
Red hair color: who is coming, how to choose a shade


Sometimes gray days are depressing. Same clothes, similar hairstyles, similar hair color flicker around. I want a variety of bright colors, an explosion of emotions. Changing your own appearance will help refresh reality. If you choose for this red hair color, the program can be considered complete. The main thing is to pay attention to the correct shade. After all, the range of fire is diverse.

Color features

In fact, the red color of the curls from nature is a mutation. The composition of the pigments inside the hairs changes completely. Red pheomelanin becomes predominant, which for most people is observed in rather limited quantities.

Natural bright red hair is extremely rare. This circumstance allows us to call the phenomenon unique. Owners of redhead invariably attract attention. Appearance becomes noticeable, accent. That is why, trying to stand out, the owners of pale curls paint the hair in bright colors.

The main advantage and lack of red hair color is extraordinary visibility. Repainted hair, stay "in the shade" is simply impossible. In some cases, it pleases. Women "bathe" in the attention of men, admire their attractiveness. But sometimes it tires.

Red hair color is always in trend. After all, it is unusual, bright, fresh. Just pick up the flaming tone is not easy. Gamma is difficult and cunning, it is not for everyone. The wrong choice is able to completely negate the existing advantages of appearance. Even a beauty can lose appeal.

How to choose a shade

Often there is a doubt: "Will I receive intense brightness?". The natural color type of red-haired beauties is autumn. They have fair skin, green, brown, gray eyes. To this appearance is allowed to select all the colors of the range of fire. They fit the whole range. Owners of yellowish, olive-colored skin is not so difficult to choose a suitable red tone. It is permissible to paint in most of the existing options.

Girls of spring color type are recommended to try pale versions of red. Summer beauties are allowed to "try on" the dark tones of a fiery palette. The question arises: "Who do not go the color of the palette?". Do not risk the owners of too cold, "Nordic" appearance. Bright provocation spoil the frosty type.

Gender, age, format hairstyles do not matter when choosing a red tone. Fiery radiance does not add age. Warm, bright colors, on the contrary, refresh, give enthusiasm. Most often, a focused choice in favor of red is made by women. Male appearance bright gamma does not harm, but dye their hair in the fiery tones of the unit. More often, a similar change in appearance is made by young guys.

Note! Redhead looks equally good on short and long hair, voluminous curls or strict symmetry. The main thing is to choose the right shade.

A variety of palettes

Options redhead set. Use a variety of colors: from rich fire to a mixture with a pinkish slope. In 2018, natural caramel and rich copper colors are considered fashionable. You can make a choice, guided by the type of appearance.

Universal is considered a natural red. The tone is suitable in most cases, gives the image brightness and tenderness at the same time. Only the popularity of natural shade when self-selection is small. More often they prefer equivalent noble amber.

For women with fair skin and eyes, painting in low-key versions of redhead is suitable. The tones are more reminiscent of a blond with golden notes (light caramel blond, honey). Such options look gently and gently. This is a great solution for young ladies who do not accept excessive brightness.

Red-blond looks fresh and neutral at the same time. With this color, the appearance changes noticeably, but does not become rebellious, as is the case with excessively bright tones. Holders of a cold color type are advised to choose ginger, red with an ash shine. Metallic notes will make the appearance harmonious, pacify the brightness.

Green-eyed with fair skin can "try on" copper, chestnut. For dark-skinned fiery, rusty, chocolate, dark reddish-brown shade is more suitable. These tones are saturated, charming, perfectly emphasize the winter color type of appearance.

For daring, self-confident natures, one should try ultra bright tones - orange, apricot, carrot, orange. The options are ideal for fair-skinned owners of hazel, green eyes. Blue-eyed such experiments are contraindicated. Dark-skinned permissible to pay attention to the red scale (paprika, mahogany).

Coloring at home

At home, it will be possible to achieve redheads with the help of tinting, staining with resistant dyes, and using traditional recipes. The use of tint is suitable for those who have the original color less intense than the selected option. Shampoos, balms, tonics quickly and effectively help to get a bright image.

Attention! The lighter the shade on the hair, the more intense the color can be. Do not forget about this when choosing an option.

