Eyebrows and eyelashes

Lamination of eyelashes at home - how to do


The special composition applied to the eyelashes in the process of lamination creates a kind of protective film that protects the hair from adverse external factors, and also allows you to give them a bend and fills damaged structures.

For home lamination of eyelashes, it is necessary to become familiar with the technique of the procedure and purchase all the necessary tools and materials.

In specialized stores you can find kits that have everything you need. Or you can always make a mixture for lamination according to popular recipes.

What can be achieved?

Lamination of eyelashes at home is suitable for everyone. Even if the hairs on the eyelids of a woman are naturally long and thick by nature, this wellness procedure will not be superfluous. With its help you can achieve:

  • saturated color and shine of eyelashes,
  • correct curved shape
  • strengthen and nourish hairs
  • protection from external factors.


Like all cosmetological procedures, lamination of eyelashes even at home has a number of contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the tool,
  • allergy,
  • barley, surgery or eye disease in recent times,
  • acne, scratches or bruises on the eyelids,
  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • carrying out the procedure before or after eyelash extensions.

It is very important to acquire not the cheapest tools and compositions for lamination. If a girl is going to make a tool according to a popular recipe, then the ingredients should not be saved either.

Carrying out the procedure at home: keratin

After making a decision on the implementation of the cosmetic procedure, it is important to get acquainted with information on how to make lamination of eyelashes at home.

  1. It is necessary to remove all cosmetics from eyelashes and eyelids and degrease them. Apply a protective cream on the skin.
  2. Then you should comb and separate the hairs with a special brush.
  3. Under the lower eyelid paste silicone tape, and on the upper lining.
  4. A special glue or serum with a fixing effect is applied to the hairs. They are gently combed onto the cover (cotton pad), excess liquid is removed with a cotton swab.
  5. On cilia need to evenly distribute the serum with vitamins. Cotton pads, oilcloth and a terry towel are put on the eyelids for 15 minutes.
  6. If there is a desire to give the eyelashes color, then for 10 minutes they apply a coloring pigment. After a specified time, it is deleted.
  7. Only now keratin or lamination is distributed through the hairs. After 15 minutes, it is washed off with warm water.
  8. After removing the silicone clips, you need to brush the eyelashes with a brush.

It will seem difficult to make some points to yourself, therefore it is better to ask the household or girl friends about it.

The main condition for the effectiveness of the procedure is to abstain from water ingress to the eye area during the day after the procedure.

Lamination does not preclude the use of mascara for eyelashes, masks and other cosmetics, if necessary.

The procedure has a cumulative effect, so with each further repetition of her eyelashes become thicker, longer and healthier.

Care after the procedure

After lamination at home, you should not forget about the daily care of them. Using an oil-based cleanser, you should clean the hair and eyelid skin of cosmetic particles, dirt and dust every day. It is also necessary to do nourishing procedures for eyelashes using burdock, castor and coconut oil applied before bedtime.

Lamination with gelatin: a recipe

Lamination of eyelashes at home with ordinary gelatin is the most famous folk recipe for this procedure to itself. To do this, it is not necessary to spend money on special formulations. Enough to buy at the grocery store gelatin.

If the decision is made to make lamination of eyelashes at home with a gelatin solution, the recipe is simple:

  1. Dissolve 15 g of gelatin powder in 4 tablespoons of warm water.
  2. Leave this mixture to infuse for 20 minutes.
  3. In a container with the means you need to add 1 tablespoon of hair balm and mix thoroughly.
  4. At its discretion, you can add vitamin B6 (for growth), vitamin A (for strengthening) and fish oil (for elasticity) in the recipe.

A nourishing cream is applied to hairs cleared from cosmetics. Then the eyelashes are combed and fixed on the silicone rollers (cotton pads).

A gelatinous mixture is applied over the entire length of the hairs, which is made strictly according to the recipe, which must be washed off after 30 minutes.

The remedy for this recipe should be applied 2-3 times a week for 14 days.

Convenience of lamination with gelatin lies in the fact that it can be carried out to itself without leaving the house. The effect of the gelatin procedure on this recipe, unfortunately, is less than that of keratin.

Lamination of eyelashes at home with gelatin is suitable for pregnant women and women with intolerance to the components of cosmetic products for this procedure.

The result of regular use of the recipe gelatin mixture will be more noticeable after a few months.

Lamination of eyelashes can be done at home. But before the procedure, you need to know all the details and get acquainted with a number of contraindications.

What is eyelash lamination?

The procedure of lamination of the cilia is a technique for their strengthening, nutrition with special useful preparations. The technology is divided into keratin or gelatin, depending on the base component included in the product. The result is a noticeable lengthening of the hairs, giving them pomp. You can contact the salon to master or perform lamination lashes yourself at home.

Is lamination harmful?

