
Winter hair care


The winter is coming! And that means it's time to think about how to protect your hair from the piercing wind and the merciless frost. If you do not want your luxurious hairstyle to lose its healthy shine by the spring, to become dry and noticeably thin, take a note of a few rules about how to care for your hair in winter.

Do not forget to wear a hat

Do you consider yourself an adult girl who can do without a headdress even in the most severe frost? In this case, keep in mind that intense hair loss in the winter is largely due not to vitamin deficiency, but to exposure to low temperatures. Even with a short stay on the street without a cap on a frosty day, there is a threat of damage to the hair follicles, which leads to disruption of hair nutrition and subsequent loss.

So now think about buying a stylish hat for the winter. In addition, it does not necessarily have to be a massive woolen cap. It is possible to do with a stylish scarf, beret or fur hood, which will further emphasize your beauty and femininity.

Hair care in winter: postpone your hair experiments until spring

Winter is not the time for fashionable hairstyles that require daily styling. Firstly, a hairdryer and a curling iron do not affect the hair in the best way, and secondly, wearing a headdress and gusts of a strong wind clearly do not contribute to the preservation of perfect styling. In winter, it is better to give preference to graded haircuts of medium length, which can be quickly brought into a divine form.

Use cool water to wash your hair.

To train your hair to new weather conditions, try to use cool water to wash your hair. So they will electrify less and do not "get lost" at minus temperatures outside.

Dry hair in the winter is the best natural way. Well, if you can not do without a hair dryer, use the mode without heating the air.

Hair in winter: comb your hair more often!

Combing hair is a kind of massage of the scalp, through which the nutrition of the hair follicles is enhanced. The main thing is not to turn this process into a session of medieval torture, pulling and pulling up entangled strands. Start combing the hair from the tips, gradually moving to the roots and carefully unraveling the knots.

Regularly do nourishing masks

Winter is a tough time for hair. To help them survive this difficult period, try at least once a week to make nourishing masks for your hair. If you have dry hair, use masks based on kefir, potatoes or vegetable oils (shea butter, coconut, mango, cocoa, burdock). For normal and oily hair suitable egg and honey masks with the addition of essential oils.

Hair care in winter: do not forget about vitamins

In winter, vitamins are necessary not only to maintain immunity, but also to preserve the health of the hair. Try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables daily, and add vitamins A, D and E to the hair masks from ampoules that are sold in pharmacies. So you give your hair strength, natural shine and silkiness.

Winter hair: timely my head

The myth that the less often you wash your head, the better the quality of your hair, has long been refuted. Hair should be washed as it is polluted, otherwise sebum blocks the feeding of the follicle, which negatively affects the general condition of the hair. Recommendations of experts regarding the frequency of washing hair in the winter period are as follows:

  • dry hair should be washed no more than 1-2 times a week,
  • greasy hair - at least once every 2 days,
  • normal hair every 3-4 days.

Use an air ionizer

Due to the effects of heating devices in the winter in the apartments, as a rule, the air is very dry. Naturally, the hair, falling into such conditions, quickly lose their natural moisture and become like a lifeless hay. In addition, it is the dry air in the apartments that is one of the main causes of frequent respiratory diseases in the autumn and winter period, because it disturbs the local immunity of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. The air ionizer, which will create the necessary humidity in the room and protect the hair (as well as the upper respiratory tract) from drying, will help to solve this problem.

Winter care for dry hair

First of all, you need to determine the type of hair - after all, the right care depends on it. So, a nourishing mask with natural palm oil, applied 10-15 minutes before washing, will help the dry hair. A little more trouble requires a potato mask, but it is inexpensive and effective. You need to cook 3-4 small potatoes in a “uniform”, then peel, knead in a ceramic dish, add 2 tbsp. spoons of cream or sour cream, and mix everything thoroughly. Before you wash your hair, divide the hair into strands, and apply the resulting mass on the roots, as well as along the entire length of the hair. Cover the head with a film, and from the top tie a terry towel, and hold it for 30 minutes. Then wash your hair, as usual, using a mild shampoo for dry hair every day. After washing, rinse them with a weak solution of citric acid or apple cider vinegar - about 1 tsp. 5 liters of water.

