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How to lighten hair with white henna


The search for a decolorizing agent that would not cause significant harm to hair ─ the goal of modern developments in the field of cosmetology and chemistry. It is suggested to find out whether white henna is one of such relatively safe methods of clarification.

You can lighten your hair with the help of natural dyes, such as white henna

The composition and features of the hair lightening white henna

Natural henna is produced from the plant Lavson. This paint thickens the hair structure, protects them from falling out and has a beneficial effect on the skin.

In modern everyday life there are several types of it. They give characteristic shades of hair. As a rule, it is richly copper, but with the addition of some components the palette expands and covers dark, almost black colors, reddish, brown and golden tones.

In addition to the classic version of the paint is also known white and colorless henna.

White henna for hair is called white because its purpose is to lighten.

But despite its promising title, it does not have any positive effect on the state of hair. And even the opposite ─ destroys the integrity of the hair and dries the scalp.

And all due to the fact that there is no henna there. Perhaps some of the “most honest” producers add a tiny fraction of this useful plant to their means, but it is so small or the aggressive effect of the basic compound is so active that there is no favorable effect from it.

The composition of white henna differs dramatically from colorless henna. Some still compare these concepts, but such confusion is dangerous. Colorless hair product is obtained from the stem of Lawsonia.

It is used as a natural hair conditioner: protects and restores them after damage. And the composition of white henna speaks for itself:

  • ammonium peroxodisulfate used in plastics, bleaching and disinfection,
  • magnesium carbonate,
  • magnesium oxide,
  • hydrogen peroxide,
  • water,
  • lemon acid.

Of course, not all of these substances are harmful, but it is clear that the only natural ingredient here is water.

However, henna hair can be lightened quite effectively, taking into account the following precautions:

  • do not use immediately after the perm or dyeing hair, before lightening, you must wait a minimum period of 30-40 days,
  • poor state of hair ─ direct contraindication to the application of this tool,
  • before use, you should exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction,
  • The calculation of the amount of the used means and the time of its impact must be strictly observed.

Correct application

There is no standard instruction on how to lighten hair with henna. For example, the process of preparing a mixture depends on the formula of the composition offered by individual manufacturers.

Some firms offer a portion of bleaching powder complete with an oxidizing agent. To prepare the paint, you just need to mix all the ingredients in a ceramic or glass container and proceed with the application on the hair.

Another, more common form of release ─ powder diluted with water immediately before use.

To do this, warm water is added to the white lightening henna and set to warm up in a water bath. As soon as the mixture acquires a uniform consistency, remove the painted dishes and cool them.

Step-by-step procedure for coloring brown and dark hair

The staining procedure in both cases is identical and consists of the following steps:

  1. Moisturize hair, which is necessary for better distribution of the product.
  2. Treatment of the nearest skin areas with a greasy cream to avoid burns.
  3. Spinning application. This should be done with a special brush from the roots to the tips. After the distribution of the composition over the entire length, the head of the hair should be carefully combed with a comb with frequent teeth.
  4. Expectation. The exposure time of white henna varies from 10 to 40 minutes and depends on the initial hair color and the desired degree of lightening. But nevertheless clarification more than 30 minutes is not recommended.
  5. Flushing means. It is made exclusively under running water without the use of shampoo.
  6. Applying the care balm.

Brightening hair with henna allows you to achieve a color that is 5 tones lighter than the original. But it all depends on the structure of the hair and the time of exposure.

Reviews of white henna Bakhtiyari

Catherine, 26 years old

My plans for the rapid transformation from the brown-haired woman into the dazzling blonde were not realized. The result of the use of white henna ─ reddish-yellow straw on the head.

White henna for lightening hair copes with its task perfectly, but hair spoils significantly. Fortunately, I had them originally unpainted and in excellent condition. Therefore, the desired result ─ easy clarification of medium-blond hair ─ was achieved with minimal losses.

Before you begin to lighten hair with white henna, carefully read the composition, as the henna itself may not appear in the paint.

This tool attracted me thanks to its cheapness and name. But after reading the package composition at home, I realized that there was no henna in the composition. She did not dare to use it.

Composition and properties

White henna is a coloring agent used to lighten hair by 5-6 tones. It consists of the following chemicals:

  • hydrogen peroxide,
  • ammonium persulfate,
  • carboxylated methylcellulose,
  • magnesium oxide,
  • magnesium carbonate
  • water,
  • lemon acid.

In addition, the composition includes a small amount of colorless henna.

The main difference of white henna from colorless and copper is their origin. The first tool is a synthetic dye, and the last two - natural natural.

Natural henna, obtained from the lawsonium plant, provides an opportunity to heal hair, saturate it with nutrients, and give it shine and elasticity. White henna does not have healing properties, it only helps to lighten the hair.

Modern professional paints and clarifiers are characterized by relative safety and gentle action, which, however, is not characteristic of white henna. It destroys the natural structure of the hair, but strict adherence to the instructions minimizes possible negative effects.

White henna hair dye technology

According to the girls, it is easy to dye your hair yourself. To do this, dilute the mixture in strict accordance with the instructions.

Below is step-by-step instructions for dyeing hair with white henna:

  1. The paint should be applied to the hair roots, then evenly distribute it over the entire length. Thus, all hair is dyed.
  2. For a better effect, you can gently massage the scalp.
  3. When henna has already been applied to all hairs that need to be dyed, it is necessary to use a special warming cap. But this will not work for people with sensitive skin, and unpleasant irritation may occur.
  4. Keeping the dye on the hair. The composition is kept on the head from 10 to 30 minutes, the time depends on the original hair color. If the hair was light, then time should be less, if dark - more.
  5. Maximum henna can be on the hair no more than half an hour. If this is the first clarification, then the composition should not be held for more than 20 minutes.Prolonged presence of henna on the hair adversely affects the curls, until their loss.
  6. At the end of the dyeing procedure, henna must be washed off with plenty of warm water.
  7. Then a nourishing balm is applied to the hair; it must be held for 10–15 minutes.
  8. Once again, the curls are washed with plenty of warm water and dried.

According to the girls, it is easy to dye your hair yourself. To do this, dilute the mixture in accordance with the instructions.

Sometimes it happens that after the first dyeing the hair does not acquire the desired color, in this case it is recommended to carry out one more dyeing, but not earlier than in a week.

Hair care after dyeing with white henna

By nature, henna dries hair and skin, therefore, it is necessary to feed them constantly with special masks after the staining procedure. They should be based on vegetable oils and egg yolks.

After each hair wash the color saturation slightly decreases.

To keep the hair longer henna the first time, after staining, you need to wash your hair in three days, not earlier.

After each hair wash the color saturation slightly decreases.

According to reviews of girls who dyed hair with white henna, it is clear that in order to preserve the color, it is necessary to use expensive shampoos and conditioners.

If there is no urgent need it is better not to dye your hair more often than once a month. Otherwise, the hair becomes stiff and unpleasant to the touch.

To keep the color better, Curls can be rinsed in lemon juice or vinegar, diluted in water. In the pharmacy, you can buy masks with a high content of proteins, they will saturate the hair with all the necessary nutrients, moisturize and make them more pleasant to the touch.

To keep the color better, curls can be rinsed in lemon juice or vinegar diluted in water.

What is the result of staining?

All people should understand that it’s impossible to predict what the result will be in the end. Although white henna has natural components for the hair, the girls' reviews are very negative, as it is impossible to bleach the hair completely without chemistry.

therefore You should not expect that the curls will become more healthy and natural. But for lightening hair in white color - this is one of the best tools.

The number of treatments depends on the original hair color. Sometimes there are cases that white henna is not able to make a perfectly white color, the hair will have a reddish tint. It depends on the individual characteristics of a person’s hair.

The number of treatments depends on the original hair color. Sometimes there are cases that white henna is not able to make white color, hair will have a reddish tint.

