
All about dark hair color: choice of shade and color, care tips


The most popular way to diversify the image is to change the hairstyle and its color. How to choose a hair dye if you want to do it at home? Of course, it is better to visit a hair salon and trust an experienced master. But you can change the color and at home, the benefit of the modern industry provides a wide arsenal of tools for this purpose.

The choice will depend on what shade you want to get, what your hair is currently, whether it was dyed earlier or it is a natural color. Also answer yourself the question whether you wish to wear a new color for a long time and whether your hair will withstand the onslaught of chemical dyes.

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In general, stylists recommend dyeing hair 1-2 tones lighter than the natural shade. It highlights the face and makes it look younger.

To try on a new color, you can do the following.

  • If you do not paint over gray hair and the tone is close to your natural color - try unstable paint.
  • Try on the wig of the corresponding color.
  • Change the color of hair in the photo editor - Photoshop and others.
  • Some manufacturers of paints offer on their sites to try on the color online. To do this, just upload your photo.

It should also be borne in mind that dark hair perceive dye worse than light, so the shade will be less saturated.

How to find the right paint?

If you change the color of hair for a couple of tones, then you need to choose the paint, focusing on its number. In the catalog, find a curl that is similar to yours in color. It is advisable to watch in daylight. Choose a paint two colors lighter or darker. Search by number. The numbers on the box indicate the following.

The first digit is color saturation.

3 - dark brown / chestnut / brown

5 - light brown / chestnut / brown

6 - dark blonde / blond

8 - light blond / blond

9 - very light blonde / blond

10 - platinum / intense blonde / blond

The second digit manufacturers indicate shade.

0 - a series of natural tones

7 - natural cold

Sometimes they write the third digit - it denotes an additional tone that makes up half of the main one. It will look like this: 8.34 - light blond golden with a slight copper tint. Or 9.1 - ashy blond.

Color fastness

All hair coloring products are divided into three groups depending on the durability of dyeing.

  • Persistent (permanent) - contain hydrogen peroxide in 6% or 9% concentration, or ammonia, or amines. Under the influence of aggressive means hair flakes open, and the dye penetrates deep into its structure. Using such tools, strictly observe the time of application. You will also often have to paint the growing roots - about once every 6-8 weeks. Permanent paints do an excellent job with gray hair.
  • Semi-resistant (semi-permanent). These are soft colors. They have a small percentage of hydrogen peroxide, do not contain ammonia. They allow you to make a natural color saturated or change it to one tone. When coloring the dye sits on the hair from above, without penetrating deep into and without damaging the structure. Hue persists for 1-1.5 months.
  • Tint means - shampoos, foams, gels, balms. Disappear after 6-8 shampooing. Suitable mainly for blond hair, give them shine, color saturation. If you paint permanently with shading means, then pigment accumulates and only growing roots need to be tinted. Poor quality tools can leave marks on the collar or cap.

Types of hair colors

The industry produces two types of hair dyes.

  1. For home coloring - they have convenient packaging, contain selected oxidant and dye.
  2. Professional paints. They are more difficult to use, but provide an opportunity to get an accurate shade.

Coloring agents contain various dyes and differ in their mechanism of action.

  • Vegetable paints. Henna, Basma, coffee, chamomile, walnut. Henna gives a reddish-red color, Basma - greenish-blue. Mixing them in certain proportions, get different shades of brown. Before applying them it is better to experiment on a small order. Pros: strengthen hair. Cons: do not lighten. It is not recommended to apply on hair dyed with chemical dyes - the result can be unpredictable.

Henna should not be perederzhivat on the hair, as it does not benefit. Blondes just 15 minutes, brown-haired - no more than 2 hours.

  • Oxidizing dyes are based on aniline dyes, which themselves do not color, but acquire their properties in combination with peroxide. Release in a liquid and creamy form. Contains hydrogen peroxide in 5-6 percent concentration, color modifiers, color stabilizers, as well as substances that protect hair from damage. Cons: violate the hair structure.
  • Ammonia paints allow you to radically change only the natural color. If the hair has already been dyed, then the maximum is two tones darker or one tone is lighter. Completely painted over gray hair. High ammonia paints are used as brightening dyes on natural hair to obtain light shades.
  • Direct dyes - paints based on aminoanthraquinone compounds. These means paint the fabric. They do not dissolve in water, they are in a dispersed state. Before use, you must test yourself for allergies.
  • Blonding, or brightening, paint destroys the natural pigment of the hair. With their help lighten, then paint in other shades.

When dry, brittle, damaged hair is better to use vegetable dyes.

In order not to cause unnecessary harm to hair, do not apply dyes with excessive concentration of oxidant.

  • For toning or dyeing in a darker tone is enough from 1.5% to 3%.
  • To remove gray hair or paint 1-3 tones lighter, choose paint with 6-9% oxidizer.
  • 12% is used for blonding natural hair.

Five helpful tips

  1. When choosing colors do not look at the hair color of the model in the photo. Focus on the catalogs with colored strands, but at the same time keep in mind that the dye was applied to bleached hair. To clarify the intensity of the color will help the photo "before and after" on the back of the box.
  2. If you have never changed the hair color, then do the coloring first - color a few strands. So you will see how your hair reacts to the dye, they do not have to tint every six months, and in case of failure it will be easy to grow your natural color.
  3. If you are in doubt whether a good color will work on your hair, mix a small amount of dye and paint one bottom strand. Evaluate the result and then dye your hair completely.
  4. Do not try to dye your hair blonde if you have dark hair.
  5. If you do not like the color - go to the master. Repainting has its own subtleties.

