Eyebrows and eyelashes

Paint your eyebrows at home: 5 steps to success


For painting it is necessary to prepare some accessories, although some of them are usually in the box with the gel:

  • gloves,
  • brush, comb for eyebrows and eyelashes,
  • fat cream,
  • cotton pads,
  • small glass, ceramic or plastic bowl.

A few days before the correction is made, trim the shape of the eyebrow, pull out the extra hairs - they sneak in too and can ruin the result by appearing in unexpected places. Do not do this immediately before staining, as the agent can get wounds and cause inflammation.

Erase makeup, wash, put hair back so that they do not get in the way, and cover the top of the clothes with an unnecessary towel - drops of paint may accidentally get here, and they do not wash off.

According to the instructions, dilute the product correctly in a bowl if you bought the powder, or simply squeeze out the required amount of gel. Make sure that the utensils are not metallic - there is always oxidation in the paint that can react with the metal. This will ruin the product, the bowl, and the skin.

After clearing eyebrows from cosmetics, apply a thick cream or petroleum jelly around them - this will protect the skin from the dye and keep its shape. It will be more convenient if you draw a contour of your eyebrow with a pencil: if you look at the dyeing process in the video, you will see that the paint should be strictly on the hairs, inside the neat figure. Comb the hairs and apply a thick layer of paint. Carefully read the instructions - it should be written, after how many minutes you can wash the tool. It usually takes 10–20 minutes, but it completely depends on the paint manufacturer.

When time runs out, moisten a cotton swab with cool water and wash off the dye. Then wash your face thoroughly so that there is no paint on the face. Brow color correction is complete.

Correction of eyebrows and eyelashes with the help of paint is a rather delicate procedure, strongly affecting the skin and hair follicles. Therefore, they need time to recover in order to repeat the coloring or reduce the color. To prevent hair loosening, properly care for them:

  • do not use soap and cleansers
  • wipe your eyebrows with vegetable oils and rich nourishing cream,
  • as a mask, you can use dried ginger, boiled in milk.

The color will last about a month, but from time to time new blond hairs will grow. They will be very different in color, so try to pull them out immediately. Do not tint them, frequent correction is harmful to the skin.

In this video, all the subtleties of step-by-step make-up for beginners are explained and explained. If you are just starting to dive into the world of cosmetics, it is recommended for viewing.

step by step instructions and features of the procedure

It is known how well-shaped eyebrows are important for the beauty of a woman. Their design will allow you to adjust the visual contour of the face, emphasize the expressiveness of the look and add charm. Eyebrow care is desirable to carry out in the salon, but it is not always possible to use the services of a beautician and makeup artist.

Eyebrow care can be carried out both in the salon and independently - at home

If necessary, staining eyebrows at home can be carried out no worse than at the hairdresser, you must follow simple instructions.

Eyebrow tinting is a simple procedure.

How to paint eyebrows and eyelashes with a pencil

Hair and other factors can change the visual image, you can not choose one form once and for all. Experiments and the search for a new style can give a wonderful result. Regular coloring of eyebrows at home, combined with the burden of creativity, will reveal the potential of appearance. To the result met expectations, experiments can be carried out with special stencils.

Tweezers correction procedure

Choosing the color of paint for shadows

The choice of dye is not such a simple question, as it may seem at first glance, the composition of most of them are similar to hair dye. The key difference is that ammonia is not used in eyebrow and eyelash colors. Many manufacturers are ready to please fashionistas with their own means, every year there are new products and fresh solutions.

Brow color is required to match hair color.

Terms of use of color: black, brown and others

The first thing you need to pay attention to is color:

  1. Blondes preferably dyed a tone darker than natural hair color
  2. dark-haired - one tone lighter,
  3. it is recommended to make eyelashes and eyebrows brown and red and gold-haired beauties

The chosen color should not be radically different from the hair color, 2-3 tones will add depth and emphasize the shape. It is required to withstand the style, and not look like a parrot at the fair.

Correction procedure in the cabin

What else to look for when choosing paint

Once you have decided on the color, you can go to the store and look for the cherished tube. Or a bottle. Or a box. Or something else:

  • Let out paint in the form of gel, paste or powder. To color eyebrows at home, it is desirable to choose a gel dye. There are less chances to be mistaken with the dosage and simpler procedure of mixing the components.

I learn to paint eyebrows at home - an overview of all ways

It is no secret that beautiful and well-defined eyebrows give the face a completely different image, facial features look completely different. If you are from birth a natural brunette with black eyebrows, then you just need to regularly monitor their shape. But owners of blond hair and eyebrows, it is much more difficult. They have to paint their eyebrows regularly. There are several ways to distinguish eyebrows: a pencil, a gel for imparting color and fixing the shape, eyebrow shadows, and of course, paint. What way to choose and how to do it you will learn in this article.

Why and what to paint eyebrows?

There are women who doubt: to dye or not to paint eyebrows. I'll tell you about the benefits of this procedure.

So, if you have bright and inexpressive eyebrows, then staining will give you some significant advantages:

  1. Make eyebrows clear and expressive.
  2. Creating makeup will take less time (if you paint the eyebrows with paint, of course, and you will not continue to draw them with a pencil).
  3. The procedure is available and safe for almost every woman.

I do not know about you, but I am a supporter of eyebrow tinting with either paint or folk remedies (the latter is preferable). Since it gives a longer result than using a pencil or gel, or eyebrow shadows. Probably, I think this way based on my own rhythm of life. I have a small child and I just can’t afford to spend too much time near the mirror. But this is my choice, and what choice you make is up to you.

