
Terms of use of the drug Permethrin against lice and nits


Does the drug "Permethrin" for lice? Feedback on the effectiveness of this local remedy will be reviewed at the end of the article. We will also tell you about the form in which the mentioned medicine is made, how it works, and what properties it has.

General information

To combat the problem used permethrin, a drug that destroys lice and nits. The substance is a fusible crystals or a viscous liquid of brown-yellow color. The tool is sold in several forms, the buyer remains to choose a convenient form:

  • shampoo - 50 ml bottles,
  • cream,
  • spray,
  • solution.

The drug has an external local effect, safe for health, can be used for children and adults.

Attention! Even a disease such as pediculosis requires medical supervision. Self-medication can lead to serious consequences.

The doctor determines whether there are indications for the purpose, taking into account the portability of the components by the patient's body, age, and health status. If the cause of the onset is stress or nervous tension, prescribe soothing drugs, and with them prescribes medications for parasites. Can there be lice on the nerve soil, read our website.

The composition and principle of operation

The basis of the drug are natural pyrethrins. These are natural substances contained in asteraceae plants. They have a strong insecticidal effect, which is used in Permetin.

Additive components help the effects of the drug is:

  • ethanol,
  • purified water,
  • isopropyl alcohol,
  • macroglycerol hydroxystearate.

The drug is indicated for use in the detection of parasites in the hairy parts of the body, the detection of itch mites of various types: simple mites, other arthropods.

The drug affects the eggs, larvae, and sexually mature individuals. The agent infects the insect's nervous system, first causing paralysis and then death. In addition to lice, the drug destroys flea, scabies, can be used to fight insects in animals.

Important! Permethrin is effective, its effect persists 3–6 weeks after treatment of the problem area.

After application to the surface of the bloodstream, 2% of the drug enters the body, which is eliminated from the body through the kidneys.

Instructions for use


  1. Put on the head.
  2. Spread on the skin and hair.
  3. Leave for 40 min.
  4. After that, the head is washed and combed lice and larvae comb with thick teeth.

If after a short time the parasites are again detected, the procedure is repeated after 10 days. Such cases are found with a strong lesion of the hair and skin. Often one treatment is enough to achieve a positive result.


  1. Spray on hair.
  2. Rubbed into the skin and evenly distributed on the curls with a comb.
  3. Leave to act for 40 min.
  4. After a time wash off.

Most often, the cream is used to combat scabies. The drug is applied to the problem area of ​​the skin and left for 10-12 hours for treatment. After the expiration of the allotted time, the treatment site must be washed. If necessary, the procedure is repeated.

We recommend to learn more about effective sprays and lotions for lice and nits on our website.

Solution used to treat scabies. Means lubricate problem areas before bedtime. The course of therapy is 3 days.

Attention! Do not apply Permethrin solution on the hair, face, neck.

The dosage depends on the patient's age and the treated surface. Children put 10 g of medication, adults with long hair need 50 g of the product to achieve a positive result.

Strengthen the impact of the drug will help a warm scarf. They cover the head with the applied permethrin and hold it while the medicine is working.

To combat lice, 24 ml of the drug is diluted in 96 ml of water. In the resulting solution soaked personal belongings, bedding of the patient for 40 minutes. After that, wash with a thorough rinse. After treatment with the preparation and drying, the laundry must be ironed. Wearable things ironed from the seamy side to destroy the eggs of parasites.

After the course of treatment, it is necessary to continue to iron the wears of family members from the wrong side for a while. This will serve as a preventive measure against insects.

Precautionary measures

Although the drug is safe, there are A number of points that must be followed when working with a means for lice and nits:

  • it is necessary to use the medication in a well-ventilated area or in the courtyard,
  • Permethrin should be applied in gloves, thoroughly rinse the mouth after treatment,
  • immediately after applying the medication you need to wash your hands,
  • avoid getting the drug on the mucous membranes, eyes,
  • if, despite the precautions, permethrin hit the skin, you should quickly wash off the drug with plenty of water.

After the drug gets into the digestive organs, it is necessary to immediately flush the stomach with plenty of water.

Inhalation of large quantities of the drug is harmful to health. If this happens, you must bring the victim to the street, ventilate the room. Treatment is carried out depending on the symptoms.