A few words about gray hair

It is recommended to paint gray hair with dark color, if their amount is less than one third. If there is more gray hair, then they stop at ashen-brown shades close to it. If you still want dark, then choose shades without red - they often give a carrot color. In the event that you counted more than 70% of gray hair, go to the hairdresser. He will select the optimal dye and paint the entire volume of the hairstyle correctly.

On the shelves of shops are a variety of means for dyeing hair. To choose the color that interests you, use the catalogs of manufacturers and be guided by the international classification by numbers of shades and tones. It is not recommended staining at home when changing colors more than 2 colors.

For a radical change will have to contact the master. First you need to rid the hair of the natural pigment or traces of the previous coloring, and then use a dye. In case of unsuccessful staining, it is possible to use washes - agents that clean two tones - or do bleaching (decaking) by four tones. Sometimes this requires 2-3 sessions. Re-curls discolor after two weeks, or you can paint them again with a different color.

Frequent staining is bad for the health of hair. Be sure to comply with the process technology, and then apply the reducing and therapeutic agents.

Youth hair colors

  • If you choose between two shades, stop at a lighter one, provided that your hair is not the color “medium blond” or even lighter. Lighter hair "rejuvenates" much more than dark.
  • All shades of "ash blonde" work wonders when creating a youth image. This shade obscures pimples, softens the lines of the face and blends well with the first gray hair.
  • Haircut should also be appropriate. The most suitable hairstyle allows the hair to move easily around the head and fall on the individual strands on the face. This creates a vibrant and soft face contour compared to short-cut or tightly gathered hair.
  • Use lotions, mousses, foams and hair sprays to keep the shape of soft and natural hair.
  • Do not lose sight of three things when painting in red in the fight against signs of aging. First, the skin of the face reflects the red color, so pallor and pimples become more noticeable on it. Secondly, red pigments are not the best way to fall on gray hair. In order for the hair color to be uniform, the color must be very intense. Thirdly, natural, natural redheads are so rare that the surrounding will regard the choice of such a shade as an attempt to look younger.
  • For a pale complexion, black hair is a rough frame that will accentuate every wrinkle on your face.
  • Kingly bright flashy details, such as synthetic blue hair or highlights, are signs of a bright and bold personality. Nevertheless, they will not make you younger, but only demonstrate your desire to be such. This bold individualism is not for everyone.

What is your type: spring, summer, autumn or winter? The answer to this question is not determined by your nationality or your skin. Undoubtedly, knowing your color type is useful. After all, no one wants to look exhausted, pale or older than his age only because of the unfortunate choice of hair color. The following type descriptions will help you choose the colors and shades that emphasize not only your hair style, but also facial features.

Shades suitable for the spring color type

Leather: light and transparent, with a golden or peach shade. Many representatives of this type blush easily and often have freckles.

Eyes: light, from light blue to green. There are often golden sparks on the iris.

Hair: usually light. However, sometimes there are brown-haired and even red-haired.

Recommended hair color for spring type:Nature presented the hair of representatives of this type of gold shine. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid pale tones and use warm colors. Ideal options: light-blond golden, light-brown, light-brown honey, golden brown, copper, warm reddish shades, for example, golden-red or warm blond. Also warm brownish tones, from light to medium shade, are well suited. Keep your hair color is not very dark. A contrast image is suitable only for those who have a cold skin tone.

Shades suitable colortime "summer"

Leather: in women of this type, the skin is tender, pink, with bluish streaks of veins.

Eyes: usually blue, bluish-green, blue-gray or green. Sometimes there are brown eyes with blue, gray or green sparkles.

Hair: Natural hair color - blonde or brunette. Ash hair can sometimes look slightly dull.

Recommended hair color for summer type: Silver or platinum streaked strands will add the necessary shine to hair. Streaked strands one or two tones darker than the base color can also revive the hairstyle.

If you decide to make coloring, your colors are as light ashy, ashen as light brown, or as light as light as platinum. Red tones for summer color type should have a bluish note, for example, burgundy or lilac. You should avoid red paint with a copper or gold tint, as well as the color of mahogany, because they age owners of this type of skin.

Skin: skin color can be very light, although it has a deep bronze tint. The skin always has a yellowish-golden tone. Owners of the autumn type of skin sometimes complain of freckles. This type of skin is not very common. Basically, it is observed in women in Africa, Asia and Southern Europe.

Eyes: can be any shade of blue, green or turquoise. Occasionally you can meet light blue eyes.

Hair: As a rule, the hair is dark, with reddish tones, or reddish in various tones: from copper to mahogany color.

Recommended hair color for the type of "autumn": Underline hair color with warm red or copper tones. All warm brown tones suit well: golden brown, copper golden or chestnut. If you really want to have blonde hair, it is better to choose a light blond golden color. For the autumn type of skin do not fit light colors with an ashy tint. Golden or copper-red streaked strands can be a reasonable alternative. Do not make the strands very light, because they will look artificial.

Shades suitable for the winter color type

Leather: can be very bright. Sometimes blood vessels appear slightly under the skin. The skin of the winter type always has a cool bluish semitone. This type of skin is very common worldwide. Many peoples of Africa, Asia and Southern Europe belong to this group.

Eye: brown, gray, cold blue or deep green pupils clearly contrast with the whites of the eyes.

Hair: natural hair color is black and all shades of brown.

