Eyebrows and eyelashes

Eyebrow microbleeding is harmful


Eyebrows make face. Make-up artists open such a simple and important secret. For many women, the daily need for eyebrow makeup has been replaced by a new microblading procedure. Modern technology promises results in the form of beautiful eyebrows with a shape that fits perfectly with an oval and type face.

Semi-permanent micropigmentation - microblading is done by a special holder (manipula), the blade of which consists of the smallest needles (English “micro” - small, “blade” - blade). Mikronadrezy on the skin are done manually, the image of thin lines mimics the hairs, and the execution at different angles gives the effect of natural thick eyebrows.

What is microblading?

Microblading is a manual tattoo technique that came to us from South Korea. The procedure is carried out with the help of a special blade from a set of needles: this terrible thing on the skin is “painted” by cuts imitating the hairs, after which the pigment is poured into the resulting wounds. The procedure became very popular during the international crisis: tattoo artists were looking for an opportunity to reduce the cost of permanent makeup and found salvation in microblading - the blades are cheap, and learning the craft takes only two days.

How does microbliding differ from tattoo?

Microblading is different from tattooing technique. With a permanent make-up, micro punctures are applied to the skin. The trauma is minimal, and the benefit is mass: these same microprocols stimulate the skin to produce its own collagen. But during the microblading procedure, the most real cuts are applied to the skin, which leave scars after healing. In addition, the tattoo allows you to achieve complex highly artistic designs, and microblading is drawn by strictly thin lines imitating hairs that cannot touch or intersect.

Microblading Pitfalls

The popularity of microblading is easy to explain: the effect is the same as that of the tattoo, and costs much less. However, few people warn about the "pitfalls" that customers expect in the future. Immediately after the procedure, the incisions are almost not noticeable, and the hairs appear thin and neat. But due to inaccurately controlled depth and the internal inflammation developing after the incision, the pigment is localized chaotically, and the hairs are stained unevenly. As a result, when the wounds heal, your eyebrows may turn out to be completely not what you dreamed about: hairs are too thick, and the pigment is vague. Moreover, there is a risk that after some time the eyebrows will also turn blue.

What will happen a year after microblading

But the most interesting is waiting for you in a year and a half after the procedure: by this time the pigment partially or completely leaves the skin, and in its place are thin scars (exactly in the form of the applied hairs), which remain for life. What to do? And, in fact, nothing. Because the microblading procedure cannot be repeated: microscopes are already in the skin, and it is impossible to predict how a new layer of paint will behave over these scars. And “cherry on the cake”: hair follicles are often injured during the microblading procedure. It threatens with the fact that in the future your eyebrows can “grow bald” or go bald, because the new hairs will simply have nowhere to grow.

The essence of the procedure

Eyebrow microblading is also known as “hand tattooing”. This is one of the types of micropigmentation, which appeared recently, but has already become popular. The essence of the cosmetic procedure is to apply tiny incisions to the skin, the depth of which is 0.2-0.5 mm and the width 0.18 mm.At the same time, pigment is injected under the skin.

The hue is selected in advance. Each hair is drawn by hand, as a result, the eyebrows look natural and expressive. When performing the procedure, the cosmetologist should be focused and careful. The master does not use the apparatus, as in a regular tattoo, but a handle with fine manual needles at the end, welded together in a row. Literally, microblading is translated as “microblade” (from the English “micro” and “blade”).

The result of the “manual tattoo” depends on the professionalism of the cosmetologist, the correct implementation of the recommendations during the recovery period, the timely corrections and the individual characteristics of the organism. The first correction is assigned 30-45 days after the procedure, the next 8-12 months.

Women with oily skin need it more often than with normal and dry types. Due to an excess of sebum, the dye loses clarity and the contour of the eyebrows blurs.

To under the action of harmful ultraviolet radiation, the pigment does not burn out faster, use protective creams. Especially in the summer and in the southern resorts.

Older women play only on hand. The coloring matter is eventually excreted by the lymph. Therefore, the validity period of “manual tattoo” is directly related to the metabolic rate. Slow metabolism - a longer result.

The result of microblading is 1.5-2 years.

Difference from the usual tattoo

The main idea of ​​these procedures is the same - the transformation of your face. The main difference is the technique of execution. Tattoo is done by hardware. Specialist needle creates micro-holes at a strictly verified depth in the middle layers of the skin. Microblading is performed manually and requires special professionalism of the master. Strokes are applied superficially, blood vessels are not damaged. Therefore, the trauma and recovery period is minimal.

The dye appears gradually, without changing its shade to blue, green or pink, in contrast to the classic tattoo.

In contrast to the tattoo, which lasts from 3 to 5 years, microblading resistance is less - 1-2 years.

Who is recommended

It is recommended to resort to microblading in the following cases:

  • rare eyebrows
  • the presence of areas where hair does not grow,
  • persistent asymmetry of eyebrows,
  • their complete absence
  • scars and scars in the area of ​​application (usually there are no hairs on them either),
  • too thin eyebrows.

Features of the procedure

Microblading (literally, microblade) or eyebrow micropigmentation - what is it? This is a popular cosmetic procedure, in which the change in the thickness and shape of the arcs with the help of colored pigments introduced under the epidermis. It is carried out by hands and assumes careful drawing of lines. What makes microblading? To do this, use a special tool - a handle with a thin scalpel at the end. Neem master performs microscopic incisions on the skin - their width is 0.18 mm, and depth - 2-3 mm. Simultaneously with the incision, a pigment is introduced into the wound, the tone of which is chosen in accordance with the color type of the client and her personal preferences.


Despite the fact that the procedure is carried out locally and does not have a significant effect on the body, there are still contraindications to its implementation, because it is associated with damage to the skin, and pigment particles somehow penetrate into the blood.

  1. Individual intolerance to the pigment.
  2. Inflammatory and viral diseases in the period of exacerbation, including colds.
  3. Increased temperature.
  4. Oncological diseases.
  5. Autoimmune diseases.
  6. Psoriasis, eczema and other dermatological diseases.
  7. Open wounds in the eyebrow area - sores, acne, abrasions.
  8. Poor blood clotting.

Before the procedure it is recommended to ensure that there is no allergic reaction to the paint that the master will use.To do this, a small amount of it should be applied to the skin in the area of ​​the forearm or elbow bend. If after a few minutes there is a redness or itching, then this indicates an allergic reaction. In this case, it is better to refuse the procedure.

How much is the result

Microblading allows you to achieve a lasting effect, but it is impossible to determine exactly how long the pigment stays on the eyebrows. This period can vary from seven months to one and a half years. In some cases, the result of the procedure is partially preserved in 2–3 years. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the skin.

The cost of the procedure depends on the selected microblading technology. It also takes into account whether it is necessary to reconstruct eyebrows, change their shape or carry out other complex manipulations. On average, the price ranges from 4 to 10 thousand rubles + the cost of correction is 2-3 thousand rubles. If the master provides services at home, the price is significantly reduced. You can find offers costing 2 - 3 thousand rubles + correction.

Microblading can easily change the shape of the eyebrows.

Reviews with photos before and after

What did I expect from microblading? I really wanted my eyebrows to look the same as after henna - a little brighter, without bald spots and beautiful shape. Looking at mine, the master was a little surprised and said that they were “unrealistically beautiful” and apparently decided to spoil them ...

What I do not like:

1) The color is some gray-black and gives a blue! But I have my hairs that somehow hide this terrible color.
2) I clearly see microblading on the eyebrows, i.e. About any naturalness can be no question.
3) The bald spots remained and I still tint them.

After the first time, about 30% of the total pigment usually remains, so correction is required. But I will not go for anything. Girls, if you have good eyebrows, I do not advise you to do microblading! It is very difficult to find a good master. The photos may look beautiful, but noticeable in life. Only now I understand that I had quite good eyebrows before the procedure, and now I’ll probably look for a way to reduce this microblading - I really hope that my own eyebrows will not exalt at the same time. DO NOT RECOMMEND!

The photo shows that the pigment extends beyond the brow. And the color of some gray. If my natural ones were less dense (and many girls come to the procedure without eyebrows at all), then it would be all the worse.


After microblading my eyebrows healed with their new life. Now there are no bald spots or bald patches. Eyebrows look noble. And I am glad that there is a replacement tattoo. Microblading is not only a beautiful procedure, but it is also less traumatic and almost painless. The main thing for me is that everything is natural and natural.

Anyone who ever decides on a tattoo or microblading advice. Look carefully for wizards, photos or reviews from friends or loved ones. Do not rush to the low prices of craftsmen, cheap does not mean quality. And do not be afraid to say what you do not like. And a good master always always draws an eyebrow and offers the best option. And after you agree, he is obliged to do everything strictly according to the sketch. And then there are such samoydeyateli, who immediately begin to beat and it turns out something like. I recommend everyone to do manual micropigmentation of eyebrows (microblading).

Immediately after microblading, eyebrows looked brighter than I expected, but after the discharge of crusts, the color will brighten by half. No swelling, redness and discomfort is observed. Eyebrows do not look as if they were smeared with coal, you can safely go out and not be afraid to injure the delicate psyche of passers-by. The healing itself is pretty easy. Crusts start to move away about 5–7 days. I expected the scabs as if from sores or scratches, but in reality they are just films, as if you were burnt on the beach or did face peeling.At this time, the eyebrows itch, no, not so, they ADSKI cheshes. I've never had anything so itchy. And the saddest thing is that it’s impossible to scratch, otherwise we can tear off the pigment pieces along with the films. What I just did not do: I twisted my brows and scratched side by side, nothing helped, it remained only to endure.

The final result exceeded all my expectations, I am very pleased and I sleep for half an hour longer in the morning. After eyebrows, I decided on the arrows.

In the spring of 2016, I saw the procedure “Reconstruction of eyebrows 6D, the hair method.” I thought for a long time whether it was worth doing it or not, I was weighing all the pros and cons of month 3 and finally decided to do it, because eyebrow dyeing is very boring and thus I thought that I would make my life easier! The procedure was done without anesthesia, it was sick, because they scratch the skin with a pen, but as they say, “beauty requires sacrifices”, and I suffered this. everything would be fine, but ... .. a week later, when the peeling began to descend, the color began to turn pale (the master stated that after healing the color would be 45% lighter) ... but it took about 80% of the color. Eyebrows again had to tint, and this time I decided to go for a correction, I thought that the second time the paint would remain and there was nothing to paint, BUT ... after the second time the same thing happened. the paint has faded by 80%, practically nothing is visible on the left (since most of its hairs are on it), and on the right there is only a shadow!

In summary: Eyebrows as a paint, and I continue to paint, because one looks brighter than the other! They turned out different (one higher and longer than the other). Brows wide and look aggressive to me, spoil the whole face! VERY READY TO MAKE THIS PROCEDURE!

Result after the second correction

The microblading procedure is quite expensive (-) compared to the cost of a pencil / shadow, but it saves an insane amount of time (+) and nerves if you adjust the shape and color of the master (when I tried to do this, I found out since it is not necessary ").

Eyebrows will not wash off in the pool, will not be erased from the awkward movement (+). The result looks natural (+) and is long-term, up to 2 years (+).

After the microblading procedure


Unfortunately, the microblading procedure is not always smooth and ends well. Sometimes there are undesirable effects, including persistent or irreversible.

    Edema and inflammation. This is a temporary phenomenon, which can be associated with the occurrence of an allergic reaction to the pigment or disregard of the list of contraindications. Nevertheless, the inflammatory process itself is dangerous and can lead to serious consequences. In addition, severe edema implies at least a temporary, but rather pronounced deformation of the tissues, and this may prevent the paint from properly distributed under the skin.

