Enough to stock up a few elementary items.

1. Comb back all the hair.

2. Separate the two strands from the forehead area and connect them with a rubber band on the back of the head.

3. Turn the tail through the hole in the middle.

4. At the temples, separate two more strands.

5. Connect them to the tip of the first tail and tie, stepping back a couple of centimeters.

6. Turn the tips through the hole inside the hair.

7. Tie the third tail of the remaining strands and also turn them around its axis.

8. Stretch the inner parts of the weave with your fingers, giving them the shape of hearts.

How to weave a fishtail, not owning the classic technique? Our detailed master class will help you to easily cope with this task. In just a few minutes you will be able to create such a stylish hairstyle that will not remain without attention of others.

1. Comb it back.

2. On the left and right side, separate the two small strands. The thinner they are, the more beautiful the spit will be.

3. Connect them to each other in the back of the head. Do not overtighten the gum - it will have to be lowered down.

4. Separate on both sides of the head one more fine strand and join them immediately under the first tail.

5. Form an inverted tail by turning the second pair of strands under the elastic of the first pair. It is important not to hook the central hair, otherwise the styling will look sloppy.

6. Separate again on a fine strand on both sides and tie them up.

7. Turn this pair under the gum that secures the first tail.

8. Continue to select the side strands, and connect with each other and skip under the rubber of the first tail. To increase the length of the spit, gradually lower the gum down, only very carefully so that it does not tear.

9. In the final stages, when almost the entire length will be woven into the braid, do not throw it over the elastic band, but simply tie it in the center.

10. Slightly stretch the sides of the weave with your hands so that the fishtail becomes as lush as in this photo. The tip can be decorated with a bow, hairpin or ribbon.

It is fast, easy and original styling for long strands.

1. Tie a head of hair at the base of the neck.

2. Stepping back a few centimeters from the elastic, tie another one. The distance between them depends on the length of your hair and your preferences.

3. Divide this section in half.

4. In the resulting hole, stretch the tips of the strands.

5. Retreat the same distance and tie another gum. Form an inverted tail.

6. Continue weaving to the desired level.

This incredibly complex braid will be an excellent choice for special occasions. No one would ever think that you created it yourself! Watch this workshop and follow the entire process step by step.
1. Comb the hair on the side parting and wind the iron. This will give the hair extra volume.

2. Separate the hair with a horizontal parting at about the level of the lobes and pinch them with a clip so that they do not interfere.

3. On the left side near the ear, separate the small strand and tie it to the tail.

4. Pull it through the base.

5. Lightly stretch its sides with your hands.

6. A little lower take two more thin strands, tie them and turn out.

7. Continue turning the ponytails along the entire length in this part.

8. Release the main part of the hair from the clamp.

9. Separate the small sections from the sides and clip them with clamps.

10. Braid the center of the fishtail.

11. Tie the tip and gently stretch the sections with your hands.

12. Wrap this oblique first weave. Hide the tip inside and stab the invisible.

13. Strand the sides free from clamping.

14. Braid French braids from them, picking up loose curls from one side only.

15. Pass them through the base of the fish's tail and wrap an already formed hairstyle. Hide the tips inside and stab the stealth.

16. Spread the styling, giving it pomp.

This voluminous corrugated braid will make you look like one of Disney princesses.

1. Carefully comb your hair.

2. Pierce the bulk of the hair, leaving only the lower section.

3. Walk on it with an iron with a nozzle corrugation.

4. Gradually release the new sections of hair and process them with a flat iron.

5. Tie the hair on top.

6. Divide into four parts. Two extreme tie between a thin silicone rubber band.

7. Slightly stretch the weaving with your hands, pulling the strands up.

8. Again we make a tail of extreme strands and stretch it with our hands.

9. Repeat these steps for the remaining length, gently stretching each section.

Spit tail with rubber bands will be the best option for everyday wear for work or school. Hair will not interfere, because you put them in an elegant hairstyle.

  1. Comb the hair back.
  2. Horizontal partitions divide it into three equal parts.
  3. Tie each with a rubber band.
  4. Turn the first tail around its axis, making it twisted.
  5. Connect the ends with the next tail and repeat the same action.
  6. Connect the tips of the two tails to the third and repeat the process again.
  7. Straighten the braid of rubber bands and tails so that it is lush.

How do you like that?

Original hairstyles from gum

Every girl wants to look bright, interesting and often change her image. Beautiful make-up, stylish clothes and a suitable hairstyle is the key to a perfect look. To look like this, it is not necessary to be in the hands of a stylist and a hairdresser. Each girl is able to look at 100%, even without visiting professionals, but simply following the trends of today. If you wish, you can learn how to make amazing hairstyles with your own hands. The most important thing is desire, a little work, comb, accessories and fixing means.