Do not miss a useful article about: How to quickly grow hair after a failed haircut

The use of white henna to strengthen hair

White henna is best to use painted blondeswith loose curls. However, white henna does not know how to strengthen the hair roots, although this is exactly what is written on the package with paint, but this is not true.

Very often, girls confuse white henna with colorless. Colorless does not contain chemicalsIt is used to strengthen the roots and improve the condition of the hair. The task of white henna is to lighten the hair.

White henna is best to use painted blondes, with loose curls. But sometimes brunettes helps.

Use white henna to flush other paint

Many consider that white henna is a great way to remove paint. In fact remove the paint with white henna is strictly prohibited.

In this case, again, people often confuse white henna with colorless or Iranian, which does not harm the hair, but rather revives them.White henna also contains a large amount of hydrogen peroxide, it does not contribute to the removal of other paint. Such The product is only suitable for brightening dark hair.

If past hair dyeing was not more than two weeks ago, then it is not recommended to use white henna.

Hair has not fully recovered after the first coloring, if you give a dose of this drug on top, there is a high probability of hair loss.

Only an experienced hairdresser can wash the dye from his hair with white henna, who knows how to properly dilute the mixture and neutralize it immediately. At home, it is not recommended.

Important to remember! Only an experienced hairdresser can wash the dye from his hair with white henna, who knows exactly how to mix the mixture and immediately neutralize it. At home, this is not recommended.

White henna is a fairly effective means for lightening hair.

Reviews of girls who have tried this mixture, note that in most cases the desired result is obtained, but the condition of the hair may deteriorate, so after using this tool, it is recommended to apply moisturizing masks and hair balsams.

From this video you will learn about white henna "Moran" and lightening hair with her help.

This video will tell you how to lighten hair with henna.

In this video for you provided information about the harmless hair dye.

What is white henna?

White henna is a drug designed to lighten hair. Despite its name, this tool has nothing to do with natural henna made from the leaves of lavsony (plant). In fact, White Henna hair dye is nothing more than a mixture of concentrated hydrogen peroxide, carbonate and magnesium oxide, ammonium persulfate, citric acid and water. In addition, the composition also includes a small amount of colorless henna - it is its presence that gave this drug the right to carry such a name. Since the proportion of natural dye compared to other components is rather small, white henna can hardly be positioned as a safe for the health of curls. Although, if you compare it with other chemical clarifiers, the harm from white henna with proper use is still much less. In addition, this paint has a number of undoubted advantages, which include:

  • low cost
  • the convenience of use,
  • no need to have professional skills for staining,
  • fairly quick and stable result.

Another indisputable advantage of white henna is the ability to select the time of exposure of the brightening agent to the hair. That is, you can only slightly change the shade of their curls, and you can completely discolor the hair, becoming a real blonde. True, for this you will most likely have to perform several procedures, but as a result you will get an even, natural shade.

Precautionary measures

Since the composition of white henna includes rather aggressive chemical components, it is necessary to observe certain precautions when using it:

  • To prevent an allergic reaction to the components of the dye, it is recommended to do a sensitivity test before conducting the first lightening procedure. To do this, apply a small amount of the mixture on the skin behind the ear and wait 2-3 hours. If after this time you have not experienced any unpleasant symptoms (redness, itching, burning), you can safely use henna for the intended purpose.
  • Keep in mind that if you have done any manipulations with hair in the recent past: you dyed them with synthetic preparations or subjected to chemical perm, it is better to refrain from using white henna, otherwise the result may be quite unpredictable.
  • Do not use henna, and if there are problems with the hair - increased dryness, brittleness and split ends. The fact is that lightening weakened curls can significantly worsen their condition, therefore, before performing such procedures, it is necessary to treat the hair with special restoring and firming masks.
  • Before you lighten the curls with white henna, carefully study the instructions attached to the preparation, which contains information on the preparation of the dye composition and the time it is held on the hair, which is necessary to obtain a particular shade. Failure to apply the dyeing technique can lead to scalp burns and hair loss.

If you follow all the recommendations given by the manufacturer and do not use white henna too often, it will not cause any special harm to your curls, because its action is similar to the action of any other synthetic clarifier. True, good results can be achieved only on healthy hair. Therefore, if you have any doubts about the appropriateness of the use of this tool, consult with a specialist.

How to lighten the hair with white henna

In order to lighten hair with henna successfully, you should first study a few rules. Instructions for using this dye is extremely simple, but its compliance will help you avoid many unpleasant consequences.

  • Before you start preparing the bleaching mixture, you must carefully study the annotation to the drug. The fact is that different companies produce white henna, and therefore the composition of dyes may vary.
  • In order for the prepared mixture to turn out homogeneous, it is recommended to warm it slightly in a water bath, and then whisk thoroughly.
  • It is advisable to apply the brightening compound on dirty and dry hair, that is, you do not need to wash your hair before the procedure. For convenience, the curls can be slightly moistened and gently blot with a towel.
  • It is necessary to begin henna staining from the roots, evenly distributing the mixture over the entire length of the curls. To facilitate this process, you can add a little shampoo to the finished dye.
  • After applying the bleaching mixture, it is recommended to put a shower cap on your head, and wrap a thick towel over it - this will help enhance the effect of the procedure and achieve a lasting result.
  • The dye exposure time on the hair can vary from 10 to 60 minutes, depending on the initial color and the state of the curls, as well as on the shade you want to get. The main thing - do not overdo it, otherwise your hair could suffer greatly.
  • After the time specified in the instructions, the paint must be washed off. Try to do this carefully to completely wash the remnants of the mixture from the hair. And be sure to use a moisturizing or nourishing balm that will help minimize the harmful effects of the chemical components that make up the white henna on the curls. At the final stage, rinse the hair with warm water and dry it with a hairdryer. To fix the result you need to refrain from washing your head for 2-3 days.

Further care for bleached curls is the regular use of special balms designed for colored hair, and regenerating masks, which can be purchased at the store or cook yourself according to popular recipes. It is also recommended 1-2 times a week to rub warm burdock oil into the scalp and rinse the hair with herbal decoction of nettle, chamomile or sage.

In general, white henna cannot be evaluated either sharply negatively or unequivocally positively. Yes, this drug can really help when you want to change, and there is not enough money to buy expensive dyes, but you shouldn’t use white henna like any other chemical preparations, because it can be fraught with the most unpleasant consequences for hair,and for overall health.


Naturally, if a stinging brunette decides to fade with white henna, then in two procedures there will be no result. It all depends on the duration, but it is necessary to look at the state of the hair. If the hair becomes badly damaged, will begin to break intensively, then the procedure should be stopped, so as not to aggravate the situation. But if the state remains within the normal range, then we can try further. Many women say that to become a blonde beauty, it is possible, even if your hair is dark in color, but you will need additional toning.

Tip! Red-haired and light-blond can safely count on the clarification of hair on 5-6 tones in a short time. Also read how to lighten red hair or find the best way to brighten your hair type.

The most difficult thing with painted - the color can get uneven, and may not appear the expected white shade, and yellow, reddish and even green.

How to lighten hair with henna

Before use, it is recommended not to wash your hair for 1-2 days, for a more effective result.

Important! If less than 1.5 months have passed since dyeing, use is not recommended, in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

Prepare gloves, paint brush, non-metallic dishes. Preparation of paint as simple as possible - mix white henna powder with an oxidizing agent. Divide the hair into individual strands and evenly apply the paint to the curls with a brush. Pay special attention to the roots, massage the skin of the head.

Dyeing time depends on the manufacturer, it usually takes 10-40 minutes. After the specified time, rinse with warm water without using shampoo. Then apply a balm for colored hair, it usually comes in a set with paint.