To create a ginger mood, in addition to the widespread product Rokolor called "Tonic", among unstable dyes choose:

  • Estel (Solo Ton),
  • Schwarzkopf (Igora Expert),
  • L'OREAL (Colorista Washout),
  • Wella (Color Recharge).

The color obtained with the help of coloring agents lasts for 1–4 weeks. The frequency of washing the hair reduces the duration of the effect. With naturally blond hair, the dye is washed off faster.

To obtain a more stable result, you must use a permanent composition based on ammonia. These colors will change the color not only on light brown hair, but also quite dark hair. To obtain the desired shade of light tones on the black strands, they will first have to discolor. To go from dark to rich versions of the palette, there are special tools. For persistent staining in ginger tones, popular are the means:

  • L'OREAL (Excellence Creme, Preference),
  • Garnier (Color naturals),
  • Estel (Essex).

To fit the tone with caution. Redhead in reality often turns out to be brighter than expected. Especially, if initially hair of light tones. Persistent dyes will hold on for 4-8 weeks of hair. Gradually, the curls fade, grow roots: hair requires correction.

With the help of folk remedies, it is easiest to stain in red using henna. Substance of natural origin cares for the hair, gives juicy, resistant shades. It is enough to dilute the powder with water, apply on the strands, like a usual paint, withstand a specified time, rinse. Light henna curls will give excessively bright colors, the dye is poorly washed out. This must be taken into account when experimenting for the first time. To achieve only reddish shine, it is enough to reduce the exposure time of the composition.

For different shades, henna staining involves changing the base recipe. Other products are added to the composition:

  • the carnation will increase, saturate the brightness,
  • beetroot juice, cocoa add purple-reddish notes,
  • strong black tea, wine will create a copper play,
  • kefir will increase the depth, intensity of color,
  • ground coffee beans will create dark ginger options
  • chamomile extract will facilitate shade, create a beautiful shine.

For more moderate shades of red, it is enough to use rinsing or mask with cinnamon, oak bark, onion peel. Curls get a beautiful golden sheen. Thanks to cinnamon products, dark hair is slightly brightened, getting a reddish-brown shine.

Partial staining

To obtain a beautiful effect (overflow, brilliance, stretching of color), it is enough to use a complex coloring technique. Highlighting, ombre, balayazh create a chic result.

Partial staining may be performed on a red or dark base. To the existing shade add 1 or more additional tones, skillfully create a masterpiece. The resulting appearance is perceived naturally, the image looks organic. Smears are distributed chaotically, but considerable experience is required to obtain a decent result. When evaluating the appearance, it is decided to process only the tips or distribute the strokes evenly along the head of hair.

To a light base, it is permissible to add a pale reddish (golden, caramel, honey). As a result of coloring the hairstyle will acquire a glare shimmer. Unusually looks hairstyle with a light red ombre. Vivid it is permissible to paint only the ends. A clear color transition requires careful selection of shades.

Council To perform the staining is better to contact the salon to an experienced master. Home experiments rarely end in success.

Cost of treatments

The cost of coloring depends on the professionalism of the master, the length, density of the hair. Different will be the price for using 1 shade and creating a complex scheme. Burning brunettes to get light red will need to pre-discolor. This will increase costs. Perhaps the condition of the hair does not allow urgent staining. Have to undergo a course of rehabilitation procedures. This is also an additional cost.

The average price of simple manipulation is 1-3 thousand rubles. Complex procedures cost at least 4–5 thousand rubles.

Care instructions

The intensity of the care depends on the state of the hair after dyeing. Usually giving a red tint does not cause significant harm to curls. Requires standard hydration, food strands. For cleansing, it is recommended to use products intended for colored hair. They will preserve the intensity of the artificial shade, provide curls with the necessary care.

The main problem of hair dyed in red is the rapid loss of color brightness. It is necessary to carefully maintain the result. When using masks have to pay attention to their composition. Many folk remedies tend to lighten hair. Additionally, the hair will have to be protected from the sun, chlorinated, saline water.

Bright redhead is the right decision for those who want to stand out. Creating an optimal image will require a balanced approach to the choice of color. A fundamental change in the image will require a complete revision of the style in make-up, clothes.