Specialists lamination lash is considered a useful technology, it has a healing and regenerating effect. Keratin nourishes the structure from the inside, envelops each cilium with a protective film. They become longer, lush, stop breaking, fall out. Lamination is allowed during pregnancy, lactation, after dyeing and correction. The disadvantages include the high cost of the procedure in the salon, the presence of some contraindications.

How much is holding up

Laminating layer remains on the cilia for several months, making them beautiful, elongated, lush. Durable film protects against breakage, enhances elasticity. Salon masters recommend technology to those who do frequent chemical staining. Correction is required in 2-3 months. To extend the effect of building, do not often need to use decorative cosmetics.

The use of gelatin for lamination at home

For self-fulfillment of the procedure, it will be necessary to study the material, determine the choice of means. If we compare keratin protection and gelatin protection, then in the second situation, the result of the first one will fail. Gelatin protection improvements are as follows:

This effect lasts for seven days, then the procedure is repeated. The success of the defense is present, but the differences and subtleties are noticeable.

Comparing the elements, distinguish the following differences:

  1. Lamination with keratin formulations - effectively for a long time, up to 60 days. Gelatin is valid for 7 days,
  2. keratin penetrates the hairs, strengthening and restoring from the inside, evenly. Gelatin protects and restores the surface
  3. Keratin is a protein that is composed of hair and skin. Gelatin is a nutrient that is not part of one of these structures,
  4. Keratin protection requires a neat and even distribution and implementation of a sequence of defined patterns. Gelatin is treated on the surface, without the use of other specific enzymes, etc.

7 advantages and 3 minuses of eyelash lamination

The lamination procedure for eyelashes, reviews of which speak of its effectiveness, allows girls to lead a normal life. Keratin lamination has many advantages:

  • the durability of the procedure, which takes about an hour, makes the eyelashes two to three months bulky and long,
  • branded serum works completely painless,
  • after lamination, you can wear lenses, dye eyelashes, use eyeliner, eye cream, masks, makeup remover,
  • the product is irreplaceable on vacation, as it protects your eyelashes from ultraviolet rays, wind and sea water,
  • 24 hours after the procedure, you can at least every day go to the sauna, to the pool, swim in the sea or in the river,
  • correction is not required, but to enhance the effect, it is desirable to repeat the lamination,
  • Another positive effect of the procedure is the awakening of sleeping cells and bulbs, which helps speed up the growth of new eyelashes.

Lamination of eyelashes, reviews of which have left many girls, has its disadvantages:

  • high cost (professional services will cost from two thousand rubles and above),
  • the presence of contraindications
  • ugly eyelashes in the first hours after the procedure. They are solid, look sticky, at the base remains a black pigment that resembles a sloppy eyeliner. Then everything passes.

Features of the procedure

The medical procedure for lamination lashes takes from an hour to one and a half, in the process should not occur any inconvenience or discomfort. The only thing that can be is a slight tingling after, associated with the coloring of eyelashes. The coloring pigment in the composition of the drug contains chemistry, the rest is natural substances. After opening the eye tingling should pass. It is important to remember that burning and tingling in the lamination process is caused by an eye disease or the use of a poor-quality preparation.

Lamination of eyelashes, reviews of which it is recommended to read before visiting the procedure itself, is a process of strengthening eyelashes with a lasting effect of up to three months. The effect of the composition in some cases is reduced to two months:

  • if eyelashes are quickly updated,
  • if you are used to taking a shower very often,
  • if you actively use cosmetics,
  • quality cosmetics and other factors.

Lamination of eyelashes, reviews of which tell about the unparalleled effect of "open eyes", makes the eyelashes curved and beautiful. It is important to remember that if you have short, rare and weak eyelashes, you should not expect incredible results from the first lamination procedure (immediately, length, thickness and volume). Only its regular carrying out in the medical purposes will return them a healthy state. Depending on the state of the eyelashes, you can repeat the procedure without waiting for the end of the three-month period.

Lamination of eyelashes LVL, the reviews of which are generally positive, does not harm in any way with an “overdose” of the drug. Eyelashes will absorb as many nutrients as they need for recovery. But with the right approach, it is not recommended often (within two months) to repeat the procedure, it is better to wait until new eyelashes grow.

How to care for eyelashes after lamination?

Eyelashes do not need special additional care after keratin lamination. It is only important not to expose them to water in the first day and to avoid unnecessary touching. After leaving the salon, you should not wash, float your face, touch eyelashes and eyes for six hours. After washing a day, you will see straightened beautiful eyelashes. For 24 hours, the composition has strengthened, and you can safely proceed to the water, solar and other procedures.