Brand Overview

  1. Blonde Henna - this henna is attractive because of its low price (120–150 rubles). Users note that henna often has an unpleasant, chemical smell, but the result is good if you follow all the instructions and do not discolor colored curls.
  2. Artcolor - this paint is also characterized by a low price (90–130 rubles). Women who used it, write about a neutral smell, not giving away chemistry and a pleasant consistency, thanks to which the paint lies flat on the strands and helps to achieve the desired result.
  3. A.M.E. - the price does not differ from competitors, it also remains in the region of one hundred rubles. Women who used it, declare that it discolors with a bang, if you follow all the instructions. High risk of damage to the hair, but if you exercise maximum caution, then this paint will help to achieve the desired effect.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • low price,
  • easy to prepare and apply
  • uniform coloring,
  • availability (sold in almost all hardware stores),
  • Suitable for homemade discoloration.


  • hair can become withered and lifeless
  • if you do not comply with the requirements, you can get a chemical burn,
  • often unpleasant, acrid smell
  • can not be used on newly dyed hair,
  • On discolored henna curls the paint does not fit well and an unpleasant tint may appear.

Are you afraid to use perihydrol and ammonia for brightening? We offer an excellent alternative to aggressive compositions:

Use efficiency

Henna is an effective remedy for bleaching hair. This tool is often used for highlighting individual strands.

Before choosing a tool should take into account some of the nuances. If the curls were painted in a dark color relatively recently (up to 1.5 months ago), the result can be unpredictable:

  • yellow or copper shade
  • uneven staining
  • no result.

To lighten dark hair, the procedure should be carried out repeatedly to achieve the desired color. In this case, the interval between approaches must be at least 1 week.

The advantages and disadvantages of white henna

It has a number of advantages:

  • low cost,
  • uniform staining of the entire head of hair,
  • the possibility of using the tool at home in the absence of experience self-staining.

The undeniable advantage is the possibility of self-timing of the impact of henna on the hair. This allows you to lighten them for 1 - 6 tones, while maintaining the naturalness of color and structure.

The main drawback is the presence of high concentration of hydrogen peroxide in white henna. Since it is chemically almost identical to the composition of conventional inks, the likelihood of a resultant fragile, lifeless, weak hair and hair loss is not excluded.

  • To prevent an allergic reaction to henna before the first use, it is recommended to conduct a test: a few drops of the composition is applied on the ulnar fold. If within 2 days any allergic manifestations (itching, redness, rash) are absent, the agent can be used.
  • It is necessary to refrain from dyeing with white henna, if less than a month has passed since the previous shading of the hair. The same applies to hair that has been chemically curled. If you do not follow these rules, the clarification may turn out to be uneven.
  • Henna should not be used in the presence of dry, brittle and unruly hair, since their lightening can significantly impair their condition and appearance. In this case, requires prior treatment and recovery of hair.
  • Using improperly prepared white henna can cause scalp burns and hair loss.

Hair application

Universal instructions for henna hair dyeing does not exist. The recipe of the preparation, clarification time and the possible result may vary significantly depending on the manufacturer.

Hair preparation for the procedure

Special preparation of hair for lighting is not required. It is important to consider only your natural color or the time elapsed since the last dyeing. In addition, before bleaching it is not recommended to wash your hair for 1 to 2 days in order to reduce the negative impact of the components on the skin and hair.

Technique lightening hair white henna

In the process of coloring will need:

  • gloves,
  • hair dye brush
  • towel,
  • cream,
  • non-metallic container for dilution of the clarifier.

To prepare the composition of white henna powder must be mixed with an oxidizing agent.

The amount of henna needed for bleaching depends on the length of the curls, the density of the hair, its original color and the desired result. For example: an average hair length will require 2 packs of the product.

Application rules and dyeing time

  • Previously, the skin of the neck and forehead can be smeared with any cream to prevent the appearance of burns.
  • White henna is applied to the entire surface of the hair, strand by strand with a brush. Particular attention should be paid to the roots.
  • Next, distribute the composition in the thickness of the hair, massaging the hair in the area of ​​the roots.

In the case of highlighting individual strands, the composition is applied along the entire length of the curl from the roots, or retreating from them by 0.5-1 cm.

The time of staining with white henna depends on the specific manufacturer and, as a rule, is 10 - 40 minutes. The condition of the hair, its color and the expected result are also important. Owners of dark hair to achieve the desired effect is recommended to keep henna on the hair for the maximum possible time specified in the instructions. If necessary, staining can be repeated after 1 - 2 weeks.

After the necessary time for the clarification of the coloring matter should be thoroughly rinsed with plenty of running water. It is better not to use shampoo, it is important to consolidate the result of staining. After complete washing off of henna, apply balm on hair. This will prevent overdrying of the scalp and dandruff.

Photo before and after henna clarification

Hair care

The use of white henna necessarily requires the subsequent care of the hair.For these purposes, suitable as professional tools produced by the cosmetic industry, and various moisturizing and nourishing compositions created in the home.

To remove paint

In case of unsuccessful hair dyeing with resistant paints, white henna can be used as a wash. But it should be remembered that this remedy is a chemical, rather than a natural brightener, and its use directly after dyeing can significantly impair the health of the hair and provoke its loss. Curls, painted in a dark color, in one session will become lighter only by 2-3 tones.

Instructions for use

Mix 30 grams of white henna, 30 ml of oxidant, 60 ml of hot water and 15 grams of shampoo. Stir until smooth and apply over the entire length of hair. Hold for 20 minutes, rinse with shampoo and balm.

Purchase and selection of funds

There are many white henna manufacturers on the world market. Products can be purchased both in specialized stores and on the Internet sites. The most popular companies are currently:

  • Blonde Henna produces the tool in 3 versions - “Super”, “Bioprotection” and “Balayage” (for highlighting the strands). The price range is from 260 to 280 rubles per henna package.
  • Phytocosmetics - the cost of the product is 60 - 85 rubles.
  • Stimulus-Color Cosmetic - the price varies from 28 to 50 rubles.
  • ARTColor - the cost range is 35 - 45 rubles.


  1. 48 hours before dyeing, test the sensitivity of the skin. Mix a small amount of powder. whitehenna with an oxidizing agent (activator). Apply the mixture to the clean skin of the elbow or behind the ear. Try not to wet or touch this area. If redness or irritation appears on the skin over the next 2 days, wash off the dye with water and discard the idea of ​​lightening the hair. white henna. Perhaps you will suit another paint.
  2. If skin irritation does not occur, then proceed to the preparation of the paint. Pour an oxidizer into a non-metallic container, then pour henna into it. The proportions for mixing, determine the paint instructions. Stir with henna and oxidant until a homogeneous mass.
  3. Throw an old towel over the shoulders or a sheet to protect the clothes from paint. Smear the skin on the border with the hair with a greasy cream. Wear gloves.
  4. If your hair were not previously discolored, apply dye to the entire length of the hair. The time during which you need to keep the paint is defined in the instructions.
  5. If your hair have already been clarified, then apply the paint first on the roots. 10 minutes before the end of the paint exposure time, distribute its residues along the length. It is not necessary to put paint on length at the beginning of coloring because it damages hair. Putting it 10 minutes before rinsing will align the color of the roots and the length without significant harm to the hair.
  6. If, after applying the paint, you feel an itchy or burning scalp, immediately wash it off. You risk getting burned.
  7. If no discomfort has arisen, then after the expiration of the allotted time, wash hair from the paint running water. Apply to them a balm or conditioner, which is usually attached to the paint.
  8. If the degree of clarification of hair after application whitehenna you are not satisfied, then repeat the staining in 1-2 weeks.

henna on dyed hair

and again about sore. I was blonde for many years, then I decided to change something, dyed my shan-shrangled advertised L'oreal shade .. and I became dark at first dark like a dark cherry, and then washed off and became a gray-burundy. shabby with white lumens. and nothing is taken on this landscape I will overthrow, neither the other red paint nor shampun is tinted (hair like a sponge and dry dry .. decided to heal with henna, bought an Iranian ordinary one, I kept everything according to the instructions for even 10 minutes (almost an hour) and as a result .. nothing came of it.girls how to be, it’s written on the packaging for almost an hour, and someone keeps on going all night, someone for a few hours, you want a juicy reddish color, exactly a reddish tint, how much should you hold onto previously dyed hair and what should you add there? the whole internet has been overwritten everywhere in different ways

Willow willow

Try henna Lash. Choose the shade you want and add nothing. For a juicy shade, red henna will most likely suit you. What would henna better gave the color, I recommend it acidify. I paint henna all my life, there will be questions, ask.


no henna at all on the dye, hell knows how to react, often it turns out a greenish sheen on the hair after such experiments.

a guest

I like that henna put on colored hair, it turned out green hair)

Willow willow

I put on painted (it was the case, I wanted to become a blonde, but it did not go) - there was not even a hint of green. Tales are everything!

a guest

I put on painted (it was the case, I wanted to become a blonde, but it did not go) - there was not even a hint of green. Tales are everything!

