Eyebrows and eyelashes

How to grow eyelashes at home: fast and effective means


When the cilia begin to thin and fall out, every girl and woman is horrified. There may be a problem after building up. On the other hand, for some time the process goes unnoticed, so everything is discovered unexpectedly and immediately on a large scale. How to quickly grow eyelashes at home after a buildup and for other reasons? First you need to understand why this is happening.

Why do cilia fall out?

The reasons for which lashes begin to fall out are most often the following:

  • use of poor quality cosmetic products
  • improper care
  • the presence of diseases
  • lack of vitamins in the diet,
  • constant stress.

If a woman whose eyelashes fall out feels unwell, she needs treatment. After all, maybe this is what caused the loss of cilia. But if everything is in order with health, then you need to adhere to proper care in order to resume their growth and density.

How to quickly grow eyelashes at home, says this article.

What affects growth

Some interesting facts about hairs for centuries seem to be interesting. This will help to better understand how to quickly grow eyelashes at home. Their life lasts significantly less than that of other hair. She is only ninety days. In a healthy state, when the next lash is ready to fall, in its place a replacement is already forming. Over the centuries, there are usually from two hundred to four hundred pieces, at the top - more, at the bottom - less. Their main purpose is to protect the eyes from dust and dirt, as well as from the smallest insects.

With a wellness course you should not expect that the cilia will increase several times. The maximum that can be achieved is an increase of 15%. In the same case, if they are already in a good condition, then a special visible effect can not be observed.

The usual course is about two months, but the results may be noticeable much earlier.

Cilia are the same as other hair. Therefore, they grow the same. Anyone who thinks about how to quickly grow eyelashes at home, you can safely use the same tools as for hair used for the same purpose.

Choosing a professional tool, you should, however, carefully consider its composition. If it is hormonal, then the growth effect may appear to be random “bushes.”

More effective and harmless are the means that can be prepared and used independently at home.

This simple procedure is a great helper for someone who is looking for methods on how to grow eyelashes at home quickly.

It is known that in order for the hair to grow better, it is recommended to do a massage. The situation is the same with eyelashes. Massage of certain points on the eyelids (here it consists only in light tapping with the tips of the fingers) will help to increase blood circulation and, as a result, the growth of hairs.

To help here will be able to different vegetable oils, in particular, castor or burdock. They can be used both separately and in combination with other natural ingredients, for example, aloe juice or parsley.

The technique of massage is to move from the inner corner of the eyelid to the outer and vice versa - at the bottom. The movements are done very carefully, so as not to stretch the very delicate structure of the skin here, because it can lead to the formation of wrinkles ahead of time.

How to grow eyelashes at home quickly and refresh tired eyes? Another tool is the use of lotions that are made on the basis of herbs. The solution is very simple to prepare, and the result is so obvious that, once done, women will certainly return to this procedure again if a similar problem occurs.

You will need a spoonful of dried herbs (chamomile, calendula or cornflower), a glass of water and cotton pads. The grass is poured with a glass of hot water and infused for twenty minutes, then cooled.

Cotton pads dipped in the solution and put on eyelids for at least fifteen minutes.

Such a compress will not only help the eyelashes, but also remove the swelling of the eyelids, and the eyes will have a good rest.

How to quickly grow eyelashes at home? Every week several times it is necessary to make masks. It is best to try different options. But one day it is desirable not to paint the eyelashes at all and not to carry out any procedures for them to rest.

Fine effect will have a nourishing mask. For its preparation would require vitamin A (a couple of drops of oil solution), a teaspoon of aloe juice and a tablespoon of castor oil. All parts are mixed and applied to the cilia for several hours. Another mask is made from calendula and corn oils, taken one teaspoon. The effect of it will be noticeable very soon.

The mask of a teaspoon of castorca and 2-3 drops of egg white and glycerin will significantly strengthen the hairs.

Many girls wonder how to quickly grow eyelashes at home. Reviews on those or other means stimulate them to use. Meanwhile, in addition to the use of special methods of healing, it is very important to follow a few simple rules.

  1. You can not sleep with makeup on his face.
  2. The tool for removing it should be very soft.
  3. It is not allowed to rub the eyelashes strongly when removing mascara.
  4. At least one day a week do not apply mascara.
  5. Do not use cosmetics after its expiration date.
  6. Wear summer sunglasses.
  7. Eat right.

Then there will be no reason to desperately look for methods on how to quickly grow eyelashes at home in a week. It is enough to be healthy, to provide them with the right care, and they will always be thick and long.