In recent years, hairstyles with elastic bands have become fashionable. They are easy to perform, and with a minimum of time, you can make beautiful, unusual styling. These hairstyles are sure to attract attention and create a good impression of you.

The advantages of hairstyles with elastic bands

There are a lot of advantages of such hairstyles:

  • saving time and money: all you need to create beautiful styling is gum, a comb and a little patience. Hairstyle with elastic bands can be performed "in haste", in just 10-15 minutes,

Hair ties

  • universality: hairstyle, made with gum, will be appropriate on weekdays and on holidays,
  • Even a girl who has never tried to do styling on her own will be able to create this hairstyle.
  • Hairstyles with elastic bands can be done on any hair. long or short, straight or curly.

Well, now together we will find out what hairstyles on the basis of elastic bands can be created at home.

Rubber band

To make this hairstyle, prepare 8 small silicone rubber bands. The first step is to tie the tail beautifully.

  1. Comb your hair, lightly sprinkled with spray.
  2. Divide the hair in a vertical straight parting into two equal parts.
  3. Divide each half into two parts and get 4 identical strands.
  4. From each strand, divided by gum, make two tails. The result will be 8 equal beams.
  5. Taking the extreme tail, located above one of the temples, release the tail next to it from the elastic and unite the strands by pulling them together with an elastic. Do the same with the remaining tails.
  6. At the end you will have one volumetric tail, which must be passed through the last gum located at the opposite temple.

This hairstyle can be done and a little girl, just need to take a bright gum.

Tiered tail

This is a rather unusual and comfortable hairstyle. It is ideal for owners of disobedient curls.

Technique performance multi-tiered tail:

  1. Make a straight vertical parting.
  2. Divide hair into two equal halves.
  3. From one half, collect the tail, consisting of six tiers. To do this, make six horizontal partitions.
  4. From the top of the hair, make a small tail and pull it off with a rubber band.
  5. After reaching the second part, attach the second strand to the tail and put on the elastic again.
  6. So from part to part, create a multi-tiered tail. The last gum should be located just below the ear.
  7. Similarly, lay the strands of the second half of the hair.

This style will give the appearance of an adult girl a touch of childlike immediacy.

Twisted tail

First you need to separate from the top of the hair by 2 small strands, then pull them with a silicone rubber band in the tail.

  1. Pull the elastic down, spread your hair and, twisting the tail, stretch it into the hole.
  2. Separate the new strands from the right and left side of the head, fix them with an elastic band and turn the tail in the same way as in the previous case.
  3. The remaining curls together with an inverted tail, fasten with a rubber band at the base of the neck.
  4. Decorate your hairstyle with fresh or artificial flowers to hide the elastic bands and get a festive styling option.

Piling with weaving

Braid weaving has become a real trend in the last few years. On the streets, in shopping centers, educational institutions, offices and at festive events, you can meet girls with hairstyles from braids. Beautifully and originally braided hair looks elegant, neat.

On weekdays, you can create simple hairstyles from braids, and for holidays - interesting and unusual styling. Weaving from braids will suit any lady and is important for any age.

Spit created using rubber bands is a simple solution for girls who are just beginning to grasp the basics of weaving.

Fish tail with elastic

The technique of weaving fishtail involves the creation of laying of only two strands. Hairstyles based on "fish tail" can be seen on the red carpet, on the podium. There are a large number of types of this weaving, as well as styling.

Laying "fishtail with rubber" is distinguished by its simplicity, it can be performed by anyone.

Technique of styling:

  1. Make a tail.
  2. Divide the hair into 2 equal parts and take each of them in your hand.
  3. With your fingers, separate a small section of hair from the outer edge of the right side and shift it crosswise to the left side of the hair in your left hand.
  4. Repeat the same with the left strand, shifting it to the right.
  5. Similarly, braid braid, and then fasten the tail with a rubber band.

Spit "fish tail"

Gum braid

Spit gum is considered one of the most fashionable braids.

  1. Comb the hair back (parting can be done).
  2. Select 3 strands of the same thickness: one in the center and two on the sides.
  3. Take the gum and fasten it 3 strands in the tail so that they fall freely.
  4. Divide the resulting tail in half and thread it through the hole.
  5. Hair gently comb and re-separate 3 strands: the center one is a tail and two are side. Tie the elastic again so that the tail falls off freely. All subsequent strands wrapped around the gum is not necessary.
  6. Fasten the remaining hair tip with a rubber band, lightly scrub, giving the styling a finished look.
  7. Fix the finished braid with hairspray.
  8. To complete the look, decorate the braid with a beautiful hairpin.

Spit from straightened strands with elastic bands suitable for daily hairstyles. For the holiday option, all strands need to be carefully tightened and loosened to create additional volume and form a beautiful bend of the first weave. Try to keep all the stretched hair loops the same, otherwise the styling will look untidy.