All of your hair products (shampoos, conditioners, etc.) must match your type, and contain the necessary nutrients for dry hair. Also, make sure that all funds were from the same series: then the hair will not have to adapt often. Using a balm, hold it on the hair for at least two minutes and then rinse thoroughly. Try to dry your hair with a hair dryer less often, so that the hydrolipid film on the hair does not break.

How to protect the skin from frost?

General rules for all skin types in freezing temperatures:

  • Get rid of moisturizing cosmetics (in the cold it is not a good option, because it causes hypothermia).
  • Drink as much liquid as possible. It is also good for the skin during the warm season. And in the cold, when it needs maximum strength for regeneration, it is vital.
  • The air in rooms where you spend a lot of time should be humid.
  • It is necessary to limit the consumption of tea, coffee, carbonated drinks to the maximum.
  • The frequency of the masks is increased to three per week.
  • Use dry powder - it saves from freezing.
  • Creams must contain lecithin and hyaluronic acid.
  • Makeup apply at least one hour before the release.

Dry skin care in winter

In cold weather, dry skin suffers more than other types. Its owners have to take care to simultaneously moisturize the face and minimize the effects of the weather.

Ice chips and scorching freezing wind are not best friends for skin beauty


  1. Choose a cream based on glycerin, vitamin E and oils.
  2. Use scrub - gommage twice a week (creamy, without hard particles. It will cleanse the skin, but does not harm it).
  3. At least every other day, before going to bed, do almond oil massages: drip a few drops into the cream and stir. Then lightly rub the cream on the palms, and only then apply it in a circular motion on the face. This not only nourishes the skin, but also improves blood circulation, which allows the skin to produce more protective fat.
  4. If the skin is very flaky, you need to make soothing masks. For example, a decoction of limes or chamomile. Dampen gauze in warm broth and apply on face. The temperature of this mask should be slightly higher than body temperature, about 37 degrees. Keep the napkin until it cools down. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.
  5. It is better to clean your face with cosmetic milk or cream.
  6. Forget about the soap. Quite
  7. Follow the diet: in the winter you need to add to the diet oil, milk and fish oil. They will moisturize the skin "from the inside."

Winter care for combination skin

Owners of this skin type may not worry so much about care. But some recommendations are still there:

  1. Once a day, you can wash with soap and water, but not more often.
  2. Scrubs should not be used more than once a week.
  3. To pay attention to the caring cosmetics based on plant extracts.
  4. Do not forget about the mask.
  5. You can use fat creams only for the night.
  6. If sensations of tightness appear in the afternoon, the situation will be corrected by thermal water. It is convenient to carry it with you and it is easy to use - it is applied directly to the makeup, without spoiling it.

Oily skin care in winter

Girls with oily skin in the cold can breathe with relief, because the production of sebum is reduced, which means that the face will almost not shine. This skin produces enough fat to protect itself from frost.

But sometimes she also needs help:

  1. You can not get involved in cleansing agents. The fact that rid of sebum in the summer, can greatly dry up the skin in winter. Therefore, it is worth changing the cleansing lotions and gels to more benign ones.
  2. Need to abandon cosmetics on the basis of alcohol.
  3. You can use the scrub 1-2 times a week.
  4. Washing with soap - no more than once a day.
  5. It is useful to wipe your face with ice cubes with oils (cosmetic or essential). In order not to provoke an allergic reaction, you need to check the oil, causing it on the wrist.
  6. It is possible to use fat creams only in case of extreme necessity and be sure to wash off the leftovers

In order not to spoil the wonderful winter mood with skin problems, it is enough to give it at least 15-20 minutes a day and follow these simple tips.