Castor oil

Cilia, like hair, need vitamins to grow well. Most popular
The remedy is natural castor oil, which contains vitamins A and E. These vitamins make eyebrows thicker and help to grow long eyelashes faster.

This oil can be purchased at a pharmacy in small quantities. Hair rubbed with oil every day - it is very important consistency, because the effect of this tool will have to wait several weeks.

Apply the oil using your fingers or mascara brush. This procedure is good to do in the evening, and better at night.

Olive oil

Olive oil contains many valuable vitamins, it is great for the care and hydration of cilia and eyebrows. Apply the product can be fingertips dipped in a drop of oil. This will help make your eyelashes and eyebrows healthy and shiny and grow your eyelashes more quickly after extension.

Burr oil

Burdock oil is an excellent tool that will help to effectively and quickly grow eyelashes at home.

After its use, the first results can be seen already after a week, provided that the procedures will be carried out every day.

The oil should be applied at night every day using a brush washed and treated with boiling water from an old mascara or cotton swab, carefully so that it does not fall into the eyes.

After 15-20 minutes, you need to gently wet the cilia with a cotton pad.

Camomile tea

Faster growth of eyelashes at home will help chamomile extract, this useful weed can be purchased at the pharmacy. One tablespoon of pharmaceutical chamomile flowers should be poured with a glass of hot water and allowed to cool. Cotton swab should be moistened in the infusion and make lotions on the eyelids for 20 minutes. This procedure will also help in the fight against bruises under the eyes.

Moisten the hairs with a small amount of Vaseline, this will protect them from drying out and reduce their fragility. You can apply it with a brush and then remove it carefully before going to bed. Vaseline feeds the hairs, adds shine to them and stimulates their growth.

Homemade balm for thick and long eyelashes

If you want to feed and grow your eyelashes after building - try the following conditioner.

  • 1 capsule oil with vitamin E,
  • 1-2 teaspoons of aloe juice,
  • 1 spoon of castor oil.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. It is better to pour them into a small, thoroughly washed jar of pills and shake for about a minute so that all the components are well mixed. The conditioner is ready, apply it with a thin layer on the eyelashes and eyebrows every night after washing off the makeup. Castor oil and aloe strengthen hairs, and vitamin E accelerates their growth. After a month of use, you will notice the effect, they will become thick and look much more beautiful.

Cream and serum for rapid growth

Today, there are many cilia care products on the cosmetic market - conditioners, creams and serums. Apply cream and serum should be on the roots of hairs in the upper and lower eyelids, preferably at night. These drugs provide a quick improvement in appearance and acceleration of regrowth of weakened hairs.

There are pharmaceutical preparations that help the growth of eyelashes. Most of them contain plant extracts, vitamins and peptides. Preparations used around the eyes can cause allergies and conjunctivitis, skin irritation, so they should be used with caution. Hypotensive prostaglandins used in the manufacture of such drugs also affect eyebrow growth.


To preserve healthy and thick eyelashes, makeup before bedtime should always be washed off.

Rinse the skin of the face, and especially
around the eyes must be gently. You can purchase an effective conditioner that will strengthen and moisturize them.

If you used waterproof mascara, you need to remove it with a special tool. It is not recommended to use waterproof mascara too often.

If you use cosmetics that is washed off with water, first moisten the mascara with makeup remover, wait until it gets wet, and only then gently remove it. Do not rub your eyes with a cotton swab, just carefully remove the makeup, moving outward from the root of the hairs.

After washing, do not rub your eyes with a towel, it negatively affects the condition of the hairs, it can cause creases. Do not put on the eyes of random creams, even those that you use for the face.

Having washed, eyelashes can be combed - there are comb-comb, specially designed for this purpose. This massage stimulates hair growth.

Proper nutrition, diet and healthy lifestyle

The condition of our hair, eyelashes and eyebrows directly depends on the state of our body. To be beautiful, it is important to eat right. The body should receive all the valuable vitamins, minerals and nutrients. If you decide to lose weight - choose a diet with a low calorie content, but with a full diet, so that the body does not have a prolonged lack of nutrients.

The reason for the loss of eyelashes can be not only poor nutrition, but also rapid weight loss. Be sure to consult with experts who will choose for you a properly balanced diet. Lack of nutrients, vitamins A, E, vitamins of group B, zinc and copper contribute to the loss of eyelashes.

Be sure to supplement the deficiency of these important elements in the body, if any, with the help of vitamin-mineral complexes.

Rules for the care of eyelashes

The reason for the loss of eyelashes besides physiological factors may be improper care or the complete absence of cosmetic procedures that provide nutrition and accelerate biochemical processes.