Ideas bright, beautiful and fashionable hair dye for red-haired beauties:

Useful videos

How to keep the red color? Estel shading mask.

Hair coloring in red color with a copper shade. Stretching colors.

Who is the red color

Red color is ideal for girls with matte white skin. Dark-skinned beauties can also choose tones with reddish pigment, but it is better to give preference to the darker versions: caramel, chestnut and cinnamon.

Good looking red shades with green and brown eyes. This combination is often given by nature, so it looks natural, harmonious and natural.

Blue-eyed girls fit light red tone.

Bright color draws attention to the hair, so they should be well-groomed, smooth and soft. Split ends and breakage with red paint will become even more noticeable.

Red hair color allows you to experiment with makeup.

In general, almost any girl can dye her hair red. The main thing - to choose the right shade and follow all the rules of staining. And remember that the red pigment will radically change your appearance, so go to the hairdresser only when you are fully confident in your decision.

The nuances of staining in red color

When painting in ginger color, remember the important points:

  • in order to preserve the pigment brightness, it is necessary to use special care products,
  • change the color without radical damage to the hair can be no earlier than six weeks,
  • match the brow color a couple shades darker than the hair,
  • dyeing gray hair can give unpredictable results
  • red color will emphasize freckles and reddenings, will make them more noticeable.

It is not so difficult to dye hair in a shade of red, which is darker than a natural hair color. But getting a light golden color for brunettes will not be easy. To do this, you need several trips to beauty salons. To choose a suitable shade, first try using hair toners that quickly wash off. So you will understand exactly the tone that suits you or not, after which you can make a decision about radical staining.

Bright red shades look good only on well-groomed hair.

Gray hair without pigment can be painted red only in salons, relying on experienced professionals. In addition, a bright shade will draw attention to the imperfections of the skin, wrinkles around the eyes, age spots.

Older women should choose a neutral color.

Who is red hair suitable for?

In fact, the red tint to the face of almost everyone, it is only important to choose the right tone and ebb. In this and try to figure it out.

Who is suitable for red hair: skin tone

That skin tone is a key factor in choosing red hair. For example, girls with pinkish skin Any shade of red will fit. So, it is possible to experiment with any tone - from dark to light.

Olive Skin To face will be golden and chestnut shades. well and pale-faced fit natural shades of red, most close to natural.

Choose a shade of red eyes the color

It was always believed that green-eyed girls best suited red hair color, because this combination is fascinating. In addition, they say that it is the witches - the owners of natural red hair and green eyes. If you have green eyes expressive, pinkish skin tone - no doubt, choose bright shades of red. And you will definitely not remain unnoticed.

But the most successful with red hair color combined Brown eyes. Such girls should choose bright red and fiery shades of red. well and gray and blue Beauties should pay attention to the peach, sand and light copper shades.

How to choose a shade of red based on natural hair color

It is important, what was the original shade of your hair. After all, it depends on this what the result will be after dyeing. So on dark hair Red shades of red, cherry and all dark tones will look great. To achieve a light red, you have to bleach the hair, which can affect their condition.

Best of all with fair-haired girls, so you can choose any shade. Blondes you can also choose almost all shades of red, except for cold ones, because you will have to take care of such diligently, which takes a lot of time and money.

Who is not suitable for red hair?

Red hair, alas, is not suitable for everyone. So, there are a number of factors for which girls will have to choose a different, more suitable hair color.

  • White hair. When dyeing hair that has lost pigment, the result may be the most unpredictable. So, you will be very surprised after you see in the mirror a red tint with green tints or spots along the entire length. Of course, you can achieve the perfect color, but in this case you should trust the professional colorist.
  • Older lady. Red color emphasizes wrinkles and attracts attention to them.
  • For girls with problematic skin and pigmented spots. Red hair color will focus on all your flaws.

Who is contraindicated for red hair?

Red hair color is not suitable for everyone - this axiom, which becomes obvious in practice. Suppose you have:

When dyeing hair that has lost its pigment with age, do not expect to see it in its red color. Most likely, you are unpleasantly surprised to see your new color. Do not experiment on your own, but trust a professional colorist!