Council To avoid infecting other family members, bedding and underwear should be treated by the infected person.


The drug has no harmful effects on the body. Contraindications consider caseswhen exposure to the components of a drug is unacceptable, even in small doses. It:

  • pregnancy,
  • children under 3 years old
  • lactation,
  • wounds on the scalp,
  • sensitivity to medication components
  • cream is not prescribed to children under 6 months.

In special cases, the drug is prescribed to pregnant women. This is done by prescription and under the strict supervision of a doctor. Indications for prescribing are situations when harm to the fetus is less than damage caused by lice. Safe methods of dealing with lice and nits during pregnancy, you will find on our website.

With caution prescribed means to patients suffering from bronchitis and bronchial asthma. This is due to the risk of inhalation of vapors of the medication and damage to the respiratory tract.

Side effects

In prescribed doses, the agent is safe. If a person has a sensitivity to the components of the drug, itching occurs, burning on the skin at the site of application. A problem that lasts a long time, requires an appeal to a doctor.

In rare cases, puffiness, rash. If you find these sensations should immediately wash the medicine and consult a doctor.

Cases of overdose medication was not.

The cost of the drug depends on the number of intermediaries between the manufacturer and the seller. Pharmacies that cooperate directly with manufacturers, sell the medicine at lower prices.

On the websites of online stores you can buy Permethrin at a lower price.

The drug is sold as an independent medication, and in other means. As part of the medifox medmetox permethrin is the main active ingredient. The cost of 1 bottle of medicine, with a capacity of 24 ml, is about 130 r. Cream Knicks contains an insecticide, the cost of 1 package of 59 ml volume is 380 r.

The cost of 1.5% Permethrin, as an independent means, is 115–150 r. for a capacity of 100 ml. How much to pay for the course of treatment depends on the stage of the disease. At the initial and middle stages, 1 bottle of the product is sufficient. In difficult cases, you will have to buy another 1 serving.

Permethrin Handic Plus can be bought for 103 p. in online stores.

The ointment is sold in containers of 30, 50, 90 ml. The average cost of ointment 464 p.

Medicines (except cream) are stored at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C, for 2 years. Cream - at 15 ° C. Avoid contact with the drug in direct sunlight.

Advantages and disadvantages

The tool is popular with the population due to the advantages that it has. The experts refer to the positive aspects of the drug:

  • high efficiency
  • non-hormonal drug
  • safety for the body
  • simple use
  • availability,
  • universality - the medicine is suitable for adults and children.

Doctors attribute to the negative sides:

  • the medicine requires special protection when working with it,
  • do not use the drug indoors,
  • Care should be taken to avoid contact with mucous membranes.

Highly effective and affordable preparation for lice and nits. Permethrin has a good effect in compliance with the rules of use. Not following the instructions for use of the medicine, patients are at risk of causing complications and side effects. The dosage should be as prescribed by a doctor, with the slightest disturbance in the state of health should seek the help of a doctor. Self-treatment is unacceptable, especially when it comes to children.

Useful videos

Remedies for pediculosis.

How to save a child from lice.

Pharmacological composition

Permethrin is an insecticidal chemical preparation of synthetic origin of acaricidal action, intended to combat parasitic insects.

When making the diagnosis of pediculosis, doctors prescribe permethrin in different forms:

  • spray,
  • ointment,
  • shampoo with a concentration of the active substance up to 5%,
  • insecticide-based cream with a concentration of 1% and 5%,
  • lotion with a concentration of 0.5%,
  • therapeutic solution with a concentration of 25%.

All of the above drugs are drugs for external use. Each of them contains in the composition of auxiliary additives that increase the effectiveness of exposure and reduce the adverse effect of the insecticide on the skin. Among the components are the following:

  • active substance,
  • isopropyl and ethyl alcohols with antibacterial action,
  • macrogol glyceryl hydroxystearate, which acts as an emulsifier and has a softening effect,
  • base - distilled water.

The solution is clear, let's say opalescent, the color is yellow or light brown.

