
Photos of the best wedding hairstyles for medium hair


Wedding hairstyles 2018 for medium hair means fashionable braids, slightly careless and voluminous bunches, soft curls, malvina. Among the mass of options, each girl will be able to choose her hairstyle to taste and look stunning.

Below are several options for wedding hairstyles for medium hair, which can do it yourselfusing photo and video instructions.

How to make a wedding hairstyle shell?

  1. Comb the hair and choose a strand of hair in the frontal part, as in the photo 2.
  2. Stab this strand ahead. The bulk of the hair to remove on one side and make a seam of invisible, as in photo 3.
  3. Put a special roller on this seam and fix it with stealth.
  4. Take the lowest strand of hair tucked into the side and twist it around the bottom of the roller. Secure invisible.
  5. Combing the entire mass of hair on the roller, wrapping it around the strands, and securing invisible, as in photo 8.
  6. The previously isolated frontal part of the hair can be curled using a curl and stabbed into three spirals.
  7. The bottom of a thoroughly combed and cover it with the open part of the roller, as in photo 11.
  8. The tip of this strand lay curl and secure invisible.
  9. The second spiral is also combed and laid out on top of the first.
  10. Disassemble the frontal part of the hair with your fingers and gently lay out curls, as in photo 16.
  11. Properly fix hair with lacquer.

How to make a wedding hairstyle babette?

  1. Comb your hair and collect a tight tail on top.
  2. Throw tail in front, on the forehead, and put a special roller in the base of the tail.
  3. Attach this roller stealth to the hair.
  4. Comb the hair in the tail on the roller, evenly distribute them throughout the accessory.
  5. Tie a rubber tail under a roller, and hide the tip of the tail under it.

Watch the video

In this video you can see another very romantic type of wedding hairstyle shell for medium hair.

Wedding hairstyle babette for medium hair

Modern brides are increasingly turning to retro hairstyles.. One of these stylish hairstyles is babette, which lengthens the face and neck well, making the bride feminine and elegant.

How to make a wedding hairstyle babette?

  1. Comb your hair and collect a tight tail on top.
  2. Throw tail in front, on the forehead, and put a special roller in the base of the tail.
  3. Attach this roller stealth to the hair.
  4. Comb the hair in the tail on the roller, evenly distribute them throughout the accessory.
  5. Tie a rubber tail under a roller, and hide the tip of the tail under it.

Watch the video

In this video, you can see how easy and simple it is to make a babette's wedding hairstyle for medium hair, to look stylish and luxurious.

How to make a wedding hairstyle bun with braids?

  1. Comb your hair and make a side parting, as in photo 1.
  2. From the strand selected in the frontal part, braid the braid to the tips, as in Photo 3.
  3. Stab the braid to the side and braid a loose pigtail from the main body of hair.
  4. Fasten the tip and twist the first and second braids into a bundle, fixing it with stealth and studs.
  5. Slightly pull the strands of hair out of the bun.

Hairstyles tips

  • spend a lot of time on this - look through magazines and surf the Internet in search of hairstyles
  • consider features of your wedding, if you know that you have to dance the whole evening, make a strong haircut or leave your hair loose. Ideal soft curls.
  • pay attention to the weather. If the wedding is in summer, and it will be hot - it is better to choose a high hairstyle, if in winter - loose hair will warm
  • hair do need to combine with a dress. It takes into account many moments - the neckline of the dress, its style and length. For example, a high hair style would be perfect for a closed dress, and a deep neckline can be easily compensated by soft curls.
  • do not be stingy to do in the cabin trial hair! This will help you avoid incidents on your wedding day.

Where to start the selection of the image?

It is best to start with the choice of hairstyles, as this is the most difficult part of the style. The hairstyle should take into account your hair structure and the time it takes. The longest kept hairstyles. You need to trust a more experienced master, not a beginner. Especially gently look collected hair on young ladies. After choosing a hairstyle, you can proceed alongside and shoes. And last but not least to the decorations.

In the wedding image is also important to choose the right hairstyle. If you have an average length, do not be disappointed, you can not even imagine how many beautiful holiday options.

Some girls, after watching fashion magazines, dream of such styling. But they do not take into account the shape of the face and the structure of the hair, and soon they are disappointed in the choice. It is not necessary to copy the stars, it is better to find something of your own, and this will be the most ideal style. Pre-worth to pick a good master and consult about their appearance. It is necessary to observe the harmony in your outfit, shoes, jewelry and wedding hairstyle for medium hair.