Cute palm

To create this hairstyle you spend no more than 10 minutes. Stock up on soft colored rubber bands decorated with little animals, flowers, or butterflies and act like this:

  1. Comb the hair, divide them into 5-6 parts in random order.
  2. Collect tails, but do not push them hard, otherwise the child will be uncomfortable.
  3. The resulting tails will look like cute, funny palmochki.

Palm trees

Laying with rubber bands and bows

This styling is suitable for classes in kindergarten: hair will not climb into the face. It will take narrow gum (5 pcs.) Bows (2 pcs.) The same color. Technique:

  1. Separate the hair in a horizontal parting at ear level.
  2. Divide the front strands into 3 parts (the middle band should be widest).
  3. Collect 3 tails: Divide the middle tail into two parts.
  4. From the side tails and strands of the middle tail, make 2 tails at the crown.
  5. Attach the finished bows or tie satin ribbons at the junctions.

All these hairstyles are more suitable for short hair. Next, we give examples of hairstyles for hair of medium length.

Simple hairstyle with bright elastic bands

  1. Prepare 4–5 soft colored rubber bands.
  2. Separate the narrow strands from the hair with a horizontal parting.
  3. Gather the first tail closer to the forehead.
  4. After 5–6 cm from the elastic, pick up from the sides new strands of the same width, secure with an elastic band.
  5. So work further until you make a normal tail in the back of the head. Here fasten a bow or hairpin with a decoration.
  6. At the bottom there will be free strands: comb them, correct the rubber bands.

Funny gossamer

Stock up on thin rubber bands. You can take plain or multi-colored accessories.

Next, proceed as follows:

  1. Comb the strands carefully.
  2. Separate the narrow hair strand with a horizontal parting.
  3. Collect the rest of the tail.
  4. Divide the front strands into 7 parts, make the tails.
  5. Separate another strip of the same width.
  6. Part with the partings so that the next row of tails is between the first ones (i.e., in a checkerboard pattern).
  7. Each tail of the first row divided into 2 parts.
  8. Connect the side strands of adjacent tails and, adding to the band the hair of the second row, secure the new tail.
  9. Make 5 rows of tails, staggered them.
  10. At the back collect the tail, secure with a soft rubber band.

Laying for curls of medium length will help to decorate the zigzag parting. Even the usual two tails with such a parting look much more interesting. And then - ideas for long-haired girls.

Tails plus pigtails

If the girl has hair below the shoulder blades, make a simple styling of two tails braided in pigtails. With the help of constricted rubber bands, simple braids turn into original ones.

We offer a simple option - tails plus pigtails. Styling technique:

  1. Separate the front strands with a side parting.
  2. Tie two tails at the crown.
  3. Braid a braid up to half the length, fasten it with a bright rubber band.
  4. Divide the strands in each tail into 2 parts, braid a braid from each half.
  5. Two braids fasten one rubber band closer to the end of the length.
  6. Comb your hair ends.
  7. Decorate the upper part of the tails on the top with bows, ribbons, and original hairpins.

Spit with banners

It will take: 6-7 thin rubber bands, satin ribbon for decoration.

  1. Separate the front hair evenly parted.
  2. Separate thin strands from the sides, curl two strands.
  3. Get the harnesses to the top of the head, fixing them with an elastic and invisible.
  4. From the free strands in the middle, collect the tail, picking up part of the side strands.
  5. Slightly pull the hair loop upward and secure with a rubber band.
  6. Make a second tail, again getting strand from the sides.
  7. Pull the loop of hair up again.
  8. Similarly, do with the hair along the entire length.
  9. When the side strands end, make the waist of rubber bands.
  10. Then stretch the upper part in different directions to get a flashlight.
  11. Leave 8–10 cm of the free ends of the hair, stretch the satin ribbon.

Hairstyles listed above will surely please the girl and her friends. Learn and delight your daughter with beautiful hairstyles.

If you want to make a hairstyle for the holiday. then practice the day before, because “the first pancake”, as you know, “can be lumpy”. And at the end a few recommendations from professionals:

  • buy gum in the kit,

Set of gum

  • When creating hairstyles from braids it is very convenient to use a comb with a sharp end (spikul),
  • control that the weaving does not move, but moves along the central part of the head,
  • each strand must be carefully combed each time,
  • the braid should be stretched a little over the entire length to give additional volume,
  • put on your hands a small amount of styling products and lightly slide them along the created hairstyle,
  • Do not forget about the decor: one bright accessory will make styling solemn.

Beautiful hairstyles for long flowing hair. types and methods of creation

More examples of beautiful hairstyles for school, see here.

A good example of creating a braid of rubber bands, see the video below.

Weaving on elastic bands: what is it?