Side effects

Like any synthetic drugs Permethrin can cause side effects.. But in general, the tool is well tolerated. Sometimes allergic reactions occur on the skin. Most often this happens in people with sensitive skin. But even this phenomenon happens most often with overdose medicationm

If after application on the head of an ointment or solution man feels severe itching and burning, it is necessary to immediately wash away the tooland after that to consult about the use of permethrin with a doctor.

In general, insecticide Permethrin belongs to low-toxic drugs, but in some cases it is better to refrain from using it:

  1. Period of pregnancy and lactation.
  2. With a known increased sensitivity of the skin to chemicals.
  3. When treating children up to 3 years.
  4. If there are many wounds and scratches on the scalp.

On the interaction of permethrin with other drugs and data products are not available.

Permethrin lice: reviews

According to user reviews, Permethrin Pediculosis Remedy is effective and at the same time low-toxic. Besides, the cost of the drug is not so high, and you can buy medicine at almost any pharmacy.

I have never suffered from head lice, and then suddenly discovered the presence of lice. The head was very itchy. After a single use of the drug Permentin, the problem disappeared. No allergic reactions were observed, the drug is well tolerated. I am pleased with this drug.

I myself do not understand how it happened, but I got lice. The head was itchy, felt itchy and burning. Later I had a rash, first on the fingers and then on the stomach. Immediately crept into suspicions about scabies. She didn’t go to the doctor right away, still hoping that everything would pass by itself. But the miracle did not happen, and the doctor confirmed my fears and prescribed permethrin ointment, which is applied to the places of itching and washed off only after 24 hours. I had to ask for leave from work. Scabies passed after the second application of ointment. The lice disappeared after the very first application, but then held another repeated application of Permethrin solution to the head, in order to surely get rid of the problem.

The son brought pediculosis from the children's camp, Permethrin here is already a proven means, so there was no doubt how to remove the lice. In addition, the tool is low toxic and suitable for children over three years. Allergic reactions were not. After applying the solution, the child complained of a slight discomfort and itching of the scalp. But when the head was cleaned, all the parasites were combed out using a fine comb, and the next day there was not a hint of pediculosis. True, after removing the lice, I acquired another shampoo with Permetrin and applied it on my son's head for several bathings for the purpose of prevention.


If you follow all the rules for using Permethrin, its application will be very effective.. But if you violate the instructions, the tool can harm, and side effects may occur. Observe dosageand then do not have to seek help from a doctor. This is especially true of children..

Benefits of using

Ointments have several advantages over other preparations for pediculosis:

  • they are highly efficient
  • easy to use
  • have an affordable price for people with any material budget
  • for patients a wide range of drugs is provided,
  • they qualitatively destroy parasites, if a person has long and thick hair,
  • most of them are allowed to use for pediculosis in children,
  • are safe and do not cause side effects.

Ointments for lice and nits

The choice of these drugs in the fight against head lice is quite wide. Each of them has its own characteristics and effectiveness. Therefore, before buying a drug, you should know the composition of ointments and the rules for their use.Before using the funds, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist.

  • Sulfuric.

It must be used 3 times a day, diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. This tool not only relieves insects, but has a healing effect on the wounds that appeared after scratching. It is able to stop the inflammatory processes and destroys all adult individuals. The product is not toxic and does not enter the blood.

It is not only anti-parasitic, but also antiseptic. Use the ointment by rubbing into the scalp. It has a concentrated composition, which includes: mercury ointment, bovine and lard oil, lanolin.

When using it, parasites are not immediately destroyed. Therefore, the treatment of the head should be carried out every day for as long as all insects have died. After treatment, hair must be combed. Before use, the drug is diluted with a small amount of water and kept on the hair for 30 minutes.

  • Turpentine.

Despite the fact that it is effective in the fight against head lice, single use is not enough. Therefore, it is necessary to apply the composition every day for 1-2 weeks. After washing his head, spend the combing parasites.

Effective tool in the fight against any parasites. Within 5 hours after applying the drug, adults and nits die. In most cases, one procedure is sufficient. But if the positive effect was not achieved, the procedure must be repeated after 3-5 days.Keep the composition on the head of hair for 30 minutes, then wash off with shampoo and rinse curls with vinegar diluted with water.