  • Mimic wrinkles and age folds around the face

Bright shades of red color clearly indicate age. In addition, attract the attention of others to all the imperfections of your skin.

  • Freckles and age spots

As in the previous paragraph, juicy shades of red will emphasize freckles.

A few words about hair coloring in shades of red

If your locks are only a couple of colors different from red, then hair coloring will be as comfortable for you as possible. The transformation of the curls of light tones into an orange flame will not be difficult. Quite different is the situation with brunettes.

Experienced stylists recommend brown-haired girls chestnut or dark red shades of red. But really you can not try to paint the hair in a lighter tone? Of course you can, but this will require sacrifice. Hair bleaching is the only correct answer in this case. But this procedure (and the subsequent dyeing in red) aggressively affects the curls themselves, so if you often dye your hair or are fond of styling machines, then it is better to refuse such a procedure. Or visit the hair salon, where a specialist will select for you an individual sparing coloring program.

Which dye is better to use?

There are two types of dyeing hair in red color - this is the use of artificial dye (hair dye) or natural (henna). For greater effect, you can add other natural ingredients. For example, if you add beetroot juice to henna, then the hair after painting will light up with bright red flowers. The infusion of chamomile will help to saturate the color of the hair in light red shades.

Now, knowing who is the red hair color, turning into a fiery beauty will not be for you to work. Good luck in your endeavors and enthusiastic views of the people around you!

And who does not fit?

Ladies who are not recommended to be painted in red color very little. But if there are some of the fad of the above, then you should think about changing the color of hair:

  • gray hairs in the number of more than half of all available, as well as if the hair is dry, there is significant damage to the hair structure,
  • There are many age wrinkles,
  • there are pigment spots, a large number of moles and freckles.

All the rest of the young ladies should devote more time to the selection of a suitable shade, then this coloring will decorate the whole image.

Unsuccessful choices of red hair

Examples of colors with photos

The widest palette of red shades allows you to choose the optimal tone for almost any woman. But in order not to overshoot, it is better to follow some recommendations.

This shade will be a bold decision for owners of brown and black eyes. The saturation of the color does not matter: whether it is "light copper" or a bright sunny orange. But this tone is not worth choosing beauties with eyes the color of the sky and near shades.


One of those shades that look on the hair very naturally, without overloading the image with color. A lady with any eye color and skin tone is suitable. This shade will add a woman special refinement, aristocracy. The special charm of the overflow will add a red, golden hue.

Carrot shade

Another option to make the new hairstyle as natural as possible is the shade of carrot. It has a rich palette: calm balanced tones, rich colors for red beasts, rich tones with a golden sheen. Will perfectly look on fair-skinned women. The preferred eye color is green, gray, sky blue.

Fiery red

More than a bold color, which is chosen by confident future red-haired beauties. The fire palette is incredibly wide, so strands can be painted over in different ways, depending on appearance: darker options are perfect for girls with dark skin. Light tones of fire-red will be well combined with pale skin.


The shading map of this color may be different. More restrained tones of red-red are universal: any shade of skin and eyes can be combined with a new hairstyle color. A bright variant will suit a fair-skinned lady.

Luxurious blond curls just play in the sun, if they have a reddish tint. This hair color can be from birth, it can also be achieved by toning. This color is suitable for women with any skin and eyes.


Decorate the hair in such a color can easily ladies with any skin tone, but green eyes will give a special charm and mystery. But this does not mean that women with a different eye color can not indulge themselves with this shade. It may be closer to the fiery palette or be darkened. In any case, a reflection of copper-red will ennoble the image.

Reddish brown

Brown pigments will pacify the red color, so the chances that the optimal shade fits a lot. Whether it is dark skin or pale - this shade will look great on its background. Mahogany notes add strands of playfulness, and in the sun this color will have a lot of reflections.

Chestnut red

Saturated tone will look great on light-skinned beauties. This color copes with the manifestation of gray hair, shade in harmony with any haircut. Therefore, it should pay attention to women, older than middle age.

Light red

Hair of golden shades suit natural blondes. Often they are dominated by fair skin, gray or blue eyes. Bright, red strands will be superfluous. Owners of blond hair should be careful: red pigment eats up very much and almost does not wash off, so in case of an error when choosing a tone, there will be no possibility to correct it. Light red hair color is suitable for girls with white skin and delicate facial features.