Edema after microblading procedure can spread to the eye area.

Damage to the hair follicle can lead to permanent eyebrow loss

Not always the resulting color and shape of eyebrows delight customers

Non-professionalism of the master can lead to irreversible consequences.

Should I do eyebrow microblading

The creation of microblading techniques is undoubtedly an important and useful achievement in cosmetology. Compared with the usual tattoo, it has many advantages, as it meets all the requirements of a modern woman, combining stamina and naturalness. Many women who decide on microblading recommend this procedure to their acquaintances. This suggests that it is effective and allows you to achieve a good result in the form of beautiful eyebrows.

But even taking into account all the positive aspects of microblading, it is worth remembering that when it comes to any experiments with looks, it is important not to overreact.This is especially true of changing the shape and color of the eyebrows. If its naturally thick and dark, then there is no need to resort to additional staining, much less to microblading. The result may, to put it mildly, not please, and the new ones will simply look ridiculous. But if there are indications for the procedure, for example, eyebrows are rare, and in some places there are areas not filled with hairs, then microblading can save the situation. Everything depends on the initial state, and it is precisely this factor that needs to be guided when deciding on the need for microblading. A competent and conscientious cosmetologist can help determine the choice.

On the Internet you can see different reviews about the microblading procedure. Most of them are positive, but not everyone is happy with the result. As a rule, dissatisfaction of clients of beauty salons is caused by the resulting color of eyebrows, their shape, as well as scars on the skin, which remain even after a long time after the procedure. Unfortunately, all these consequences, especially the latter, are more than sad, because they cannot be easily removed from the face. Therefore, the procedure of microblading should be taken extremely seriously, especially when it comes to choosing a master. Microblading itself is safe, but an inexperienced or careless master can spoil everything. You need to look for reviews about the selected beautician and carefully read his work. This is easy, because most experts take photos of the eyebrows of clients before and after the procedure.

Eyebrow Microblading: What is this procedure?

The essence of microblading is that the master manually models the shape of the eyebrows, drawing each hair with simultaneous insertion of the coloring pigment under the skin (at a small depth). The peculiarity of this technique is that the work is complex and painstaking, and the specialist who performs it must have extensive experience and certain artistic skills. From this will depend on the final result.

In the process, the master applies permanent hairs, simulating an ideal shape. In addition, each individual hair exactly corresponds to the natural growth of eyebrows, which allows for a natural effect. Eyebrows on the face look absolutely natural, and the eyes become expressive and special attractiveness. Thanks to this tattoo, you can completely abandon the use of decorative makeup (pencil, eye shadow and other means of coloring eyebrows). Due to the applied pigment, the color remains saturated and lasts a long time.

Experts advise to pay special attention to eyebrows, because they can both beautify and ruin a face. If you make the wrong choice, then the unfortunate shape of the eyebrows may highlight shortcomings, highlight irregular facial features, or visually add several years. When you first meet with a person, the interlocutor in the first place attract the eyes. Therefore, it is very important to pay special attention to this area. Eyelashes, and of course eyebrows provide beautiful eye-framing. Therefore, women have long paid special attention to them, giving an elegant form, tinting and plucking. For the first time the method of introducing the coloring pigment into the upper layer of the epidermis was tested by beauties of the ancient East. And today, cosmetologists revive the forgotten technique, honing the secrets of their skills and forcing the image to play with new colors.

During the procedure, the master uses a special pen-arm, with the help of which he precisely coordinates his movements and accurately draws each hair. At the initial stage, the specialist sketches a sketch, in accordance with the wishes of the client and taking into account the features of the face and the shape of the eyebrows. Then, based on this sketch, draws lines according to a certain pattern, modeling a perfect eyebrow.In addition, each hair has a certain direction, angle and thickness, which ensures maximum naturalness. The hairs are drawn consistently, creating the desired volume, thickness and fracture of the eyebrow. Such a tattoo even from a close distance is difficult to distinguish from natural eyebrows and this is its main advantage.

How is the microblading procedure carried out?

A week before the upcoming procedure, cosmetologists advise not to pull out the eyebrows and not to use special formulations to remove them. On the day of admission, the master will make a photo of the client's face in order to draw up a sketch with her and select the ideal shape, place of bend, thickness, length and color of eyebrows. In this case, the specialist must take into account the type of person, his features and anatomical structure. This is necessary so that the eyebrows as naturally as possible emphasize all the advantages.

The important point is the choice of a suitable shade of coloring pigment, it should be as close as possible to the natural color of the eyebrows and hair, or be one tone darker. Microblading pigments have a thick texture and vegetable origin. Their natural shade after application should not change, it can only slightly lose the intensity of the color. After preliminary preparation, the master proceeds directly to the procedure:

  • First, those areas that are subjected to tattoo, are treated with a local anesthetic. This will eliminate pain and make the procedure as comfortable as possible.
  • Then, according to the sketched design, a new shape of eyebrows is drawn with a special pencil. At this stage, you can make the necessary adjustments to eliminate the smallest flaws.
  • At the main stage, the master makes coloring pigment under the skin with the help of a pen-maniples. This device is equipped with the finest microneedles, which are arranged in a certain sequence and at a certain angle. During operation, the device makes microschets on the skin, simultaneously implanting a coloring pigment in them.

After the specialist completes the work, the superciliary arch will look puffy, and redness may appear. But these are short-term events that will soon pass on their own. Eyebrows after microblading Sometimes they look too bright, but you shouldn't worry about it. Soon the color will fade slightly due to the fact that the pigment begins to wash out.

The microblading procedure is a very painstaking job that can take several hours. Its duration is largely affected by the amount of work, which depends on the thickness and thickness of hairs, as well as the skill and experience of the beautician. The final result a woman can evaluate by looking photo before and after eyebrow microblading.

Microblading: what are the techniques of execution?

There are several varieties of miklobleydinga, different execution style:

Shadow (European) tattoo - Master draws hairs of the same length and thickness. The distance between them is strictly fixed, as a result, the eyebrows look voluminous and thick. But on closer examination, some unnaturalness is visible, which is comparable to the effect that is achieved when professionally applying a coloring composition on the eyebrows with its subsequent shading. This technique allows you to get eyebrows of soft and deep hues and is ideal for owners of rare and light eyebrows.

Voloskovy (eastern) tattoo. This technique can only be done by experienced craftsmen with artistic taste. In this case, the hairs are drawn in different directions, they can be of different lengths and even slightly different from each other shade. But it is precisely these nuances that make it possible to achieve amazing results and create the most natural eyebrows, which even from close range cannot be distinguished from natural ones.

Who is recommended procedure?

Manual eyebrow tattooing is recommended in the following cases:

  • If a woman is dissatisfied with the shape, thickness or bend of her own eyebrows.
  • In cases where the eyebrows have cosmetic flaws (scar or scar) that must be hidden.
  • If as a result of the trichological disease, hair loss occurs and bald spots appear on the eyebrows.
  • If the eyebrows are naturally rare and thin.

To do eyebrow microbleeding You should contact a beauty salon with a good reputation and entrust this procedure only to an experienced and qualified master who can carry out all the high-level manipulations.

Benefits of the procedure

Compared to classic tattooing, microblading procedure has a number of significant advantages. This technique is less painful, the procedure takes less time and is suitable even for very sensitive and delicate skin.

The pigment is very good on the skin and after the first application it allows you to achieve the desired shade and shape of the eyebrows. The skin is injured minimally, thus avoiding undesirable complications (swelling, redness, irritation).

The manual tattoo technique is built on the shallow depth of needle penetration under the skin and the finest drawing that allows you to achieve the desired shape with the maximum naturalness of the eyebrows.

The procedure has a short recovery period, which eliminates the risk of complications. Immediately after the session, you can go home and lead a normal life. Innovative tattoo technology ensures lasting results and allows you to achieve a natural effect when your eyebrows look natural and add charm to your image.

Eyebrows after microblading: proper care

Eyebrow healing after microblading takes about a week, during the recovery period you should follow certain recommendations:

  • During the first days after the procedure, you cannot wet the tattoo, touch it with your hands or be in the open sun for a long time. A slight swelling may appear in the brow area, which will pass the next day without a trace.
  • For a week you will have to forget about visiting the bath, sauna, swimming pool, beach or solarium. The same applies to the use of decorative cosmetics.
  • 3 days after the procedure, you can lubricate the treated area with Bepanten or Dexpanthenol ointment, this will help the skin to heal and restore quickly.
  • For two weeks after the procedure, you should abandon all sorts of facial peels and other cosmetic procedures.
  • If a crust appears in the treatment area, it should never be torn off, combed or wetted. It should dry out and fall off on its own.

Finally, evaluate the result and see how you can lay down the pigment in a month. If it becomes necessary to correct the shape of the eyebrows, then it is possible to do this in 1-1.5 months after the first micropigmentation procedure.

Procedure cost

Average prices for manual tattooing can vary significantly depending on the region of residence, the qualifications of the master, the popularity of the beauty salon, the quality of the dyes and tools used. Average eyebrow microblading price in Moscow ranges from 7 to 10 thousand rubles, in the regions it is significantly lower - from 3 to 6 thousand rubles per procedure.

Reviews of the microblading procedure eyebrows

Reviews of eyebrow microblading can be found very different. Many women of fashion have already appreciated the advantages of the procedure and are delighted with the final result. They note the undoubted advantages of this technique: painlessness, minimal risk of complications, the natural look and shape of the eyebrows. There are opinions that performed a tattoo does not look very natural, but here it all depends on the qualifications of the master.Therefore, before deciding on the procedure it is worthwhile to find a reliable salon and an experienced specialist with a good reputation.

I want to write about my experience of manual tattoo eyebrows. The procedure was done in a well-known salon in the city; during the session it was not painful, as the master applied anesthetic cream before the session. Immediately after the procedure, it was unusual, eyebrows seemed too bright. On the second day a crust appeared, which soon dried up, began to peel off and disappeared. And then I began to panic, it seemed to me that nothing was left of the tattoo and the hairs were not drawn at all. It turned out that nothing was upset. It is just that during a certain time the skin regenerates and regenerates, at this time the coloring pigment gradually appears, and the eyebrows acquire the desired shade. I saw the final result on the face about a month after the procedure, and I really liked it. Eyebrows are simply gorgeous (bend, thickness, shape) and look just like natural ones.

For several years I wanted to do a tattoo of the eyebrows, I was stopped by the fact that in many cases, after this procedure, the eyebrows look unnatural, as if they were simply painted on the face. But the fact is that since my childhood I have a problem, namely a scar on my left eyebrow. In this place the hair does not grow, and it looks not at all aesthetically pleasing. You have to constantly use cosmetics, tint the bald spot with a special pencil or shadows. Recently I found out about the new tatuzh technique and it became a decisive factor for me. A friend advised a good master, and I nevertheless decided on a procedure. During the session it was a bit unpleasant, while the pigment was injected, the skin was tingling, but nothing could be tolerated. She spent more than 2 hours in the salon, all this time the master carefully painted every hair, trying to achieve the perfect shape, which we discussed in advance. After the procedure, the skin in the eyebrow area was slightly swollen and reddened, but soon everything went away. I carried out all the recommendations exactly and now I can evaluate the result. It makes me happy, beautiful eyebrows, smooth, look natural and the scar is not visible.