Hairstyles, made with elastics and imitating braids, are tails collected between themselves. Moreover, the transitions between the tails are additionally made out by pulling the strands or, in an unusual way, are laid (turned out, tied into knots). Silicone gum replaces the studs and invisible.

The most popular kind of braids is boxing (french) braids. If you carefully look at this hairstyle, it will be noticeable gum at the base of each link braids. And in fact, such a spit is more like a chain, because the first tail “passes through” the second and enters the third, the second tail “passes through” the third and enters the fourth ...

This is in contrast to the woven analogue, where the base is not a rubber band, but a strand of hair, which is braided by neighboring strands.

Other popular weaving with elastic bands - “fish tail” and “spike” - looks very similar to their counterparts. Stretched or wrapped strands in the tails hide the elastic and is not visible from under the hair. Therefore, such a high realistic imitation of weaving is achieved.

A little apart is the twist braid. Unlike other hairstyles, it is formed on the basis of a single tail. This base is divided into several segments using rubber bands and each section is inverted, thereby creating a weaving effect.

Braided hairstyles with elastic bands for short haircuts

The problem of knocking out the order is familiar to many girls, but especially to those who have not impressive length of hair. When you need to make a haircut on short hair, silicone gum will fall in handy way. With their help, you can create a couple of wonderful and playful images.

Technology its simple. On the edge of going small tails. Each tail is divided in half and assembled with another (with the next strand) in a new tail. Tails are collected in staggered order. To create a bright children's hairstyle, you will need a lot of small colored elastics, and for a more adult girl it is advisable to use elastic bands of the same color.

Weave of gum on the length of hair from the shoulder and below

Effectively braids look on long hair. But if you wish, and a certain amount of skill, you can braid two braids and on the hair with a square or shoulder-length.

Here are some examples of such hairstyles:

  • “Dragon” - a simple children's hairstyle. In finished form, it resembles the “spikes” of the mythical character, that's why it is so named,

  • french braids very popular, they can start from the tail and from the hairline, can be located on the side or around the head. Even owners of not very long hair can make them, adding kanekalon for beauty and length,
  • braid twist - also belongs to the category of children's hairstyles. But modern women of fashion wear it regardless of age. Spit looks very entertaining, because each segment is allocated separately. There is a feeling that he has strayed separately (although this is not the case),
  • “Fish tail” - hairstyle is very similar to its braided analogue. All strands go smoothly, one after another, forming a beautiful relief,
  • volumetric false braids - such braids require accuracy and patience, because to create them you will need a lot of rubber bands and almost every strand will have to be pulled out, creating the required volume and relief,

  • braid “hearts” - at first glance, rather complicated styling. But, having trained, it is possible to build this beauty. Hearts here "loom" with the help of nodules, they form a flat pattern,

  • heart spit - Elements of this hairstyle look like hearts. They look very realistic. And if the first option only "draws" the pattern, then the second one gives a complete feeling of a volumetric heart,
  • lily hairstyle - beautiful styling, which will require a certain share of skill. Each tail is divided into three parts and from these strands “petals” of lilies are already formed. The result is a “bouquet” of lilies, a complex hairstyle with flowers from the hair that goes down the spit.

Technology weaving the most popular hairstyles with elastics

“Little Dragon” will be performed step by step as follows:

  1. If you need to make one braid along the head, then comb the hair back. If two, make a parting straight.
  2. Make the first tail. Collect it at the edge hairline (or at a bang, if there is one)
  3. Then you need to put this tail in the second, which is located near, just below the first.
  4. Section, which was formed between the two tails, "tubercle", slightly pull out.
  5. And in the same way, tails are assembled one after another in a straight line. And “tubercles” are drawn out and additionally stand out. That is, repeat steps 2-3 as long as there is an opportunity for manipulation.

Spit twist:

  1. Collect the hair in the tail.
  2. Another rubber band is put on the main tail, just below the first one.
  3. Make a hole in the section between the rubbers. dividing hair equally.
  4. Take the tail below the second rubber band and turn it from the bottom up through the hole.
  5. Pull the tail to the second elastic band
  6. If necessary, select the strands in the resulting section.
  7. The procedure described in paragraphs 2-3, do several times, depending on the desired length of the "braid".

Weaving braids with rezinochek allows you to create incredible beauty on the hair easily and simply. Magnificent and voluminous, they look as if a world-class stylist “conjured” over the head for several hours, although in fact they were executed in just a couple of minutes and independently.

Braid from tails without weaving

The advantage of this hairstyle is that the hair does not need to weave, they are simply fixed with rubber bands. At the same time, a tail braid with rubber bands looks very impressive. Before weaving hair should be collected in the tail and divide it into two strands: the top and bottom.