It is enough one-time use to completely get rid of lice. Ointment destroys adult insects and nits. Keep it on the hair for 24 hours, so it is recommended to use the product at bedtime. If re-treatment is necessary, it is carried out in 2 weeks.

  • Nyx

This is a safe drug that can be used not only adults but also children. If the child is not 6 months old, you should consult with your doctor about the possibility of use. The effectiveness of the drug is so high that it occupies a leading position. Keep the Knicks on the hair for 10 minutes, and then wash off with water and carry out combing.

Who are these remedies for pediculosis?

Ointments, like other pharmaceutical drugs are effective in the fight against head lice. In some cases, they are sometimes even preferable compared to other means. They are not toxic, so they can be used in children and pregnant women.

This type of drugs is easy to use. These products are suitable for people with long or thick hair.

Ointments can be used by patients in whom inflammation occurs on the scalp as a result of the vital activity of the parasites. Some compounds have a healing and antiseptic effect.

In quality, they are not inferior to expensive drugs but the budgetary cost allows to use ointments for people with limited financial capabilities.

Terms of use

All ointments use the same rules:

  1. It is necessary to wash your hair and dry it slightly.
  2. Dilute the drug with water in a 1: 1 ratio.
  3. Apply the drug with a swab or brush.
  4. After processing the head, put on a special cap or plastic bag to block the access of air to insects.
  5. Keep agent at least 30 minutes.
  6. Wash off with diluted vinegar.
  7. Carry out combing.

If necessary, repeat the procedure after 5 days.

During treatment, you must observe the following rules to exclude negative points:

  • Avoid contact with drugs on the mucous eyes and oral cavity.
  • Processing carried out in protective gloves.
  • After the procedure, wash hands thoroughly with soap and water.

How effective are the drugs and the course of treatment?

Means are highly effective in the fight against adults. Already after the first use, insects die, as the means paralyze their respiratory system. They act on nits less pernicious, so the procedure is carried out daily for a week.

An important component is combing them after processing the head. To achieve a positive result, it is necessary to carry out treatment strictly according to the instructions.

If the patient has thick or long hair, it is necessary to use drugs several times. Especially if there is a large number of nits in the hair.

At the final stage of treatment always combing using a special comb.

To achieve a positive effect in the fight against parasites and not to harm yourself, before applying the composition, you must pass an allergy test. If the tool will be used to treat children or pregnant women, you should consult a specialist in advance.

Insecticide Based Shampoos

There are several types of such means. Each of the options is based on different types of chemicals (pyrethroids, organophosphorus compounds). An insecticide containing lice shampoo has a moderate level of toxicity. This means that for a person the remedy does not pose a serious danger under the condition of a short contact.

However, if the pediculosis shampoo is kept on the head for a long time, side effects may occur: allergy, itching, burning, the skin after application will become dry, it may peel off.

Funds for children

Not all means are suitable for the child. It is necessary to read the annotation before use. Popular options:

  1. NOC shampoo for lice. This is an effective means by which parasites are destroyed at different stages of development. To get the best result after the initial application, the shampoo is applied again after 7 days. It is recommended not to wash it off until 40 min. The main component is permethrin (an insecticide of the pyrethroid group). Pediculicidal shampoo brand NOC can be used in the fight against parasites in children older than 2 years. This remedy is characterized by quite serious side effects: itching, swelling, skin rash.
  2. Pedilin. The main component is malathion. It is positioned as a remedy against lice and nits. Shampoo does not always give a 100% result, so it is best to reapply it after 7 days. If we consider the tool Pedilin, the reviews about it are mostly positive. This shampoo is allowed to apply to children, but only at the age of 2 years.
  3. Veda The shampoo contains chemical compounds of the pyrethroid group. The composition varies depending on the type of product: shampoo-balsam, anti-pediculicidal preparations with additives, etc. There is a more toxic analogue - Veda 2. It contains a significant dose of insecticide. This shampoo helps from nits, and not just from adults and larvae. It consists of emollients. For this reason, Veda shampoo does not act so aggressively. But side effects can still occur during treatment: allergy symptoms, itching, skin irritation. It is necessary to hold the product on the hair longer than the manufacturer recommends, otherwise the level of its effectiveness will fall.
  4. Parasidosis. The main ingredient is phenotrin. This lice shampoo for children is almost never used, as it is toxic. The manufacturer claims that it can be applied to a child from 5 years. But if you consider that the product is positioned as a universal one - it is also used to disinfect premises - you should not hold it on your hair for too long. It takes about 5-7 minutes, then wash off the shampoo with plenty of water.