Guzel, Naberezhnye Chelny:

I naturally have rare and bright eyebrows. I have always wanted to correct the form so that they become more expressive. A friend advised to do a tattoo on a new technique, which appeared only recently. It is called microblading and is being done in our city so far in the only salon. The procedure is quite expensive, but the result is exactly what I expected. The master managed to give the eyebrows the desired shape, a beautiful bend and add density. Drawn hairs are no different about the present, look natural. Hue managed to match the tone to the main hair color. No one even realizes that I have a tattoo, they believe that this is their own eyebrows so beautiful.

Correct and clear lines on the face always give it expressiveness, can correct non-ideal features, therefore, so much attention has recently been paid to the shape and thickness of eyebrows. For several decades in aesthetic cosmetology, eyebrow tattooing has been successfully practiced, but not all women decide on this procedure because of its painfulness, duration, and the need for frequent costly corrections.

But today, cosmetologists have adopted a long-forgotten oriental method of implanting a pigmenting composition into the upper layer of the epidermis - microblading. He was actively used by geishas to create the perfect image of a seductress, but now she has revived again, and cosmetologists from all over the world are studying this technique.

What it is?

Eyebrow microblading is an aesthetic dermopigmentation technique that is performed manually using a handle. It allows the beautician to fully coordinate their movements, ensuring a clear drawing of each hair.The lines are applied according to a certain scheme, which is thrown on the sketch in advance, taking into account the features of the client's eyebrows, her face and wishes.

Thus, each hair has its own place, thickness, angle of inclination and direction, which allows to get a 100% imitation of natural hairs. They are drawn sequentially, modeling the required fracture and thickness, as well as adding eyebrow width if necessary. From a distance of two steps, it is impossible to distinguish such a tattoo from your own hair, of course, if the work was done by a qualified master.

How is the procedure?

After making an appointment for an appointment, the client will be advised during the week not to pull out the eyebrows, and also not to apply substances to them to remove them. Directly on the day of admission, the master makes a photo of the woman’s face, after which a sketch of new eyebrows compiles with her: their shape, angle and place of fracture, thickness, length and color are selected. This analyzes the type of face and its anatomical features. Only after full approval of the sketch by a woman does the master start work. The procedure is as follows:

  1. For the micropigmentation area, a local anesthetic is used, which will reduce sensitivity and make the procedure as comfortable as possible. For these purposes, usually used drugs of the lidocaine group or "Emla".
  2. Then using a cosmetic pencil master draws a new shape of eyebrows according to the intended sketch. At this stage, you can still make adjustments, since the pencil makes it possible to evaluate the final result and to identify the slightest flaws in the form on the sketch.
  3. It is important to choose the ideal shade of the coloring agent, but the master will help you to determine this. The color of the dye should match either the shade of natural eyebrows or hair, but in any case the pigment should not be lighter. It is worth taking into account the fact that after 2 weeks, the hairs drawn will turn a little pale.
  4. Now the specialist begins to make a coloring agent in the skin epidermis. This procedure is carried out with the use of a handle-handles, in which the thinnest multi-needles are arranged in a row at a certain angle and in a certain sequence. This feature of the pen allows you to implant the pigment into the skin, creating the finest strokes that externally imitate natural eyebrows. The working element of the maniple is shaped like a paddle, from which the name of this technique came.

The microblading procedure takes about 2 hours, but its exact duration cannot be determined due to many factors:

  • personal wishes and adjustments made by the client during work,
  • experience and skill of a microblading specialist,
  • the duration of pre-procedure preparation: the selection of the shape, color, width of eyebrows,
  • the total amount of work, which depends on the thickness and length of natural hairs, the wishes of a woman for their thickening.

How is microblading procedure, can be found on the following video:

The awful truth about eyebrow microblading! This is what permanent makeup masters hide from us.

I recommend reading to those who want to know the truth about microblading eyebrows. The author is a master from Germany, Maria Galaburda emotionally, but truly reveals the essence of this procedure. At the end - a video from Elena Nechaeva, the owner of a network of permanent makeup salons, telling about the pros and cons of microblading.

I was silent for a long time, observing the principles of professional ethics and democratic freedom of action. However, a sense of responsibility towards clients and novice masters, as well as their clear need for error protection, make me speak and act.

Since the end of 2014, Germany has experienced a real boom in eyebrow tattooing. At every corner, MICROBLADING is advertised: “the most natural, modern, innovative way” of the miraculous transformation of your face.This new way of tattooing "guarantees an excellent result with the finest, naturally folded eyebrow hairs."

The hairs created in this way are supposedly impossible to distinguish from their own.

And the procedure itself is absolutely painless and non-traumatic, and therefore MICROLADING is very different from the hitherto used “ordinary hardware method”, which MICROLABLING supporters call barbaric and antediluvian.

After all, only with the help of MICROBLADING it is possible to achieve ideal results and get perfect and natural eyebrows, which then simply fade and completely disappear in 8-12 months.

Recently, MICROBLADING has got new names: eyebrows in 3D or 6D. (No one could explain to me what this means ...)


The “new and modern” method is nothing other than the ancient Chinese technique of eyebrow tattooing. From time immemorial it has been used mainly in poor Chinese quarters, as long as the necessary material can be purchased quite cheaply. Thus, the poor were also able to afford a tattoo. This is an innovation ...

We must also not forget that the skin of Asian women is strikingly different from our northern European. Asians have elastic skin with a yellowish sheen and a small amount of red pigment. Our skin is loose, vascular, often with weak connective tissue. For this reason, the skin of European women reacts completely differently to the introduction of pigments and heals differently.


What does the word MICROBLADING mean? That's right, in English, this is „mini-cuts“. And that is what happens during the procedure.

A special blade fixed on the holder is dipped into a pigment, after which the skin is incised. Then a pigment (the so-called "mask") is applied and rubbed onto the surface of the eyebrows treated in this way.

This procedure is presented as non-traumatic and painless.

Now the facts:

With permanent make-up (and microblading is nothing more than permanent makeup, i.e. making pigment in the skin for a long time) the pigments are implanted in the middle layer of the skin, the dermis. The dermis is located between the upper layer of the skin (epidermis) and subcutaneous fatty tissue.

To get into the dermis, it is necessary to overcome the epidermis. When working with the apparatus for permanent makeup, the following occurs: The needle pierces the skin (several thousand times per minute) enters and leaves it, thus creating a huge amount of mini-punctures and giving a small amount of pigment to the skin each time.

In other words, we get the effect of perforated skin.

What happens when microblading?

The skin is cut with a blade to the dermis layer, like a scalpel. Then a pigment is introduced into these incisions. And what is a cut? This is damage to the upper layer of the skin, accompanied by the release of blood and scarring.

If the surgeon does not sew up the skin after the surgery, then it will heal roughly, broadly and ugly, since a large amount of connective tissue is formed at the site of the cut in order to quickly eliminate the injury, “pour it with rescue paste”.

But as long as we are dealing with MICRO-blading, in our case, we are talking, of course, about MICRO drams ...

In microblading advertising, I often read that the procedure is painless and the skin does not bleed.

This is not true! Of course, it hurts, because a skin incision occurs: try cutting your skin with a razor, how can it be painless? And naturally, it is bloodied, since there are blood vessels in the dermis.

If there is no blood during the procedure, this can only mean one thing: the work is done too superficially and pigments are injected into the epidermis. And this skin layer is updated every 28 days. Together with the dying epithelial cells, the pigments will come out of the skin and in a month nothing will be left there.

Naturally, I myself tried to do MICROBLADING. Some of my friends and relatives selflessly provided me with a "field for experimentation." So I have a great idea about this method and its consequences. Fortunately, I conducted my experiments not on faces, but on other parts of the body with similar skin, and subsequently removed the traces of my experiments with a laser.


The result is supposedly very natural. This is the strongest argument used in advertising microblading. "The hairs are stacked in a very natural way and it is almost impossible to distinguish them from your own eyebrow hairs."

Naturally, in advertising photos of the fresh, just made works are used. And I have to admit that they look very, very beautiful and natural.

And it is here where the SUPERIOR lies For only by the healed result (3-4 weeks after the procedure) can we judge the procedure performed.

Immediately after the procedure, the damaged skin is compressed, compressed (the natural reaction to the injury) and the applied lines look very thin and beautiful. However, the following subsequently occurs:

Sores (cuts) heal. There are microdrams (they are very clearly visible under the lamp and magnifier). Introduced pigment migrates in the dermis, fit. Because of this, the lines become thicker, partially blurred.

Since the skin during the procedure of krovila, the pigment introduced is partially mixed with hemosiderin (iron containing pigment formed during the disintegration of the blood) and keeps within the skin for a long time.

This is the reason that microblading hairs are so often bluish-gray.

In order to put uniform, beautiful lines on the same depth of skin, the master must have tremendous experience and a calm, firm hand. And this is a rare case in microblading (explained below).

As a result, we have restless, often dotted lines, since the pigment is applied partly in the dermis, partly in the epidermis. And sometimes, alas, and deeper ... In this case, the wizard suggests a correction procedure to “bring” the hairs.

Unfortunately, often such corrections only exacerbate the situation, since it is extremely difficult to get a thin blade into the same hair. And then new, parallel lines of similar quality are formed.


Permanent makeup is the introduction of pigments in the middle layers of the skin (dermis) for a long time. And it is absolutely unimportant what these pigments are introduced by, an apparatus or a blade on a holder. Once the pigment is in the dermis, it remains there for a certain time.

Pigment fading is a purely individual process and depends on many different factors. Metabolism, solar radiation, peels, nutrition, smoking, hormones, medications ... All this plays a role in the removal of pigments from the skin. On average, we can say that tattooing lasts from 1 to 5 years.

If pigments are introduced too superficially, they will come out of the skin within a month, along with dead cells of the epidermis. If implanted too deeply, they will remain in the skin for a very long time, perhaps forever. That's all.


Most microblading supporters measure and draw a sketch of eyebrows according to the “golden section” principle using a special compass. Thus, they supposedly create the perfect shape of the eyebrows.

Beautiful words with ugly consequences ... For: you can not just take and draw the client's eyebrows, guided by geometric formulas! Each person is unique and requires an individual approach.

A professional is obliged to consider each client in integrity, taking into account his style, shape, height, facial expressions, the habit of applying makeup, etc., etc. I will not tire of repeating: you need to draw a sketch for permanent makeup only by hand and without any measurements or even templates.

I allow my beginner pupils to carry out only one measurement: when checking the length of the eyebrows. The rest is drawn only "by eye".


MICROBLADING is now being done on every corner. Who does not offer MICROBLADING, is behind the times. Eyebrows cut all and sundry. Why? It's simple:

A solid, professional education for permanent makeup master lasts quite a long time, is expensive and is associated with considerable investments in equipment and work material.

But training for a master in MICROLABLING lasts 2 days, costs 1000–1500 euros, and you can buy a set for work for 300–400 euros.

Here is a hand on the heart: what can you learn in a two-day group seminar? Yesterday, a person did a pedicure and manicure, and today, after a two-day seminar, he cuts the skin on his faces with a blade ...

Just for comparison: in order to do in Germany, for example, vitamin injections, you must have at least a naturopath diploma (2-3 years of study and successfully passed the exam in the health department). And in order to cut the eyebrows, a two-day seminar is enough ...

Irresponsible and beyond understanding ...

Eyebrow microblading - what it is, how it is done and care with photos and videos, prices with reviews and how much it holds

Clear, regular features make the image attractive, expressive. There are many ways to effectively emphasize or slightly change the natural lines. The microblading procedure gives the eyebrows a beautiful, well-groomed look, eliminates the daily adjustment with the help of cosmetics.