On the top strand, at a distance of about 10 cm from the base of the tail, hair should be gathered with a rubber band. Then in the assembled bundle it is necessary to make a hole in the hair through which to bring up the bottom strand. Now she has become the top strand. After that, the first gum needs to be pulled up a bit. Further similar actions are performed. On the top strand, the hair is again connected by an elastic band and the bottom strand is drawn out through the hole made in it. Then you need to re-tighten the previous gum and continue weaving the braid in the same sequence.

French braids: step by step instructions with rubber bands

Learning to weave a French braid is not as easy as it may seem. This requires certain skills. A braid made of ponytails with elastic bands is much simpler, and it looks no worse than the classic hairstyle.

Step-by-step instructions on weaving the French braid of tails with elastic bands:

  1. On the top, highlight a wide section of hair and fix it with an elastic band. For convenience, throw the tail up so that it does not interfere.
  2. At the temple, select two more strands of hair on each side and also fix them with an elastic at the level of the upper tail.
  3. The upper tail is divided into two equal parts. Then tuck it under the lower tail and add one strand of hair from the left and right sides.
  4. The resulting tail again secure with a rubber band. Holding it at the base, carefully stretch the strands on each side, as when weaving a bulky French braid. This will add a hairstyle volume.
  5. The upper tail is again divided into two parts. Then it needs to be tucked under the lower tail, add the remaining hair and secure with a rubber band.

In a similar sequence, the braid touches the ends of the hair and is fixed with an elastic band.

Spit of ponytails with elastic bands: simple weaving scheme

This braid is formed with the help of horsetail gum. In this case, weave it is not necessary. Spit tails with rubber bands is obtained by simply fixing the hair in a certain sequence.

So, first you need to combine the hair in a horse's tail. Now divide it into two equal halves. Each part is divided into two halves. After that, the two side strands need to be connected from above with an elastic band, departing from the base of the tail about 5 cm. The lower hair is divided into two parts and also connected to it from above by an elastic band. Then all the actions are performed in the same order: each time the bottom strands are drawn up and fixed with an elastic band. Thus, the whole hairstyle is formed.

Weaving "spike" with rubber bands

Owners of long and straight hair will suit the following braiding weave called "cone". By the way, she looks like another hairstyle - “fishtail”. This braid of tails with rubber bands is braided step by step in the following way:

  1. Before weaving hair should be well combed back. Ensure that they are not confused, otherwise it will be very difficult to work.
  2. Above the ears, on the left and on the right, select two strands and connect them in the center using silicone gum. Strands should not be tightened too tight, so as not to spoil the hair.
  3. Below at the level of the ears, select two more strands on each side and join them in the center with an elastic band.
  4. At the next stage, the second tail is wrapped back and passed through the first one.
  5. Further, at the level of the ears, the strands are assembled again, joined by an elastic in the tail, which also wraps around the first one. In this case, with each subsequent stage, the first gum must be gradually lowered down.
  6. At the end of weaving the remaining hair to bring forward and collect a rubber band.

The peculiarity of the hairstyle is that the thinner the strands are taken, the more beautiful the spike is obtained.

Braid in the form of hearts with rubber bands

Volumetric braid, braided in the form of hearts, perfect for any special event, and even for a wedding. Moreover, for the formation of such a hairstyle with elastic bands for long hair will need a minimum of time and money.

First, above the ears, you must select two strands and connect them in the center with a rubber band. Tightening is not necessary. Then below select another strand. Now each of them must be wound up for the first strand from this side and drawn over the second, as if we wanted to tie a knot. As a result, there should be three loose strands (tails), which are then also tied with an elastic band. Further, all actions are repeated in a similar sequence. In total on hair of average length three hearts usually turn out.

Hairstyle from ponytails with elastic bands for every day

Spit, which is woven from the tails, has several advantages:

  • First, even a girl who has no experience in braid making can do such a haircut.
  • Secondly, this hairstyle is suitable for special occasions, and every day in school and at work.
  • Thirdly, a braid made of tails with elastic bands lasts 10-15 minutes. In this case, the hairstyle looks equally neat during the whole working day: from morning to evening.

What's the secret?

Why braids with rubber bands are very popular among girls and women? And the answer lies on the surface. It is not only bright, stylish and original, but also practical, convenient, affordable. Hairstyle based on gum are not afraid of strong winds and caps.

Absolutely any lady will cope with the technique of weaving braids with elastic bands. She can choose for herself any option both for a holiday, and for daily socks. Huge selection will help create your own special and unique image. Braids are presented by magnificent and narrow variants. You can give hair volume, or vice versa smooth hair.

Features hairstyles based on gum

Braids with rubber bands can learn to weave at home any woman or girl. Weaving must be carried out using a mirror, otherwise it will be a kind of creative mess on your head.

From the side of such hairstyles look difficult and confusing, although in fact there was a minimum effort.

The essence of this weaving is that one large braid is a large number of small tails. Trying to create this masterpiece is worth it, as the resistance of this weaving has long been proven.