Only a few salon services solely heal and do not cause any harm, one of them is lamination of eyelashes. Photo “before” and “after”, reviews of satisfied customers confirm this. After the day from the moment of lamination there are no restrictions: you can sleep on your cheek or face in a pillow, wear lenses, wash without restrictions, go to the sauna and much more. That is, after 24 hours we return to normal life. Applying masks and oils for eyelash nutrition is welcome and will not affect the result, but will be beneficial.

5 steps of lamination

One of the beneficial procedures that quickly return a healthy look to eyelashes is keratin lamination of eyelashes. Reviews of doctors emphasize the importance of a careful and responsible approach to the implementation of this procedure. Lamination is performed in stages.

  1. Eyelashes carefully, thoroughly cleaned and degreased.
  2. On the upper and lower eyelids is fixed protector, which gently lay the cilia. A tread is needed to create a bend.
  3. To fill the keratin voids applied serum, fixing the bend and giving the eyelashes volume.
  4. Eyelashes are saturated with pigment. One of the natural shades is selected depending on the hair color: black, red, dark brown. Professional lamination does not involve the use of aggressive dyes. It is important for those who really want to improve eyelashes.
  5. Application of keratin composition that protects the eyelashes from external influences. Keratin fills cracks, aligns the cilia along the entire length, gives a small volume.

Usually right after the procedure, the eyelashes look frightening. A day later, when keratin penetrates deep into the hair and is fixed, the picture changes, the cilia are flattened.

How to choose a master?

Lamination is a healing procedure performed only by a master, which results in the effect of open eyes, a slightly raised eyelid and softly colored eyelashes. Lamination of eyelashes LVL lashes, the reviews of which are mostly positive, sometimes disappoint girls affected by low-grade work by an unqualified master. Therefore, it is important to choose a specialist wisely, not chasing low-cost or high-cost services. Certified master can spend keratin lamination with high quality and at an average price. Such specialists are certified and use high-quality cosmetics.

5 tips before lamination:

  • Seriously choose a master. Cheap lamination is a risk. An unskilled wizard may twist the hair or curl it too much.
  • Responsibly treat the selection of funds.
  • It is very harmful to do lamination after building up, and vice versa.
  • What are the natural qualities of your hair? For example, with Mongoloid roots, you will not get too thick and luxurious eyelashes.
  • Do not repeat the procedure too often, optimally - 2 times a year.

How much is lamination lash?

The cost of keratin lamination of eyelashes mainly depends on the pricing policy of the salon where it is held, and the city where the salon is located. The price varies from 2500 to 7000 rubles. The average price is 4500 rubles. Some masters, most of them working at home, offer lamination services for 1000-2000 rubles. The cost price of the service consists of the value of the brand, the basic composition used (LVL Lashes, Yumi Lashes and others), the work and skills of a specialist, the reputation of the salon and other factors.


It appeared in beauty salons relatively recently, but many girls immediately liked the result after it, it helps:

  • strengthen and nourish eyelashes,
  • improve their color, make it darker,
  • cilia begin to grow close to one another, giving volume, increasing their density,
  • change for the better the appearance of the eyelashes, then there is no need for daily use of mascara,
  • protect them from sunlight and salt.

The effect of the procedure carried out lasts a long time, besides lamination tends to accumulate the result of all the procedures performed, after it there are significant changes in the look.


In this procedure, the main component of the lamination mixture is keratin, this substance is able to penetrate deep into the structure of the cilia, filling them with voids, and forming a film outside that reliably envelops and protects from the harmful effects of the external environment.

In the salon, one procedure for lamination of eyelashes at cost will be equal to two sets of tools and materials necessary for their multiple reinforcement. Based on this, many seek to learn how to perform such a process on their own.

Lamination of eyelashes at home will require the purchase of the following inventory and materials:

  • keratin remedies
  • adhesive composition
  • fortified whey
  • brushes for eyelashes
  • dye,
  • oxidant,
  • silicone rollers,
  • cotton pads,
  • tonic for degreasing.


The result of the procedure will depend on it, it is impossible to acquire drugs of doubtful origin. It is better to invest in well-known brands, but be sure of the final result. We present the most popular tools:

  • "Yumi Lashes". The drug from the Swiss manufacturer, who states that after regular use of his funds, you can never worry about the curl and density of eyelashes. The claimed product is a set of three components: a cleansing and degreasing agent, its counterpart for fixation and volume, as well as for hydration and nutrition. In the set, in addition to the listed funds, there are three types of pigments, cane glue and a preparation for accelerating the growth of eyelashes. For the convenience of lamination, silicone linings are provided in various sizes.
  • "Novel Lash Up". A set from the British manufacturer helps to purchase rare and short eyelashes with a colossal volume and length. Cosmetics included in this set will help to give lashes brightness and provide them with good growth, their volume is enough for 20 procedures.
  • "Paul Mitchell". An American brand that uses only natural ingredients for its products, without chemicals, mainly herbs grown in Hawaii.