In order not to provoke hair loss, you should follow simple rules:

  1. Before applying new makeup and at night required to clean the skin of the face, eyebrows and eyelashes. To remove cosmetics you need to use special formulations (milk, lotion, fortified means). and a wadded disk to perform a makeup remover in a gentle way. It is absolutely impossible to wash with soap and water. In addition to wrinkles, irritation of the eye mucosa may occur.
  2. When choosing cosmetics should be carefully studied composition, shelf life and purpose. You can use the Internet to get acquainted with consumer reviews about the quality of the acquired shadows, mascara, cleansing milk, etc. An important role is played by the reputation of the manufacturer. Famous brands will not lower their ranking positions by the release of poor-quality products.
  3. From time to time, cilia should be allowed to recover.. During this period it is not recommended to use mascara and other cosmetics.
  4. It is good to combine time of rest from cosmetics. with wellness treatments to restore hair structure, nutrition and hydration.
  5. Equally important impact on the growth of eyelashes provides proper nutrition. Sufficient vitamins should be included in food. Omega-3 fatty acids provide a positive effect. A balanced diet affects metabolic processes, blood circulation, sebaceous glands and cell regeneration, which is important for the growth process. From healthy products: butter, seafood, beans, caviar, veal, eggs, etc.
  6. The coat reacts to the psycho-emotional statetherefore, stress increases the risk of hair loss. The same applies to eyelashes. To create favorable conditions, it is necessary to arrange outdoor recreation at least once a week, to spend time in the open air as long as possible to enrich the body with oxygen.
  7. Daily purification of castor oilom and combing eyelashes with a special brush stimulates hair growth and blood microcirculation, as a result of which metabolic functions and cell regeneration are normalized.

Additional care for growth

  • Massage helps accelerate the growth of eyelashes. Procedures must be performed daily with a special brush. For convenience, it should be dipped in a mixture of oil and a few drops of vitamins A and E. You can also use the composition of vegetable oil and aloe juice. Brush to the hairline in gentle movements for enhance blood microcirculation. You can repeat the movements of combing.
  • Masks perfectly nourish and moisturize eyelashes, therefore, this procedure can be added to the list of mandatory activities. Healing compositions are prepared with the use of oils, plant extracts, aloe juice, parsley, vitamins, oil and water-based. Apply the mixture to 1 hour. To stimulate hair growth, you should make masks daily for 2 weeks.
  • Compresses are conveniently used to restore and power eyelashes, because you can use a lot of ingredients that are always in the kitchen. This is green tea, freshly squeezed cabbage juice, chamomile decoctions, coltsfoot, calendula blossoms. For infusion decoction will take only 20 minutes. Moistened cotton pad in the healing liquid should be laid on the eyelids and give time to the effects of active ingredients. After the procedure, you can enhance the effect of applying growth-promoting oil on the eyelashes. After daily application for a week, the result will be noticeable.
  • Quality nutrition hair provide oils. The following species have useful properties: burdock, castor, almond, pink, etc. They can be used separately or in a mixed form. The procedure will require only a couple of drops, which cost a mere penny. But after regular use, the visual effect will be clearly visible. It is worth getting acquainted with the characteristics of each recommended type of oil in order to use it to solve a particular problem. So sunflower, peach or almond oil product can prevent fragility and excessive dryness of hairs. To stimulate growth, sea buckthorn, castor and fir are often used in combination with vitamins A, D, E.

  • Vitamins for better absorption are used in combination with oils. The most useful substances to strengthen the bulbs and stimulate the growth of eyelashes: A, E, D, B5, B12. To enrich the body with valuable minerals and trace elements is recommended to enter into the diet foods rich in vitamins.

Lipocils gel Talika (France)

The gel is made on the basis of herbal ingredients, which makes its use safe for healthy eyes. The composition includes: horse chestnut, nettle extract, St. John's wort, etc. The tool has a restorative effect on the structure, strengthens the root system and creates protection from ultraviolet radiation. Provides daily use for the night for 4-6 weeks. The result can be assessed already at the 3rd week.

The cost is 829 rubles.

Reviews generally confirm the promise of the manufacturer. The preservation of the desired effect is noted only during the period of use of the gel. Some women managed to increase eyelashes by 30-40%. Also recorded thickening of hairs in 2 times.

Careprost Sun Pharmaceutical Industries (India)

Cosmetic to stimulate the growth of eyelashes provides for regular use. The active ingredients of the product affect the cyclic growth phase by increasing the duration of this period and the number of regrown hairs. After 3-4 weeks, the cilia are 30% longer and 2-3 times thicker, and the hair color is richer. Apply Kareprost should be 1 drop at night every day. After the course it is recommended to use 1-2 times a week to maintain the effect obtained. In addition to stimulating growth, the remedy has a healing and restorative effect.