Stylish idea for every day

Scythes with elastic bands are different from their traditional sisters in that they are divided into two strands during weaving, and not into three or even five or six.

For hair of medium length, you can offer such an option as a pigtail in reverse. A braid is formed as a result of several hair flips vice versa. Hairstyle in this style pleases its owner and is relevant in the modern world.

Tail braided on the basis of the tail

Weaving braids with rubber bands does not cause great difficulties and does not require skills in this lesson. In order to cope with this hairstyle, you will need:

  1. Prepare the hair for the upcoming procedure, namely, wash and carefully comb them.
  2. Collect the hair in the ponytail at the top or slightly below it. At the same time, do not try to bind them tightly.
  3. On the hair to the tail to make a hole and stick a tail into it, so that an eyelet is formed.
  4. Then a little lower than the first gum (seven centimeters) to tie the next thin gum.
  5. Divide the hair between the first and second elastic into two parts and also squeeze the tip of the tail between them.
  6. Repeat the above techniques until the very end of the tail.

It looks very impressive on long hair. Braids with rubber bands - a godsend for those who love the original and quickly decorate their hair.

You can perform the procedure on both straight and wavy curls. It is not necessary to weave this option for those who wear a hairstyle ladder or a cascade, the hair should be even along the entire length.

Option lush pigtails without the use of weaving

Volumetric braid with rubber bands - this is not fiction. To do this, you do not need to shift the strands with a cross, everything is much easier. At the same time, you can be sure that on any holiday you will not find such a hairstyle, as it is original and unique in its own way. How to make such beauty?

  1. Prepare the hair. It is best if it will be smooth, straight, long or medium hair.
  2. We seize small strands of hair on both sides of the temples, and in the middle fastens them with an elastic band.
  3. Folds the tail through the hole between the head and the tied strands, so that both strands twist into bundles.
  4. Tightly tighten the gum until it stops.
  5. We take new strands and do the same action.

So we get to the very end of the head. At the last stage we fasten a beautiful bow or elastic band on the braid.

Hair with braids on medium hair

This idea will differ slightly from the above braid, but the output will also be a luxurious lush braid, which is not a shame to braid at a ceremonial event or at work. So let's get started!

  1. Clean hair properly combed and straightened using ironing.
  2. We collect them at the crown of the tail, which is also called horse.
  3. After the tail is secured with a rubber band, divide it into three strands.
  4. We join the strands, which are located on the sides, and fasten them with a small rubber band a little (literally 1.5 centimeters) below the main elastic band.
  5. Further, the scheme is as follows: that strand that remained intact, we divide in half and fasten both parts above the strand formed from the first two side strands.
  6. Such manipulations are done to the very end.

Spit looks very voluminous and wide. The hairstyle is suitable for independent weaving, but the owners of long beautiful and healthy hair will be in the advantage. But women with medium hair should not despair. This idea is for you too. Do not be afraid, experiment. Look for yourself suitable for you hairstyles with braids on medium hair.

Tail braid

Hairstyle is advantageous for those who are used to remain well-groomed and stylish throughout the day. After all, she is famous for its durability and is preserved in excellent form throughout the day.

How to make a braid of tails with rubber bands?

  1. Separate a small strand of hair at the top of the head and tie it in the tail.
  2. Using the clamp we fix the resulting tail and weave a new one under the first one.
  3. We unfasten the first tail and divide it into two strands.
  4. The second tail is passed between the straps, which are fastened with an elastic band. That is, the second tail is on top of the fastened strands of the first tail.
  5. We grip from both sides even along the strand and fasten them with the strands of the first tail with the help of an elastic band.
  6. Thus, we again have two tails on top and bottom, so further all the actions are repeated.
  7. Braid braid to the base of the neck, the remaining hair is collected in a free tail.

You can leave this hairstyle, and you can continue to weave, but at the same time the hair is no longer added. To do this, divide all hair into upper and lower parts. The upper part is divided in half, and the lower part is passed between them, after which the upper strands are joined.

Such actions continue until the very end, until the braid of the tails with elastic bands is ready. To add volume, it is necessary to pull out hairs slightly on each "link" of the braid.

We weave two French braids

We use silicone rubber for weaving. The French braid with rubber bands is very popular, but causes a lot of difficulties for the beautiful half of humanity.

If you meet all the requirements below, your hands will not get tired, and your hair will lie down gently and obediently. Even beginners in this business can master this method.

The hairstyle will fit for everyday wear and will look great at a festive event.

A little advice for those who will use disposable silicone gum: do not rip them off after wearing the hairstyle with force from the hair, just gently pull them away from the hair and tear them off or cut them. This will protect your hair from damage.