Recommended hair color for winter type: The rich tones of winter-type hair radiate heat by themselves. Consequently, they only occasionally need to use the air conditioner to add extra radiance. But if you want to emphasize natural color, you can use a bluish-black shine. Dyes eggplant and mahogany suitable for dark hair. Coloring to match your natural hair color will enhance their natural beauty and add extra shine.

Lightening the hair of the winter type most often leads to the formation of a terrible reddish hue that does not suit this color type. You should also not do highlighting, because light strands will be the same reddish hue, and you will look older. If you still want to dye your hair, use ashy tones. Avoid golden shades, as they contrast with the natural radiance of your skin.

Hair dyeing in two colors

One of the ways to add bright colors to your life is hair coloring. Modern women of fashion is not enough just to change the color, they use several shades. Coloring the hair broke into modern fashion not so long ago and immediately firmly established in it. Self-dyeing hair in several colors is quite difficult, so you should contact the salon. Hair coloring in two colors can have several schemes.

Ways to dye hair in two colors:

  • Highlighting strands. Independently perform such staining is extremely difficult. Colors are selected contrasting. At first, all the hair is dyed in the main color, then evenly all over the head individual small strands are selected, and are dyed in a contrasting, usually more bright, color.
  • Coloring. It is very similar to highlighting, but with this technique not only individual strands are painted with a contrasting color, but a pattern is applied to the hair. These can be transverse stripes, wavy transitions, and so on. The complexity of the drawing depends on the professionalism and experience of the master.
  • Balayazh, zonal coloring - One of the methods of highlighting. The tips of the hair are dyed with another, contrasting main color. Several manufacturers have presented their development to create this effect at home. The stores already have selected colors in one box for self-dyeing the hair in two colors according to this technique.

When dyeing hair in two colors, the main thing - competent selection of colors. The choice of color depends on several factors, such as face type, skin color, eyes, hair length, and so on. With a short haircut, bright, almost flashy colors look particularly impressive. For example, a combination of brightly red and calmer chestnut or chocolate color. On longer hair natural colors with effect of burning out beautifully look. Although, you can not be limited to only two colors and create a more complex color scheme.

Fashion trends staining

Hair tint for brown-eyed can be different. There are many techniques that allow you to create an inimitable and harmonious image.

  1. Coloring remains very popular through the use of several fashionable colors at once. Coloring the tips with bright colors nuances looks especially good. Relevant combinations of chestnut tones with wheat and blond. You can make coloring of individual strands of a bang or its tips.
  2. The most popular coloring technique for brown eyes is ombre, a smooth transition between colors in the same color range. For dark skin and brown eyes it is better to choose a chestnut color with a smooth transition to brandy. But women with pale skin can experience the nuances of honey, combining with fiery transitions.
  3. For lovers of more extravagant decisions, you can make a color “ombre” - a soft transition from the basic shade to the bright one. This type of staining is suitable for flawless golden skin. For tips, you should select a rather weak and gentle coloring composition. This makes it possible to update the color once a month without much harm to the hair.

Secrets of a successful hair dye

Do you dye your hair for the first time? Then our tips will help you get the desired hair color.

  1. If you chose a shade at the level of your natural color (you are painted in tone to tone), dilute the oxidizer to 2% (that is, use not the whole bottle of the 6% oxidizer, but only its third, adding two thirds with water). So you will get a uniform color, but otherwise the roots will be lighter than the rest of the hair. By the way, before painting 3-4 days, not my head: a layer of dust on the scalp will protect it from burns with an oxidizing agent.
  2. If you chose a shade of 1-2 colors lighter, painting should be carried out in two stages. It would be better if you help mom or girlfriend. First, apply the diluted paint on the entire length of the hair, except the roots. Allow 20 min., And only now apply paint on the roots - a uniform color is provided. The fact is that due to the temperature of the head, the chemical reaction at the roots is faster.
  3. If you re-paint, act the opposite: first apply paint to the regrown root part, and after 20-25 minutes. - for the rest, already painted hair. Hold for 10 minutes and then wash off all the paint. So you will get a uniform color and not injure your hair.
  4. Attention! If you decide to change the shade of already colored hair, be careful when choosing a new color! Experiments with different dyes can end unexpectedly and very badly. For example, you dyed your blond hair in golden hues, and now you want to become blonde again. If you paint a light brown color on your hair, you will get a green color!
  5. If you dyed hair in chestnut colors, and now you decided to use copper, then only regrown roots will turn out to be copper, and everything else will remain chestnut. Therefore, drastically changing shades, consult with a specialist. Especially if the hair was dyed with dark tones, and now you want to become a blonde: in this case you need to make discoloration before dyeing.

General recommendations and advice

  • First of all, you should contact a professional if you want to change the image using hair coloring. This will protect against unpleasant consequences.
  • After the color change procedure it is necessary to provide intensive care for the strands: purchase special products for colored hair, make homemade masks.
  • It is better to highlight hair with close colors, otherwise you can make the image tasteless and add yourself a couple of years.
  • If the skin has visible wrinkles or rashes, it is not necessary to turn black and dark chocolate. Sand and nutty brown eyes should be emphasized makeup with an emphasis on them, so that they do not look faded against the general background.
  • Before applying the paint you need to do a sensitivity test to check if it is suitable for dyeing.
  • Do not combine hair bleaching with tan - it looks unnatural. When staining in a dark color scheme, it will have to be updated more often than light.
  • Dark colors lose their saturation faster. You can not paint the span, if they fall out badly or damaged.
  • First you need to treat them, only then change your image.
  • You should not buy at the cheap price of paint. To preserve the health of the hair, the composition must be of high quality.