Winter hair care

  • Headdress

The first and most important mistake of women - the rejection of the headdress. Bulbs just a few minutes to freeze. Hair begins to fall out actively. But to get involved in and wear very tight hats is also not worth it. They will stop blood circulation. There is a risk of dandruff.

Head should be washed as it is contaminated. Hair will not be better protected from frost if kept dirty. The sebum mixes with the styling products and forms a “shell” on the head that will interfere with the bulbs breathing. And again the hair will start to fall out.

In winter, you need to eat fruits, vegetables, greens. Avitaminosis primarily affects the nails, hair and skin. If there is only a problem with hair, then you can purchase special vitamins for hair. They will not only stop the fallout, but also help to cope with split ends, brittleness.

  • Massage

It is necessary to do a head massage in the winter. Or, at worst, comb them more often. When massaging your hands, be careful. Under no circumstances should nails be used, as this may harm the bulbs. Do it with pads of fingers.

With frequent combing should pay attention to the type of hair. Dry hair is better to comb, stroking their free hand. Fatty need more often to throw from one side to another, so that they "aired".

  • Hair care products in cold

It is necessary to make moisturizing masks with essential oils (preferably citrus). Hair, like skin, loses a lot of moisture in winter. It must be constantly replenished. Otherwise, a luxurious mane of thick hair can turn into a dull tail in a couple of months.

Hair care products in winter can be “pests”. Even if the roots of the hair is very oily, it is recommended to use shampoo for brittle and split ends. There will be no significant change at the roots, but the length and tips will be protected from drying out.

In winter, the hair is very difficult period

If there is absolutely nothing without a shampoo for oily hair, then you need to choose the most gentle, with a neutral pH level, without dyes, parabens and silicones. After washing, be sure to apply moisturizing balms. Water temperature should be slightly warmer than room temperature.

Serums and sprays that do not need to be washed off, perfectly nourish hair. They will improve the appearance, and with regular use will make the hair structure more dense. The tips will stop cutting, and the length - break.

It is important to properly wipe your hair after washing. Do not rub them with a towel. There is no stronger destroyer for the structure. It is enough to wrap your head with a large towel that absorbs moisture well. After 15-20 minutes, remove the towel, but do not comb the hair until it is completely dry.

If the hair is brittle, then at night it is necessary to braid it in a weak braid, so that in a dream they will not rub against the pillow.

It is better to refuse hot styling by the hair dryer, the iron and the curling iron. If this is not possible, it is worth trying varnishes and mousses. Harm from them is much less.

It is necessary to choose hairbrushes from natural materials. They should not scratch the scalp, cling to the hair and, in general, cause discomfort when combing.

To dye your hair in the winter, in the good, is also not worth it. But from contrasting roots can not escape. Therefore it is worth choosing paints with oils (jojoba, burdock, linseed, grape seed), or try natural dyes. Henna - for red, henna with basma - for brunettes, henna with cocoa - for mahogany hair.

If attempts to bring the hair in a decent condition failed, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps, the obtained vitamins are not enough, even taking into account proper nutrition and winter care. The specialist may recommend piercing a course of vitamins. In most cases, this turns out to be the most effective method.

Winter is a real test for all hair types. Save the hair only with appropriate care. It is important not to start a hair disease. In addition, it is worth remembering that instant results from masks, sprays and proper nutrition will not be. To notice the changes, you need at least a month.

Remember, proper care for your skin in the winter and hair care procedures will make you look perfect at any temperature.

10 life hacks that will save your hair from frost

Winter cold affects not only our mood, but also the condition of the hair. Dimness, breakage and even increased hair loss - these are the problems that lead to the cold. And with one hat you will not be saved here! We figured out how to help your hair with the smallest losses survive this winter.

Winter element and health

Female opinions about wearing winter headgear differ. Some believe that a hat protects the head and hair in winter. Others are inclined to believe that the cap saves the head from the cold, not saving the hair from the "greenhouse" effect. From warm hats, hair quickly becomes oily, grow dull and begin to fall out.