Packaging, manufactured form of topical medication

What is a tool like "Permethrin"? Medical reviews about this drug are positive. Doctors report that the drug contains the substance of 3-phenoxybenzyl ester of 3- (2,2-dichloroethenyl) -2,2-acid dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylic. Also, experts argue that this drug is a mixture of trans - and cis-isomers, which are used in a 3: 1 ratio.

In what form does the medication mentioned go on sale? There are several types of the drug "Permethrin":

  • Shampoo. Reviews about the form of issue of the considered funds are positive. Users praise a convenient bottle in which 50 ml of means are located. It has a concentration of 0.5%.
  • Cream 5% or 1%, which is packaged in bottles or tubes.
  • Another form of the drug "Permethrin" - spray. Reviews say that it is also intended for external use, is available in bottles of 90 grams.
  • 0.25% solution, used only externally. Prepacked in bottles of 24 ml.

Chemical properties of the drug

What are the properties of the local drug "Permethrin"? Reviews of doctors say that this tool belongs to the pyrethrin group. The basis of the drug is presented in the form of a brown-orange or yellow viscous liquid or a similar solid. It should be noted that in the solid state (aggregate) the preparation in question is quite easy to melt.

Pharmacological features of local drugs

The drug "Permethrin", reviews of which can leave absolutely everyone, is an anti-pediculosic, insecticidal and acaricidal agent. What is its mechanism of action? After topical administration, the medication in question is capable of disrupting the ion permeability of the Na channels, as well as slowing down the processes of repolarization of the nerve cell membranes of exoparasites. Ultimately, this leads to their paralysis and subsequent death. According to experts, this drug is highly effective against fleas, lice, mites, scabies, parasites, and other arthropod organisms.

Forms of release

On sale you can find only three types of the drug, which includes permethrin:

  • In the form of a solution
  • Cream shampoo, comes with air conditioning. As a rule, shampoo is sold for 120 ml,
  • Aerosol is intended for external use. The volume of the bottle - 90 gr.

Pharmacological properties

Permethrin-Pharma is referred to as natural pyrethrinites, which can be found in asteraceae plants. This drug has a strong insecticidal effect, which contributes to the effective extermination of arthropod parasites.

Due to its peculiarities, the remedy is referred to as anti-pediculosis remedies, killing lice and nits on the scalp and around the genital area (pubis). In addition, the drug kills ticks and fleas.

Indications for permethrin

Permethrin ointment

Attention! The course of treatment should be prescribed exclusively by your doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable.

Permethrin-Pharma is used during the treatment of pediculosis, after a preliminary diagnosis:

  • Pediculosis pubis,
  • Lice on the head,
  • During the treatment of scabies in adults and children, and during the lumpiness and ryne-bearer, the drug acts most efficiently, and the number of negative reactions is minimized,
  • Demodecosis.

The effect of the solution, even after a single use, effectively fights scabies, and in the case of head lice even remains one and a half months after treatment of the infected part of the body. In addition, Permethrin acts to destroy the eggs of parasites.

The main rule that must be followed during the use of the drug: apply Permethrin on the affected arthropod skin. During lice, a cream with a 0.5% concentration of the main element is used, or a lotion with a 1% concentration.

INTOKSIK from parasites

The main function of the drug is to reduce the activity of parasites and stop their reproduction. It has a detrimental effect not only on adults, but also on their larvae and eggs. In addition, the drug is fighting viruses and fungi, cleanses the body of toxins, restores the damaged intestinal mucosa.

The drug Intoxic plus can be taken by infecting the body with various types of parasites, as a prophylactic twice a year, preferably in the autumn and spring periods.

With a cotton swab, apply the drug to the affected areas and spread it over the entire head. The amount of funds depends on how long and thick hair, it is from 10 to 50 ml. After treatment with ointment, you need to cover your hair with a scarf or a plastic cap and wait 10 minutes, hold the lotion a little longer, but not more than 40 minutes.