All of these drugs will help laminate eyelashes at home to turn them from brittle and naughty to strong and beautifully curved, tools can also help in the transformation of eyebrows.

Tips to help you laminate your eyelashes with gelatin:

Keratin lamination

To understand how to make lamination lashes correctly, you need to follow the step by step instructions:

  • Preparation of eyelashes. It consists of complete eyelids and eyelashes, first use lotion or milk to remove makeup from the eyes, and then you need to wash with water with a gel to completely eliminate the remnants of cosmetics. The final stage will be degreasing eyelashes, and then processing them with a special tonic, which will prepare for the adoption of keratin.
  • Application of emollient. On the area of ​​the eyelids and around the eyes with a thin layer of moisturizer is distributed, which will protect the skin from irritation during the procedure. The selected cream is gently applied with a cotton swab to the upper eyelids, without affecting the eyelashes. The lower eyelids are protected by cotton pads, which are best cut along their contour.
  • Attaching to the upper eyelashes silicone linings. They come in the form of rollers and fasten with special glue, help to give the cilia a curved shape. The hairs are covered with this glue and wrapped around the pads.
  • Application of serum. This is the very beginning of lamination. The serum contains many vitamins and beneficial elements, due to which it nourishes and adds volume to the eyelashes. Apply the tool with a brush, it treats each eyelash, and remove the excess with a cotton swab. Then cotton pads are placed on the eyelids, an oilcloth and a terry towel are placed on top to provide a heat effect. Serum is kept for a quarter of an hour.
  • Painting eyelashes. If you wish, you can paint your eyelashes in a shade after removing compresses with serum, which will be 2 or 3 tones darker than your hair. The coloring pigment is aged for 10 minutes, then its residues are removed.
  • Carrying out lamination with keratin. The drug is applied for 15 minutes. Then, overhead rollers, protective discs are removed from the eyes, and the face is washed with water, washing away excess keratin preparations.

After lamination of the eyelashes independently at home, it may be that, as a result, the hairs on the eyelids will seem to stick together, but in a day the final result will appear in the form of beautiful and curled eyelashes. The procedure does not require compliance with the rules, you only need not to wash your eyes with water for a day and not to paint with ink.


What is needed for this? Anything supernatural:

  • 15 grams of gelatin,
  • Silicone pads that can be replaced with lint-free discs cut to the shape of the lower eyelid,
  • brush,
  • 50 ml of water
  • 15 grams of hair balsam,
  • cotton buds.

The recipe for the composition for lamination is as follows:

  1. Dissolve the gelatin in warm water, mixing it well, in order to avoid the formation of lumps, if they still appear, then they need to be crushed.
  2. Boil the resulting mixture for five minutes.
  3. Slightly cool the composition and add balm to it.

The process of lamination of eyelashes with gelatin consists of several steps:

  • Perform eye makeup remover. It should be carried out with the use of milk or gel, which after application, wash off with cold water.
  • Degreasing the eyelids and eyelashes with a special tonic.
  • Applying to the skin around the eyes moisturizer, while you can not affect the eyelashes.
  • Fixing the silicone mold or cotton pad on the upper eyelid.
  • The use of gelatinous mixture, which is distributed on the eyelashes with a brush, it should not be too heavy eyelashes, the excess laminating mass must be removed with a prepared cloth. Gelatin is left on the eyelashes for half an hour, then it is washed off with water.

When deciding whether it is possible to do lamination of the eyelashes to oneself, one needs to assess the complexity of the procedure and its patience. In most cases, girls get good results the first time.


Although lamination does not cause any side effects, it cannot be used in some cases:

  • With existing infectious eye diseases.
  • Allergic reactions to the components of the compositions selected for the procedure.
  • Increased sensitivity of the eyeball.
  • If it was previously performed eyelash extensions.
  • When breastfeeding and during pregnancy.

The duration of the effect of lamination depends not only on the correctness of the procedure, but also on the proper care of the eyelashes after it. Every day, in any variant of the procedure, it is necessary to clean the eyelids from contamination, it is better to use oil-based makeup remover for this. Regularly feed eyelashes with burdock, coconut or castor oil overnight.

Would you decide on such a procedure?Looking forward to your comments!

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Lamination Set

Necessary funds are sold separately or as part of a set. To learn how to properly laminate cilia, it is better to buy proven drugs brand Yumi (Yumi) Lashes. The kit includes a spinning lotion, a drug with a fixing effect of blue color, moisturizing oil. Additional elements are glue, 5 pairs of silicone curlers, paint for painting black. Lamination of eyelashes lvl is harmless to the eyes.

How often can you do

To lamination care for eyelashes benefit, you need to use drugs every 3-4 months. The effect lasts longer if you do not use alcohol lotions for removing makeup, mascara, and shadows. The procedure with proper application of funds will help grow healthy hairs, lengthen them and strengthen. Additionally, experts advise:

  • apply masks for eyelashes at home,
  • do a century massage.