Red hair coloring

If the owners of fiery shades of hair want to get rid of such increased attention, then the procedure of staining for them is more difficult. Red, especially dark pigment, is very difficult to repaint in any other tone. Before embarking on the procedure itself, it is necessary to carefully select a new color, as well as the paint itself and the manufacturer, because they are tremendously different. Best of all, if you ask for help from a professional or sign up for painting in a beauty salon.

Please note that not every red-haired girl will be able to become a blonde, a brown-haired woman or get a light brown hair shade. Not all colors harmoniously lie on each other, many of them are in conflict, creating completely unexpected results when coloring, including green when using basma. Repainted in this case is best for professionals.

Hair coloring in shades of red

To get the same reddish color or become the owner of the fiery strands each can. Even among natural brunettes, there are those who have successfully painted over a dark pigment for the sake of red strands. If girls with blond hair can safely dye with henna and get red hair shades, then the dark-haired will have to look for more reliable dyes, which, in a sparing mode, will first lighten the strands, and then paint them in the desired color.

Keep in mind that over time the paint will wash off, and the golden sheen will not always please the eye. However, when using high-quality cosmetics for strands, special shampoos and dubbing products, the sunny head of hair will delight much longer. In stores, you can find special series for red strands that will help maintain a healthy, golden sheen and smoothness.

The palette of red shades

You can not just want to paint and red color. The variety of tones is so huge that it is very difficult to choose one. Brick, with a pinkish tinge, copper tone, Titian ... This is just a small list of what may be on your head. Each of them is perfect for one and looks very bad for the other, so choose a warm or cold shade, without haste, considering the pale or, on the contrary, dark complexion, style of dress and favorite color scheme.

Who will suit red hair

Wanting to stand out from the crowd of people with the help of bright hair, you can spoil the hair and the image as a whole. Red dye may suddenly appear on hair that has previously been henna or basma colored. It is also necessary to remember that her pigment permanently eats into the structure of the curls. It will be extremely difficult to get rid of the unsuccessfully chosen shade of red. Fiery hair color is suitable for the following types of appearance:

  • Girls with pale, pink, porcelain and olive skin.
  • It is also necessary to remember which eye color is red: blue, gray, green.
  • Dark-skinned girls should choose caramel and honey shades of red with a predominance of red.

Young women who fit the above characteristics are among the rare list of people who are red in color.

Who should not be painted in red

Stylists do not recommend to be painted in this shade to mature women. It is contraindicated for elderly ladies with gray strands - they also do not apply to those who go red hair. Photos may indicate the opposite, but in real life it does not look the same as in the picture. The red color of the curls is very bright and requires perfect skin condition. In women aged he will emphasize even the smallest wrinkles, visually increase all the imperfections on the face and even make it older.

No need to paint in red, if the skin has freckles or age spots. Fiery hair color will merge them together, and the face will seem pockmarked. The same applies to those girls who often blush. Unfortunately, they are not one of those who are going red. An extra bright accent on the head of hair will be useless.

Who will suit auburn hair tone

It will look great on girls who have bright and expressive features. Auburn hair blends beautifully with brown eyes, dark skin and even freckles. You can choose the future color thanks to the palette in the photo with shades. To whom there is a red hair color with a dark shade, so it is brown-eyed brunettes. A pleasant chestnut color with red highlights can be obtained with henna. This natural, natural dye is sold in any cosmetic store. It is easy to use at home, without resorting to the help of hairdressers-colorists.

Choosing henna to achieve your favorite red shade, you need to remember that it is only suitable for natural hair that is not dyed. Otherwise, the result on the curls may be unpredictable. The rest of the henna will be an excellent substitute for conventional paint. It does not harm the hair, improves their structure, adds shine and radiance.

Bright red color curls

The most courageous personalities, dreaming of increased attention, belong to the category of girls who are red in color. He, like a flame, will attract everyone around him and delight with its brightness. Modest girls do not like this color. This fact must be taken into account when choosing a red hue.