What to avoid:

  • Most experts do not advise owners of brown eyes to dye their hair in ashy color. It is more in harmony with blue and gray eyes.
  • Owners of a winter type with dark skin is better not to take gold, copper and caramel paints. Light-skinned "winter" is desirable to avoid all the red color schemes, as well as highlighting. Only some can go strands, blue-black against the background of platinum.
  • Mustard and ashen color can only be used as rare inclusions. Dark-skinned women with a golden skin tone, even in minimal amounts should not use the ashy and light blond.
  • With a strong desire to become a blonde, you still can not make a sharp clarification. It is necessary to do this in stages, watching the overall composition of the image.

The easiest way to determine the skin tone is if you remove the hair back, and cover your shoulders and neck with a white towel. Look in the mirror: if your skin looks yellowish against the background of a towel, it means that you have a warm skin tone. If the skin has a slightly bluish tint, your skin has a cold tone.

Easy way to change the appearance. 7 rules for choosing the color of hair dye.

One of the most important, but rather difficult moments with self-coloring is the correct choice of hue of the coloring agent. It must be remembered that the hair color can visually reduce or increase the age, emphasize the dignity of the face and, on the contrary, hide some flaws. To make the right choice, you need to learn a number of simple rules:

1. Owners of a bright blush, girls whose skin is prone to redness, in any case, you can not choose a fiery red, bright colors, shades with reddish tint. It is better to make a choice in favor of more natural, light brown or light chestnut tones that will help soften natural rosacea.

2. It should be remembered that bright shades of hair emphasize all the irregularities and imperfections of the skin, therefore, it is better to use them for girls with even, healthy complexion. Especially often this rule is violated by very young girls, teenage girls, who, in their striving to stand out, attract attention, choose the brightest, screaming tones, without thinking that they not only add a couple of extra years to them, but also emphasize them, because of age, not always perfect skin.

3. For most, it is not a secret that dark tones add age, therefore, having made the hair lighter, you can easily drop it a couple of years.

4. Dark and light colors have the ability to visually change the size of the object: dark, deep tones reduce, narrow, as if hiding part of the subject, and light, respectively, increase, expand, protrude. This rule is valid absolutely everywhere: in the interior, and in clothes, and in make-up. Most women know that the black color is “slimming,” but not everyone thinks about this property in relation to the face. And it is absolutely in vain, because with the help of hair color you can adjust the shape of the face. Chubby girls should not get carried away with a very light scale - this will give even more pomp to their cheeks, but dark, saturated tones can visually stretch and narrow the contour of the face.

5. For painting gray hair is better to choose natural shades.

6. In addition, most stylists do not recommend to argue with nature and drastically change their original hair color, especially for one coloring. The best solution is to choose a shade that is one or two tones different from the natural one.

7. In order not to be mistaken when choosing a shade, you need to use the decoding tables of the paint numbers, without relying on the picture on the package or on the sonorous name.

Warm cold

So, it is very important to remember some simple rules and elementary properties of color in order not to degrade, and if necessary, slightly adjust for the better our natural data. But that is not all. When choosing a paint shade, it is imperative to pay attention to the so-called color type inherent in every person - warm or cold. It depends on the color of the eyes and the skin tone of the woman, and it is not so difficult to determine it yourself. To do this, you need to arm yourself with two items of clothing or just pieces of cloth of two colors: bright pink and pale peach (olive and yellow-green or chocolate - the main thing is that one of the colors refers to a warm gamut, the other to a cold one), wash it off cosmetics and remove hair under a white shawl, and then alternately attach to the face of the prepared pieces of matter. If a pink color is more suitable for a girl, her face “comes to life”, it becomes more expressive, it means that she belongs to a cold type, if peach - to a warm one.

There are a few more features that distinguish “warm” girls from “cold” ones. For example, the first veins on the wrists have a greenish tint, the second - blue (you need to consider with good daylight).

In "cold" girls, the eyes can be gray, blue, green, black, in "warm" - brown, golden-green.

Hair color will look harmonious if it complements skin tone and eye color. Girls belonging to the cold type should pay attention to natural, dark brown and brown shades, but the opposite type can be experimented with deep, rich tones: red, reddish, plum perfectly tint their dark skin.

Of course, you can always contact a stylist who will help with the choice of shade, properly prepare your hair for dyeing and use professional, high-quality dyes, but if you decide to change your hair color yourself, you need to make at least a minimum of effort to choose the right shade, remember a few simple rules on staining and care after staining, and the result will surely please you.

Current choice

By dark shades of hair are ranked all the options from dark blonde to black. That is why the palette of saturated tones is considered the widest, allows you to create a variety of images. The relevance of natural shades in recent times is high. Creating a fashionable image, it is permissible to choose any option similar to those existing in nature. In 2018, at the peak of popularity of coffee and chocolate, brown-brown.

Glory of belonging to a strict, highly intellectual image was attached to the dark tones of hair. This is due to the fact that business women often do not find time for a frivolous change in appearance, and the natural rich palette is the most common by nature.

The natural dark color of the hair is always in perfect harmony with appearance. It is enough to slightly refresh, saturate the natural shade to get a charming look. Such a change does not cause significant damage to the curls, does not entail complex care. Dark-haired women always look bright, contrast. Strands of rich colors are usually endowed with durability, brilliance.