How to make lamination at home

Laminating procedure can be done independently in two ways: using gelatin or keratin composition. At home, many people use professional kits Yumi Lashes. As assistants, it is advisable to take a girlfriend to apply the drug in a uniform layer. It is recommended to first learn the lessons on the procedure on the video, the instructions on the packages in order to avoid mistakes.

The recipe with a gelatinous composition does not cause allergies, is approved for use even during pregnancy. You only need water, powder and any hair balm that is available at home. By the time the procedure takes about 40 minutes, does not require professional skills. First you need to remove the remnants of eye makeup, defat skin with lotion or tonic. Required components:

  • gelatin - 15 grams,
  • hair balsam - 2 tablespoons,
  • water - 50 ml.

  1. Stir gelatin in water, heat until completely dissolved. Pour in balm.
  2. Apply the cream to the fat-free eyelashes, put the silicone pads.
  3. Lubricate the cilia gelatin solution, hold it for half an hour.
  4. Wash away the remnants of warm running water.

Keratin biolamination

The lamination of eyelashes with keratin at home is done with the help of a ready-made purchase kit from Yumi Lashes. It is difficult to apply it yourself - the help of a friend is necessary. The technique helps to restore eyelashes in case of loss, brittleness, after unsuccessful staining. In advance cilia degrease with lotion, comb. Then put a fat cream on the skin around the eyes, stick silicone tape under the lower eyelid. The steps include the following steps:

  • fixing silicone pads on the upper eyelids,
  • applying a fixative composition
  • distribution of the coloring pigment with a brush, its subsequent removal,
  • application of keratin lotion,
  • the use of oil to secure the result.

Before and after pictures

To understand what laminated eyelashes will look like, professionals suggest examining photos taken before and after the procedure. Positive feedback on the results mark a natural look, an increase in length, volume. Those who did the lamination at home, say that the eyelashes began to look longer, thick. The end result is noticeable after a day. The photographs below show differences in density, degree of hair bending. They are more magnificent, give the look expressiveness. The photo shows the result immediately after the procedure and 2 months after lamination.

Step-by-step recipe

The recipe and the following step-by-step scheme are used to implement the technology using gelatin:

  • free time, at least 2 hours
  • Silicone pads, cotton pads,
  • lining is placed under the eyelid,
  • tassel, cotton swabs, napkins,
  • a spoonful of gelatin, balsam, water are stirred in a bowl to a uniform consistency with a brush,
  • skin and eyes cleanse and defat, moisturize,
  • gelatin is applied with a brush evenly through the hairs, leave for 30 minutes,
  • remove excess and residues with a napkin, wash off with water.

To perform a similar procedure at home is easy. Success and effectiveness require professional, good formulations or preparations created for this procedure. Gelatin, a common element of food products and additives used for these purposes.

This product copes well with the task, improves the overall and appearance of eyelashes. Negative characteristics are present in the following form:

  1. valid for up to 7 days
  2. the effect of “wet” hair remains,
  3. hairs stick together, you have to comb and bend as before,
  4. as part of only natural and natural nutrients and fortified enzymes,
  5. it is required to paint and care.


The advantages present minimal are described as follows:

  1. apply this technique is allowed for inflammation, diseases, allergies, after surgical interventions,
  2. The product is sold in grocery stores at an attractive price.
  3. gelatin is used during pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  4. for inflammations, such as “barley”, herpes is also permitted.

In the salon procedure, brand-name drugs, which contain nutrients and fortified substances, but for chemical purposes. The compositions contain keratin - a natural protein, the other enzymes are chemical, not natural. Any procedure is applied independently or in the cabin.

Photo view of cilia after the procedure:

Side effects and disadvantages

Common effects and shortcomings after the procedure are expressed as follows:

  • the discomfort,
  • redness, swelling,
  • burning,
  • dropping out,
  • curled eyelashes are similar to insect paws, etc.

Similar side effects occur in the case of the use of techniques for contraindications. These effects are quickly eliminated, you need to moisturize the skin, apply a baby cream, rub balm or conditioning agent.

Leaving after lamination

A competent approach to the eyelashes and hair care will prolong the effect of drugs, there will be no problems and shortcomings after the procedure. The procedure for care is as follows:

  1. the first day after the technique does not wash,
  2. three days do not apply additional cosmetics (tanning, make-up remover, etc.),
  3. You can not visit the bath or sauna during the week.

Each person decides to personally apply the methods of lamination or not. Requires to assess and weigh the merits (treatment and recovery) and disadvantages (weight-loading enzymes, price). Consider and weigh the decision before using the tools yourself or in the cabin, depending on the decision made - the result.