The cost is 900 rubles per bottle of 3 mg.

Feedback on the tool is mostly positive. Often marked thickening of the ciliary structure. Elongation also takes place. Among the shortcomings noted irritation. To save the achieved result, consumers advise to use the method in the future, but already once a week. After the end of the application, the eyelashes eventually acquire the original look.

Xlash growth enhancer Almea (England)

The assortment line is represented by products of different dosages and purposes. Regular use of Xlash for 2-3 weeks activates biochemical processes that affect hair growth. The product does not contain hormones, consists mainly of plant components (hebula fruits, coral extract). Available in bottles that resemble mascara. Apply the product should be at night every day.

The cost is 2770 rubles.

Reviews prove the popularity of tools in European countries. Accelerated the process of regeneration, compaction and increase the length of cilia is confirmed. Many were able to evaluate the effectiveness after the second week of use.

What result to expect

With an integrated approach, some women manage to grow eyelashes in a week. The most effective components are: castor and burdock oil. They are mixed in equal proportions before application and spread along the growth line of the eyelashes with a brush, using only 1-2 drops. Procedures are performed daily for 2-4 hours. It is not recommended to leave the tool at night.

In addition, it should also daily in the morning and evening to make compresses of aloe juice and decoction of chamomile. Moistened cotton pad is applied to the eyelids for 20-25 minutes.

During the period of improvement of eyelashes should take care of a balanced diet, rich in vitamins A, E, B5, B12, D. But this does not mean that after the course you need to ignore healthy foods. It is important not only to achieve the most positive result, but also to keep it. And because the rules of care, rest from cosmetics and the use of stimulants are not canceled after the course.

The effectiveness of the use of special tools depends on the reaction of the body. In some, changes are noticeable after a week course, while in others - after 3-5 weeks. Therefore, to say that in a week the eyelashes will become long and fluffy is not correct. The main role is played by the correct selection of tools and an integrated approach.

Eyelash life

Eyelashes - completely normal in their hair structure, bordering the eye. The visible part is the hair shaft, the invisible part is the root. The latter is located under the skin and ends with the hair follicle. The number of follicles determines the fundamentally possible number of eyelashes. However, in practice, about a third of the hair follicles are in a "hibernation", and 2/3 - in an active state. How many lashes grow, does not depend on the ratio.

On average, there are 150–250 eyelashes on the upper eyelid, and 50–150 on the lower eyelid. The length of the upper somewhat longer - on average 10 mm, the length of the lower - 7 mm. The thickness of the hairs is determined by race, and the shape is determined by the type of hair follicle.

From this it is clear that the length, thickness and average number of eyelashes is determined genetically and is not subject to change. It is impossible to grow longer eyelashes than the gene program suggests.

How long do lashes grow? The average lifespan of a hair is 90 days. It is divided into 4 phases:

  • the active growth phase lasts 14–21 days,
  • rest phase - 28–56 days,
  • the rest of the time - 62–34 days, is the time of rejection and preparation for the growth of a new hair.

The difference between the lifetime of a hair and the duration of all 4 phases can be influenced. All methods of care are built on such an opportunity. It is impossible to influence the term of life, therefore all methods promising to increase the number and length of eyelashes in a week are a lie.

Causes of Fallout

As a rule, a person does not notice the "planned" change of eyelashes, just as he does not notice the replacement of hair. The secret is that, in a healthy state, the optimal ratio between the sleeping and working follicles is always maintained, and it turns out that a new hair is already being replaced by the hair that has fallen out.

However, this pattern can be broken, and then thick long eyelashes suddenly become fragile and rare. There are many reasons:

  • unsuccessfully selected cosmetics - with a strong degreasing effect, for example. In this case, the hairs lose their grease - their natural protection, which leads to dryness and brittleness. As a result, they do not fall out, but break off, which does not affect the appearance of new ones,

  • mechanical injuries - burns, too long exposure to the sun, the manner often and strongly rub eyes. All this leads to premature desiccation and loss of hair. After falling out, a new cilium appears only in a timely manner, and then the difference between the phase of existence and the phase of rejection is too large. How long new ones grow depends on the conditions: in the absence of traumatic factors, eyelashes are restored fairly quickly,
  • diseases - many diseases lead to deterioration of the nutrition of hair follicles. In this case, growth slows down, and part of the bulbs goes into “sleep” mode. It is impossible to strengthen them without treating the underlying disease,
  • stresses - in this condition the peripheral blood circulation is deteriorating, that is, the hair follicles do not receive enough oxygen and nutrition. Alas, neither the cream nor the oil in this state will help.