An important disadvantage of saturated tones is the scrupulous attitude to the perfect appearance. Darkened strands of hair overly emphasize the existing shortcomings. This is true for women aged, owners of imperfect skin, flashy unattractive features. In this case, overly saturated tones are discarded or diluted with light highlighting, coloring, staining using modern technologies, stretching the color. To make the best choice, you need to know who is going to juicy color variations.

To suit

The variety of dark palette allows you to choose the option for most types of appearance. It is enough to properly evaluate their own parameters. From the nature of the dark gamut of hair endowed with "winter", "summer", "autumn" women. The skin color of the owners of these color types can be dark and light, iris - all possible options.

An important gradation of saturated tones: the division into variants of warm and cold temperatures. The first will suit the owners of dark skin, eyes with a catchy color of the iris. Bright appearance emphasizes rich brown, chocolate, chestnut tones. The second - light-skinned with pale colors of the eyes. Grayish coffee and chocolate, dark blond with ash or moderately red with a silver sheen - many options.

Haircut for a combination with thick shades suitable any. Short or long strands, lush volume or thinning - it does not matter. Most importantly, anxious to maintain the state of hair: in a timely manner to remove split ends, unevenly growing strands. On a dark background, any flaws become more noticeable. This concerns the appearance of hair, skin condition, sharp, irregular facial features.

Attention! Careful "friends" with dark shades should be women aged. Wrinkles, circles, edemas acquire a magnificent background, perfectly reflecting the depth, scale of the phenomenon.

When choosing dark shades for a man there is no limit. It is foolish to wonder whether a strict color scheme. Any version of the extensive range will add the appearance of strength, brutality. The older a man, the more concisely the hairstyle should be, the shade of hair should be more moderate. Young guys can experiment without limits.

Coloring at home

There are many options for home hair color manipulations. These are ready-to-use dyes and recipes of popular cosmetics. The method is chosen depending on the initial state of the curls, the desired result, the required production rate, the duration of the effect retention.

Changing the shade by 2-3 steps, the possession of light on the nature of curls - an occasion to try staining with unstable dyes. These are ammonia-free means, tint preparations (shampoos, balms, tonics). There are different names for the means, the action is carried out according to a similar principle.The structure of the hair receives the least damage in the course of dyeing. The result lasts up to 4 weeks. Strands gradually turn pale, lose their attractive appearance. The dye is washed out with each cleansing hair.

For dark shades most often used:

  • L’OREAL (Colorista Washout),
  • Wella (Color Recharge),
  • Schwarzkopf (Igora Expert),
  • Estel (Solo ton),
  • Kapous (Life color),
  • Matrix (Color Sync),
  • Rokolor (Tonika).

For a short-term result (before the first wash of the hair), manufacturers offer various skins, mousses, varnishes. This is a great option for “color testing” or creating an “exit” image. With the help of such tools often do partial coloring (coloring of several strands) for a variety of appearance.

To get a lasting result, you must use paint containing ammonia. Means help to change the color for 4-8 weeks. Significant leaching of the acquired tone, as in the case of unstable compositions, does not occur.

The hair gradually loses saturation, artificial luster. The growth of the roots will make the correction of hair. To purchase dark shades often use:

  • L’OREAL (Exellance Cream),
  • Garnier (Color Neutrals),
  • SCHWARZKOPF (Pallet),
  • Syoss (Oleo Intense).

A better outcome when performing color changes in the direction of a rich range of owners of light, medium intensity shades. Brunettes will be able to slightly deviate from the existing tone. To obtain light brown, light brown tones will have to pre-bleach. This is an additional load on the hair, which increases the total cost of the final result, complicating subsequent care.

To get shades of hair darker at home using traditional recipes, the easiest way is with henna and basma. Brunettes darken the existing version is acceptable, using only the black color scheme. To create different colors used a mixture of natural colors.

An important point! The more henna is added, the stronger the redhead appears. Using various impurities (ground coffee beans, cloves, tea, wine, cocoa), it will turn out to create various variants of a dark scale.

Blondes to go to rich tones (caramel, light chestnut, medium blond) should be rinsed regularly with curls of decoction, infusions (make masks) based on cinnamon, onion peel, oak bark, tea, coffee. Hair will get a playful tone without harm to the internal structure. To strand darkened, have patience. Painting occurs gradually.

Partial image change

Some to change the image must be partially painted strands. There are a number of technologies for reincarnation. Modern stylists offer:

These technologies involve staining strands. Techniques differ in the method of applying paint, the approach to working with curls. At the same time use 1-7 variations of shades. As a result, the hairstyle looks fresh and voluminous. Techniques allow you to protect the curls from excessive damage by lightening. Dark hair color gets easy playfulness, appearance becomes open, soft, conducive to communication, trust.

It is permissible for blondes to darken the strands with the help of an ombre, to dye their hair using technologies called shatush, balayazh. Brunettes are recommended to make highlighting or coloring. The brown-haired women will be able to darken or lighten part of the strands using the selected technology.

Cost of work in the cabin

The price of coloring depends on the scope of work. Before the procedure, it is advisable to consult with the master. The hairdresser will assess the condition of the hair, suggest suitable options for achieving the desired results. The price of coloring usually depends on the length, thickness of the curls, the original color, the expected effect. Simple manipulations (staining in 1 tone) rarely go beyond 3 thousand rubles. Multi-stage, complex procedures are more expensive (from 4-5 thousand rubles.).


Hair dyed in dark colors, do not require complex care, as in lightening. The hair will have to handle the means for colored hair. They will help to maintain the intensity of color, save curls from additional load, provide minimal nutrition and hydration.