And my henna has dry hair and splits. What to do, do not paint?

a guest

I put on painted (it was the case, I wanted to become a blonde, but it did not go) - there was not even a hint of green. Tales are everything!

All individually. My hair was just bleached, I put on 2 strands-try. An amazing green color came out)) And the hair after henna becomes dry, it is necessary to use moisturizing masks.

Willow willow

If you dye your hair with normal henna, brewing it on kefir (sour medium), and not on water, then nothing will ever dry up. I dye my hair from 7 years old, now I am 35t. I had to dry out and fall away for a long time, but this did not happen. I have never used any moisturizing products after henna. I paint my hair at intervals, once every two weeks (grow very quickly). Color in such that people, having learned that it is "only henna", do not believe and fall into a stupor. I don’t know what dandruff, itchy scalp, hair loss and chipped ends are. This is unfamiliar to me! About the green on the hair. I somehow had a stupidity, subrascale henna and dye her hair blonde. Blonde didn’t go to me at all (I looked like a mole) and I decided to paint henna directly on the paint. I became bright mandarin color, without any hint of greens. And that. This Mandarin looked very unusual. He was, as it were, something natural. It is necessary to dye with henna wisely, then there will be no overgrown greenery.


Try henna Lash. Choose the shade you want and add nothing. For a juicy shade, red henna will most likely suit you. What would henna better gave the color, I recommend it acidify. I paint henna all my life, there will be questions, ask.

where I took only the usual Iranian. And Lash this only in professional stores sell?

Willow willow

Lash is a chain of natural cosmetics stores. So they position themselves. Google it.

a guest

I painted with henna for several years, and initially it was staining on bleached hair, and it turned out to be a beautiful bright red color. I also painted Lashevsky henna and henna, which was brought to me from Turkey — indeed, as mentioned above, there were no problems with the scalp and hair, on the contrary, a beautiful healthy glow. Then I got fed up, began to paint with paint (in the cabin), there was no greenery at all. Moreover, my master, and she also teaches, said that from time to time henna on hair can be done. So she went on vacation, and I again applied henna, turned out to be a beautiful even color when I came to the salon-master appreciated. I decided now periodically, a couple of times with paint, once with henna.

a guest

Try henna Lash. Choose the shade you want and add nothing. For a juicy shade, red henna will most likely suit you. What would henna better gave the color, I recommend it acidify. I paint henna all my life, there will be questions, ask.

I paint myself with henna, but the experience is small, tell me how to achieve a shade like that of a Chile soloist?
For some reason, I get a golden hue.

a guest

Hello! Tell me please, I dyed 8.02 chocolate, I want to return my red color, if I paint in the near future I will not become green?)


I was also painted on chocolate and nothing, at first the sales seemed that henna did not take, then at daylight I saw that there was just a shade, now I grew up and I cut off the paint nothing deadly if I put it on light. then the green will be almost one hundred percent green, and if it is dark, it will be a light shade)


Her hair was painted first with henna, then red paint, then black, then dark chestnut. Now it is almost black, I cast chestnut in the light. Can I paint Iranian henna? How to kefir diluted?


Hello! Tell me please, I have been dying in red with ordinary paint for a year now, but my hair has already gotten tired and has become much less common. I do not want to grow my color. So she decided to paint with henna, so that Riga would be like a color and hair to heal. Will there be any strange effect on the hair dyed with ordinary paint? Nobody tried?


Hello! How long is it recommended to wait from the moment of dyeing hair with normal paint to henna dye for less “green”? (P. S. She used to paint her paint in red too, about a month ago, she grew back and dim a little, bought Lashevskaya red henna, but hesitated as a result.). Thank!

a guest

can you tell me if you can dye your hair with henna

a guest

can you tell me if you can dye your hair with henna

there is a risk to turn green, with personal experience = henna and white colors are incompatible, but try on a small strand, I once came out of henna, made melikuyu on the top, everything began to turn white, and after many years recently tried to do the opposite and became marshy green. henna is ideally compatible only with similar in color or black paint, but redness will shine through

a guest

Hello! How long is it recommended to wait from the moment of dyeing hair with normal paint to henna dye for less “green”? (P. S. She used to paint her paint in red too, about a month ago, she grew back and dim a little, bought Lashevskaya red henna, but hesitated as a result.). Thank!

There should be nothing if the paint color is red, henna turns green only on blond shades)


Girls, what to do if my mind had enough colorless henna to strengthen bleached hair. I have 2 days with the swamp-green color. I'm afraid to paint with paint, I'll be completely green, help me!


Girls, what to do if my mind had enough colorless henna to strengthen bleached hair. I have 2 days with the swamp-green color. I'm afraid to paint with paint, I'll be completely green, help me!

try to wash the greens with kefir with cinnamon or honey and cinnamon masks, it helped me, although I didn't have any discoloration, but my roots turned green just three times it was unclear from what, I tried to wash the head with shampoo and then wet hair with warm kefir and cinnamon under package and top hat or towel, how many pass. time for 7 greens washed) still very good honey mask look in google honey and cinnamon. it is lightening but it helped me a couple of times and wash the greens


Lash is a chain of natural cosmetics stores. So they position themselves. Google it.

Willow, tell me more about how you henna Lashevskaya brew? I love her too, but just recently, with a fool, I dyed it with a garnish instead of it (my hair is dry, it's terrible! I try to wash the paint with yogurt, but it doesn’t hold on to the head, it spreads (


Willow, tell me more about how you henna Lashevskaya brew? I love her too, but just recently, with a fool, I dyed it with a garnish instead of it (my hair is dry, it's terrible! I try to wash the paint with yogurt, but it doesn’t hold on to the head, it spreads (

add cinnamon and honey to kefir and heat well, the effect will be stronger and the mixture will be thick and not flow


And how on the hair, painted in a dark shade (paint), does henna behave?


Hi, when I first painted with henna, I added jojoba oil, and I didn’t dry anything, so add essential oils to henna and everything will be fine)


I dyed my golden coffee, but it turned out that my head was chestnut, or something, and the tips were almost black. their blond roots begin to grow. I think what to do .. henna would like to try, but dumb. Here is such a sadness, what to do?)


I do not know what color to paint. Hair bleached, so I think the best. I bought regular henna and tinted shampoo "HNA mahogany" .. I painted two strands. I was afraid that I would turn green. But no)) Both colors have turned out healthy) Here I sit now and think.


Tell me please, I bleached my hair 5 months ago, they are not quite fair, but golden. Can I dye my hair with henna? Will they be green? I don’t want to paint with paint, my hair has already suffered from bleaching, so I want henna. They said that the hair will become better.