Lamination eyelashes at home. Reviews

Lamination eyelashes keratin at home is quite feasible, but requires thorough preparation. To do this, it is advisable to take training courses on the basis of many salons, as well as to study the technology and purchase materials. If you are going to carry out lamination for the first time, then it is recommended to go through all the steps together with an experienced master, who will show how to do it qualitatively and professionally. In the process, you will ask your questions, note for yourself some of the nuances.

How to make a home lamination lashes? The “before” and “after” reviews can convince you that this is perfectly doable. We give a step-by-step instruction:

  • we remove cosmetics with the help of special means; we degrease the skin with skin or washing gel,
  • To protect and prepare the eyelids for the procedure, we apply a cream to care for the skin around the eyes (choose a softening cream that moisturizes thin and delicate skin),
  • on the upper eyelid we put on a special form of silicone (protector), which allows to raise and align the cilia for convenient application of the solution,
  • we treat the eyelashes with a special solution (serum) to impart thickness and thickness, evenly distributing the product with a brush, remove the excess mixture with cotton wool or a napkin,
  • After the treatment with serum, we cover each hair with a composition with keratin, after 15 minutes, you can remove the silicone lining and remove excess formulations from the skin of the face.

After training you will be much easier to carry out at home, without problems and complications, such a process as lamination eyelashes. Photos of “before” and “after”, reviews of girls prove the effectiveness of cosmetic procedures at home with a competent approach. Lamination will help align the cilia, nourish them with nutrients. Regular sessions will make them larger and darker. As with the salon procedures, after applying home technologies, it is necessary to ensure peace for the eyelashes for a day, do not wash, do not use mascara.

Lamination eyelashes gelatin. Reviews

If you have contraindications for the use of salon serums and for any other reasons, lamination of the cilia with gelatin may be a convenient option for you. Of course, the effect of this product will not be as long as from the salon procedures. But it is quite possible to strengthen and heal eyelashes well by regularly using gelatin lamination of eyelashes. Reviews, photos and recipes of this simple home procedure are presented in our article. How to make and properly apply a solution with gelatin for eyelashes?

  1. To prepare the solution you will need 50 ml of warm water, 15 g of gelatin. After the gelatin is poured into water, stir and heat the solution for five minutes. Remove the solution from the stove. You can add a little balm for hair or oils.
  2. Before applying the eyelashes should be degreased and cleaned. Carefully remove makeup, sebum, dust using a degreasing tonic.
  3. The skin around the eyelids should be smeared with cream. After that, we impose on the eyelids silicone lining (halves of cotton discs, cut in an arc according to the shape of the eyelid).
  4. Apply to the eyelashes using a brush warm solution of gelatin.
  5. Leave the composition for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.

It is hardly possible to compete with the branded salon procedure by conducting gelatin lamination of eyelashes. Reviews (“before” and “after”) about this procedure confirm that it is possible to obtain the desired effect with its help. Regular application of gelatin by all the rules will lead to a good result and provide strong, well-groomed eyelashes for a long time. This version of the lamination procedure has no contraindications, it is allowed for both pregnant and lactating women.

Many women perceive hair lamination as a rather expensive salon procedure. Few people know that lamination can be done at home using regular food gelatin. The same who heard about this method, hardly believes in its effectiveness. In fact, this is an excellent, practically free alternative to salon care, which does not take much time, and the result will amaze even the most skeptical ladies.

  • Properties of gelatin as a hair laminator
  • The advantages of home lamination
  • The classic recipe home lamination
  • Hair masks with a gelatin base
  • General recommendations

Properties of gelatin as a hair laminator

Salon lamination involves applying a special composition to the hair, covering each hair with a thin transparent film that transforms the appearance of the hair and protects it from negative external factors. Lamination not only improves the appearance of hair, but also heals them, making them docile and smooth, returns shine.

This is a truly magical tool that can bring back even the most damaged hair. However, this procedure is worth a lot. For those who save the family budget, but want to look great, lamination of hair with gelatin at home is suitable. The product has almost all the properties with which salon hair lamination tools are endowed:

  1. Contains natural collagen, protein, amino acids, dietary fiber, cellulose, vitamins and trace elements necessary for hair restoration. In the process of exposure, substances are absorbed, improving the structure of each hair.
  2. Covers hair with breathable film that protects against external negative factors. Due to this, the hair looks more voluminous and elastic, smoothed out, the cut ends disappear.
  3. It has thermoprotective properties, therefore it is suitable for women who use a hairdryer and forceps.
  4. Makes hair obedient, easy to remember shape.
  5. It nourishes the hair and retains moisture due to the high content of vitamin E.

It is also worth noting that in most store hair care products with lamination properties, gelatin is present in the composition.

The classic recipe home lamination

Recipe composition for lamination hair gelatin at home is simple. Preparation of the mask does not require much effort. If you plan to conduct regular hair restoration procedures, it is advisable to purchase a special pan with a small bottom diameter. Since the prepared composition by volume will not be too large, in a pan with a wide bottom it will spread in a thin layer, and it will be inconvenient to mix and collect.