Biotatuazh is a new salon service. Eyebrow Microbleading - What is it? The name translates from English as "tiny blade."

Indeed, the creation of lines occurs with the help of microscopic technology. The dye is injected with a fine needle manually.

The master makes a drawing of each individual hair, controlling its movements during the whole process. Detailed procedure gives the natural beauty of the eyebrows.

An ordinary tattoo is applied with a needle and a machine. What is the difference between permanent makeup and microblading? The first procedure is especially painful, has a long healing period. An old tattoo is difficult to remove.

Eyebrow Microbleading - What is it? The adjustment is a manual work of a cosmetologist. The depth of penetration of the coloring matter is small - up to 0.5 mm. What is better - a tattoo or microblading eyebrows? The second procedure is less painful.

At the same time brows look natural. Both methods of correction are about the same in price.

What is the difference between microblading and hair technology

The hair correction method consists in applying individual strokes. There are two variants of technology - European and Oriental. In the first case, the pattern is created by small parallel lines, the same in length, thickness.

The second method involves different lengths of hairs, which can be deliberately beaten in different directions. This technique requires refinement in the cabin, as opposed to micropigmentation. The result of biotatuazha more resistant, close to natural.

The price of both procedures is about the same.

Biotatuzh more often done in the cabin, not at home. Some experts go to the client. First, the master finds out with the help of a photo, what eyebrows are needed, what are the desired outlines and color. Then the beautician draws a pencil with a future shape, removes excess hair.

Surrounding area is treated with local anesthetic. Next, the wizard draws the hairs with a special tool on the drawn contour. At the end of the correction, pigment residues are removed from the skin.

The beautician combs hairs, smears eyebrows with a sedative, makes recommendations for care.

Eyebrow Microblading Price

Having decided on a long-term design, you should carefully consider the choice of salon, to eliminate the possibility of unsuccessful results.

The price of micropigmentation depends on the master's education, his practical experience, and the use of professional equipment. The cost is affected by the use of high-quality paint, effective painkillers, compliance with medical rules.

The price of eyebrow micropigmentation varies from 4,700 to 25,000 rubles per procedure.

Indications for the procedure

Eyebrow Microblading - What Does It Give? Long-term design solves many problems that can hide defects in appearance. The procedure is recommended if:

  • shape, color need adjustment,
  • there is a lack or excess of natural hairs,
  • there are scars, scars that need to be masked,
  • natural hairs are completely absent.

Who is contraindicated eyebrow micropigmentation

Microblading is a medical intervention in the body that has contraindications. The procedure is not recommended in the period of menstruation. Manual tattoo cannot be performed with:

  • pregnancy
  • breastfeeding
  • hypersensitivity of the skin,
  • acute inflammations
  • poor blood clotting,
  • diabetes mellitus
  • any skin diseases.

How long eyebrow microblading lasts

Micropigmentation lasts from six months to one and a half years. The duration of the effect depends on:

  • Skin type The paint lasts longer if the epidermis is dry.
  • Applied paint.
  • Follow up facial.
  • The depth of penetration of the pigment.
  • The age of the client. After 40 years, the result is more resistant.
  • Thickness, colors of own hairs.

Eyebrow care after microblading

After the procedure, you need to purchase a disinfectant fluid, a complex of vitamins for wound healing, an ointment that promotes regeneration. The first couple of days are not recommended a long stay in the sun, outdoor activities, sports. A person is forbidden to wet while it is healing.

You can only care for the sick skin with a disinfectant fluid, washing away the protruding lymph. Wet eyebrows can be boiled with water from the third day after microblading. Thin crusts appear at the puncture sites, they are forbidden to clean.

They go off after a week as they heal.

Find out what permanent eyebrow makeup is.

Differences from the standard tattoo

As mentioned above, the procedure (microblading eyebrows) is a subtype of tattoo, but these two features have practically no similar features.

The main difference is that the work is carried out using different tools.

If a classic tattoo is performed with a special machine, then microblading involves the use of a manual tool - a blade blade, thanks to which the specialist injects the pigment into the skin manually. It is worth noting that it is such a tool that allows you to make all the lines as thin and light as possible.

The second, no less important, difference is the depth to which pigment is inserted into the skin. In microblading, it ranges from 0.3 to 0.8 mm.

Before you decide to microblading eyebrows, reviews of which are listed below, it is necessary to consider all its varieties. Here it should be noted that the cost of each species may be radically different from the rest. This is not a surprising fact at all, since the time of the procedures and the effect of each of them are also different.

So, the adjustment of eyebrows in this way is the following types:

  1. Feather or shadow eyebrow microblading. Technique implies a complete lack of clear and sharp lines. Professionals are advised to look at this version of the fair-haired girls in order to acquire an incomparable wheat tone. The effect obtained from shading is enjoyed by absolutely all clients, as it visually imparts the thickness of the eyebrows and slightly adjusts the previously made adjustment.
  2. Voloskovy, or European. Compared with the previous version, this method involves the sharpness of the lines. Specialist using a special technique introduces a pigment under the skin, resulting in a separate line-hairs. Masters recommend the European version of people who want to suddenly change the shape of the eyebrows. In addition, there is another indication for hair microblading - the overlap of age-related or congenital bald spots.
  3. Reconstruction. Clients use this procedure only in exceptional cases when it is necessary to restore eyebrows from scratch. Such situations often arise after injuries, chemotherapy, as well as some diseases. This procedure can be carried out exclusively by the hands of an experienced specialist, who has extensive experience, because the main task of reconstruction is to create a natural effect, and not an ordinary artificial mask.
  4. Eastern technology or 6D. It is the most difficult and, accordingly, expensive type. In this case, the master uses a micro-blade, through which he creates incredible masterpieces. The result is almost the same as natural eyebrows. Few people decide on such microblading of eyebrows, the technique of which consists in the smallest drawing of the necessary hairs, as well as retouching the flaws and the formation of additional volume. This effect is achieved through the use of several pigments and cuts with different lengths and directions.

The result may be different, as it depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, as well as the professionalism of the master and the instruments with which the procedure is carried out. Therefore, each person has the right to decide for himself whether to microblading eyebrows, or better to enjoy the natural beauty.

If you manage to find a really good specialist, then you can hope for attractive prospects:

  • perfect shape
  • new shade
  • naturalness
  • changed length and direction of hairs,
  • masking cosmetic defects.

Advantages and disadvantages

In addition, it is necessary to understand the advantages and disadvantages of microblading eyebrows. It’s impossible to answer how much is held up, since everything depends on the type of procedure, therefore this factor cannot be attributed to pluses or minuses. The rest can be noted some features.

The number of positive features include:

  • almost complete absence of pain,
  • the pigment takes root the very first time
  • the rehabilitation period is short,
  • the color obtained immediately after the procedure will not change in the near future, as it usually happens when tattooing.

The list of major shortcomings includes:

  • high price,
  • since the procedure is new, the number of specialists, especially experienced ones, leaves much to be desired,
  • if the client does not like the result, you will have to get rid of the pigment with a laser, which will require even more costs.

Indications and Contraindications

Eyebrow microbleeding, which may take up to 5 days to heal, is recommended in such cases:

  • accelerated hair growth
  • bald spots,
  • dull color
  • cosmetic defects
  • rare / not growing hairs at all.

The procedure is most often recommended for people who get tired of daily adjustment. After all, only one session will save a huge amount of time. But there are certain contraindications:

  • diabetes,
  • skin diseases
  • poor blood clotting,
  • flu,
  • eyebrow wounds that did not heal,
  • hormonal instability.

Hiding the presence of any of the above factors is not worth it, since it will lead to irreversible consequences. First you need to get rid of these ailments, and only then go to a specialist.

Changes after the procedure

Of course, all clients are concerned with the question of what changes will occur, as care for eyebrows after microblading depends on it.

On the first day, no changes occur, that is, you can observe all the same effect that appeared immediately after the procedure. On the second day, everything visually remains the same, but a crust is already beginning to form.

The third day will be remembered by the fact that the eyebrows themselves and the area around them will itch, seemingly there will still be no changes. On the fourth day, the peeling process begins. And on the fifth day the desired result will be noticeable.

Cost and salons of the Russian Federation

Considering the prices on the example of the Russian Federation, the following situation can be observed: in the best clinics of the capital, the cost varies from 6,000 to 15,000 rubles, and at the same time you have to pay about 5,000 for the correction.

Among the most professional specialists in Moscow are Anna Sheremet, who works at the Institute of Massage and Cosmetology and does this procedure at a cost of 15 thousand rubles, as well as Albina Sattarova, who makes microblading for 10 thousand rubles.

You can also note the following salons, where such services are provided:

  • beauty centers "Ok" - the price is 8000 rubles,
  • Salon "Malushi" - from 10,000 rubles,
  • School-studio Natural-line, where the price for the procedure at the masters is 6000 rubles, and the teacher - 15000.

Microblading eyebrow reviews, of course, has both positive and negative. From a bad point of view, there are people who did not get the desired effect for various reasons, including problems that prevented the procedure from being carried out.

But there are much more positive opinions, because people get exactly those eyebrows that they could only dream of before. People who improve the eyebrows of the masters of Moscow listed above recommend them, because the stunning effect drove them crazy. The procedure was painless, and the rehabilitation period took only about 4-5 days.

Microblading for maximum natural brows

Eyebrows - an important component of the beauty of the female face. Much depends on their shape and color, as when changing the shape of the eyebrows, both the features and the expression of the face visually change.

Unfortunately, not every woman can boast with beautiful eyebrows from birth, but currently there are procedures that can make a difference.

One of these procedures is eyebrow microblading, which gives lasting results and makes it possible to abandon the everyday use of eyebrow pencil.

Microblading is a procedure that makes eyebrows look as natural as possible. This effect is achieved thanks to a special hand-held technology, which is one of the main differences between microblading and ordinary eyebrow tattoo.

The devices are not used; instead, the master works with a special needle (blade), making micro incisions through which a pigment is injected under the skin. These cuts are imitations of natural hairs.

The microblading technique implies the need for extremely careful manipulations, since each hair is drawn separately.

Hair technique

The method has two types:

  1. European: all strokes are created in the same direction, of the same length, thickness. If you look closely, some unnaturalness is noticeable.
  2. East: the length and thickness of the micro-cuts are done in different sizes and in different directions. Due to this, eyebrows look natural. Requires a master of greater accuracy and experience.

What you need to know about the procedure

For the master to take into account all your wishes, not to waste time and nerves, tell him about the shape, width, color of eyebrows that you like. The following shades are recommended for different color types:

  • blondes - gray, brown,
  • brunettes - brown, gray-black,
  • red - dark brown, copper.

The color is made 2 tones darker than what you chose, because while healing, part of the pigment is lost, and over time it burns out. The brighter the initial color, the longer the shade will last. But you should not go too far.

All pigments have iron oxide in their composition. The most resistant - made in the USA.

In order to exclude allergic reactions, a test is carried out - a pigment is applied on other parts of the body, for example, an elbow bend. If there are no discomfort, itching, redness, then feel free to carry out the procedure.

After microblading, corrections will be required. Their number depends on the type of skin, age and so on. Naturally, this material costs.

But, most importantly, it is the choice of a beautician. From his experience, the quality of the materials he uses depends on how your face will look. You should not make hasty steps or make compromises to save money. Study the reviews, see the photo of the work "before and after."