I have dark blond hair, with gray appeared gray. Crash ordinary henna. I breed 3 tbsp. spoon hot boiling water, add a teaspoon of ground coffee and aloe leaf juice. I put it on my hair, wrap myself in a bag and in a towel. I keep 3 hours (not less). It turns out a beautiful dark brown color with a beautiful red tint. When there is more gray hair, add 1 tsp of basma. She better takes gray hair. It turns out a beautiful color, as if slightly "colored". No one will know henna. The quality of the hair is good (although they are very thin) and the scalp is fine. Recommend.

a guest

Tell me, is it possible to dye hair with henna if they are toned?

a guest

Olga, do you have a little powder coming? write 150 grams you need / still write, you need to add vinegar. I have dark hair. I want bitter chocolate or dark chestnut without red. red neutral in my blue or green (in a circle of natures shades) broke my whole head, and I feel like scary)

a guest

And if she dyed her blond and bought henna, it says that her hair is not red, but she dyes chestnut. What will happen?


Tell me, is it possible to dye your hair with henna if they are tinted in red?

a guest

HELP HELP HELP! Today, instead of colorless henna, I got a bag of natural, I, as usual, parted boiling water, cooled a little, added egg yolks, lemon juice and put it on my hair. Pro kept for 2 hours (I usually keep so masks) washed away and oh. but ! Became completely red! I am an ashen natural blonde. WAS! (What to do? How to wash off? Maybe platinum henna on top? (Sobbing (help, who is up to date!

a guest

I had a question, a year ago it was flowing, my hair grew, it was a very beautiful shade as my hair merged with dyed, recently dyed it in chestnut: (I went to the salon many times, many refused to do something with hair, I wanted my light blond , they said that only a wash, but I don’t want to spoil my hair, I dyed my hair and blond, it’s not what I’m doing, now I’m chestnut-brown, strange color, tell me if I’m doing henna with the former henna, will they be light-colored? and light paint does not take, help, all the talk that was better, I see it myself


Try henna Lash. Choose the shade you want and add nothing. For a juicy shade, red henna will most likely suit you. What would henna better gave the color, I recommend it acidify. I paint henna all my life, there will be questions, ask.

Try henna Lash. Choose the shade you want and add nothing. For a juicy shade, red henna will most likely suit you. What would henna better gave the color, I recommend it acidify. I paint henna all my life, there will be questions, ask.


Tell me, please, painted the head with chestnut paint, the color was very dark. Can I, without waiting for time, dye my head with henna to remove blackness and heal hair? What color will work out?

a guest

Girls, please tell me how to paint over gray hair with henna? How to choose a shade? I am 30 years old, but almost all gray head. From chemical dyes hair completely thin and fall out, just like horror.


I was not light-colored at all and decided to change everything, cut my hair and dye my hair red, the hairdresser advised to use henna, and a month after using henna to come for hair coloring!
The question is that I read that henna clogs the structure of the hair and the paint does not fall after that? The second problem is that the hair has become very thin, liquid, and the tips are split very hard!
What to do and how to be?


Try henna Lash. Choose the shade you want and add nothing. For a juicy shade, red henna will most likely suit you. What would henna better gave the color, I recommend it acidify. I paint henna all my life, there will be questions, ask.

Can you please tell me if the hair was dyed pink, but is it meaning now, will Lashikov henna take it?
And what needs to be done so that there is a red color, not a red one?


I'm here on the painted blond hair henna auburn inflicted from lush. as a result, the grown dark brown roots became even darker, and dyed hair was fiery red, now I don’t know how to be)


Is it possible to dye your hair black with henna, if the tips are red?

a guest

It was painted for 3 years with henna. Psihanula and dyed brunette in chemistry. Now I want henna again. Tell me, will it work?

a guest

Can you please tell me if the hair was dyed pink, but is it meaning now, will Lashikov henna take it? And what needs to be done so that there is a red color, not a red one?

Willow, tell me if you know. I'm naturally light-haired, but for many years I have been dying with mousse for hair in dark colors, black chestnut, gray roots, it's time to paint, but I want a new color-titan. Is it possible to paint with henna? they say it is necessary to do a wash, but this is a clarification, after which only a chemical paint can give a fiery-red color. How to be?


Try henna Lash. Choose the shade you want and add nothing. For a juicy shade, red henna will most likely suit you. What would henna better gave the color, I recommend it acidify. I paint henna all my life, there will be questions, ask.

Tell me, but recently I have painted dark red with my blond hair, a month has passed and it has subsided, it has completely become dull. Will henna tint on it? ruby, for example?
I will be very grateful for the answer!)

a guest

Tell me please, what will happen to dyed, chocolate-colored hair if painted in a mixture of black and red (or red) henna?

Henna Brown Lush - on my damaged hair, unfortunately, quickly washed off in red

Good day to all !!

I still continue my experiments on hair. Not so long ago, I made a great folly - I lightened my hair (stupid dream of being a blonde) and then repeatedly tried to correct the ugliness - it was painted / tinted. Now, actively engaged in treatment and restoration of what was left on the head, I decided to switch to natural coloring, so as not to harm the already tortured hair. She also admitted that I shouldn’t be a blond (except a urinalist blond :)) and there’s no better color than nature gave us.

I can not paint the hair at all - the pigment is washed out very quickly from bleached hair. Therefore (having previously read reviews), I decided to try KNU LASH.

Photo after the last tint before henna staining:

She bought henna in the Gallery shopping center (Moscow, Metro Aeroport) in the LAS store. The price tag is not weak at all - 800 rubles with a penny per tile (or rather, I did not remember the price, but this is more than 800 rubles)

On my length and thickness (not very long and not very thick :)) exactly half of the tile left: Exactly half of the tile. Attached to the tile. Also on the application can be read on the site Lash.

Since my hair was bleached about 3 months ago, I decided to do a strand test (I recommend it if you have the same situation). She held for an hour and a half - the order did not turn green - this is the main thing :) Strand test

So in a couple of days I painted my whole head with peace of mind. Before dyeing, she washed her hair with a deeply cleansing shampoo, let it dry naturally.

I acted clearly according to the instructions:

1. Naterla grated. I personally was not difficult to rub and pretty quickly.

2. Filled with boiling water, stirring, and gradually adding water, brought to the consistency of sour cream

In the process. 3. Immediately began to apply, because the hotter the henna, the richer the shade will be.

wrapped "bun" "hair" zadubeli "pretty quickly. I did not crumble, my head did not hurt, the smell did not strain, in general, no discomfort. She didn’t cover her hair, because she didn’t want a red shade.

Flushed all this business is not difficult. Two times washed with shampoo and rinsed with balm (organic planet). By the way, the henna did not paint the bathroom at all (many had read that it took a long time to wash it)


The result exceeded all expectations! Hair is soft, smooth, very beautiful shine. And visually look thicker and more voluminous. The smell of henna on the hair does not remain! (At least I did not feel). Hair color leveled. Hair looks healthy (no non-washable silicones applied).

Photo with a flashOn a photo with a flash, the shade looks red, in fact it is not so - the color is more brown, but it still gives a little red color to the light. I am pleased - the shade is very similar to my natural hair color.

Photo without flash:

Artificial light In general, as long as I have no desire to return to chemical paints. Thanks to lna for lash for such a wonderful "expensive" shade and soft shiny hair!

Definitely recommend, just do a test for strands of hair before dyeing, in order to avoid disappointment. All the same, it is henna, it is more unpredictable than ordinary paint. Especially if before that there were experiments with hair (which will definitely affect the final result).

All beautiful hair and successful experiments!

Upset. From my porous hair very quickly washed from brown to red. I will not shoot a star, but I do not want more experiments myself. I'll go to the salon and paint over a red washcloth like a normal person)

That you will not find on the Internet. Henna + Basma on bleached hair is the perfect result (PHOTO). Clarification of roots and henna with basma without powder. As after henna and basma dye hair paint. What a result you get exactly on your hair. UPDATED

1. What will happen if you paint him. paint henna with basma.

2. How to lighten the chemistry of henna with basma and native hair color up to three tones at a time and not turn blue.

3. How to become red without red.

4. How to apply henna to a natural blonde and after brightening and not to become orange.

5. Who said that henna more with henna than with chem. paint?

6. Henna on different hair falls in different ways. What does the end result depend on?

Rummaged through the entire Internet at one time. Everywhere is written the same thing. And there are no answers to the main questions.