Without a hat on the street, you can be at a temperature not lower than 5 degrees. Lower temperatures cool the hair follicles for 5 minutes. It is quite enough to subject them to a stressful state and further loss and breakage.

If you follow the usual rules of winter care to maintain the appearance and health, you can avoid losing their vitality.

How to protect hair in winter from cold stress and frost

The basic rules of winter care will protect exhausted and lifeless curls.

In winter, you should exclude:

  • shampooing with hot water, hot water accelerates the production of sebaceous glands and ages the scalp faster. Water should be moderately warm, about room temperature.
  • hot blow-drying, the use of irons and ploek, additional styling with hot appliances dries out the already fragile and weak hair.
  • wearing a headdress only on the street, hats, scarves and other winter hats going into the room from the street, you must take off, in order to avoid the "greenhouse effect".
  • gentle staining, excessive chemical exposure to the structure in the winter season will lead to exhaustion of already weakened hair.

Basic care

To take care of the structure and viability of the scalp should be started from the beginning of the onset of winter weather. The lack of "summer" vitamins, the effects of frost and cold are reduced to a sad outcome and a deplorable state of curl. The stressful effect of temperature drops, chlorinated water, drying lead to a slow “dying” of appearance.

To maintain vitality and beauty is capable of additional care and due attention to the hair. Maximum nutrition with vitamins, proper washing of the head and extra attention will help to survive the cold stress.

Dry hair in winter

Dry hair needs moisturizing masks, saving from the fragility and fragility of their structure. A simple mask of uncooked potatoes with sour cream or sour milk will feed weak curls. Peel the potatoes (3-4 potatoes), cooked with the skin, and peel them with 2 tablespoons of sour cream. Mix everything in a homogeneous mass and put gruel at the roots, spreading over the entire length. Cover the mask with cellophane and tie a warm towel over it. After half an hour, rinse with warm water and apply a balm. Wash off with warm water.

How does cold affect hair

Winter, with its frosty air, cold winds and indoor air dried by heating devices, is a stressful period for our hair. If you do not take timely measures to protect them from aggressive external influences, the hair after a few weeks lose their luster, become brittle, begin to fall.

Particularly affected by cold hair follicles. Going out with a bare head, you risk damaging them already at a temperature of -2 degrees. Negative temperatures provoke constriction of the blood vessels, which leads to a reduction in the nutrition of the hair, the weakening of their growth and loss.

No less harmful to the hair and wearing tight headgear, squeezing the head, especially if they are made of synthetic materials. That is why, in order to preserve the health and beauty of hair, it is necessary not only to regularly carry out special revitalizing procedures, which we describe below, but also to protect the scalp from hypothermia.

1. Not my head in hot water

The cooler the water you wash your head with, the less your hair will suffer during going out. The temperature difference in winter should be kept to a minimum, and if you teach yourself to wash your hair with room temperature water, this good habit will affect not only the shine of your hair, but also the work of the sebaceous glands: the hotter the water in which you wash your hair , the more active they are, which means that the head gets dirty faster.

How to protect hair from cold

First of all, choose the right hat for yourself and learn how to use it. Yes, yes, do not be surprised, you should wear a hat in winter “wisely”.

So, choose a hat only from natural materials. It can be fur or natural wool. Its size must necessarily correspond to the volume of the head, if you do not know it, then take a centimeter tape and measure it or ask the seller about it.

It is desirable that the headdress consists of several layers and protect not only from low temperatures, but also from penetrating winter winds. It is better to choose one that will not only cover the roots of the hair, but will be able to place in itself and their entire length.

When entering the room, be sure to take off the cap - this gives your hair the opportunity to relax and "breathe." Lovers walking in shopping centers or clinics in hats, causing damage to their hair, forcing their bulbs to overheat.

Try not to go out into the cold with your hair not dried after washing: freezing in the frosty air, they lose their structure, become brittle and dull.