If you are satisfied with everything, agree on a primary consultation, in which the master will step by step tell about all the nuances of the event, identify possible contraindications. For example, if a pregnant girl or a young mother who has not finished breastfeeding is decided on microblading, the specialist should refuse to conduct the procedure.


For a session of permanent makeup is to prepare. For 5-7 days refuse from:

  • smoking and alcohol. Alcohol provokes a blood thinning, and in the process of micropigmentation, the nugget will start to stand out, which will spoil the final result,
  • visits to the beach and solarium. Under the influence of ultraviolet skin coarsens and can not properly perceive the pigment introduced into it,
  • taking antibiotics. They block the dye, not allowing it to settle down.

It is not recommended to adjust the shape of the eyebrows two weeks before the procedure. The specialist must know exactly the length, thickness of hairs, how they grow. This is usually done right during the session.

On the eve of the process do not drink coffee, energy drinks, cola - caffeine contained in them, provokes the expansion of blood vessels. Normalize oily skin - discard all oily, roasted, salty. Easy peeling helps the pigment to gain a better foothold.

How is the session

If you have decided on the color, width, shape of future eyebrows, the master proceeds to the sketch with a special pencil or pen. You can visualize the result. Then remove the excess hairs.

During the procedure, the pain is almost not felt, but, according to your desire, the beautician will hold anesthesia. To this end, an anesthetic cream is applied to the circulating area and left under the film for 20 minutes. The next stage is disinfection of the treated area.

The tip of the handle-handles, which the master will produce micro-cuts, opened at the client.

Now begins the process of formation of future eyebrows. The cosmetologist dips the instrument into the pigment, and then with quick motions strokes the desired area, without going beyond the boundaries of the sketch. To the lines were smooth and clear, masters sometimes use a ruler or a piece. During the entire procedure, you will lie with half-closed eyes, which is about 1.5 hours.

At the final stage, the treatment is carried out with an antiseptic, a pigment fixer, and a healing agent.

Healing and care

It is important to strictly follow all care recommendations while the healing process is in progress.

5-7 days you can not wet the damaged surface of the skin. Touch with your hands too. To avoid infection, use antiseptic solutions (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin). It is necessary to moisten a cotton disk in them and to process the skin twice a day during a week.

For a couple of weeks will have to abandon the sauna, bath, pool, natural reservoirs. Tanning beds are also banned for a month. It is not recommended to engage in sports that require heavy physical exertion.

In detail about the care of eyebrows after microblading we wrote in this article.

Of the wounds formed during the procedure, in the first days of the lymphatic fluid. It is necessary to remove antiseptics. If this is not done, then the formation of a crust is possible, which, moving away, will hook the pigment with it.

After about 3 days, the shade becomes pronounced, there is a slight itching. On the 4-5 day, the peeling begins. During this period, the skin requires moisture. Cream containing panthenol to cope with this task. They need to smear as the appearance of unpleasant, stinging sensations. It also has regenerating properties. You can make a soothing mask with mint, linseed oil or chamomile.

When all the crusts disappear, the skin will turn pink - the color of the dye will noticeably brighten. In the third week, he will return to his former state, and then the eyebrows are deemed to have healed.

You can evaluate the work of a beautician in a month. At the end of the regeneration period, about 30-50% of the coloring matter will be lost. To restore the color in 30-45 days after the first procedure, the correction is carried out.

If after the healing of the eyebrows the result completely satisfies you, then the correction is not required. But the pigment in this case will appear faster.

The correction is almost the same as the procedure itself, except for:

  • less time is spent on correction
  • the price is usually half the cost of the first procedure.

Note! If the correction is performed by another master, his services are paid as for the first session. Correcting someone else's work takes more time and effort than adjusting one’s own.

The second correction will be needed in 8-12 months.

Possible consequences

Most girls tolerate microblading procedure well. Dangerous complications occur in two cases:

  • infection during the work of a beautician,
  • negative reaction of the body to the coloring matter, expressed as itching and redness.

Of course, the master's professionalism is 95% of success, but there are women who have extremely fast pigment removal or, altogether, a complete lack of results.

Laser removal

Perhaps the most effective, but also the most expensive way to remove unwanted pigment. Under the influence of a laser pulse, energy is released that burns the coloring matter. Only 3-4 sessions are required. But there are contraindications:

  • diabetes,
  • pregnancy,
  • lactation period
  • skin, cancer, infectious, cardiovascular diseases,
  • fresh tan

Chemical removal method. The beautician injects the drug into the skin at the same depth as the dye. Then the remover dissolves the pigment. If the depth of the substance is greater than necessary - there is a possibility of scarring, if less - the result will not be.

Masking tattoo, matched to skin tone

The essence of the method is that unsuccessful areas of microblading are dyed with a pigment close to your skin tone. You can know about this technique, but it is better not to resort to it. After a couple of months, the dark dye will begin to appear through the beige. To remove such a layering of flowers is more difficult than removing the pigment after microblading.

Folk remedies

Display micropigmentation is possible at home. Lightening masks from strawberries, honey, lemon juice, rubbing of castor oil, compresses with aloe vera, scrubs, peels, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, which everyone can find at home, will help. Plus - affordable. Minus is not as effective as a laser.


I have been following the development of the MICROBLADING phenomenon in Germany for 1.5 years already. For all this time I have not seen ANY BEAUTIFUL HEALTHY WORK. None. No natural, no perfect thin lines. Occasionally I saw more or less successful healed works presented on display 1-2 months after the procedure.However, in the following months these more or less successful lines still turn into strange blurry spots.

“Microblading victims” constantly come to us to remove terrible results. Desperate, disappointed girls and women who “pecked” on beautiful photos of fresh work and now walk with a disfigured face. We constantly remove this "beauty". It hurts. It costs money and lasts a long time. It spoils the nerves. These clients first paid for MICROBLADING, then for its removal, and then they would pay for a new tattoo (if they decide to trust someone with their face again).

I am often accused of lack of objectivity. They say that in the hardware tattooing method there are also quite ugly results. Yes it's true. We often remove the terrible results of hardware PM. In any method, enough Krivorukov masters. BUT: It does NOT justify in any way further disfigurements of persons, no matter what method: apparatus, blade or fish bone!


Dear customers, lovely girls and women!

Let's not mislead ourselves with beautiful pictures. Think very well if you are ready to give a lot of money, time and nerves to conduct this experiment on yourself.

Go for permanent make-up only to experienced and talented masters and - PLEASE! - always ask to show you the photos of the WORKS of the master. They are strikingly different from the photos of the latest results. I spend about 1,000 PM procedures per year, I know what I am talking about ...

There are very good permanent make-up artists in Germany. Experienced, serious colleagues who adore their work and do it with love and great dedication. As a rule, such masters do not engage in aggressive advertising, readily show photographs of the works healed and honestly, openly talk about the possible risks and consequences of this or that procedure. It is precisely such masters who need to trust their faces, their hands will not harm you.

Procedure Techniques

A cosmetologist can offer you three microblading techniques:

In this case, the effect of the implantation of a coloring agent into the skin is comparable to professionally colored eyebrows with a pencil or shadows, followed by shading. As a result, natural eyebrows of a deep, but soft shade are obtained. This technique is ideal for owners of very light or sparse hairs. The result of shadow micropigmentation is presented in the photo.

Combining the two previous techniques

Used to give hair a luxury and depth of color, when clear lines are additionally shaded, creating the effect of professional eyebrow makeup. The method is ideal for those who have a scar or scar on this line, as well as the final segment of the hairy part. The result of the combined technology is presented in the photo.

Pros of microblading

The technique of eyebrow pigmentation is becoming popular and gaining more and more fans due to a painless adjustment and a number of obvious advantages:

  • manual implantation of a coloring agent into the upper layer of the epidermis is the least traumatic for the skin, so there is no pain during the procedure, and after it there is only a small swelling that passes after 1 hour,
  • the result of manual micropigmentation is as natural as possible, imitating its own well-groomed eyebrows with sufficient thickness,
  • during manual work with the use of a handpiece, there is no vibration, which less damaging and irritating the skin,
  • over time, the color of hairs dull a little, but this does not happen abruptly, but after 6-12 months,
  • eyebrow healing and skin recovery is much faster than after tattooing,
  • Microblading sensations are comparable to those experienced by a woman when plucking hairs,
  • regular implantation of the coloring pigment in a manual way over time will not cause scarring,
  • microblading procedure takes place twice as fast as standard tattoo,
  • pigment is excreted evenly, without residual agents.

Care after the procedure

The first day after manual pigmentation of eyebrows, slight edema will be noticeable, which will disappear the next day. Only a thin film of dark color will remain, which will last for up to 10 days and will disappear on its own, leaving behind scaly skin. From the first day after microblading, the client is given the following recommendations:

  1. Do not touch, tear or wet the resulting film until it self-destructs.
  2. On the first day you can not wash.
  3. One week after the procedure you should avoid swimming in the pool, physical activity and other factors that can lead to sweating.
  4. Month can not sunbathe in the open sun or in the solarium.
  5. The same period is forbidden to do peeling in the area near the eyebrows, to visit the sauna or bath.
  6. To heal quickly, lubricate the area affected by Bipanthen ointment. As an alternative to it, Actovegin can be used - it has similar wound healing properties.

Only a month later, you can fully assess the final result and make adjustments. It is possible to correct eyebrows form 30-50 days after the initial micropigmentation - they will look more natural.

How long does the result last?

On average, eyebrows traced using microblading, retain their appearance for one to one and a half years. But this period may vary depending on the peculiarities of the skin regeneration, how deep the pigment was placed, how the pigmentation zone was taken care of in the first days after the procedure.

An important factor is the quality of coloring compositions that are used when conducting microblading. It is believed that paints produced in the United States have the highest resistance to leaching.

Therefore, the effect of eyebrow micropigmentation can be maintained in each case individually: it can be 6 months, and someone can hold out for almost 3 years. But for the constant maintenance of eyebrows in a well-groomed form, it is recommended to update the pigment annually. The cost of the maintenance procedure is usually 60% of the initial implantation of the pigment.

Who shows the procedure?

Microblading is recommended for all women who are dissatisfied with the shape, thickness, bend or width of their own eyebrows. It is also shown in the following cases:

  • with too thin or naturally rare eyebrows,
  • when there are hairless hair patches,
  • if they have a scar or scar,
  • owners of irregular contour of eyebrows,
  • patients with trichological diseases, one of the manifestations of which is increased hair loss,
  • when a woman seeks to follow the fashion trends in the formation of eyebrow lines, but can not independently make it a cosmetic pencil.

Customer reviews

Numerous reviews of women who have made microblading show excellent results in restoring lost brow thickness and correcting their shape, eliminating minor and obvious flaws. We offer to get acquainted with some of them.

Elena Gravets, 41 (Moscow): “For a long time I tinted my eyebrows with paint, but lately they began to fall heavily, and I decided to abandon this tool. My cosmetologist recommended microblading, to which I decided not immediately. But after the procedure I can not get enough of it, my eyebrows became so natural and beautiful that I didn’t have even in 20 years. I think that now I will do this procedure all the time. ”

Anna Pelikhina, 27 years old (Astrakhan): “All my life I have been plucking myself thin strings, but recently it has become fashionable to wear wide and thick eyebrows.I made myself microblading, and I didn’t believe my eyes, after a week they began to look like their own, it’s not even immediately clear that these are just drawn lines. I recommend to everyone!"