Everyone writes that if you decide: henna, then this is for life or until the length grows. That's nonsense! Henna can even dye bleached hair, and lighten the roots when they grow.

And all this is possible only if you know for sure that you don’t want to be ash-blond or blond, otherwise you really should wait until they grow back. But even this can be achieved, not without expectation and effort, but it is possible.

Everywhere it is written that henna is not afraid of paint, and that basma cannot be clarified, but nowhere is a word about how the paint will fall on henna with basma. And as clarification on pure henna. And how can it be washed away, if suddenly something wrong happened? After all, more often we add Basma to neutralize the red.

About myself:

Lightening was constantly that the ends just burned, becauseI tried to paint the palette, which becomes black on bleached hair, no matter what the depth of tone is indicated on the package below 6. The ends are dead, because every time lightening the regrown roots, the ends also got it. Now, because of this stepwise clarification difference, the paint falls in different ways and is also washed out. As a result, no chemical. paint does not give the desired result. That redness at the roots, then the ends for 2 washes fade, then orange instead of amber! You can’t imagine how tired I am! As I am tired of this ineffectual and useless burning and so exhausted hair.

I decided to seriously go to henna.

Yes, they write that henna dries hair.

But! Chem. paint and dry and burn.

1. Henna, used with Basma can be painted any chemical. paint.

Grassy the paint is the pigments that enter the hair, through its pores on the cortical layer.

Chemical paint, it is pigments and oxygenant, which removes the previous pigments, and new ones remain there. The more% of oxygenant, the more he is able drive outlighten up. When staining with a high percentage, the hair is lightened and made more porous. And then grass gives such hair more intense colors, since it differs from chemical dyes, it does not affect the cuticles, but it has an intense color that does not appear on healthy hair.

When dyeing grass, on the natural base, the effect is weaker than on previously painted hair. When dyeing on bleached hair, the effect is rabid. T. k. Hair passed "meat grinder". The pores are empty: the color pigment is completely destroyed.

When painting with paint on grass (which is on a natural basis), the color will be 50 to 50, taking into account the previous result, and of course the ratio of the depth of the base tone and the paint used. If the paint is darker, then accordingly the result is more intense.

When painting with paint on grass (which is also on top of the paint), the result will be somewhere 70 to 30 in favor of the new color (taking into account the previous result, but approximately 10% will remain from the vegetable dye, and the male chemical of the previous chemical paint will remain are sitting stronger and their% will be more). Because from porous hair the paint with its oxide washes out better grass. A paint on the paint gives a cumulative effect, regardless of the oxygenant.

Thus, it is possible to vary the future color by selecting the% oxigent, taking into account the degree of henna leaching, which directly depends on it (%). In my case (on completely bleached hair), the paint almost completely washed the entire herb when using 9% hydroxy.

Be careful with further staining. grass after the chemical paint with a high percentage of oxygenant, since the scheme of staining should be different. All the accumulated pigments of the grass have disappeared, and the result may surprise you with its intensity.

2. How to lighten the chemistry of henna with basma and native hair color up to three tones at a time and not turn blue.

Oxygent 9 and 12% are used to lighten the natural base (and the herbs in my case), it is useless for chemical paint, which uses powder, which in turn goes for a dark base, if you need a blond.

If the oxygenator will wash your henna with Basma partially and lighten the hair roots, then the brightener will remove all the pigment from the hair, except for blue from Basma, plus pretty dry the hair. I think that this is due to the fact that the basma tends to swell, and getting into the hair, she continues to do so, clogging up in the most inaccessible places, and maybe she just paints the cortical layer itself.

So I lightened my regrown roots for 1 time and keep painting. grass. After all, initially I was clarified and the difference did not suit me.

3. How to become red without red.

How to use henna and get all shades except red you will find in the Internet with all the nuances.

My choice: to neutralize the redness of the Basma and keep no more than 1 hour, updating the effect once a week. If you have time, then more often.

But the first time I held 20 minutes.If I had just an hour, I would have been orange, since I’m holding an hour with a basma, which is now not 1 to 4, but 2 to 3. And I still remain red, but if I did it right away, I would it was now visible from afar.

I also saw the result of using henna with lemon juice, it is much lighter. If you do not want to darken the natural light base (since the Basma is dark, which does not hurt the clarified), you can use this recipe. Link to the review and the result of such an application (I think the author of the review will not mind).

4. How to apply henna to a natural blonde and after brightening and not to become orange.

Natural and bleached blondes are fundamentally different condition of hair, and method of dyeing, and especially the way of dyeing grass. It is advisable to conduct the first experiment on the cut-off strands from the root itself, since this will give an opportunity to evaluate the possible result along the entire length.

If henna falls on natural blonde hair less aggressively than on bleached ones, then the use of henna alone in both cases will give a very bright result. Therefore, it is necessary to start staining from 20 minutes, even on 15 minutes, and add henna neutralizers. By itself, henna is red if kept for 2 hours, but for light and 40 minutes it is enough to turn bright orange. Therefore, we neutralize the poisonous color in the proportion we need and hold for 15-20 minutes, followed by washing away of the strand, after which it is possible to continue or stop the effects of paint.

Proportions and additives are described on the Internet. The only thing! Important! Is that when staining on a clarified base for the first time, you also need to choose the right proportion of henna with Basma, for example 2k1 for the desired result, and instead make 3k1, that is, reduce the proportion of Basma. This is to prevent unwanted shades. Because it is precisely to the very damaged hair that the basma clings stronger than henna, even in a lesser proportion. And in the next color you can take into account the nuances of the bolder, because the hair is already filled with henna, and Basma is not so scary.

5. Who said that henna more with henna than with chem. paint? This is complete nonsense, it's just the opposite!

A box of henna 60r., A box of basma 60r., For 1 use of one henna I need 1/3 of a package (basmy is even smaller), a box of paint is 2-7 times more expensive, I need it for 1 application I need 3/4 of a package. Face savings! Dissolve a little more than you think is enough.

It is convenient to stain the roots by applying paint from a tube with a pipette from an old chemical. paints. The rest of the length of a hook over the bathroom, thoroughly rubbing and distributing it through all the hair. If your hair is long, then divide it at least 3 strands and finish the same way. It takes me 5 minutes, so I do not use gloves. The paint does not have time to strongly stick to the hands, is washed off with a vortex with soap, nails are worse, and the gel can be wiped with a degreaser (preferably not with acetone).

If you are going to apply porridge, separating the strands, distributing it with a brush, then dress simpler and remove the rug from under your feet. The grass is awful in every place it starts to roll or dry: it is not paint. The quicker the action, the cleaner everything is. Well, a little oil here does not hurt, for ease of distribution. Thus, I understand, those who complain of inconvenience of application use.

Wore a bag, a hat and went. Particularly generous handkerchief on the shoulders.

Well, the second mirror to help you!

Washed off is also not bad (with oil worse), 2 times with shampoo, then the rinser will wash the remnants of already clean hair.

6. Henna on different hair falls in different ways. What does the end result depend on?

If you read everything carefully, you yourself already understood that the final result directly depends on the condition of the hair.

What was before lightening at the roots. What was with chemical paint for 2 months. The roots are red, the ends after painting are not very different from the roots, but after a couple of times washing the head, the ends faded a lot and the difference became terrifying.

photo bleached and paint on them.

These photos of the process with which my hairdresser refused me. Lightened the roots with powder, colored Estelle professional light-blonde golden-copper. Orange !, what else do you say.

And without hesitation, I went to the store for painting grass, since it was a long time ago.long ago when she was black and had long thick hair dyed with Basmoy, she had the experience to appreciate the healing and coloring properties of every herb.

the result of using hennaThe result of staining with henna here is right on what is in the previous photo. Henna with basma 4 to 1 + oil burdock 1st. l and 20 minutes of fear. After 20 minutes, I was so shocked that it was just like some kind of ayfaria. This color is soooo! natural. in any light! and the most interesting thing is that it is absolutely uniformly laid down!