We proceed to perform:

  1. Parting and dividing the hairs into two equal parts.
  2. The second part for a while we fix the rubber band or clips so that it does not interfere.
  3. Along the line of the forehead, we detach the first small strand and fasten it with a silicone rubber band.
  4. Pryadka throws forward and fasten the clip.
  5. Parallel to the first tail we braid the second tail.
  6. Then we repeat the actions and form the third tail.
  7. With such uncomplicated movements, we weave hair into tails down to the bottom.
  8. After everything is ready on one side, we begin to braid the braids on the second side. All locks must be thin and mirror each other on both sides of the head.
  9. Next, take the top tail and divide it into two identical strands, passing the second tail through them. Add the third tail to the two parts of the first tail and tie them with an elastic band.
  10. Holding the base of the newly formed tail, stretch the strands slightly. Such stretching should be carried out during the whole weaving, and not after it.
  11. Then again we take the first tail, divide it in half, pass through it the second, and fasten the two parts of the first with the fourth tail on the head.

So weave to the very end, more precisely to the base of the neck, on both sides of the head, and do not forget to pull out the hair slightly. The remaining curls can be braided in the usual braids.

Pigtail fishtail

Just a few minutes will be needed for weaving such an original braid with small rubber bands. Without the attention of people around you, you definitely will not stay.

  1. Carefully comb all the hair back.
  2. On the right and left sides, we separate them by strand, it is desirable that they be thin, so the braid will be more interesting.
  3. Connect them with a rubber band, but not tight.
  4. Separate two more strands and also connect very closely under the first tail.
  5. We make an inverted tail, which we pass under the rubber band of the first pair of strands.
  6. Then we take a couple more strands, connect and pass through the first tail.

We perform such actions to the end. Gum on the first strand gradually lowered. When you go down to the base of the neck, strands do not toss further, but simply tie them in the center.

It is possible for the pomp to slightly stretch the sides of the weave, and decorate the tip of the tail with an original hairpin.

The most popular braid weaving techniques

Spit of gum - a simple and versatile way to quickly create a charming hairstyle that will be appropriate in the office, and on a romantic date. Spending no more than 10 minutes and a minimum of aids, you get a charming and intricate braided pattern. It will take more time to convince your acquaintances that your hairstyle is done with your own hands, and not through the efforts of a professional.


In order to make truly skillful weaving, it is not necessary to have special skills.

Despite the fact that visually weaving looks quite difficult, to create such a hairstyle, you do not need any special skills, only the ability to weave a regular braid.

Instructions for creating a "Frenchwoman" is as follows:

  1. Comb thoroughly and comb the hair back. Separate about a third of the total mass of hair (as when creating malvinki) and fix it with a thin elastic band to match the hair color.
  2. The remaining hair is divided into two halves of the parting and also lock.
  3. The upper tail is divided into three parts. and begin to weave the usual braid.
  4. Bringing weaving to the second tail, start picking up strands from it and weave into the overall pattern.

To give any spit volume, as in the photo, you can pre-process the hair with an iron with a nozzle “flute”

  1. To hide the gum, slightly loosen the weave, lift it over the rubber band and secure it with stealth.
  2. Do the same manipulations.reaching the third tail.
  3. Tuck the tip of the resulting braid and hide with the help of hairpins. To make your pigtail with rezinochki looked even more lush, slightly loosen all strands.

Recommendation! Before weaving a braid with rubber bands, pick up those rubber bands that will be the most similar in color to the tone of your hair. So they will be easier to mask in the process of creating hairstyles.

Spit without weaving

The next braid with small elastics is different from the usual variants, since to create it you do not need to weave strands in the classic sense. In addition, such a hairstyle, unlike ordinary braids, is ideally kept throughout the day.

Even without complicated weaving, you can create a charming hairstyle as in the photo

  • Clean the dry hair back.
  • Separate the thin strand from the right side, grab the strand from the left.
  • Tie the separated hair with a rubber band so that the resulting tail goes obliquely.
  • Repeat the manipulation with the only difference that now the strand on the right will be thicker than on the left.
  • Tie them in a slanting tail so that with its base it overlaps the gum of the first tail.
  • Repeat steps 2 through 5.
  • Separate the hair strand from the remaining part of the hair and wrap it around the hair, hiding the elastic of the last tail.

Air spit

Making a braid out of rubber bands, remember that you should not tighten the strands tightly, so the hairstyle will lose its volume and lightness

Another braid with small rubber bands, which, despite the simplicity of its performance, looks very stylish and unusual:

  1. Just above the temples, separate them into thin small strands, and tie them in a ponytail at the back of the head.
  2. Separate the strands from two sides again and fasten them with a tail on the back of the head. Do not forget, the hairstyle should come out airy and voluminous, so do not tighten the hair too tight.
  3. Next, pass the lower tail over the top, knocking out strands correct the thin end of the comb.
  4. And again make the tail of two strands and thread it over the top.