After the time, you need to wash your hair well with soap or shampoo. After complete drying, it is necessary to carefully comb out all the parasites using a special comb, which can be bought at the pharmacy. If symptoms of parasites reappear, you should repeat the treatment with Permethrin-Pharma (after consultation with your doctor). To quickly restore the skin areas that were affected by parasites, you need to apply a dermatological agent, the purpose of which is within the competence of your doctor. As a rule, such funds are not washed off in order to get the maximum result.

Using Permethrin during scabies is slightly different. In this case, it is recommended to use a water emulsion with a concentration of 0.4%. It is applied to the skin of the hands, legs and torso, carefully rubbed. The procedure is carried out for three days before bedtime. It is very important to avoid contact with the hair on the head, neck and skin of the face, because in this place she is the most tender. After three days, the patient takes a shower, and replaces all the underwear and bedding.

When using Permethrin, care must be taken to ensure that it does not get into the respiratory tract, mouth, nasopharynx, and external genitalia. In case of negligence, the affected area should be thoroughly rinsed with water and make sure that nothing is left. In rare cases, a person is allergic, and in this case, the treatment must be stopped, and the drug itself must be replaced by an analogue.

To avoid contamination of other family members, clothing and bedding, which was used by the patient, must undergo a high-quality treatment. To do this, you can soak clothes in an aqueous solution for 40 minutes.

Reception for pregnant women and children

During pregnancy, women should be more cautious during the treatment of lice and scabies. Permethrin can cause an allergic reaction in the expectant mother, and the consequences can affect the fetus. Therefore, before proceeding to treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor, because only he will be able to answer exactly what is better to use in this particular case.

It is possible that you will need to resort to similar drugs or stop therapy. During lactation, permethrin is allowed to be used for medicinal purposes. But so that he does not get into the children's body, you need to transfer the child to artificial feeding.

Contraindications include cases where the use of this drug can cause serious disruption of the functioning of organs. These situations include:

  • Individual intolerance to the active substance, resulting in an allergic reaction,
  • Children under 2 years due to imperfect immune system,
  • Pregnancy,
  • Lactation period. If at this time there were lice or scabies and you need to use drugs in which there is permethrin, the child must be transferred to the feeding of baby food,
  • In case of any skin diseases.

Interaction with other drugs

Reception of Permethrin-Pharma in combination with other drugs is not described, and quite possibly it does not occur. But before starting treatment it is best to consult a doctor. If during the treatment the patient has symptoms, which should not be, you must immediately stop taking it, contact your doctor so that he will review the treatment regimen.

Today you can find a lot of tools that have a similar action:

Cream "Knicks" effect lasts up to six weeks. Cost from 380 to 460 rubles,

Medifox. A means that destroys ticks, lice, prevents the occurrence of scabies. The cost is about 125 rubles,

"Veda". Shampoo against pediculosis, which has managed to recommend itself well. The cost is about 200 rubles,

These are drugs that are sold in the public domain, but do not forget to look at the shelf life and integrity of the packaging, which will save you from products of poor quality.

Useful information

If you read these lines, we can conclude that all your attempts to combat parasites were not successful ...

Did you even read something about drugs designed to defeat the infection? And this is not surprising, because the worms are deadly to humans - they are able to multiply very quickly and live a long time, and the diseases they cause are difficult, with frequent relapses.

Poor mood, lack of appetite, insomnia, dysfunction of the immune system, intestinal dysbiosis and abdominal pain. Surely you know these symptoms firsthand.

But is it possible to defeat the infection and at the same time not harm yourself? Read the article by Olga Korolenko about effective, modern ways to effectively combat parasites.

The principle of operation and indications for use

All drugs permethrin group are used to treat head and pubic lice, have a detrimental effect on louse eggs.

Their effect on parasitic ectonectomites lies in paralysis, which leads to the destruction of ion permeability and the membranes of nerve cells of arthropod ectoparasites (lice, ticks, fleas and bugs) and their destruction.

Permethrin is used both for humans in the fight against lice and for pets against fleas.