Angelina Lisovskaya, 32 years old (Moscow): “I always dreamed of thick eyebrows that do not need to be permanently tinted. Tattoo was afraid to do, as I am very afraid of pain. The beauty salon recommended microblading as a painless alternative to tattoo, also in addition to the effect of natural eyebrows. I, of course, agreed. Now I can wake up every morning and enjoy my reflection in the mirror, it turned out so beautiful and natural. "

If you are still tinting eyebrows every morning, but you want to forget about this routine procedure for a long time, then feel free to go to the cosmetology clinic. There, experienced specialists will take into account the anatomical features of your face, your color type and wishes, after which you will get perfect eyebrows that will not require constant adjustment.

The face is the “business card” of every woman; if she is well-groomed and beautiful, then the first impression will definitely be the best. Undoubtedly, looking after yourself is a real job, requiring a lot of time, effort, and in most cases also money. To make life easier today, there are numerous procedures that allow you to achieve a lasting effect, thereby reducing the number of daily procedures for applying makeup. Eyebrow tattooing has become very widespread, especially among women who have too light or thin eyebrows, but there are quite a few techniques within this approach. The most modern approach is microblading, allowing to achieve the most spectacular results.

What does manual micro pigmentation of eyebrows mean?

Regular tattooing, which has saved so many women for so long, unfortunately is not able to reproduce the natural beauty of the eyebrow, since it implies only a monophonic filling of the contour. Of course, with other makeup on the face, it looks just great - neat and expressive, but under more natural conditions, this method lacks naturalness and tenderness. Microblading, in turn, is designed to eliminate this drawback, the described method allows you to “draw” the finest hairs, imitating a real eyebrow, but ideally the correct form.

Microblading is called eyebrow embroidery, which emphasizes the subtlety of the work and its detail. The procedure is carried out with the help of a special tool - a special scalpel, and in contrast to the usual tattoo, the drawing is applied not by a machine, but drawn by the master himself. In this context, it is important to note that the professionalism of the person who will produce eyebrow modeling plays almost the most important role in achieving a high-quality and beautiful result.
The peculiarity of the technique is that the pigment is inserted with the help of a very thin blade into the epidermis, and as a result is located close to the skin surface - this makes it possible to avoid blurriness, the effect of strokes and to achieve maximum realism (the eyebrows created in this way cannot be visually distinguished from the real ones). even if you look closely at them).

Pros and cons of eyebrow tattooing microblading

Like any other procedure, microblading can be evaluated in terms of pros and cons. Immediately it should be noted that this cosmetic event exists in various forms to solve various problems: restoration, correction, reconstruction, etc. As a result, the client receives visually thick, rich in color, and accordingly, expressive eyebrows. Other advantages of the approach include:

  • maximum naturalness, which, in addition to the subtlety of lines, is also achieved due to the arrangement of “hairs” in three directions,
  • it is possible to choose the color of the future eyebrow and achieve identity with the natural color or vice versa, to overlap it,
  • swelling after the procedure is minimal, as is the risk of scar formation,
  • average cost.

The disadvantages of such a tattoo can be called relative. So, this procedure has a list of contraindications, in other words - microblading is not for everyone. Also, the result is less durable compared to the classical procedure, and it will have to be updated approximately once every two years (this is due to the proximity of the coloring matter to the skin surface). Undoubtedly, the event is accompanied by a number of unpleasant feelings, and also requires adherence to certain rules, which may well cause discomfort to someone.

Indications for eyebrow microblading

This technique is ideal for owners of rare or thin eyebrows, and for those who just want to increase the thickness or carefully adjust the shape. The procedure will also be relevant in such cases:

  • hairs are almost completely absent,
  • there are scars or scars in the eyebrows, because of which the shape of the eyebrows is damaged and must be disguised,
  • eyebrows asymmetrical,
  • own hairs are too thin or colorless, which is why the eyebrows are almost invisible.

How micropigmentation of eyebrows is done in the salon

The microblading procedure itself is carried out according to this scheme (regardless of its type):

  1. The first stage is always a conversation, because the master must receive information about what shape and color the client wants and what goal he wants to achieve,
  2. the desired brow shape is drawn on the skin and excess hair is removed,
  3. the zone is treated with local anesthetics,
  4. then the master uses a special spatula-blade to draw individual hairs, constantly dipping the tip into the pigment,
  5. at the end of the procedure, pigment residues are erased from the skin, hairs are combed and it is time to apply eyebrows with sedatives.

Features each of the types of technology, which determines the nature of the result.

Types of microblading

  1. Voloskovy (European). The essence of the technique is drawing hairs. This type of microblading, as a rule, is resorted to when it is necessary to change the shape of the eyebrows or paint over areas that lack their own hairs.
  2. Shadow. It is characterized by the absence of clear lines.

As a rule, a sufficiently light pigment is injected under the skin, so this procedure is most often used by blonde girls. Also called feathering.

  • Microblading reconstruction. It is a procedure for the complete restoration of lost eyebrows due to various causes.
  • Oriental microblading.

    It combines the drawing of hairs and retouching necessary for correcting the existing shortcomings. As a result, a volume effect should be created. This is achieved through the application of pigment in different directions, as well as cuts of various lengths.

    Microblading is suitable for most women, regardless of the thickness, shape and color of their eyebrows.

    The procedure includes several stages: preparatory, during which the hue and shape of the eyebrows are selected, the procedure itself and the period after it are carried out.

    Shadow technology

    This technique has another name - Slide & Tap. Its main advantages are minimal invasiveness, short healing time and the creation of a volumetric effect, when only light shadows appear, creating even greater density. The peculiarity of the approach is that not too saturated pigment is used, and it is introduced very superficially. Due to this, the procedure itself is almost painless, the eyebrow heals much faster, but there is a big minus - the result lasts not so long, only about 8 months, sometimes up to a year.To maintain a constant beautiful and neat appearance, it is recommended to carry out the correction at least once every six months.

    Microblading eyebrows and tattoo: what's the difference

    Eyebrows made in the microblading technique are enormously different from the tattoo, primarily in the visual assessment of the result. From a distance of two steps, it is difficult to understand that the woman had been corrected using eyebrow microblading. Before and after pictures demonstrate the advantages of handwork. With tattooing, this effect is not always achieved.

    The difference in tattooing and eyebrow microblading is in contrast to the techniques and equipment used. With an ordinary tattoo, the master uses a single-channel needle, which injects paint into the skin with vibrating movements of the device. The hairs are thick, and the skin is injured. Used in microblading handle with soldered needles in the amount of 7 - 21 pieces helps to apply the hair with subtle movements of the hands of the master.

    When tattooing contour eyebrows and shade does not look so natural, high probability of color change, for example, dark pigment begins to turn blue, and chestnut eyebrows turn into red. With microblading, the color does not change after a time, but only fades. This difference lies in the difference in coloring formulations: the make-up paint is liquid, and in the microblading handpiece there is a thick saturated pigment.

    The rehabilitation period for tattooing and microblading is also different. Because of the more traumatized skin in the recovery process after applying the tattoo, there is a risk of swelling of the upper face area, the appearance of a large number of crusts, and poor survival of the coloring composition. After microblading, healing occurs faster, crusts appear in small amounts, swelling or not at all, or it quickly subsides.

    The sequence of the procedure

    Before starting work, the specialist finds out the client's wishes, offers her the best technique, explains in detail how the eyebrow microblading is done. The shape and color is selected taking into account the oval of the face, the cut of the eyes, the width of the nose bridge, the tint of the skin and hair - all the details are important up to the current state of health (medication, allergies, colds).

    The skin is treated with an antiseptic, applied anesthetic drug or emla cream. At the end of the procedure, the coloring composition is applied over the eyebrow with brush strokes, for additional contact with micro incisions. Treatment of each eyebrow can reach 2 - 5 times per session, it depends on the density of the skin and its ability to take the coloring composition. By the time the whole procedure lasts up to 2 hours.

    The master will warn about the possibility of the appearance of crusts. They perform the function of protection, helping the paint to be sealed in the epidermis. It is forbidden to remove the crusts on their own so that the pigment layer does not come down with them. The first time after the procedure is not recommended even to wash. After completing the microblading of eyebrows, the master will take a photo before and after healing - during a correction session, to make it easier to evaluate the effect obtained.

    See how eyebrow microblading is done in the video:

    Correction, duration of the result and care

    In 1.5 - 2 months after the primary procedure, a correction will be required. If immediately after the session the healed eyebrow microbleeding looks too bright, then as time passes, the paint will be fixed in the epidermis, the tint will become more muted (approximately 30% of the pigment leaves during the initial consolidation), there will be visible places for additional enhanced elaboration.

    In terms of the total duration of the effect, the periods can vary due to the individual characteristics of the patient’s skin and immune system. Average rates - up to 2 years. Next, microblading slowly fades and disappears. The rate of destruction of the pigment is influenced by strong exposure to the sun or tanning beds, to prolong the period it is advised to apply products with sunscreen factors.In general, the procedure is very comfortable and microblading of eyebrows will not require any special care after healing.

    Anna's review (30 years): “I wanted to make a correction for a long time. Even in her youth she went too far with tweezers in her hands, and now my bright eyebrows seem to be growing, but they are completely invisible on my face. It is annoying to constantly paint on the form, besides the blonde is hard to find the perfect shade of the pencil. I decided to go to the master, where they explained in detail what was better: tattooing or eyebrow microblading specifically in my case. They decided to make a shadow coating and a form as close as possible to the “native” one. Color also corresponds to my natural shade - wheat. It’s not painful to do microblading, there is a slight redness, on the same day I went out to the people. After the procedure, there were almost no crusts, there was some rolling of the upper layer, and the color brightened slightly. Now I am waiting for a correction, but I am absolutely satisfied with the result. ”

    Anna's photos before and after the procedure

    Photo before and after microblading

    The eyebrow microblading procedure can visibly correct the appearance, give a look of confidence. The face after the adjustment becomes clearer, younger. This can be seen from the photo below.

    Eyebrow microblading takes place in 1 step in several stages:

    1. Sketch drawing and matching

    Microblading - this is a serious procedure, the result of which lasts up to 1.5-2 years, so it is important that the shape of the eyebrows matches the appearance and is not too bright (very wide, or very dark eyebrows, or “eyebrows on the forehead”, etc.) Further, the sketch is fixed with light scratching movements. At this discomfort ends. Anesthesia

    We use high-quality application anesthesia, which is applied in a thin layer for 20 minutes, so the procedure itself will be absolutely painless for you. Pigment application

    To achieve the best result, we use original pigments manufactured in the USA, designed specifically for manual spraying techniques. The pigment creates the effect of tinted eyebrows.
    Immediately after the procedure, you will not have swelling and redness, and your eyebrows will look like freshly henna. Care instructions

    The cosmetologist will give you detailed recommendations on the care and use of cosmetics in order to prolong the effect of the procedure and maintain your health.

    Microblading eyelids and interresice space

    Thanks to the microblading of the eyelids, you get an expressive look without daily coloring.
    The cosmetologist manually fills the space between the pages, achieving the effect of a soft liner. Microblading eyelids, made professionally, will make your eyelid clearly delineated. Pigment is introduced clearly along the lash line.

    We select the color depending on your color type and wishes - black, gray, brown.
    When working with interresice space, the same steps and recommendations are followed, except for the sketch.

    Immediately after the procedure, moderate edema of the upper eyelid is possible, which will pass during the day.

    Creating the correct eyebrow shape

    Since the effect of microblading can last up to one and a half years, it is necessary to take care in advance about the selection of the most appropriate eyebrow shape.

    It is recommended that you do not pull out the eyebrows 2 weeks before the procedure so that you can create the same width and bend on the already slightly grown hairs that would look as effective as possible on the face.