In the new year, as well as from the past, simplicity and negligence does not come out. Hairstyle should be, above all, practical and comfortable for you, do not forget that you need to go through the day. Pay attention to all sorts of beams, there are a huge number of them, weaving elements or asymmetry. If it seems to you that the hairstyle is too simple, you can add decorations: decorative stones, veils, flowing veils, hair clips with flowers. Very gentle look fresh flowers in the hair of the girl.

If you decide to hold the ceremony in the summer in the fresh air, it is better to stick to the version with the collected hair, less likely that they can be disheveled, as loose.

Wedding hairstyles for medium hair are universal. You can translate into reality almost any of your whim. Unlike long hair, you need to spend much less care and time. The basis of fashionable hairstyles lies bouffant and airiness. Even the thinnest hair can be given an unforgettable volume by adding a pair of live flowers or stones that will surprise your friends.

Wedding hairstyles with veil

Veil - the tradition of wearing this element, appeared a long time ago. It displays the innocence of the bride, and in combination with a white airy dress adds a tenderness to the image. The veil can be located both on the top of the head and in the back of the head, and is fixed with clips.

Video lesson:

If you want to give the wedding some zest, and be different from all the others, you can spend in retro style. Veil and retro style are combined very well and will be able to give their mistress as much surprise as possible.

Snail, shell or bun - are the most convenient hairstyles, you can vary the most simple bun and get a delightful hairstyle. Moreover, these types of styling can be done without the help of a wizard.

In order to make a bundle, you need to collect the entire mass of hair in the tail and carelessly lay strands in the shape of a bundle, having previously coiled it. Add a beautiful accessory and hair ready.

Wedding weaving

Many masters advise brides to make hairstyles with weaving. Do not fail tender spikelets, turning into a low beam.

Greece is a very tender land of goddesses. To this day, their hairstyles are popular. Often in their roles are attractive curls or laying on the side, soon the groom can not take his eyes off the charming companion. Having made this hairstyle, the bride is a little younger.

Hairstyle should not be too tight, terrible sight. It is better to pull out a bit and give it lightness. The most popular braids among brides are standard, french and spikelets. But there are still braids of five and six strands, but it is worth paying attention to the owners of thick hair.

Hairstyles with bangs

If you want to show yourself younger than it actually is, bangs will help. She will be able to change your face and image in a positive way for the better. Bangs may be straight, oblique, circular, thick or, on the contrary, rare.

Brides with bangs produce a spectacular look.

Loose curls

Loose hair looks beautiful, but it's difficult to call them a convenient option, it will take a little time and curls can turn into a mess. It is considered the most affordable option, among all the styling, but the wizard advise mainly to those girls who have curly hair from nature. So that your hair can help keep your hair as long as possible. It may also be suitable for girls with an oval type of face.

Babbet - perfect hairstyle for everyday walks and for wedding ceremonies. The biggest awesomeness hairstyles that do not need to contact the master. And use your own strength, but you should first purchase a special roller.

If you have a bang, leave it unchanged, this will be your highlight. Decorations made from flowers or tiara are perfect for babbet.

For young ladies, you can make a babbitt with a bow, decorated with strazikami or neat hairpins. Babbet is able to visually improve the shape, and increases the growth of miniature girls. You can be sure that she will not lose the view throughout the holiday.

If you have a naturally round face, but you want a babbitt, release a pair of twisted curls from the temples, they will slim your face, hiding puffy cheeks.

Important points when choosing a wedding hairstyle for medium hair

What is absolutely no doubt, is that the creation of a wedding hairstyle should be done exclusively by a specialist. When selecting a composition for medium hair, the wizard recommends taking into account the following:

  • The volume of the future wedding hairstyle depends on the thickness of the hair. If she is quite modest, then the appearance of some hairstyles can be extremely unassuming. In particular, thin hair is better to draw in the form of high hair or a bun, because the same curls will clearly emphasize their lack of thickness.
  • Hair type is not less important factor. So, very curly can actively "resist" the desire to lay them in their intended way. In the end, the finished hairstyle will not look as impressive as on smooth hair.
  • Not every wedding hairstyle fits a particular face shape. Loose curls of medium length, decorated in a fluffy styling with oblique or asymmetric parting - a great option for girls with a round or oval face shape. When the square is desirable to stay at the hair with Hollywood waves. But to balance the proportionality of the elongated facial contour will help volumetric styling with bangs. Various curls and weaving in combination with curls cope with the task of visually reducing large facial features.
  • Unity in the style of wedding hairstyles and dresses is an immutable rule. Combinations such as classic outfit and styling with a hint of the 60s are considered from the point of view of the integrity of the image completely unacceptable. At the same time, the ideal partners of the decoration in the spirit of the classics will be a high hairstyle with curls, a tail or a bun. For a dress with a deep neckline or open back fit a high hairstyle for medium hair, and for open shoulders - volume styling with a fleece, emphasizing the fragility and slimness of the silhouette of the bride. If the creation of a retro-image is conceived, his hair style, outfit, and make-up should be kept in his style. As for the dresses of lush styles, then for them the preferred various curls and curls.
  • Properly selected and fixed in the right place accessories can easily transform even the most unpretentious hairstyle.