1. Immediately after staining. The sun.

2. Same day. Evening. The sun.

3. After 5 days. Daylight.

4. First day of staining. Evening. Light bulb.

5 and 6. After 5 weeks. the roots. Daylight on 6 photos very overcast.

7. After bleaching with 9% hydroxy root paint. The roots themselves do not have a good photo, and the result is no different from what is shown in photo 1.

As you can see in the 6 photos, the depth of tone of the regrown roots is almost the same as the rest, but the roots here were also painted several times with the rest. This is how the result of henna dyeing depends on the condition of the hair.

After such an application of henna and basma for three months, I decided to write an amendment to this review. Here I wrote about how everything is simple and beautiful, everything is possible and verified.

So, the application was tested for 1.5 months, but what happened next?

At the moment, the conclusion is this: henna is washed out of bleached hair for 3 washes (I already TIRED smearing it once a week), but the basma is NOT washed at all. And what do we get in the end?

After each new painting, the basma in the clarified ends accumulates, and the henna, which is constantly washed out during dyeing, is not able to cover the accumulated amount of blue. As a result, we get the perfect color of the roots and the adjacent length is about 10 cm, and the rest is long at the edge of the abyss (blue-green). I began to paint the roots with henna with basma 3k2-1, and the ends with pure henna, but the result is insignificant and not worth the time and nerves.

Bleached girls who want to have blond hair, do not take into your hands this blue paint, poisonous to the hair!

Henna - maybe! For temporary use and for long, until you get tired of painting 1 p. in weeks, and as a way to give hair a rest.

BUT! Basma - no more than a month, otherwise: golden brown, which casts a blue, that is, green, because blue + orange = marsh green. And in order to hide these algae on your head, no redhead will help you, nor herbalnor chemical!

Well, I was bored with a tone depth of 8-7, and I decided that mine is chestnut-golden-copper. And Palette dyed, hair became dark, dark, I am pleased, BUT! the blue on the ends climbs, it is not noticeable, of course, but I know that it is there, and I immediately see this nuance. Hair has become smoother, but the nuance (ebb) on the roots is red, at the ends. Oh, I do not know how to say.

It seems red, but not bright, closer to light brown, but the tide is full of gray, neither with yellow, nor with green, you can not tell. In general, the color is dull, not deep and mixed. It was as if they painted watercolors and dipped the brush into the jar, and what was mixed in this jar was also a color nuance on the hair. It turns out so copper-brown / golden / gray-green.

Here's how to understand it, what is the color? See for yourself this miracle. And it is on the hair! Muck

I took 1 star for being temporary and dreary, and I put 4 stars for resting my hair, and the color, you saw what the color was!

If you use henna without basma, then there is nothing to fear.

PS: I hope my experiments will benefit not only me, but you too!

My other reviews.

Lightening hair + henna = is it worth it?

nothing wrong with them will not be the only thing that may be the fact that the paint will not take henna
all my life I dyed my hair with henna and then decided to try highlighting but it turned out coloring

Maria Latynina

go to the hairdresser, do not experiment with bleaching + henna, the result may be too unpredictable. the more now full of colors without ammonia, which paint well and harm at least


that does not turn green it is 100%. you have been using henna for a long time and you know that there is no green tone there, it is yellow-red brown when brewing ... Basma colors green (oh, I know that.) I think that when lightening, the color will not turn out evenly yellow, if you wanted to become a blonde, you wouldn’t succeed, my friend tried, and when the henna is lightened, such a light yellow color is more yellow than yellow. but if you still henna anyway and dye, I think there’s nothing bad going on)) it’s okay to just be red and everything, I think there’s nothing to worry about, I’m also going to do that (also brown hair dyed with henna), light up the strands and then paint over and it will be normal, I think)) nothing terrible will happen))
and if it is bad - paint it again with henna in general dark dark chestnut it will turn out to be painted over

Successful experiment with basma on bleached hair

I was 3 years old blonde, spoiled my hair and decided to return the natural hair color. The roots of the branch are already 2 cm, it was time to paint over the entire length. I decided to paint myself with henna, it was my main mistake, the color turned out to be red - burmalin. It was necessary to paint over all this disgrace and then I decided to paint myself with Basma, I did not want to paint. Mixed 4 packs of basma with 1 pack of natural henna, 4 to 1 turned out, added 2 yolks to this mixture and applied to hair for 4 hours. As I was afraid to get a terrible hair color, I was afraid to go wash off. But thank God, everything turned out fine) The color turned out to be decent, though in the sun, nevertheless, it went into a redhead. All of this was washed away from my hair catastrophically quickly, a week later, in red, since the hair was discolored. With the subsequent painting, the color turned out to be more intense, brown and chestnut.

  1. Hair becomes stronger, less fall out
  2. The hair structure is thickened, thicker.
  3. Shine hair
  4. Does not spoil the hair

Photo attached)

  • Hair color dark walnut
  • Coloring for dark hair at home
  • Beautiful dark hair color photo
  • Beautiful coloring on dark hair
  • Natural brown hair color photo
  • Hair restoration after highlighting
  • Cherry Hair Color Photo
  • Highlighting dark hair with blond hair
  • Large highlighting on dark hair
  • Short hair dyeing
  • Highlights on brown hair
  • Black and white hair coloring

Henna hair lightening

Giving a lighter shade is certainly a risky procedure for healthy hair. But many women in the pursuit of beauty do not pay attention to it at all.

Dreaming of becoming a blonde, there is a chance to damage your curls and get ugly yellowness as a result. Therefore, more and more people choose henna as a lightening agent. This dye is one of the most ancient, which has been used for many years.

At the moment, henna is a good substitute for chemical dyes that do not care about the condition of the hair.

This folk remedy has many advantages compared with chemical powders and other substances manufactured in industrial conditions:

  • Eliminates dandruff of the scalp,
  • Relieves itching and irritation
  • It has a cooling effect
  • Qualitatively paints gray hair,
  • It inhibits the aging of hair,
  • Promotes hair growth
  • Makes hair beautiful, healthy and strong.

What henna choose

Simple natural henna for high-quality hair lightening is not suitable for its properties. It would be better if you use special, so-called white henna. It can be purchased at specialty stores and in many pharmacies in your city.

However, even with all its healing capabilities with any coloring pigment, you need to be careful. Improper preparation of white henna to the process of lightening can significantly damage the hair and even the scalp.

But if you do everything right, then your hair will evenly color in the right shade and the result will look beautiful and well-groomed.

If you decide to purchase henna, then among the many variations of packaging, you will surely notice that each manufacturer notes its own grammes in the recipe. It all depends on how much success you want to achieve. Therefore, a clear recipe for such henna is not. Carefully read the instructions before starting.

To whom white henna will not work

Like any dye, white henna is not universal for all types of scalp and hair. Who does not suit:

  • Two days before the lightening stage, test for an allergic reaction on the skin. If nothing is found, then white henna can be safely used. However, if there is noticeable redness or itching, it is better to refuse this remedy.
  • Do not use henna, if after painting did not pass one month.
  • Not suitable for those who have sufficiently dry hair.

First you need to accurately assess how much white henna should be used for clarification. You need to start from the length of hair and shade that you want to achieve. You can find out the detailed quantity on the package of the purchased product

Henna and water

Mix the right amount of henna with warm water or use a water bath. Stir thoroughly until a homogeneous mass.

Features of the application of the composition:

  1. We put henna on all hair length, on all strands,
  2. Exceptional attention is paid to the hair roots,
  3. We put a polyethylene cap on our head and cover it with a towel on top.
  4. Keep the tool for 20-30 minutes (see instructions).