So, the phased preparation of a household composition for lamination of hair:

1. Pour 1 bag of gelatin (15 g, or 1 tbsp. L.) Into a saucepan, add 3 tbsp to it. l lightly cooled boiling water and mix thoroughly. Cover the container with a lid and leave to swell for 15-20 minutes. If after swelling there are lumps that just do not stir, the composition is heated to their complete dissolution. In this case, make sure that the mixture does not boil, as the gelatin loses its properties when boiling, and it burns quickly enough.

2. In the resulting mass add ½ tbsp. l balm, mask or conditioner for hair, usually used when washing the head. If the mass is too thin, add a little more balm, but you should not overdo it, otherwise there will be no desired effect.

3. Wash hair with usual shampoo, blot with a towel so that they remain wet.

4. Apply the prepared mixture to the hair, avoiding contact with the scalp as soon as possible so that the mass does not stand in the container. If it still happened, it can be slightly heated and continue to apply.

5. After the distribution of the gelatinous mass for lamination along the length of the hair, wrap the head with a cling film or plastic bag, warm it with a wool hat or a usual towel. For better impact, hair can be heated with a hairdryer for 10-15 minutes, pressing it to the head. So the laminator penetrates the pores of the hair. However, heating is not necessary.

6. After warming up, walk like this for another half hour, then wash off the composition with warm (but not hot!) Water without using detergents. Gelatin is easily removed from the hair. To consolidate the effect of hair, rinse with lemon juice, diluted in water (1 tsp. Per liter of water).

The given proportions are designed for short hair. Owners of long curls need to increase the number of components. When preparing it is worth considering that three parts of the liquid (regardless of its composition) are added to one part of gelatin.

Hair masks with a gelatin base

The above recipe is a classic one. It is used as an independent means or as a basis for a gelatin mask, which will also have the effect of lamination. The main difference from conventional lamination will be the addition of one or more auxiliary components that additionally nourish the hair. The principle of making gelatinous base in each case will be almost the same.

Useful properties of gelatin

Gelatin is a protein product, it contains collagen, which has a positive effect on the structure of cilia. It is the collagen that is included in the composition of many revitalizing and restoring masks, because this substance actively restores the structure of hairs, smoothly eliminating any defects.

In addition to collagen, other useful components are present in the chemical composition of gelatin:

  • Protein - fills hairs with keratin,
  • Vitamin E - heals and rejuvenates the hair structure,
  • Vitamin B - gives cilia a healthy shine and serves as an excellent moisturizer,
  • Calcium - strengthens hair follicles,
  • Iron - stimulates hair growth.

Recently, as soon as the salon lamination procedure became popular, gelatin was actively used as the main product for biolamination (that is, lamination at home, which does not harm the hairs and does not violate their structural integrity).

Lamination of the house is economical, to purchase the necessary ingredients will require a small financial amount. If you carry out a comparative analysis, the home procedure will cost almost 10 times lower than the salon.

The only thing you need to know is that the lamination with gelatin cannot last for a long time, as is the case with the salon procedure, so at home it should be done much more often, but the result will always be excellent - the cilia will be thick, elongated, and the look will be expressive and alluring.

Tips to help you become familiar with home lamination of eyelashes with gelatin:

Gelatin lamination recipe

For home lamination you need to prepare 15 grams. gelatin, a small amount of hair balm and 50 ml. simple warm water. Gelatin is poured with prepared water, then it is heated over a low heat for 5 minutes (the granules must dissolve completely) and mixed with a hair balm.

In order that the recipe has pleased with excellent results, it is necessary to follow the following instruction:

  1. From the cilia to remove all makeup, you can additionally wash cleansing milk or gel,
  2. Apply a degreasing tonic over the eyelids and hairs. Such a cosmetic tool can be purchased in specialized stores. Currently, the cosmetology industry produces special products used before lamination, which have degreasing qualities, they can also be purchased either in beauty salons or in cosmetics stores,
  3. Apply a moisturizer to the skin of the eyelids, ideally, if it contains a plant base in its composition. For ease of application, you can use a cotton swab. At the same time, the area of ​​hairs can not be lubricated with cream,
  4. On the upper eyelid, firmly secure the silicone disc, which can be safely replaced with a cotton disc cut in half,
  5. Using a soft thin brush, apply the previously prepared gelatin mixture onto the hairs, it is applied with a thin layer, if excess is present, then they should be carefully removed with a napkin or cotton wool,
  6. On the hairs, the composition lasts for about 20 minutes, after which it is carefully and gently washed off with warm water.

It is interesting! Lamination can be done with the help of a special keratin remedy, we wrote in more detail in this article.