If only the hair shafts are damaged, it is quite possible to restore them, if the hair follicles died, then the process is irreversible. In this case, the question of what to do if there are no eyelashes is solved in a more radical way.

Tips to help you grow thick and long eyelashes by yourself:

Home remedies

Most care methods are aimed at strengthening the eyelashes and eyebrows and lengthening the resting phase, when the hair does not grow, but remains. Due to this, it is possible to increase the momentary number of active follicles.

It is possible to improve the condition of eyelashes by resorting to familiar and well-known folk remedies. They do not promise a significant increase in the number of hairs, but it is worth noting that this number can be changed in principle by no more than 15%.

  • Burdock oil - only lazy does not know about its beneficial effect. The effect of oil affects quickly: in a week the eyelashes will return natural shine and silkiness. Oil envelops the hair, ordering the laying of scaly cells - the top layer of the hair shaft, and thereby retains moisture inside, restoring natural elasticity. With prolonged use, burdock oil stimulates the awakening of the follicles, because it is rich in vitamins.

To speed up the recovery, if the eyelashes grow for a long time, you can: find and carefully wash the brush from the old mascara, and then apply oil with it. The procedure is repeated every day at night for a month. After 15–20 minutes, residues are removed with a cotton pad. It is not necessary to leave for the night, as the skin of the eyelids is too soft and swollen. If necessary, you can apply oil and a cotton pad, but the brush provides a more even distribution.

  • Castor oil is an equally well-known option to get thick eyelashes. The oil is rich in vitamins A and B, reliably protects the hair. Apply in the same way: with a brush from the mascara or cotton swab. The mask is held for no more than 15–20 minutes and the remnants are carefully removed: castor oil is heavy, so the last action cannot be neglected.

  • You can smear eyelashes and eyebrows with olive oil. It has a lighter structure, so you can apply with your fingers. This procedure is repeated in the afternoon, but it is still better to remove the remaining oil.

  • A good remedy for the constant action of traumatic factors, like a pool with chlorinated water, sea bathing, hiking, is ordinary petroleum jelly. It is preferable to lubricate them at night, comb the hairs with a brush, and then remove the excess.

  • Hair grows quickly if you combine the action of the oil with plant extracts or juices. For example, such a composition: mix 1 teaspoon of castor oil, 1-2 tablespoons of aloe juice and 1 capsule with vitamin A. The composition is placed in a tube from tablets, for example, or another container and shaken until it forms a homogeneous mixture.

This "conditioner" is applied to the eyelashes and eyebrows at night after removing makeup. After how many weeks it will be possible to restore the hairs, the action depends on many other factors, the conditioner stimulates the work of the hair follicles, so that the result will be noticeable in any case.

  • Good result gives the use of herbal compresses. Their main goal is to restore the water balance, and the compress acts on the hairs and on the skin. To do this, prepare a decoction of chamomile flowers or cornflower: 1 tablespoon of raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 24 hours. The infusion is moistened with cotton pads and left on the eyelids for 20 minutes.

The appearance of new hairs, and, most importantly, the support of existing ones, directly depends on the nutrition of the hair follicles. And the latter provides sufficient blood flow. Massage of the eyelid skin will help strengthen your eyelashes and stimulate the appearance of new ones.

It is necessary to do it at home using a special composition: dry skin is much more prone to injury and stretching. To do this, mix a tablespoon of olive or burdock oil with half a teaspoon of parsley juice and aloe juice. The mixture is rubbed on the ciliary edge with gentle smooth movements. Short hairs from this will not become longer, but they will be stronger and thicker.

You can not rub your eyes, on the contrary, massage is done on a half-eyed century, make circular movements slowly and only along the hairline.


At home, you can use and cosmetic to strengthen eyelashes. Many companies produce caring gels, balsams and masks, and even special strengthening carcasses.

In fact, the last category is any “self-respecting” mascara. This can be determined by the composition, it necessarily includes the following components:

  • keratin is an analogue of the keratin top layer,
  • melanin - a pigment that protects against the action of ultraviolet radiation,
  • lanolin - prevents moisture loss,
  • vitamins - A, B, F, E.

Balsams and gels help to noticeably improve the condition of the hairs.

  • Dzintars Antioxidant Balsam is colorless, odorless, very easy to apply and absorb. It contains castor oil, aloe juice, keratin and vitamins. Balsam can be applied overnight.
  • Eyelash balm "Mirra Lux" - includes grape, castor oil, ylang-ylang oil, jasmine and jojoba. Besides the fact that the composition stimulates hair growth, it has a noticeable anti-edema effect and has a beneficial effect on the skin of the eyelids.