Important! To hairstyle looked neat, make sure the tails were the same size and located exactly under each other.

  1. Thus do the braid to the end. Slightly pull it along the entire length, then apply a little styling product on your hands and lightly run it through your hair. So you give your hair a well-groomed and neat look.

Every day, pamper yourself with a creative and unusual hairstyle - easy and simple

To make a braid with rubber bands for long hair look even more feminine and tender, you can intercept the braid with a beautiful satin ribbon.

Upside Down Hearts

In general, the creation of such an option resembles the main types of weaving of pigtails with small elastics, but this hairstyle looks very creative in addition to everything else. If you do everything right, it will seem that your scythe as if consists of small inverted hearts.

Agree, very unusual and cute:

  1. If you have a long bang, you can twist it into small flagella and stab it at the back of the head.
  2. Gather the hair in a high ponytail and fasten it securely.
  3. Divide the tail into upper and lower halves.
  4. Tie the upper half of the tail with a thin elastic band, departing from the place of fixation about 5 centimeters.
  5. Carefully make a small hole in this 5 centimeter stretch and insert the lower part of the tail into it.

Braid with inverted hearts - a great option for long hair

  1. Tighten the previously reversible heart with the rubber band that was previously tied.
  2. Again, retreat about 5 centimeters, but not from the beginning of the tail, but from the newly decorated site.
  3. Thus process the hair along the entire length. After that, gently straighten the resulting hearts, giving them a more prominent shape.

Spit twist

This braid with small elastics is an even more simplified version of the braid with hearts described above.

It will take you no more than 10 minutes to create this stylish and practical hairstyle:

  1. Collect the hair in a high or low tail, secure it with an elastic band.
  2. At a short distance from the first tie another rubber band. The distance between the elastics should be chosen intuitively, depending on the length of your hair.
  3. The hair between the elastic bands divided into two halves.

Make a comfortable hairstyle at work in 5 minutes? No problem!

  1. Thread the tail through the hole.
  2. Tie a new gum at the same distance as the previous ones.
  3. Also split the hair in halves and thread the tail through the hole.
  4. Thus shape your hair along the entire length.


Now you know about all the basic ways of how to make a braid with rubber bands in the shortest possible time and without spending a lot of effort. These hairstyles are perfect for a strict suit, and for jeans or elegant dress. They always look stylish and neat, making your look sophisticated and unusual.

10 minutes of time and a set of thin rezinochek - low price for a convenient and practical hairstyle

Even more information about the technique of weaving braids with rubber bands you can learn from the video in this article. All your questions regarding the topic you can ask in the comments to the material.

The easiest way to create chic braids

The braids created with the help of gum with their appearance are not inferior to the wicker in the usual way. And some of them can even be called a masterpiece. In addition, as they are bonded with a variety of rubber bands, they are less disheveled and retain their diligent appearance longer without the aid of styling agents.

The easiest option lush spit of gum

In order to braid such a braid we need a comb and silicone gum. Rezinochki better to match the color of the hair, that would be less noticeable.

    • We collect a small tail from the curls around the forehead, fix it with an elastic band, throw it back so that it does not interfere.

    • Separate the next zone and also tie the tail itself.

    • We take the top tail and divide into two equal parts.

    • We lower these strands down on both sides of the lower tail, and lift the lower tail itself upwards and, for convenience, pin up the clip.

    • We separate the next zone from the loose hair, add it to the lowered strands and tie the next tail out of it. We remove the clamp from the pinned tail, which has now become the upper one.

    • Next, do the same until the end of the head.

    • When loose hair is over, we should get only two tails: upper and lower. We put gum on the top tail a little backing from the base, divide the area between the two rubber bands with our hands in half and push the bottom tail through the hole. Next, follow the same way to the end.

    • Carefully straighten our braid with our hands. Starting from the top, and holding the subsequent links.

    • This is the beauty that should end up.

Spit fish tail with elastic bands

      • We comb all the hair back.

      • We take on the hair strand from the temporal zones of both sides, take it to the back and form the first tail.

      • Under the tail we push two fingers, making them a hole through which we scroll the tip of the tail.

      • We form the next tail below, taking the strands on the sides. And just scroll in the middle.

      • We continue in the same spirit until the end. Then gently stretch our weaving with our hands, giving it a proper look.

Spikelet gum a little more difficult to braid. But also quite real.

Braid hearts on elastic bands

Spit of hearts - incredibly fresh and romantic. This hairstyle in any case will not remain without attention.

    • We are combing all the hair back. It is advisable to pre-align the hair, so that they are smoother and more docile.

    • We take on the order from both sides and bring it into a neat tail on the back of the head.

    • Now alternately take the strand just below the first, each of them weave in a circle above the standing, bring down below and form the next tail of them.

  • The remaining tip can be left or hidden, subcollections invisible to the inside of the braid.