If there are significant problems (split ends, loss, breakage), it is desirable to provide a full-blown restoration of head of hair: home treatment with professional means, folk compositions, passing a course of salon procedures. Increased attention is paid to curls that have undergone bleaching. Loose strands need full care, recovery.

Curls, painted in rich tones, more than others require the preservation of the intensity of color. Especially if the base was blond hair. To do this, use numerous coloring rinsing according to popular recipes, light tinting tools. Regular procedures will help to keep the beautiful brightness of the artificial color longer.

Dark shades of hair - a popular and practical solution. Changing the image does not require complex interventions, maintaining the beauty of the appearance will not cause significant problems. The high relevance of the range will allow you to get a fashionable, attractive look.

Rule one: supplement and comply

Leading stylists say that it is a mistake to select paint for skin tone. It is necessary to complement it advantageously. So, if you have a natural blush on your face, then the red color of the curls will only emphasize this defect. Therefore, you should refer to the shade that will soften the redness of the cheeks. Owners of earthy skin tones should not use blond shades of paint. It is much better to emphasize such a face with a richer and more impudent touch.

Rule two: "warm or cold"?

We all know that, by color type, all people are divided into cold-skinned and warm-skinned. This is one of the main indicators that determines the choice of hair dye. So, if you are the owner of a pale or olive skin tone, then you belong to the camp of people with cold skin. If your face often takes a peach tone, you are dark-skinned or you have freckles, then you will join the ranks of warm-skinned ones.

To determine the accuracy of this gradation will help the veins on your hands. Look more closely at the shade of the veins in the sunlight: if they take on a greenish tint, then you have a warm complexion, if you give a blueness - cold. Based on this, follow the rule - to complement your skin color. When the shade of the face is warm, you can safely dye your hair in rich colors and add bright touches - red, plum. Holders of cold tone of the face are more suitable dark brown and dark blond colors.

Rule Three: Consider Eye Color

The shade of the iris also plays an important role in choosing the right color for hair dye. If you do not want the new color of curls to dull the brilliant effect of your eyes, then consider the following recommendations. Owners of green and light brown eyes should pay attention to brown tones, light brown and paint with reddish touches. Blue and gray eyes are set off by blond and cold light ash colors. Moreover, if you have a warm skin color, then you should not be radically painted with a blonde or a brunette - the effect will be awesome. Such bold decisions will suit girls with a cold skin tone.

Fourth Rule: Natural Trendy!

Professionals claim that the most advantageous shade of paint is the one that differs from the natural color by only 1-2 tones. If your hair is much darker than the color you want to get, you will have to lighten it. Owners of blond hair when choosing saturated colors should be extremely careful, because the red and ruby ​​color on such curls will look more intense than on the packaging of paint. Therefore, try to choose a shade that will best fit with the natural hair color.

Rule Five: do not be afraid to experiment!

You can choose your paint color by trial and error. At the same time you should not immediately use persistent coloring agents. Before settling on a particular shade, play around with options using toning balms. Such funds are kept on the hair before the first wash, so you can easily determine how comfortable you are in the new color.

Following these simple rules will help you make the right choice of hair dye color. It remains for us to wish you good luck and excellent results!

Dark advantages

Many still believe that black is old. But underscore the age can and incorrectly selected light shades. And women are afraid of lead acetate, which was previously contained in all dark colors. But modern means are very different in composition from those used by our mothers and grandmothers.

In addition, harmful chemistry is complete in any resistant paint, so you can not be painted during pregnancy and with too sensitive skin. Yes, and other women should comply with the measure. Frequent staining spoils the hair and scalp and can cause allergies.

But the dark shades of hair colors have their own advantages:

  • visually makes hair thicker and heavier
  • fine paint over gray hair
  • do not require pre-clarification,
  • minimally damage the hair,
  • look good in complex techniques
  • emphasize the beauty and expressiveness of the eyes,
  • brighten the color of the iris,
  • can be combined with each other and with light shades.

Today, even blondes, painted in balayazh, ombre and other modern techniques based on classical highlighting, use dark colors. In this case, dark shades emphasize the beauty of the base tone and place accents. And also allow you to save natural roots that will not be damaged during dyeing.

Color palette

In fact, the concept of "dark hair" for each his own. The official border between dark and light shades is 6.0. Its commercial names from different manufacturers may be different, but in the classification of the hairdresser it is listed as a natural dark blonde. He closes the palette of light shades, and then begins the brown gamma.

Dark hair dye can have these tones:

  • nut is one of the softest dark shades, which goes for almost everyone and has a light golden sheen,
  • light chestnut is a very beautiful light brown tone that gives a reddish-gold play in bright light,
  • chestnut - juicy color from a natural range, which creates a bright and completely natural image,
  • dark chestnut - a very deep rich tone that requires appropriate makeup,
  • chocolate - this tone can be cold (bitter), warm (milky) and neutral, close to natural brown,
  • golden brown - tone with a large amount of golden pigment, which gives hair extra volume and beautiful shine,
  • dark copper is a rich deep color, in which bright red is muted with a pleasant brown tint,
  • dark red - also has many tones: mahogany, pomegranate, dark cherry,
  • Eggplant - a deep dark color with a pronounced red-purple hue, one of the most fashionable and relevant today,
  • Plum - a very beautiful shade, in which brown is combined with blue-violet pigment,
  • graphite is a rich dark gray color that appears almost black under soft lighting,
  • Black - black-gamma for many manufacturers is highlighted in a separate palette, as it may have different implications (blue, ashen, brown, etc.).