Bright orange hair color will suit a young girl with any type of appearance. Do not worry about whether it would be appropriate such a color of curls for the business style. It will suit sports and romantic ladies, as well as a business woman. Owners of olive skin will like the way it will shade it. For dark-skinned, bright red hair color will be a spectacular contrast that will emphasize the beautiful and tanned skin.

Hair coloring red color

Sometimes even red-haired girls dream to dye their hair in a different color. Despite the fact that natural red is rare, it bothers many. Not everyone can wear it on themselves from birth. Especially when you consider the fact that women tend to change.

Thinking about what colors are red, you need to carefully examine the palette of the selected paint. Sometimes, to achieve the desired shade, it is necessary to do several staining procedures. Hair at the same time always spoil from the negative effects of paint. Therefore, it is very important to determine the future color of the curls and choose a gentle dye.

Red hair has a sufficiently resistant pigment. Therefore, not every paint can act on them. Thinking about what color is red girls, it is better to seek advice from stylists, hairdressers. No need to do home experiments with curls. It is better to surrender into the hands of professionals who can precisely paint them in the desired shade.

Coloring in red

Each girl can dye her hair or individual locks in a red color. Burning brunettes, brown-haired women and even blondes dream of bright and fiery hair. However, not everyone decides on cardinal changes in his image. Least of all those who repainted natural light curls in red. This is explained by the fact that the red pigment eats very deeply into the hair structure. He, like black, can be washed off with curls over the years. Many do not stand up and cut dyed hair to grow their native, natural color. This is what scares many girls who dream of red hair.

If blondes dye their hair in orange color is not difficult, then brunettes will have to try. To achieve fiery curls, they will need to first clarify. At home, this is best not to do. Such manipulations can only spoil them. Therefore, it is necessary to enroll in a hairdresser, where a specialist will assess the condition of the hair and select the most gentle coloring for them.

How to care for dyed hair

Even after salon dyeing, hair needs quality care. Especially if before coloring in red color they were previously discolored. Most often, the hairdresser who performed the procedure selects a complex of caring means, which are sold directly in the salon for use at home. If a specialist did not help in the provision of this service, you must adhere to the following rules of hair care:

  • Use shampoo, which is designed for colored curls. Usually it does not contain aggressive detergents and maintains the brightness of a new color.
  • Purchase a rinse conditioner. It will facilitate combing the hair, make it shiny and prevent the cross section of the ends.
  • Twice a week use a nourishing mask for colored curls. It will restore the hair structure damaged by paint.
  • After washing, treat the strands with an indelible care agent: spray, fluid or oil for the tips.

If you follow the above recommendations, you can enjoy the new color of red hair for a long time.

Ash red

Very "young" shade with notes of ashen. It is not recommended to choose middle-aged women in order not to add visually extra years. Favorably stands out against the background of pale skin, eye color is not important. As a bold variation, shade can be used for dark women.It is better to choose a more intense red with barely perceptible signs of ashen.

Chocolate red

A deep red with a touch of chocolate is an excellent option for women who ventured to acquire a new shade, but did not decide on a cardinal step. The "trick" of this shade is versatility - in case of poor lighting, the curls seem dark brown, in the sun they look red. Excellent shade cope with gray strands.

Pink red

The original color ensemble is created with a tandem of red color with pink tones. This shade is good for young girls. Dye your hair in such an unusual color will be able to young ladies with any color type.

Golden red

The color of the hair can be close to the golden-brown tones, oak, chocolate. Whatever it is, the tone will decorate the image of girls with any skin tone. Often, when dyeing in this color, you have to pre-lighten the hair. Therefore, to pay attention to the care of such a "fiery" hair just need to be turned into a washcloth.

Red Blonde

Pre-brightening before reaching this hue is inevitable. Redhead on such a blond will be bright and bold. Red-haired beast with such a touch will not be overlooked. If the red tone was applied to a natural blonde, the manifestation of “redness” would not be so intense. Universal color that fits almost everything.

Caramel red

Such an interesting shade will ennoble the red and give the curls a soft color. For ladies with dark skin, brown eyes will give a unique highlight to the image. Effectively in such color to be painted to the natural and clarified blondes. If you want to paint over gray hair, caramel-red color is a good option.