    When creating a form, it is necessary to take into account individual features and facial features. Armed with a pencil, you can experiment with the eyebrows in advance, trying different options not only in shape, but also in color.

    However, there are general recommendations as to what shape of eyebrows will look most harmonious. For example, a slightly slanted eyebrow will work well for a round face, and a pronounced curve in eyebrows will look advantageous on an elongated face with clear cheekbones.Straight eyebrows visually round the elongated face. Easy bend looks good on a triangular face.

    The shape of the eyebrows is selected according to the type of face.

    In addition to taking into account the type of person, attention should be paid to its proportions.

    Focusing on the incision and the shape of the eyes, the width of the forehead, nose and other facial proportions, you can give the eyebrows the most advantageous shape

    In many ways, the result of microblading depends on the pigment used in the work. There are various shades of it that need to be selected depending on the initial color of the eyebrows and the color that should be.

    First of all, you need to pay attention to the quality of the dyeing composition, because the stability of the result, and the speed of recovery of the skin, and the absence of color deformation depend on it.

    The most popular are pigments made on the basis of inorganic dyes, as they are not prone to discoloration during and after the procedure.

    Today the following pigments are popular.

    1. PCD. Hypoallergenic and relatively inexpensive (for a product of this level of quality).
    2. Softap. Known for a large palette of interesting colors that always turn out to be saturated. Suitable for sensitive skin.
    3. Goochie Inexpensive product, masters of success due to the ease of introduction.
    4. Novel. It is very easy to use this pigment in the work, as it does not dry out. Differs in natural shades.
    5. Kodi. Masters note that the result of applying this pigment is very durable.
    6. Aqua by Li Pigments. Gel light texture allows you to use this pigment even on oily skin.

    Color creation: how to avoid blue eyebrows

    One of the reasons that women choose microblading is natural shades that do not change over time. This is one of the main advantages of microblading before tattooing. But for this you need to properly mix pigments. If you use one black paint, then eyebrows will turn out unnaturally dark and can give a blue.

    In order to avoid blue and gray shades, you can add a little bit of orange pigment. To achieve the effect of naturalness, it is recommended to mix 3-4 shades, actively using half tones. If there is no experience in this business, then it is better that the resulting color is not very dark: it is easier to darken the result during the correction than to lighten it.

    Also, when choosing a shade, you must consider the skin tone.

    Eyebrow Micropigment Video

    More understandable information about the procedure itself and the technique of creating eyebrows with a thin blade can be gathered from this video. It shows in detail the whole process - from preparing the surface of the skin to applying special formulations at the end of the procedure. The video will allow a detailed assessment of the complexity of microblading and the naturalness of its result.

    Required Tools

    • antiseptic,
    • pencils for drawing eyebrow shape,
    • liner to fix the sketch,
    • materials for anesthesia: cream, napkins or liquid anesthesia,
    • pigment rings
    • pigments
    • needle handle,
    • needles
    • color lock
    • error line corrector,
    • healing agent.

    Pigments of one texture are mixed to obtain the necessary shade.

    Stages of the procedure

    2 days before microblading, it is recommended to limit yourself in the use of certain substances that may interfere with the correct distribution of the pigment injected under the skin and obtaining a stable result. First of all, it is antibiotics and alcohol. Immediately before the procedure, it is necessary to treat the skin with an antiseptic.

    1. Create a sketch. With the help of a pencil and a liner for fixing the sketch, it is necessary to mark the borders of the eyebrows, within which imitation of hairs will be created.
    2. Remove excess hairs that fall outside the sketch.
    3. Preparing the desired shade, mixing pigments.
    4. Anesthesia.It is necessary to apply those tools that are applied to the skin. Subcutaneous administration may cause a slight temporary change in the shape of the eyebrow, which is unacceptable during microblading.
    5. The introduction of pigment under the skin with the help of needles and a special pen - maniples. This can take up to 1.5 hours.
    6. Color fixation.
    7. Applying a healing agent.

    Harm and contraindications for

    If all the rules of the procedure are followed and when using quality materials, the microblading procedure does not cause any harm to the body. It is worth to refuse its carrying out in the presence of such problems with health as:

    • insulin-dependent diabetes
    • acute inflammatory diseases,
    • neoplasms
    • epilepsy,
    • mental disorders,
    • poor blood clotting rates
    • HIV infection, hepatitis.

    Temporarily perform the procedure can not be pregnant, people with high blood pressure, an active allergic reaction and while taking antibiotic drugs.

    Video: using microblading maniples

    There are various microblading needles. They should be selected depending on the expected result. For example, there are separate needles for precise drawing of hairs and for feathering techniques.

    1. In the first three days after the procedure, you should avoid being in the open sun.
    2. During this period, no need to soak your eyebrows. Instead, it is necessary to treat them with a disinfectant. Chlorhexidine is good for this purpose.
    3. The next week in the sun should stay as little as possible, and the amount of moisture that gets on the skin when washing, should also be limited. As needed, you can continue to treat your eyebrows with a disinfectant.

    Color stability depends on several factors: skin type, quality of materials used during the procedure, natural color of eyebrows. On average, the persistence of the result can vary from eight months to one and a half years. Some masters promise that you can count on the duration of the result in 2 - 3 years. Sometimes this is possible, but not in all cases.

    How long does the effect hold and when is a correction needed?

    Depending on the chosen methodology, the result can last from a year to three years maximum. To maintain the primary appearance with a shadow tattoo, it is recommended to make a correction every six months, and with a hair tattoo once a year and a half. If you do not attend corrective procedures, the pigment will gradually lighten until it completely disappears.

    Who is microblading?

    Considering that a color palette of various shades is used for microblading, both dark and light, natural, microblading is suitable for any woman, regardless of the color of her hair.

    The main thing to remember is that the result can not be simply washed away, so do not over-darken the eyebrows. Their color should match the color of the hair on the head. Dark and brown tones suit brunettes. For red hair, you can add copper tones.

    For blondes, there are ashen and naturally blond shades.

    Using microblading can fill areas with missing hairs

    Photos before and after the procedure

    After the microblading procedure, the eyebrows look very realistic, and it is very difficult to distinguish the drawn hairs from theirs. To evaluate the result, it is best to use the photos before and after the procedure - they clearly show how accurate the result is, and how beautiful and expressive the eyebrow becomes.

    Positive and negative reviews

    Antonina. After microblading, I had to do a regular tattoo - the master got terribly incompetent, just spoiled the look with ugly and uneven eyebrows, I had to somehow remove it. It is better to check ten times the master you have chosen, and reviews about his work, otherwise it may turn out “like”.

    Liza. I really liked this technique! I had very thin brows, with the help of micro-drawing it was possible to increase their width, so much so that it is not at all clear that these are not my native hairs! Just super!

    Katya. It seems to me that this technique is the most optimal for today. No eyebrow effect, only naturalness, only a natural appearance - excellent.

    Yana I did this procedure, but I'm not very happy with it. A year later, the hairs started to noticeably brighten, and the difference began to catch the eye, and every year it was expensive and unpleasant to hold the event again, I consider this choice a failure.

    Every girl dreams waking up in the morning look your best.

    Appearance, of course, creates a combination of factors such as clean and rested skin, clear and kind eyes, and eyebrows play an important role.

    Unfortunately, not everyone can achieve the desired shape of the eyebrows. Someone must wait for a long time until the hairs grow, and for some, due to physiological features, the eyebrows simply do not take the desired position. What to do in this case?

    Previously, girls and women were saved ordinary tattoo. But he is not able to convey all the naturalness of his eyebrows, creating only a uniform curved strip.

    New era in tattoo eyebrows started very recently - just a year ago. It was then that microblading began to conquer girlish hearts.

    Eyebrow microblading procedure (tattoo 6d)

    Herself microblading procedure is in that a certain pigment is placed under the client's skin, which remains for a long time and imitates the hairs of the eyebrow.

    The difference with the usual tatuzh is that microblading is done with the hands of a cosmetologist and not with a machine.

    With his own hands, the master makes a very thin needle with micro incisions on the skin of the eyebrow, where the pigment is placed with the needle. This procedure is called permanent makeup 6d for how realistic the drawn hairs look.

    Important: Alena Zernovitskaya, a well-known blogger, shared the AUTHOR'S recipe of a youth mask for a face that has been used for more than 5 years!

    Should remember that such a procedure is quite painful, therefore, before the master forms the perfect eyebrow shape, the client will apply an anesthetic cream on the area around.

    The procedure takes place in two stages.. After the master draws the hairs for the first time, he warns the client that this is a temporary effect.

    After a couple of days, the scratches will begin to crust and fall off, and the color will partially wash off.

    Eyebrow correction is necessary to come exactly one month. During this time, the pigment from the eyebrow will be cleaned and only the one that held out will remain.

    Master will produce correction procedure. Missing and washed hairs will be drawn. Of course, these strips will again be covered with a crust and will turn a little pale, but they will remain with you for a long time.

    Recommendations and contraindications

    Contraindications to the procedure Microblading eyebrows should be discussed in advance between the master and the client.

    • it is not done for girls and women two or three days before and during menstruation,
    • contraindicated in pregnant women
    • also contraindicated for women and girls with too sensitive skin.

    Medical Contra microblading Eyebrows individual intolerance and poor blood clotting of the client may become.

    The procedure is recommended those who can not achieve the desired shape of the eyebrows. The master will select and make you the desired thickness and bend, and you will get rid of the need to paint the missing parts of the eyebrow every day.

    Before the procedure Masters advise to make a small peeling eyebrow growth zone to remove dead skin cells. Also, before going to the master you should not use decorative or care cosmetics in the eyebrow zone.

    Do not stand alone pluck eyebrows before the procedure. Give the master the opportunity to find the perfect shape for you, given the height of your eyebrows.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Thanks to this procedure you will get rid from the annoying procedure of drawing eyebrows, only occasionally taking time to pull out unnecessary hairs. Also, in the time until you have faded the pigment, you can easily grow your natural eyebrows, in the form chosen by the master.

    Disadvantage is the fragility of the procedure. The effect of microblading remains on average from a year to a year and a half, and then disappears completely. Also, not the most pleasant moment is the relatively high cost of the procedure that not everyone can afford.

    Eyebrow microblading prices

    For microblading procedure a good professional master in the salon will give you on average between four and six thousand rubles. Exactly half the cost will be worth the correction.

    Of course, you will surely be able to find masters in your city and cheaper, but, as a rule, only people who buy poor pigment or did not get a hand in this skill.

    Eyebrow Microblading Reviews

    Microblading has won the hearts of many women and this is what they write.

    Olga, 24 years old:

    “I always wanted to have beautiful and thick, expressive eyebrows. But thin hairs on the eyebrows did not give me that opportunity. Turning to the salon for the microblading procedure, I immediately got everything I dreamed about and very pleased with the result. I think when the effect subsides, I will address the master again. ”

    Marina, 28 years old:

    “I work as a doctor and carefully studied everything before I signed up for the procedure. There was no doubt - it is worth a try. I find myself at work very early, so this saving time in the morningas a refusal to draw natural eyebrows is a big plus.

    Yes, and many friends noticed that my eyes became more expressive, and the correctly selected form seemed to have opened my mind. ”

    Zhenya, 25 years old:

    “Two years ago I didn’t get to my master on the eyebrows and independently pulled out my eyebrows in the so-called“ thread ”. Since then, I do not have enough willpower to grow eyebrowsI constantly tear off and pluck out the grown hairs.