Means to protect hair from exposure to cold

In winter, hair especially suffers from a lack of moisture. This is facilitated by both temperature fluctuations and exposure to cold, as well as indoor air dried by heaters. That is why in the cold season the hair most need to be moisturized.

If you want your hair to be beautiful and any time of the year, use the following tips:

  • In order to maintain a normal water balance, be sure to use special means to protect and moisturize the hair.

In winter, preference should be given to light styling products that include Dimethicone, it strengthens and smoothes the cuticles, without making the hair heavier. Spray means should be at a distance of at least 20 cm, avoiding glut hair.

  • After each shampooing, rinse hair with a balm or a healing herbal extract.

To prepare the infusion, you can mix different herbs (well, if these are chamomile flowers, sage, St. John's wort), pour boiling water over them and leave for about half an hour.

  • Once or twice a week, pamper your hair with the ALERANA® mask for intensive nutrition, which provides deep hydration and nourishment to the hair, strengthening it over its entire length and actively stimulating growth.

This mask is good because it affects both the hair follicles and the entire length of the hair, effectively nourishing and moisturizing them.

  • Include vitamins in your diet

The lack of vitamins in food during the winter period affects not only the state of the immune system, but also the appearance of skin and hair. Try to keep your meals balanced during the cold season, regularly eat vegetables, fruits, and other foods rich in vitamins A, E, and B, as well as containing zinc and calcium. This will help preserve the vitality and beauty of the hair.

  • Try to minimize the use of pleyoks, irons and hair dryers, and also set aside a chemical perm until the warm season and make hair dyeing as little as possible.

Compliance with these simple tips will allow you to protect your hair from the harmful effects of cold air, and in the spring they will surely delight you and others with their brilliance, thickness and volume.

Greasy hair

Masks for oily hair will help reduce the increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Absorbent masks reduce the formation of sebum at the roots. A mask of raw potatoes, grated on a grater with skin, egg yolk and honey (1 tbsp. L.), Is applied to the roots. The applied mask should be covered with a towel bag, allowed to stand for 20 minutes. When rinsing, you can add a spoonful of apple cider vinegar to the water.

Oily hair do not like frequent touching. It should be less to touch this type of hands.

Any type in the cold season requires greater attention. Shampoos and balms in accordance with the type of hair you need to choose one series, so as not to cause the degree of addiction to the heterogeneous composition of the funds.

After a frost the hair becomes strongly electrified. This is one of the problems associated with insufficient water and lack of oxygen. Combing with natural bristles or wooden teeth will help reduce magnetization. The application of gel on dry, washed hair and foam on greasy hair saves from electrification.

You can save your hair from frost and protect them from adverse weather conditions in the winter only by caring for them.

  • Tried all means, but nothing works?
  • Fragile and brittle hair does not add confidence.
  • Yes, these loss, dryness and lack of vitamins.
  • And most importantly - if you leave everything as it is, you will soon have to buy a wig.

But an effective remedy for recovery does exist. Follow the link and find out how Dasha Gubanova cares for hair!

2. Add vitamins, A and E to your conditioner

We have repeatedly talked about the benefits of vitamins A and E not only for the skin, but also for the hair. The fact is that they are powerful antioxidants and increase the protective properties of tissues. To make your winter care even more effective, purchase these vitamins in capsules (they are easy to pierce and squeeze the vitamin in liquid form) and add them to a mask or conditioner. Regular use of balms with vitamins, A and E will enhance the ability of your hair to withstand cold and temperature extremes. So act!

3. Go to shampoos for winter care.

The priority of winter hair care is nutrition and hydration. It is possible that at the time of frost you will have to change your shampoo to a more active formula.

In winter, pay special attention to shampoos containing oils - they more actively nourish the hair, and do not need to be afraid of weighting. In addition, choose products with soft formulas that do not contain silicone and parabens: if at normal temperature these components do not harm the hair, then in frost it is better to give preference to products without their content.


Watch the video: WINTER SHOWER ROUTINE! Natural & Organic Products (June 2024).