Tips on coloring in red color

To achieve the planned red color is not so easy, especially at home. Difficulties can easily arise, for example, if the goal is set to turn into a golden reddish blond with the original dark brown.

The sequence of actions when painting in red color may vary depending on the original shade of the hair. But sometimes it’s very easy to become a red-haired lady, and the price is a penny.

If the original color - brown.

The easiest way with this hair color is repainted in chocolate -, chestnut -, auburn, etc. It is enough to buy natural henna and make such coloring at home. As an option, balsams and shampoos with a tinted effect will come to the rescue. For a more persistent and pronounced effect, you should use resistant paint. When choosing dark shades of red, you should pay attention to your eyebrows. To color eyebrows in dark brown color is a great option for a harmonious look.

If the transition to red occurs dramatically and is selected, for example, the fiery color of the order, you will have to brighten at least 3 tones, and only then turn into red. It would not be superfluous to be morally prepared for the fact that any discoloration will lead to deterioration of the hair, and therefore additional procedures for caring for them cannot be avoided.

If the source color is light brown

Whatever the shade of blond, it can be tinted. Dark or light shades are perfectly influenced by tinted shampoos, balms. Henna here also plays an important role. With its help, you can achieve at least not a bright, but natural result.

With light brown, it is convenient to achieve both dark and light shades of red. If henna did not bring the desired effect, then professional paint will definitely correct the situation. Stylists recommend to resort to painting a few weeks after using henna, as the result of the procedure can be unpredictable, and, most likely, not in favor of a red-haired girl.

If the original color is blond

It does not matter how hard the woman got her hair color, but in any case it’s great to switch to bright red tones. You can choose a dark one, but it will quickly wash out of the hair. Therefore, such experiments are best carried out in several stages: first darken the hair, and then turn red.

If you use exactly the original color of the blond, then you can do with various tonic and balms. The effect will last no longer than a month, but there will be a minimum of injury for the hair.

Selection of paint for coloring curls in red color

Each time, the choice of coloring agents leads a woman to a panic: choose a professional paint without ammonia or do it by a cheaper means. If the choice falls in the direction of natural dyes according to the type of henna, then the hair does not just acquire the desired red shade, but also receive additional care. When choosing dyes, most often, there is no talk about hair benefits.

Choose the best paint is recommended for such items:

  1. Cost Although decent colors are worth the money, but famous brands are trying to justify their products to the maximum, this applies primarily to the composition. Professional paints often contain natural ingredients. Palettes of such colors are observed in beauty salons, and the master can quite vouch for the result obtained.
  2. Composition. Do not abuse the ammonia formulations of paints. They deplete the hair, and if the red color requires regular tinting and tinting, the result will be clearly deplorable.
  3. Hue. The right shade is half the success. On the back of the package there is a slight stretch of colors - outgoing and the one that comes out after the staining procedure. If you can not choose it yourself, it is better to resort to the help of specialists and contact the beauty salon.

Shelf life is also worth reading on the packaging, because such a cosmetic product may be expired, and the result is likely to disappoint.

Red Hair Care Tips

Any painting is a significant stress for the hair. Their structure is damaged, after which the color fades, and the hair itself resembles straw. To avoid this, you should "wisely" take care of your hair:

  1. After washing the hair, do not forget about conditioners, conditioners, at least once a week - a mask,
  2. Choose shampoos that are designed for dyed hair,
  3. When quickly washing out the color, it is safe to use tonics or other coloring agents on natural ingredients,
  4. To trim intensively damaged hair ends in time so that the hair does not turn into a shock of hair,
  5. Do not often use thermal devices, so as not to damage the hair.

Any staining requires care, but if it comes to the intensity of the color, then you have to tinker with it. That only is the correct selection of hair products with color protection. When you see a minimum of washed red pigment while washing your hair, you can safely stop searching for your ideal product.

Copper tones

The classic color acquires a new vision thanks to modern dyeing techniques. Color allows strands to sparkle in the sun. Hairdressers will help you find the right color depth, brightness and contrast. Hue fits any color type. Soft facial features emphasize light copper, deeper options look good in combination with a contrasting appearance.