  • Talika gel is a part of many cosmetic lines of the company. It has a regenerating and stimulating effect. Very light structure allows you to apply the product during the day under the makeup. How quickly and whether new hairs grow, also depends on the reason for their loss. If we are talking about mechanical injury, then for a month, if stress or illness, it will take longer to wait.
  • Gel for modeling from "Art-Visage" is designed to care for the eyebrows and eyelashes. Very useful for dryness and brittleness. Due to the restoration of water balance, it lengthens the resting phase, that is, the hairs last longer and do not break.

How to quickly grow eyelashes at home is determined by many factors: the general condition, and the cause of loss, and care. On average, a month can achieve a good result, but in some severe cases - the disease, recovery takes longer.

See also: How to grow gorgeous eyelashes in two weeks (video)

How to accelerate the growth of eyelashes?

To achieve the desired as soon as possible, an integrated approach to the problem is necessary, i.e. a combination of traditional methods with industrial cosmetics and proper care.

For the lush and thick hair on the head, this method has gained wide popularity. It is also suitable for those who want to grow luxurious eyelashes at home. For eyelid massage, use hypoallergenic cosmetic oil with a high content of retinol (or add a couple of drops of vitamin A separately). It is neatly applied with a fine eye shadow brush. The grooming agent can be prepared at home by yourself: mix any vegetable oil with aloe juice in equal parts and mix thoroughly. It is recommended to massage the eyelids daily, then a noticeable effect will appear in a week.

2. Regular use of special oil that stimulates accelerated growth.

The most effective are sea buckthorn, burdock, wild rose and castor. Their continuous use will help to grow thick and long eyelashes at home quickly and easily. Here is a review of the best folk recipes from our compatriots:

  • Mix in equal proportions Vaseline, burdock oil, brandy and lubricate the resulting cilia means. It will help increase the thickness and accelerate growth, as well as give a healthy glow to your eyes,
  • in sea buckthorn oil pour a little carrot juice and a couple of drops of vitamin A. The mixture will strengthen the eyelashes at the roots and maximize their length,
  • almond oil with fish oil will give you the necessary nutrition and shine.

3. Homemade masks.

Masks are made on the basis of castor oil. It has the strongest effect presented, helps to grow thick cilia, nourishes, moisturizes and has a firming effect on the skin of their roots. Unlike previous products, the mixture should be washed off within an hour after application.

Therapeutic mask is easy to prepare at home. To do this, mix 10 g of castor oil, 16 g of petroleum jelly and 4 g of Peruvian balsam and apply with a cotton swab or a thin brush. Try to avoid getting the ointment in the eyes, and if this happens - wash them with plenty of warm boiled water. The mask is harmless to the mucous membrane, but can bring some discomfort. The remaining mixture is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator until the next use.

Herbal preparations (chamomile, calendula, train, coltsfoot and others) will be needed for preparation. They are sold at any nearby pharmacy. In extreme cases, the usual strong brewing will do. Fill herbs with boiled water and leave to infuse for at least 20 minutes.

For a compress, you can use cotton pads moistened in the prepared solution. Put them on the eyes and after 15 minutes remove. Then apply the oil mixture to the cilia. The effect of the procedure will be seen already in a week of use, subject to regular care.

It is possible to grow eyelashes with the help of ultra-modern modern means, which are found in abundance on the shelves of perfumery stores. However, their action raises many questions. First, manufacturers often greatly exaggerate the effectiveness of their products and attribute to them simply fabulous power. This is a publicity stunt, not a single line of cosmetics in the world, even the most expensive and well-known, can work wonders. Secondly, the substances in the composition can cause allergies and redness of the eyes, and sometimes they are more harmful than good. Third, homemade masks made from natural ingredients, according to consumer reviews, are in no way inferior to their industrial counterparts, and there are mere pennies.

Recovery after building

Women strive to be beautiful and desirable at any cost, and for this they resort to various cosmetic procedures. Very popular among them salon building. But for a spectacular look for a short time you have to pay dearly in the direct and figurative sense. Own rare cilia become weakened, brittle and prone to loss.

How to grow eyelashes after extension? The situation can be corrected by using the improvised home recipes. It will help the mixture of castor oil and vaseline in equal shares. There is also a special medical mascara, which quickly copes with such problems. It can be applied under the usual color, but for the fastest results it is better to temporarily abandon your favorite cosmetics.