Important basics of proper lamination

Despite the fact that gelatinous lamination is recognized as a fairly simple and easy procedure that is done at home, many women do it incorrectly. After this, an unsatisfactory result is manifested - the cilia stick together and become sticky.

To achieve the most positive results, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • Lamination with gelatin will delight the amazing effect of girls, whose cilia are naturally rare and "lifeless." With the help of a simple procedure, you can get a “dream” - the hairs become graceful, they become thick, elongated and bright.
  • But girls with thick cilia lamination is not necessary, as the protein compounds that make up the gelatin, reliably envelop every hair, making it heavier. The result of lamination of thick eyelashes - it becomes heavy, which negatively affects the mood.
  • In modern stores you can buy powdered or sheet gelatin. Preference should be given precisely powdered, since it becomes more saturated when dissolved, unlike the latter.

  • Moderately warm water is ideal for dissolving gelatin. It is important to remember that in a cold liquid the product simply does not dissolve, but boiling water will destroy the protein component, after which the gelatin will become completely useless.
  • It is necessary to heat and, accordingly, dissolve the granules in a water bath or on a low fire.
  • Putting gelatinous mixture on the hairs, it is important to promazyvat each of them. It is best to move from the middle of the hairs to their tips.
  • Wash off the gelatinous mass only with warm water. It is strictly forbidden to use cold water, as when interacting with gelatin, it will contribute to its freezing, after which it will be very difficult to wash it off from the cilia.
  • Often use gelatin lamination is not recommended, the most frequent use of funds - 1 time per week.
  • It is not recommended to apply makeup on the cilia with a gelatin composition. If you use ink carcasses, then the choice should be stopped on the means for sensitive skin of the eyes.
  • In the intervals between gelatin lamination, it is important to care for the hairs. The ideal regenerating agent is burdock or olive oil. The oily composition is applied to the surface of hairs every day, the duration of the procedure is at least 30 minutes. At night, the oil is required to rinse.

Lamination of eyelashes with gelatin, produced at home, will last for hairs for about 2-3 days. All this time, the eyelashes will be thick, shiny, beautiful and healthy, and the look will become expressive and bright.

See also: What is the difference in lamination of eyelashes at home and in the salon (video)

To give volume to hair.

Gelatin - 1 tsp.
Colorless henna - 1 tsp.
Mustard - 1 tsp.
Water - 2 tbsp. l
Yolk - 1 pc.

Prepare a gelatin base, add the yolk to it, then the remaining ingredients. Mix everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps, if necessary, add water so as to obtain a mixture similar to thick sour cream. All this is applied to the hair, warm, wash off in an hour.

For all hair types.

Gelatin - 1 tbsp. l
Water - 2 tbsp. l
Aloe juice - 1 tbsp. l
Parsley juice - 1 tsp.

Dissolve gelatin in warm water, heat to avoid lumps. In a slightly cooled mixture add aloe juice and parsley. Apply to hair, insulate. Wash off in an hour.

For dry hair.

Gelatin - 1 t. L.
Water - 3 tbsp. l
Apple vinegar - 1 tsp.
Lavender essential oil - 1 drop.

Dissolve gelatin in water, if necessary, heat in a water bath. Add oil, pour vinegar, immediately apply to hair and wrap well. Wash off after 30 minutes.

For greasy hair.

Gelatin - 1 tbsp.
Lemon juice - 4 tbsp. l
Yolk - 1 pc.
Mask or balsam - ½ tbsp. l

Heat lemon juice in a water bath, add gelatin, stir until completely dissolved. Mix the yolk with the balm, put in a gelatinous mass. Stir the mixture until smooth. Apply to clean hair, warm, leave for 30 minutes. Rinse with warm water without shampoo.

Mask-shampoo for hair.

Decoction of herbs (nettle, burdock root, chamomile) - 1/3 cup.
Gelatin - 3 tbsp. l
Shampoo - 2 tbsp. l

Dissolve gelatin in warm broth, add shampoo, mix. Apply the composition to the hair, leave for 10 minutes (without insulation), rinse with warm water.

Honey gelatin mask for hair.

Gelatin - 1 tbsp. l
Water - 3 tbsp. l
Honey - 1 tbsp. l
Essential oil (sage, almond, rosemary - your choice) - 1 drop.

Add honey and essential oil to the gelatinous mass, heat slightly to dissolve the oils and apply to clean hair. To warm the head and hold the mask for 30-40 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Protect eyelashes from mechanical impact and exposure to ultraviolet rays. Avoid too hot or cold water.

In this way, lamination of eyelashes at home is done easilyand its recipe consists of simple ingredients available in regular stores.

Find out right nowabout the benefits of henna biotatuage eyebrows (+ photos before and after the procedure).


Watch the video: DIY EYELASH PERM AT HOME. Lash Lift! (July 2024).