Fire shade

Bright and bold option will suit young girls who are not afraid to experiment. He looks good on short and creative haircuts and accentuate the golden hue of the skin. But a very strong tan in this case will look bad. Best of all this shade for girls of light, warm and contrast type of appearance.

Caramel tone

At the same time neutral and original version. It attracts attention, but does not create too bright, catchy impressions, so it is successful for any age. The universal shade is combined with any color type and looks good with coloring or delicate highlighting.

The reddish pigment in this color is barely visible and appears in the light. Hue looks expensive, rich and noble. It will suit mature women who want to demonstrate their elegance and good taste.

Saturated red

Red, ruby, cherry, orange, fiery shades look bright and stylish. However, it is worth dyeing hair in such colors only with a good stylist, otherwise you can get a vulgar and cheap tone. The colors are suitable for a contrasting color type, but for girls with a soft appearance it is better to be careful with the original shades.


Another soft and elegant option that will suit girls with peach skin. He successfully shade brown eyes, making them bright and shining. Warm chestnut can overflow with nutty, caramel, honey tones. This color looks good at any age.

The reddish undertone can be practically invisible on chestnut hair, but will appear in the sun.

How to choose the right shade

Selecting color, it is worth being guided by features of appearance. Red is not for everyone, but you can still choose the most appropriate shade. The main thing is that it is combined with skin type, facial features, eye color and overall style.

The first criterion for selecting the color of hair dye is skin tone. Girls with a pink hue can choose almost any shade of red. They are suitable and golden options, and copper, and chestnut. Dark-skinned girls with olive skin should abandon light colors and prefer shades of cinnamon or golden-chestnut options.

For very dark skin or bright tan, choose rich, bright shades with a strong red tint. And for girls with pale, porcelain-transparent skin, light colors will be suitable, which will be difficult to distinguish from natural.

The second item is eye color. The shade of the hair will affect the color of the iris, it will look different. In addition to the classic combination with green eyes, red color is suitable for hazel eyes. Gray shades are combined with copper hair worse, in this case will have to experiment with color. Natural options are best.

When coloring hair, it is important to take into account their natural color. On different shades the pigment will manifest itself in different ways. If the hair is naturally dark, wine, cherry, and dark shades will be good on it. If you want a bright red or golden tone, you will first have to lighten the hair, which will have a very negative impact on their condition, appearance and health.

Strands of different shades of red will make the image particularly bright and stylish.

Light brown and blond hair can be painted in golden, chestnut, amber shades. Cinnamon and other dark tones will also look good, but if the result is not satisfactory, it will be very difficult to return the same color.

How to care for reddish-colored hair

To maintain a bright, saturated red hair shade for a long time and not to update it every month, you will have to revise hair care.

Observe the following recommendations, and your hair will long please you with a brilliant bright color.

  • Prepare hair for coloring. A month before the procedure, start applying nourishing hair masks, special balms and conditioners. Hair will become docile and less brittle. Color keeps better on healthy hair. For the same reason, for two weeks before dyeing, refrain from drying with a hot hairdryer, curling with tongs, straightening with an iron, and laying with alcohol-containing products.
  • After shampooing, rinse dyed hair with cool grass decoctions. This will give your hair extra vital energy.
  • If you dye your hair yourself, at home, try to distribute the paint evenly. Ask for help if you can not paint over the back of the head.
  • Use special color fixers. They will help preserve shade even with frequent shampooing.
  • Do not wash your hair earlier than two days after dyeing. During this time, the pigment is completely absorbed into the hair, will be fixed on them and will not be washed off with shampoo.
  • Buy special shampoos and balms for the care of colored hair. They clean the hair delicately, do not penetrate deep into the hair, close the scales and smooth the structure. Even more effective means developed for red hair. They retain the pigment and color brightness for a long time.

Make homemade masks and balms to moisturize and nourish hair. Also, avoid going to the pools for a month after dyeing. Bleaching has a negative effect on the pigment and condition of the hair, which is already damaged by dyes. Protect your strands from the negative effects of sunlight using special sprays and other means.


Watch the video: How to Choose & Maintain the Best Red Hair Color for Your Skin Tone. Clairol (June 2024).