The drug is low toxic. The proportion of absorption into the circulatory system is minimal - no more than 2%. Permethrin does not have an adverse effect, does not cause negative effects and in a short period of time is neutralized, being eliminated from the body through the urinary system.

Permethrin is used against human lice and fleas in animals.

Solutions and sprays

Applying permethrin in the form of an aerosol spray or a liquid solution, they are abundantly moistened with a cotton disk and thoroughly wipe hair, trying to soak the hair roots with the active substance.

The use of solutions and sprays depends on the length of the hair. For a one-time treatment with permethrin, it is sufficient to use from 10 ml for short and up to 50 ml for long hair.

After processing, the surface of the head is covered with a scarf to create a thermal effect and held for 30-40 minutes. This time is enough for permethrin to have a detrimental effect on adult ectoparasites and their nits.

In order to prevent the procedure is repeated after 7-10 days.

Wash the hair from permethrin under running water using detergents - soap or shampoo. Clean strands combed with a special comb with frequent and fine teeth, which allows you to remove from the hair of dead parasites and nits.

When in unfavorable conditions, the use of insecticidal solutions and sprays is shown every time after washing the head with the use of detergents.

Shampoos and creams

When using permethrin in the form of shampoo and cream, they are shaken, squeeze out the required amount and cover with hair and skin mass, rubbing it with massaging movements. The head is also covered with a handkerchief and wait for 30-40 minutes, after which the hair is washed under running water.

With the annoying effect of ectoparasite bites, the ointment applied to the skin does not wash off for 8 hours.

Thousand and one louse. Permethrin-Pharma Lice and Nits Remedy - Lice Jump Pretty

Today I want to talk about a topic that is not particularly advertise - about lice. Where do the lice come from? My daughter brought such a "present" from kindergarten. And most importantly, from whom this living creature in the group did not figure out, and there is no point, almost all the children "combed".

To get rid of lice acquired inexpensive means: Permethrin Pharma.

I purchased at a local pharmacy.

Price: 4.24 Belarusian rubles (approximately 2.1 dollars)

Volume:60 ml

Indications for use:

Treatment of diseases caused by head lice pediculus humanus capitis.

Simply put, it is a remedy for lice and nits in the hair.

How does this tool work?

Antiparasitic agent, has anti-pediculosis effect.
Permethrin is rapidly absorbed through the insect's cuticle. The main effect is associated with a violation of electrochemical processes in the membranes of the nerve cells of insects, leading to their increased excitability, discoordination and functional failure. The ovicidal effect of permethrin in aqueous solution is enhanced by the addition of alcohol.

leads to a paralyzing effect


Mode of application Permethrin-Pharma is simple: apply the product, thoroughly soak the hair. First you need to wash your head and dry with a towel. Exposure time:

After you need to wash the product off the hair (without using shampoos!) And start harvesting, armed with a comb with frequent teeth, sort each hair, remove nits and dead lice. * You can wash your hair with shampoo not earlier than in 3 days.

My daughter has rather thick hair, but not very long (up to the shoulder blades). At 1 time it took half a bottle.

* For young children, the use of this tool is limited:

In children aged from 2 months to 3 years the maximum dose of the drug is 25 ml. Experience with permethrin is limited. Treatment should be carried out with caution under the supervision of medical personnel.


The first time I used this tool, then the evening was engaged in combing and searching for nits. Like all gathered. Changed the bed, washed things, hats. And sort of calmed down. Lice was not visible. I decided not to drive to the garden for a week (let everyone there louse it, because it’s stupid to poison the child every time). Like, sighed with relief, but it was not there.

A day later, I raise a bang from a child and a small louse runs over his path along his forehead. Aaaaaaa!

I was upset, but the instructions say:

With proper use, the effectiveness of treatment is about 75% after a single use.

Okay, we were not lucky enough to get into those 75% that the tool helps with the first use. Well, and thought that maybe I missed some nits, they hatched out (

I do the procedure again: I apply it on the hair and scalp.(* I will note that the child has already combed the head in some places, therefore it has pinched).