For the growth of thick and long eyelashes, it is not enough to use only home and industrial cosmetics, it is necessary to follow some general rules:

  • eat right and balanced: eat enough protein, vitamins and fiber,
  • to allocate one day a week (for example, Sunday) for a break from makeup;
  • use special tools created exclusively for this purpose to remove carcasses.

But what can be done in no case:

  • go to bed with makeup
  • cut the cilia in the hope of accelerated growth (this effect is possible only with the tips of the hair on the head),
  • Constantly use mascara with a waterproof base. It is harder to wash it off than usual, you have to rub your eyes with an effort, which leads to hair loss,
  • use poor quality or expired cosmetics.

Our eyelashes are created not only for beauty, they protect the eyes from dust, strews, small debris, so care for them is especially important. By following the simple rules, you can get the long cilia of your dreams at home without resorting to harmful cosmetic procedures.

How to quickly grow long eyelashes at home?

How to grow long eyelashes at home quickly - it is interesting to many young ladies. There are several really effective methods, and the first one is massage. Cushion fingers, smeared with castor oil, massage the eyelids and cilia. You can replace it with olive, burdock or other, at your discretion. In addition, making this technique for 5 minutes, there is a chance to improve vision.

Another good massage with the use of additional funds. 1 teaspoon of aloe and parsley juices, and a tablespoon of any oil mix together, rub into the eyelids along the line of cilia growth.

With castor oil

Castor oil is an ideal care product. It is not for nothing recognized as the best in its field of action, since it contributes to an increase in length, feeding the hair and, consequently, eyelashes, suspends their intensive prolapse. So how do you grow your eyelashes with castor oil?

It is necessary to apply it on the hairs in the evening, but very carefully, while protecting the eye itself. Wait 15 minutes and wipe dry with a cotton swab to remove residual fat. It is worth noting that the oil, remaining on the eyelids for a long time (for example, if someone is too lazy to wash it off in the evening and performs this cleansing procedure in the morning), can cause such undesirable wrinkles. And since women usually try to avoid this in every way, it is better to listen to the recommendation and take a few minutes to flush the oil from the eyelids.

Burdock oil has the same effect (as a separate product or in combination with castor oil). As a brush for application, a brush from an old mascara, previously thoroughly washed, will be suitable. It can be poured into the same tube from under the brasmatic to make it easier to use in the future. And, as with castor oil, a fingertip pad is acceptable.

Vitamin A. This tool effectively affects the growth and general condition of the eyelashes. Before use, add a few drops of castorca and apply along the contour of the eyes. After 5 minutes, blot a piece of cotton wool. Restore the affected eyelashes will help receiving a mixture of vitamins A and F. You can add them to the compositions for rubbing.

The ideal product for growing eyelashes is a mixture of various oils: castor, flaxseed, grape seed. Mix equal proportions, lubricate hairs, relax with such a mask for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. As already mentioned, this mixture can be stored in an old jar of carcass, just pre-rinse it completely, so that nothing remains of the old contents.

To learn how to grow eyelashes after building up, you can find videos on the web, even master classes where professionals talk about their tricks and tricks.

How to grow eyelashes after building with a green pharmacy?

Medicinal herbs - an indispensable tool for all occasions. And in this situation they will help. On numerous websites and forums, folk craftsmen also vigorously tell how to grow eyelashes after building with the help of certain homemade herbal creams, infusions and decoctions.

A good tool will turn out if you brew chamomile, sage, cornflowers and add a bag of tea. Make lotions on the eyes, keeping for 15 minutes. Such a composition does not have any side effects. On the contrary, it will also relieve puffiness and tired eyes. Restrictions on the use either. Is it only with the appearance of an allergic reaction.

Next, the video shows how to grow eyelashes at home:

How to grow eyelashes at home?

In order for cilia to become strong and long, it is necessary, first of all, to properly care for them:

  • always take off your make-up before bedtime with a suitable product for your type of cosmetics,
  • use mascara and shadows from proven manufacturers
  • regularly massage eyelashes using essential oils,
  • several times a week, apply special masks on the cilia,
  • 1-2 times a week do compresses.

Apply any of the suitable oils to the fingertips and rub it gently into the upper and lower eyelids, as well as into the cilia along the growth line with gentle massaging movements. Continue the massage for at least 5 minutes.

Compresses with decoctions of medicinal plants have a relaxing, soothing and firming effect. The most commonly used decoctions of chamomile, coltsfoot, calendula. A cotton disc moistened in the infusion is applied to the eyes for about half an hour.

Masks are considered the most effective home remedies for the growth and density of eyelashes. That is why in the article we will consider this popular method in as much detail as possible.

Mask Recipes

There are many ways to make masks, some of which were known to our great-grandmothers. Let's look at the most popular homemade recipes.