In addition, in professional lines, paints are easily mixed together, allowing you to create an almost unlimited number of shades. But it's better not to experiment on your own. To obtain a beautiful complex color, you need to know the basics of color.

Choose your dark shade is not easy. If you only need to disguise gray hair and return her natural color to her hair, you need to choose paint in your palette (cold or warm) that is no more than 1-2 tones different from the natural one. In this case, the growing roots will not be noticeable, and the hair will seem completely natural.

Experts give more tips on choosing their own dark shades:

  • Only natural brunettes can safely use black paint. They will also go to women with a cold color type - light skin, very dark eyebrows and blue, gray or dark brown iris. Black really adds age visually, so mature ladies should choose lighter tones.
  • Brown shades are universal. Women of warm color type should choose chocolate and chestnut scales - it is lightly cast in red or gold in the light. Summer and winter beauties fit all shades of brown and coffee, including mocha or cappuccino.
  • Dark copper. Looks great in the hair or curly hair from nature. Goes to owners of amber, brown and green eyes, peach blush, warm skin tones. Well in harmony with freckles, does not emphasize wrinkles.
  • Plum and eggplant. Very insidious shades. They are recommended only for young women with flawless skin, as they emphasize pallor, bruises and bags under the eyes, deep wrinkles, and pigmentation.
  • Dark red. This shade is very beautiful and suitable for any age. But it makes visible capillaries close to the skin surface, any acne, redness, scars and scars. Therefore, those who have skin problems, it is better to choose a more neutral color. In addition, the red is quickly washed out and badly paints the gray hair.

Saturated dark shades create a beautiful contrast with the skin. But without make-up, your face may look pale. Therefore, if you do not like to be brightly painted, it is better to dwell on lighter shades: nutty, chestnut, cappuccino, mocha.

We recommend to read: How often you can dye your hair with henna, expert opinion

  • Cold color type. This is the lot of people who have gray, blue or green eyes with a gray tint. The skin in this case is also light, slightly pinkish. The natural color of the hair of such people is light brown, black or ashen. Approximately the same color and suitable for painting - closer to natural. You can also experiment with dark tones, and even with black, however, it is worth remembering that this option will highlight all the skin irregularities, and generally decently old.
  • Warm color type. Here everything is rather the opposite - the eyes are green or golden brown, and the skin is soft golden or peach. These girls are more suitable paint with golden and red shades, as well as the color of coffee.

However, such a classification is not sufficiently complete and a more detailed version of the classification immediately suggests itself.

  • The type of color is spring.

This type - it is easy, childishly naive woman, full of romance. Most often, this image is characterized by:

Eyes of light shades (sky blue, light green, etc.)

Light peach skin or with a touch of ivory, which is subject to rapid combustion in the sun

Natural hair is usually light, blond shades.

Yellow is the main color of people of such a color type, and it is precisely this that should be taken as a basis, choosing golden shades. These can be either light tones or darker ones, for example, warm chocolate or nutty hues. In addition, it will look just amazing if you don’t dye all your hair, but simply model it by dyeing a few strands. This technique will create a visual depth and give hair volume.

  • Color type - summer.

Such a color type is cold, which means that the girls who possess it are fast recognized by:

  • Light green, gray-blue and light brown eyes.
  • The skin of such girls is mostly light and thin, has an olive tint and very often has one characteristic feature - translucent blood vessels.
  • The natural color is often faceless and dull, which makes the whole image rather pale.

Professionals recommend not to go far from their own shades and only slightly dilute them with more lively shades. If your own color does not please you at all, then you can dye in a light-brown shade - this will refresh the whole image and give your hair a visual volume.

  • Color type - autumn.

Recommended to read: Brightening hair cream - the perfect tool for color?

This color type is the most vivid and advantageous, because there is nothing to think about here - you just have to stock up on a shampoo and emphasize your own natural originality. Such a girl is easy to recognize in a crowd, because, like autumn, she bears all the brightest and most intense colors. Such girls are distinguished by:

  • Emerald or amber-colored eyes,
  • A little dark or freckled skin,
  • But the most important thing is the native hair color. Most of them are fiery red or brown hair.

If you are not satisfied with the use of tinted shampoo, then you can resort to colors of chestnut and chocolate tones, but you should be careful with copper and gold shades.

  • Color type - winter.

Winter is cold and carnivorous, therefore the image of such girls is mostly stern and mysterious. They are distinguished by:

  • Dark eyes (black or dark brown),
  • Pale or dark skin
  • And natural hair color is dark and hot.

Here it is fashionable to safely experiment with bright tones, as on the pages of fashion magazines. It can be crimson, and pink, ruby ​​and turquoise, and if you have perfect skin, you can dye your hair even in black.

It is also worth adhering to a few basic tips for choosing paint:

1) it is necessary to exclude the use of dark tones when painting gray hair,

2) skin problems will become even more noticeable when using bright colors and black,

3) the most optimal is the change in hair color only for a couple of tones, not more.

Stamps popular colors for every shade of hair.

Blondes For blondes, professionals advise to use the new paint from L’oreal Professional “Inoa” - this paint is used mainly in salons and works on the technology of variation of coloring with soft transitions from platinum blond to intensive gray or other shades. Asphalt or platinum shades of popular brands such as Wellaton, L’oreal Paris or Revlon can be used to paint the house.