    With the microblading procedure, I stopped treating my eyebrows like that and only maintain the shape. It's been a few months, and mine natural eyebrows have already grown up well and now the hairs caused by the pigment completely repeat. ”

    Watch eyebrow microblading workshop on video:

    Technique eyebrow tattoo 6d look at the video below:

    Indications for micropigmentation

    To understand whether it is worth doing micropigmentation of eyebrows in each specific case, you need to familiarize yourself with the indications for this procedure. These include:

    • Asymmetry of eyebrows,
    • Very light, thin and sparse hairs,
    • The presence of scars or scars interrupting the contour of the eyebrow,
    • The bald patches, which appeared as a result of burns or too “diligent” plucking,
    • Total absence or severe hair loss caused by various diseases.

    Microblading variations

    There are such types of eyebrow microblading:

    1. Shadow - suggests a slight correction of the shape, giving the eyebrows sufficient thickness, ideal for fair-haired women. The main difference of this technique is a thorough feathering of the color without a clear drawing of hairs.
    2. European or hair - allows you to drastically change the shape of brow arches and completely close the bald spots. The hair technique is performed by clearly drawing each hair.
    3. Combined, oriental or "6D". It is a combination of the two previous options - drawing hair, carefully feathering and dyeing native eyebrows with special paint.

    Stage 1 - Preparatory

    Since incisions are made on the skin during the procedure, you need to worry in advance about the normal healing of the tissues and strengthening of the blood vessels. That is why the preparation for microblading eyebrows must begin 5-7 days before the session. It is to refuse:

    • smoking and alcoholic beverages,
    • sweet, spicy, fried, fatty and pickled - such food increases sebum secretion, which negatively affects the durability of the pigment,
    • taking antibiotics and blood thinners,
    • visiting the solarium or the beach,
    • plucking eyebrows for 10-14 days - will allow the master to accurately assess their shape and thickness.

    It will be necessary to conduct a thorough peeling of the face, which will rid the skin of dead skin cells and improve the result.

    Stage 2 - Direct Micropigmentation

    Further description of the procedure is as follows:

    • Degrease the skin with a special lotion.
    • Gel-anesthetic treatment and film overlay. The effect of the gel occurs after about 15 minutes. Then its remnants are removed with a cotton sponge.
    • Combing eyebrows with a small brush.
    • Modeling eyebrow scheme with a pencil and tweezers.
    • Drawing hairs or pigment shading (depending on which technique was chosen). The master takes the instrument with a disposable blade (sterile), dips its tip into a container with pigment and makes precise cuts along the lines drawn earlier.
    • Fixing the pigment. At the end of the procedure, eyebrows are rubbed with a special composition, which relieves irritation and reinforces the shade.

    Eyebrow micropigmentation lasts from 30 to 90 minutes. During the session, there may be a slight burning or tingling sensation.

    In the following video you will be able to familiarize yourself with the eyebrow microblading procedure:

    How to care for eyebrows after microblading?

    Deciding to do microbliding, you need to learn more and properly care for the eyebrows. This will increase the durability of the pigment and reduce the risk of side effects. In the care there are several basic rules.

    Rule 1. The first 2-3 days after visiting the master do not touch the eyebrow area with your hands and do not wet it with water.

    Rule 2. Wipe out the skin of the nugget with a cotton pad dipped in disinfectant solution (chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide) every day.

    Rule 3. For a while, refuse to exercise - sweat released by the skin as a result of physical exertion, causes a strong burning sensation when it gets into wounds.

    Rule 4. Limit sun exposure, use high-quality sunscreens and protect your face with wide-brimmed hats while walking - ultraviolet leads to pigment discoloration and directly affects how much microblading lasts.

    Rule 5. In no case do not peel off the crusts (appear on the second day and go to the fifth or seventh), otherwise the skin will appear scars. The skin beneath them becomes pink, and the hairs are slightly paler.

    Rule 6. Every day, lubricate the treated area with a regenerating ointment that includes dexpanthenol (Actovegin, Panthenol, or Bepanten). It will enhance the exfoliation and healing of the epidermis.

    Rule 7. From 3-4 days and until complete healing, wash your eyebrows with boiled water only.

    Rule 8. Next week do not visit the solarium, sauna, natural ponds and pool.

    Rule 9. During the month do not use peeling.

    Rule 10. Do not apply decorative cosmetics on pigmented eyebrows until full healing of wounds.

    How long does the effect last?

    How much eyebrow microblading holds? As a rule, the result lasts from six months to 18 months. Then the pigment gradually turns pale and completely discolored. The correction of microblading is carried out not earlier than 9-11 months after the session. During her master draws brightened hairs. Repeated procedure is much faster and easier.

    Several factors affect the persistence of micropigmentation:

    • The quality of the material used - expensive professional brands produce better paint,
    • Needle insertion depth,
    • Skin type of client - for owners of oily skin, the color is erased faster than for girls with dry skin,
    • Correctness and regularity of care
    • Lifestyle - the effect of chlorinated water and frequent exposure to the sun accelerate the process of bleaching.

    How to extend the time of microblading?

    Now you know how much micropigmentation is enough, but believe me, it is in your power to increase this period. To do this, it is necessary to strictly follow all the rules and recommendations of the cosmetologist and in no case use self-selected means for healing wounds. They will not cause much harm to the skin, but they will definitely affect the rate of pigment removal.

    To extend the result and give the lines more clarity and expressiveness, repeat the procedure in about 1-1.5 months. This will help the body absorb more of the coloring matter.

    Eyebrow correction

    Unfortunately, in most cases, a single microblading procedure is not enough to get a strong saturated color of eyebrows. The fact is that during the healing process, about twenty percent of the pigment is split. In addition, some pigments slightly lose their saturation a couple of weeks after injecting them under the skin.

    And, finally, many masters are reinsured and try to make eyebrows a little lighter, in order to evaluate the result in time and add saturation if necessary. It should be noted that this is correct, because otherwise you can create the effect of an unsuccessful tattoo, making the eyebrows too dark.

    Therefore, novice masters are encouraged to do microblading with the expectation of a subsequent correction. It is done 3–4 weeks after the microblading procedure. During the correction, you can adjust the color and correct irregularities, if any.

    However, if the result is already good, and the edges look great, then the correction is not mandatory.

    Subsequent corrections to maintain color are carried out when the result begins to subside. Perhaps this will happen after 6 - 8 months after the procedure, and possibly - after 1 - 1.5 years. This is determined individually.

    If desired, eyebrows, on which the procedure was carried out microblading, you can paint. This is not prohibited, as the pigment is in the skin, and the hairs pigment themselves when stained. Thus, any unpleasant reactions are excluded. However, you should more carefully select the color of paint or henna, so that it looks good against the background of pigmented skin.

    Correction and clarification of the eyebrow microblading result at home

    Unfortunately, the microblading procedure is not always successful. For various reasons, after some time, it may be necessary to correct the result. For example, the resulting shade may be too dark, or it turns out that the shape was chosen incorrectly. In principle, the resulting shape of the eyebrows may simply get bored after a while.

    It is very good if the errors committed during the procedure were noticed immediately. In this case, you can use the error line corrector. You just need to put it on areas with pigment, which should be removed, and after dissolving, clean the pigment from the incision. If the defect was discovered later, then it can only be removed with a laser.

    However, you can use folk remedies to lighten the bad microblading, without resorting to drastic measures. Of course, folk remedies will not reduce the pigment at a time, but will make it dissolve much faster.

    1. Grinding with table salt. It should be used as if it were a scrub. Massage slightly moist eyebrows for five minutes. The procedure is carried out every 4 days.You can use for these purposes and the usual purchase body scrub (fine). The scheme of application is similar.
    2. Mask of honey. For its preparation in honey (about 2 teaspoons), you need to add a couple drops of kefir. The resulting mixture is applied to the eyebrows. Hold for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply a moisturizer.
    3. Lemon compress. In this recipe, in addition to lemon salt is also used. Two teaspoons of fine salt should be mixed with 1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. The resulting mixture is applied to the eyebrows for 20 minutes. Wash off and apply cream.

    The result of microblading will disappear faster if you treat your eyebrows with scrubs, brightening creams and creams containing a high concentration of hyaluronic acid

    What to choose: microblading or powdery eyebrows

    Microblading is known for the fact that the resulting result will imitate natural hair, while the powdery eyebrows create a blending effect, as if the eyebrows are slightly tinted with shadows.

    Both that and other equipment are equally demanded. In addition, both are based on the introduction of pigment in the upper layers of the skin.

    Therefore, the choice of a particular procedure depends primarily on personal visual preferences.

    Microblading eyebrows are currently in great demand, since this procedure allows you to simulate eyebrow hairs, so that the eyebrows look as natural as possible.

    It is believed that due to the shallow damage to the skin during the procedure, it is safer compared to regular eyebrow tattooing.

    Nevertheless, microblading is quite traumatic and requires careful adherence to antiseptic rules. This is the most important thing to remember during the procedure.

    Microblading - fashionable eyebrow shaping

    Cosmetic services have become very popular. Modern girls are trying to follow the fashion and strive for perfection. Masters working in beauty salons claim that lately such services as eyelash extension and eyebrow shaping have gained immense popularity.

    Thanks to the new services, girls can get more pronounced facial features, adjust external data. Eyebrows play a big role in appearance. Properly selected shape and a clear outline will help make the face more pronounced.

    Many girls complain that their eyebrows are imperfect: they are very bright by nature, grow anyhow or have the effect of “three hairs”. Now this can be quickly fixed with microblading. But what is the essence of this service? Consider everything in order.

    The main advantages of microblading

    The main advantage is that fine lines perfectly imitate real hairs. It turns out a natural, natural effect. If we compare it with a traditional tattoo, microblading benefits from the fact that the pigment is not injected deeply, respectively, the shade does not change with time and becomes softer.

    What is better - permanent makeup or microblading?

    When creating a permanent make-up, brow made with special equipment makes micro holes of a certain depth after which they are filled with pigment. At the end of the procedure, edema is formed, which begins to subside after two days. The result is fixed up to two years.

    This method has a minus - eyebrows look monolithic and far from natural. Of course, now there are hair techniques. However, not every designer brow specialist owns this art.

    In addition, this technique still does not allow to obtain the maximum naturalness, as the traced hairs do not get thin, as if this would not be desirable.

    Eyebrow photo before and after microblading

    Microblading technique involves drawing very fine hairs using a special blade. Strokes look natural, especially if they are executed in three directions.

    In microblading, only the upper part of the epidermis is injured, and therefore the result does not last as long as with permanent registration. But if you want to get beautiful and natural edge, then you can not pay attention to this shortcoming.

    Puffiness after the procedure is also observed, but it disappears literally in 24 hours.

    New eyebrow shaping procedure - microblading

    Microblading morbidity

    It should be understood that the procedure is not painless. After all, light cuts will be made, but it cannot be called severe pain. Most likely it will be unpleasant and uncomfortable, but tolerable.

    During the procedure, the brow specialist will use a ruler that will allow you to create smoother lines. The process itself lasts up to two hours. All this time you will need to lie with slightly open eyes.

    After the end of all manipulations, eyebrows are sprayed with a disinfecting spray. The end result can be assessed after three weeks, when the skin is completely restored.

    You should also be aware that in 15-30 days you need to make a correction, which involves the removal of additional strokes. This point in no case can not be neglected. The procedure will be less painful and in time will pass much faster.


    Watch the video: 3 YEARS AFTER MICROBLADING! Was It Worth It? Eyebrow Tattoo (July 2024).