  1. Beeswax, petrolatum and castor oil are mixed in equal proportions. The resulting mixture should be heated in a water bath until the wax melts. When the mixture has cooled, apply it on the cilia and eyebrows with a cotton swab. Mask hold no more than 15 minutes. This recipe is considered one of the most effective: after 3-4 applications, you will find that the hairs have stopped falling, have become much thicker.
  2. In one bowl add the juice of potatoes, aloe juice, a small amount of bee honey. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed until smooth and wrapped in cheesecloth. Tampons are applied to the lash line and held for 10 minutes. About 10 masks are required to achieve a visible effect.
  3. Parsley finely chopped and mixed with fresh sour cream (preferably rustic). The mixture is also recommended to wrap in sterile gauze and hold on the eyelids for about 20 minutes. Such a mask not only contributes to the rapid growth of cilia, but makes them more pigmented.
  4. The contents of the ampoules with vitamins A, B, and C are mixed together, and then poured into vegetable oil heated to 20-27 degrees (sunflower, olive, coconut oil will do). Apply the product to the eyelids and eyelashes, leave for 40−45 minutes, and then remove with a clean, dry cotton pad. Vitamin mask is one of the fastest. The increase in volume can be seen after 2−3 applications.
  5. Dried chamomile flowers are filled with boiling water, and then the resulting broth is allowed to cool to room temperature. It is mixed with castor oil to give a thicker consistency. The finished mixture is applied directly to the eyelashes from root to tip, not washed off for at least 40 minutes. Chamomile mask stimulates the hair follicles, strengthens already regrown hairs, preventing them from breaking and falling out.
  6. Finely chopped parsley leaves are added to fresh aloe juice and allowed to infuse for 24 hours. The resulting slurry impose on the eyelids, avoiding falling on the eyelashes. This nuance is very important to observe, since such a mask can visibly lighten eyelashes. Active growth begins after about 5 times of daily use.
  7. Ground hips are mixed with burdock and castor oil, left for a few days in a place where sunlight does not fall. The finished mass is applied to the eyelashes for 10 days twice a day with a clean cotton swab. Vitamin C, found in dogrose in large quantities, irritates the hair follicles, and castor and burdock oil nourishes the hair. Due to these properties, the use of the composition gives a very fast result: on the 5th day you will definitely notice that the cilia have become more fluffy and long.
  8. The protein in the chicken egg is separated from the yolk, whipped to a foam. It is advisable to use only fresh village eggs. The resulting foam before bedtime is applied to the eyelids and eyelashes, leave until morning. After waking up you need to gently wash with cool water. The effect of the procedures usually becomes noticeable after a week. But some girls who have tried this mask and left feedback about it on the Web claim that they have not noticed any lengthening or strengthening of eyelashes.
  9. Cognac (can be replaced with rum) and castor oil heated in a water bath are mixed in a ratio of 1 to 2. The composition is very carefully applied with a washed-out brush from a mascara or a cotton swab near the eyelash growth line. After 30 minutes, using a cotton pad and makeup remover, you must carefully remove the mask. Carefully ensure that the solution does not get on the mucous membrane of the eyes - this is fraught with chemical burns. Despite the fact that the tool has some effectiveness, it is better to choose something else because of the danger of injury to the eye.

There are several ways to accelerate the growth of eyelashes at home: use a serum or pharmaceutical means, but masking is considered to be the most effective. They are easy to make, convenient to apply, and the components from which they are made are inexpensive and affordable.

Factors of deterioration and loss of eyelashes

Lack of care leads to brittleness, hair loss.

Factors that contribute to the deterioration of the type of growth retardation:

  • living in ecologically polluted regions,
  • weather conditions: cold, heat, climate change,
  • illiterate use of homemade recipes for hair growth.
  • frequent salon manipulation: building, sticking false eyelashes.
  • substandard decorative and care cosmetics. Alcohol-based compounds are particularly harmful.
  • regular use of decorative cosmetics, especially black waterproof mascara, sleep with makeup,
  • curling tongs without the use of silicone linings,
  • unbalanced nutrition

The condition of the hairs is worsened by mechanical action: rubbing the eyes with the hands, sleeping the face in the pillow.

Natural oils

Natural oils are useful, they nourish the hairs, help to accelerate growth and increase volume. Eyelashes become well-groomed appearance, elasticity, elasticity.

The tool must be placed in an empty bottle from under the mascara, for convenience, you can paint the eyelashes with a brush.

Before use, the composition is heated in a water bath.


Watch the video: 11 Quick Ways to Grow Long Eyelashes in 30 Days (June 2024).