Brunettes. Paint paint by the brand Wella "Koleston Perfect Innosense" has become a new word in the coloring technology for brunettes - this paint was developed jointly with toxicologists and guarantees the complete impossibility of allergies or any side effects.

Redheads For red, there is news from Igora Royal, in which the number of red pigments is noticeably reduced, and golden shades are added instead, which leave a beautiful play on the hair and create not an artificial color, but a very soft and naturally saturated one. In addition, it comes with a special oil-based oxidant that will prolong the life of the paint.

How to paint

It is easy to paint a light-colored head of hair in a darker color. In most cases, this can be done with non-ammonia dyes, which hardly damage the hair. But black or dark brown will have to pre-lighten. And if the chosen shade belongs to the cold range, then it is necessary to remove the residual yellowness, otherwise the color will be dirty.

Ammonia paint

Ammonia-free paints allow you to perform intensive toning and are ideal in the case when a natural shade needs to be darkened by no more than 3-4 tones. They are sparing means, as the ammonium nitrate destroying the hair in them is replaced with less aggressive compounds.

But ammonia-free dyes are not able to loosen the keratin layer so that the dye can penetrate deep. Therefore, they have their drawbacks:

  • do not paint over a large number of gray hair,
  • they quickly fade and wash out in 4-6 weeks,
  • with frequent use, dry hair.

They can be successfully used for dyeing regrown roots, so as not to have to apply resistant paints too often. But if you decide to radically change the shade, the first procedure should be performed by ammonia. Then the color will fall evenly and hold on for a long time.

Resistant paint

Dark hair monochrome coloring is easy to do at home. Moreover, the leading manufacturers have made sure that this process is as comfortable and safe as possible.

Multiton coloring, coloring and highlighting is best done in the cabin. If a dark color falls on the wrong strands or you get an undesirable shade, then you can remove it only with a wash.

In the majority of ratings, the best reviews are collected by dark paints of such manufacturers:

  1. "Garnier". In the Color Naturals line there are several groups of dark colors: red, chestnut, deep and mirror black, coffee. All colors are as close as possible to natural and enriched with vegetable oils.
  2. "Estelle". In the professional line Essex many stylish dark shades that are perfectly mixed together. The oxidant can be purchased separately, which allows the use of its minimum concentration.
  3. "L'Oreal". The Preference line offers more than 20 dark colors, classic and trendy. The paint lasts up to 8 weeks, evenly distributed through the hair and provides them with a beautiful shine.
  4. Londa. Londacolor line provides excellent results for home dyeing. This resistant paint has more than 40 dark shades and keeps on hair up to 6-8 weeks with almost no loss of color intensity.
  5. "Ciez." There are 11 dark and 5 dark red shades in the base line of this manufacturer. Creamy dye has a pleasant texture and perfectly distributed through the hair. For short and medium enough, even half of the package. Thanks to the addition of vitamins and natural oils, the product adds shine and elasticity to the hair.

Other manufacturers have beautiful dark shades. But remember, the cheaper the paint, the less it contains substances that protect the hair from damage. And the higher the percentage of oxidant, the more it spoils the hair.

Be sure to pay attention to the shelf life and integrity of the package. Overdue or in contact with air composition may give a completely different shade.

It is possible to paint the hair in dark color with the help of folk remedies. One of the most popular for a long time remains the natural paint Basma, which is made from the leaves of the plant and has a pronounced blue tint. Therefore, it must be used properly and carefully.

In order to obtain beautiful shades, basma must be mixed with henna - another vegetable paint. Auburn henna neutralizes blue hue and allows you to get a coffee, brown, chestnut color. At the same time, it not only does not damage the hair, but also strengthens their bulbs, making the hair thicker and stronger.

Here are just to find the right proportions have empirically. The color that will end up depends on the natural shade and condition of the hair.

The general principle is this: the more henna is added, the brighter the brown shade will be. For very deep, close to black colors, the proportion of basma and henna is about 2: 1, and for light chestnut and copper shades, the reverse is 1: 2.

The main disadvantage of henna and basma is that they can not be used before and after ammonia paints - the color can be completely different. Therefore, at least 4 weeks should pass between staining with different products. If you do not want to wait - you can use the wash. But vegetable pigments are very difficult to remove their hair. Most likely, to remove from completely, the procedure will have to be repeated up to 3-4 times.

Toning and care

In order for a dark color to remain saturated longer, it must be periodically tinted. It is advisable to use a tonic of the same company, the paint of which you have chosen. These tools contain the same pigments, and the result of toning will be better.

Tonics with a lamination effect will enhance the color fastness and give the hair a smooth and beautiful shine.

Damage to dark hair is not as noticeable as on light. But the paint from the porous structure is washed out faster. Therefore, if you do not want to be painted once in two weeks, it is better to treat damaged hair before the first painting. Enough two-week course of regenerating masks, purchased or prepared according to popular recipes.

After any dyeing, it is advisable to refuse the thermowells for at least a couple of weeks and not dry the hair with too hot air. The coloring composition dissolves the protective fatty film, and the hair quickly dehydrates. Ultraviolet has a destructive effect on it, which protects against the spray with UV filters.

You should wash your hair with delicate shampoos for dyed hair and be sure to use balsam-rinse. Masks for nutrition and recovery is enough to apply 1-2 times a week, but this should be done constantly.

Careful handling and careful care are the main condition under which the colored hair will always look healthy and well-groomed.


Watch the video: THE HAIR COLOR THAT WILL BEST SUIT YOU AND YOUR SKIN TONE! bradmondo (July 2024).