I wash my hair thoroughly with plain water (without using shampoo). Be sure to apply healing balms on the scalp and curls.

When bleaching henna hair, pay attention to these tips:

  • In case you need to dye only the roots of your hair, henna gruel should be applied only to the non-colored part of the hair. This is necessary because with the secondary application of the coloring matter there is the likelihood of uneven staining and the appearance of undesirable stains.
  • If you lighten your hair with hydrogen peroxide beforehand, then it’s worth reducing the time it takes for henna to stay on your head.
  • If you had previously made a perm and hair industry, you should get rid of this part of the hair, or do not use henna to lighten. After all, it can contribute to the formation of stains.

Using henna to lighten hair can seem like a fairly simple process to someone, but in fact it turns out that you need to be very careful with this tool. Before you begin, read the instructions and then follow it completely.

How to lighten hair with white henna

The modern cosmetic industry produces a variety of tools that allow everyone to purchase a blonde-colored hair. Such a step makes it possible to drastically change the image or just to slightly refresh the look. White henna is one of the popular brighteners used in hairdressing.

Brightening hair dyeing white henna. Reviews

Girls always want to look just perfect. They use a variety of cosmetics and skin care products to be even better.

In most cases, cosmetics help women maintain their beauty, but sometimes there are times when cosmetics do more harm than good. What is white henna for hair? A great way to get the desired color or pest for them?

How does white henna lighten hair

From the name it becomes clear that This type of henna should lighten hair or bleach. White henna manufacturers promise that their paint will help to achieve the perfect white color, which many girls dream of.

White henna manufacturers promise that their paint will help to achieve the perfect white color, which many girls dream of.

Indeed, the white color can give white henna for hair.Reviews of girls on the Internet indicate that this is possible.

However, not everything is so good, many complain that after the first painting their hair color is lightened, but not completely, it turns reddish. It means that To get the desired color will have to be painted with henna several times.

Other reviews of girls about white henna for hair are not so good, they state that the action of henna does not meet the stated requirements. The hair after the staining procedure becomes yellow or poisonous red.

Other reviews of girls about white henna for hair are not so good, they state that the action of henna does not meet the stated requirements. But such reviews are infrequent.

Required materials and tools

If hair painting will be done personally, will require a specific set of tools:

  • rubber gloves can be used and polyethylene,
  • waterproof polyethylene cape so as not to stain your clothes,
  • ordinary porcelain cups, which will be poured hot water for dilution of powders,
  • plastic or glass stick for stirring henna,
  • petroleum jelly or other fat cream,
  • white henna wash shampoo,
  • brush, toothbrush for applying hair dye,
  • a special warming cap on the head, if not, you can use a plastic bag and an ordinary towel wound on cellophane. If the hair will be dyed with your own hands, you will need a certain set of tools.

How to lighten hair with natural products? Henna lightening methods

Natural henna is used for dyeing hair from time immemorial. Even our mothers and grandmothers successfully used this tool to maintain the beauty of their hair, and today many girls give him preference.

This is due to the fact that the use of modern dye compositions very often hurts curls and extremely adversely affects their structure. A similar situation is observed when bleaching strands.

Those girls and women who dream to lighten their hair with one or several tones are forced to resort to the use of dyes, which include a huge amount of aggressive chemicals. Very often, after such a procedure, the curls look untidy, become unusually thin and brittle, and it can be incredibly difficult to restore them.

In order not to expose their hair to extremely adverse effects of means for bleaching, many girls are interested in whether it is possible to lighten hair with henna, and how to do it correctly.

We will try to understand this issue.

Naturally, the ordinary henna, to which we are all used to, will not work for this procedure. Even when using it on dark hair, you cannot achieve any noticeable result. On the contrary, your black or brown curls will get even more expressive shade, casting a dark chestnut.

To brighten the strands in the cabin or at home, you must use special white henna. You can buy this tool only in rare pharmacies and specialized hairdressing stores.

In fact, the white version is not one of the varieties of the known natural dye and refers to the hair completely differently. This chemical composition got its name only due to the fact that in the process of its production the usual powder is used.

Due to the fact that white henna in its composition is not a completely natural remedy, it can seriously harm the curls, especially when carelessly handling it.

Often beautiful ladies say that after using this chemical composition, their hair became incredibly weak, lifeless and brittle along the entire length.

In addition, if you use this drug improperly, you can face such complications as intense hair follicle loss and the occurrence of severe scalp burns.

In addition, if the procedure is carried out correctly, all areas of the hairstyle are painted in exactly the same way, unlike modern gentle methods of clarification.

The procedure for lightening hair with white henna consists of several stages, namely:

  • First of all, you will have to pour the required amount of powder with warm, but not hot, water and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous slurry is formed. The exact proportions for the preparation of the composition should be indicated on the packaging of the product you purchased,
  • then the resulting mass should be applied to its hair, dyeing each strand and paying particular attention to the hair roots,
  • after about half an hour, you need to wash your hair in the usual way, and then immediately apply a homemade or industrial production moisturizing balm on your curls. If you do not, your scalp will be overdried, which can cause dandruff and excessive fragility of the strands.

If the procedure was originally conducted by a girl with a dark color of hair, to obtain the desired shade, you will most likely have to repeat the clarification one or several times. This should be done no earlier than a week after the previous coloring, so as not to hurt your hair.

Although in most cases the fair sex is satisfied with the color that they get as a result of lightening the hair with white henna, in some cases this tool can give a completely unpredictable shade. Most often this happens when this chemical composition is applied to previously painted hair, and less than a month has passed since the last use of other dyes.

Under such circumstances, the color resulting from the use of white henna can be anything from ashy or yellow to purple or green. In addition, such a tool in any case can not be used for girls with dry hair - white henna will only aggravate the situation and make them incredibly brittle, dull and unruly.

Finally, do not forget that white henna is a mixture of chemicals and natural ingredients, so it can trigger allergies. To avoid such a reaction, it is necessary to test the hypersensitivity of the skin before using this drug.

To do this, a small amount of the powder diluted with water is applied to the area behind the ear or on the crook of the elbow and the reaction is observed throughout the day.

Some of the girls prefer this dye to all the others, presented today in the range of stores of cosmetic products, due to availability and high efficiency.

However, one should always remember the serious shortcomings of this chemical composition and not apply it too often.

Carefully monitor the condition of your hair and, if necessary, use sparing cosmetics, which are quite expensive, but do not harm the curls.

How to lighten hair with hydrogen peroxide: preparation and carrying out the procedure How to lighten hair with kefir: instructions for use of the product How to lighten hair at home: 5 effective recipes

White henna for lightening hair

As a woman »Beauty and Health» Hair Care »Hair products

In order to look stylish and attractive not only in their own eyes, but also in the eyes of others, women are ready to go on a variety of experiments with their appearance.

What only the ladies do not do, trying to attract attention to themselves: they dress in bold outfits, put on shoes with incredibly high heels, use bright colors in make-up, make spectacular haircuts. But more often the metamorphosis is expressed in the change of hair color.

For example, fair-haired beauties try on the image of a burning brunette, and the fair sex, endowed with naturally dark curls, on the contrary, brightens the strands.

The reasons for reincarnation from a brunette or brown-haired woman to a blonde can be very different: some women are captivated by the fact that ashy, platinum or wheat curls almost instantly add to any image of romance and at the same time some pretty helplessness, others consider that blondes always look younger than his age, and besides, more like men than women with dark hair.

The modern cosmetic industry produces a huge amount of products that allow everyone to become owners of blond-colored curls. Among them there are expensive professional clarifiers, and the usual means, not characterized by high cost.

One of such budget funds is white henna, which, according to the information on the package, can lighten dark curls by 4–5 tones at a time and simultaneously strengthen their structure.

Does this drug really have all the properties declared by the manufacturer and should it be used for experiments with hair? Let's figure it out.


Watch the video: How To Colour Your Hair Chocolate Brown Naturally At Home (July 2024).