When they went to wash my head, I just marveled: I wash off, and lice jump! That is, the tool does not work at all (whether insects have developed immunity against it. Where is the paralyzing effect? ​​For the first time, it seemed to work the same)

Permethrin-Pharma Lice Remedy I can not recommend. Did not help. And jumping louses while washing off the means at all struck me outright, while they were supposed to lie quietly, with their legs pressed together.

* P.S. Soon there will be a review on another lice medicine, I hope it will help)

My other medication reviews are:

Kinetic ability of local medicine

Is such an anti-pediculosis remedy as "Permethrin" absorbed? Medical reviews claim that with local use, only 2% of this substance penetrates the systemic bloodstream. At the same time, in the human body, the drug undergoes hydrolysis and is converted into inactive metabolites, which are subsequently excreted by the kidneys. The manual states that after a single application, the therapeutic effect of the medication in question lasts for 2-6 weeks (depending on the form of the preparation used).

Indications for the appointment of local funds

What are the indications for use of the drug "Permethrin-Pharma"? User reviews claim that this tool is highly effective against fleas, ticks, nits and lice. Thus, the aforementioned drug is actively used to eliminate lice, demodicosis and scabies.

Prohibitions and restrictions on the appointment of local drugs

Under what conditions can not use the drug "Permethrin"? Lice shampoo (you will find user reviews below), as well as other forms of this drug have the following contraindications to use:

  1. If the patient is allergic to the active ingredient of this medication, as well as other synthetic pyrethroids and plants that contain pyrethrins.
  2. Breastfeeding period.

In addition, babies under one year old are not allowed to use emulsion. And babies whose age does not exceed 6 months - creams. It should also be noted that special care during the therapy with this medication is recommended to be observed in the following cases:

  • If a child is under 5 years old.
  • Pregnancy.
  • The presence of concomitant skin diseases.

Methods of use for scabies

Cream "Permethrin" with scabies carefully rubbed into the skin: starting with the head and ending with the soles of the feet. Do it with massaging movements. In children, treatment is carried out only the scalp, as well as the temples and forehead. If the treatment was prescribed to an adult patient, then it is enough for him to use 30 g of the drug. After 8-15 hours after the procedure, the cream should be washed off with plain water. As a rule, the cream "Permethrin" with scabies is applied to the skin once. However, with the development of persistent itching after treatment, the treatment is repeated (14 days later).

What other scabies can be used drugs, which include permethrin? "Handicap +" reviews from experts receive good. They say that the vial containing 100 ml of the drug is designed for a three-day course of therapy. By the way, doctors say that it is very convenient to use various emulsions in the fight against head lice. For convenient use on the container in which they are packaged, special labels are applied. Apply these tools only externally. Usually for the preparation of such a drug 1/3 of the contents of the vial is diluted with 100 g of water at room temperature. Finished medication once a day (before bedtime) carefully rubbed into the skin of the hands, torso and legs. After completion of therapy (on the fourth day), the patient should take a shower and change bed and underwear.

Interactions and signs of overdose

Drug interaction of this drug in its local application is not described in the instructions. Experts say that this tool can be combined with any other medicines. However, before this is recommended to consult with an experienced doctor. With topical application of an overdose with the medication in question is unlikely. If the drug accidentally got into the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to immediately flush the stomach, as well as symptomatic therapy.

Special recommendations

If the drug "Permethrin" for lice caused an allergic reaction, the treatment should be immediately stopped. If necessary, this medication can be replaced with another medicine. Medical personnel are required to wear rubber gloves when treating people with head lice. If, after completing the full course of treatment, the patient has symptoms of scabies, then it is recommended to consult a doctor. In order to avoid infecting family members, a sick person needs to process not only his torso and head, but also bedding, as well as clothing. In this case, the laundry should be soaked in water emulsion for 40 minutes.

What do patients say about such anti-pediculosis medication as "Permethrin". In most cases, reviews of this drug are positive. Many patients claim that this medicine effectively eliminates lice, fleas, nits, and so on. Also, the advantages of the means in question include the fact that it does not have a specific pungent odor, such as, for example, other local drugs of similar action. In addition, any form of this drug is very easily applied to the hair and skin. Many patients note the fact that the said remedy is relatively inexpensive. Moreover, it can be purchased at almost any pharmacy.


Watch the video: Permethrin creamLotion हनद म A complete information (June 2024).