What can offer the bride an existing range of wedding hairstyles for medium hair?

In search of the perfect style of wedding hairstyle, it is important to decide whether it will be open or laid under a hat - a veil or hat. Based on this, it will become clear the need to use accessories in its composition. An open hairstyle can be complemented by various types of jewelry - rhinestones, ribbons, beads, string of pearls, feathers, tiara, hairpins, hairpins or flowers. Overhead strands will come in handy if the hair lacks volume or length. Details accompanying the hairstyle can be traditionally white, neutral pastel shades or colored.

If the planned wedding hairstyle assumes the presence of a headdress, then the accessories can be completely abandoned or use them to a minimum.

Often the hair of medium length has a larger volume compared with long. Because of their relative lightness, they keep their shape well, both in hairstyles and in styling. Variants of wedding decoration of such curls are enough for each bride to choose exactly what she needs.

Hair styling with soft waves will suit those newlyweds who seek to bring extreme tenderness and romance to their image. Twisted with the help of forceps or curling curls form into a beautiful hairstyle and complement her luxurious tiara, sitting on the head of the bride like a luxurious crown.

Not less romantic will look the hair of medium length, decorated in a Greek hairstyle. To create it, use ribbons or special elastic bandages, which abound in the existing variety of hair accessories. If you wish to decorate a Greek hairstyle with an exclusive bandage, you can do it yourself. To do this, you will need a regular elastic band and a small shred of lace. It is believed that the Greek style in the hair should be traced simultaneously in the dress. It is important that it be elongated.

If the inner sense of style pushes the bride towards traditional classics, then an elegant “shell”, an original “basket” or a refined sleek bun will suit the hair of medium hair. In the open design of the hair, they can be decorated with decorative hairpins with pearls, small hairpins or fresh flowers, and in a more closed one, with an elegant veil, openwork beret or a neat hat with a veil.

The trendy vintage is inherent in cold wave styling and high hair with rims and ribbons. Similar variants of hairstyles for medium hair will be a real find for extraordinary brides who prefer bold, non-beaten looks.

The naturalness and ease of wedding hairstyle is achieved by flowing hair with a modest set of accessories. However, freely falling curls become the center of attention only when they are in perfect condition. For this reason, their professional care should be taken care of in advance.

Hairstyles for medium hair in the form of weaves are always popular in the wedding style. They are good because they focus on the individuality and uniqueness of the bride, add a peculiar highlight to her appearance. French, Greek braids, voluminous and inverted weaving are in perfect harmony with bunches, curls, smooth styling, as well as with hair accessories - veils, rims, ribbons, flowers, etc.

More photos on the theme "Wedding hairstyles for medium hair."

Photos: Goodfon, Youmarriage, Expertno, Theweddingsphotos, Elstile, Hairstylesidea, Behindyles, Hairstylenames, Facialhairstyles, Hairstyleupdo, Favstyleideas, Neofashiondesign, Mediumhair-hairstylesideas, Stylefirstz, Polarbarephotography, chawhan, chawhan, Shawshaw, Shawedy

Medium loose hair

Perhaps, rarely, what kind of bride wants to look like usual on her wedding day, so it is unlikely that we will see a bride with straight flowing hair.But there are a lot of girls with soft curls! This hairstyle looks very gentle and elegant and just do it yourself! It is enough to make large curls with the help of a curling iron and fix them with varnish. From one side you can to decorate the hair with a brooch that fits the dress.

Hairstyles with tiara

The tiara not only makes the bride feel like a queen, but is also a beautiful addition to a simple dress. If your dress is richly decorated with rhinestones, or a massive ornament is adorned on your neck, it is better not to choose a tiara. Tiara looks great as with high hair, and with flowing hair.


Watch the video: TEN Medium Length Hairstyles!!! Twist Me Pretty (July 2024).