First step

It is necessary to begin manipulations with eyebrows with a choice of their form. Recommendations, the choice of the shape of eyebrows depends on the type of person:

  • An oval face is considered the ideal of feminine beauty. In this case, the shape of the eyebrows should not change, it should emphasize the ideal. Choose a straight shape, with a slight bend and without significant kink.

Home Correction

When all preparations are finished, you can proceed to the main procedure:

    It is necessary to begin coloring with correction, level the eyebrow with tweezers and give it the desired shape. You can use not tweezers, but wax wax, but working with wax requires experience and special attention. Plus waxing is that after it does not remain a gun, which is almost impossible to remove with tweezers.

Even if the paint has hypoallergenic properties, it is first necessary to check it for individual intolerance of the skin to the components. To do this, on a small area of ​​the hand to apply a pea paint. In the absence of unpleasant sensations, wash off after 15 minutes, carefully examine the skin for redness or irritation. If during the day after the test, everything is in order, you can start painting.

How much does the effect of staining with henna and basma

Since ancient times, the home eyebrow coloring procedure was carried out using natural products. Basma and henna are the most famous of them, and popularity continues to this day. And although the coloring effect is not very stable, they have a positive effect on the health of hair.

How often should care for eyebrows

All hairs need attention, and brows are no exception. Nutrition and regular care will make them healthy. The procedure of care will not require much time and effort; it will be enough to make regular masks and massage:

  • Massage is carried out with a brush or a small comb. At the same time, the skin is stimulated, the follicles are activated and give the hairs strength.
  • Any cosmetic procedure adversely affects the hair. In order to prevent desiccation, it is required to pamper eyebrows with masks of plant herbs once every few days.

How to color eyebrows at home?

Many people mistakenly believe that eyebrows do not need care. But it is not. They need to be very attentive, because if you correctly raise the eyebrows, your eyes will become much more expressive. Therefore, girls often tint eyebrows with a pencil or special paint. True, it has a one-day effect and every morning you need to put cosmetics again. In the cabin make long-term paint, which lasts much longer. But is it possible to paint the eyebrows at home, and if so how?

Sure you may. And it is much easier than it seems. But here there are some nuances. Let's figure it out. And so, how to paint eyebrows at home.

How to choose eyebrow dye?

There can be no question of painting any eyebrows without the paint itself. To do this, go to the nearest perfume shop and select the desired bottle.

First, remember: no hair dye. It is too strong, it can damage the skin and the roots of the hairs. In addition, eyebrows are dangerously close to the eyes. Too “nuclear” paint can also affect vision. And why do you need hair product, if there is a separate eyebrow?

Secondly, eyebrow paints are of several types: gels, powders, and so on. If you are a beginner, then buy a gel better: it is easier to apply.

Thirdly, think about whether you are allergic to any chemicals, carefully study the composition of the product in order not to harm your face.

Color paint - this is the fourth. To pick it up you need a shade of hair. If the hair is light, take the paint a couple of tones darker (golden brown). If you are a brunette - a little lighter (a little lighter than black). Terracotta shades are perfect for red hair. In any case, you can experiment with different colors.

Inventory for painting

Paint alone is not enough. Now you need to purchase the necessary tools. Usually, everything is in the paint box, but if not, here’s a list:

  1. Brush
  2. A small jar (paint tank is not metal!), A spatula or a spoon for mixing
  3. Gloves, towel, cape on the shoulders
  4. Cream and / or Vaseline
  5. Cotton pads, napkins
  6. Cotton swab or a special stick for paint

Also in the box with paint should be an instruction. Before painting start, study it. The general principle is the same, but different manufacturers may have their own important nuances (painting time, for example, or proportions for a mortar).

If everything is ready, you can proceed.

Color eyebrows at home. Stages.

First, wash your face and let it dry. Take away your hair so that they do not interfere. Just in case, throw a cape over your shoulders. Wear gloves.

Now you need to mix paint. The instructions indicate whether this should be done (perhaps the paint is already in the right concentration). Maybe the instruction requires you to observe certain proportions or use other substances. Follow the directions written there. Usually the paint should be mixed with hydrogen peroxide or another oxidizing agent. The resulting mixture should be thick, like honey. You can ask the makeup artist for advice if you are not sure if you are doing everything correctly.

So, when the mixture is ready, comb your eyebrows. Grease the skin around with a greasy cream. Suitable and ordinary petroleum jelly. Take a brush and scoop it a little paint. Apply a thick layer of it on the eyebrows. Try to keep the mixture out of the skin. If this happens, hurry to remove it with a cotton swab or disc.

Apply the paint slowly, gradually, painting over each hair (remember, if you suddenly miss one, it will then stand out like gray hair).

After that you need to wait 5 to 20 minutes (usually indicated in the instructions). When time is up, carefully remove the paint with cotton pads or napkins. Then wash with warm water. Remember that now your skin is very weak. She needs time to recover, so try not to wash your face with products that may contain strong chemicals.

How to care for eyebrows after painting

Any, even the most delicate paint dries the skin and hair roots. Therefore, to the eyebrows were silky and thick, it is necessary to care for them.

Immediately after dyeing, apply a little heavy cream or castor oil. They will help the eyebrows recover. A mixture of oils: castor, camphor and sunflower (5 drops each) also works well. This makeup will provide eyebrows with some useful elements.

Another good tool is a mixture of dried figs, boiled in milk. It must be put on the eyebrows for an hour.

In addition, an ordinary massage helps well: it relaxes the skin, improves blood circulation. Simply massage the skin of the eyebrows with the fingertips in the direction of the hairs. And do not forget to comb them.

A few tips on how to paint your eyebrows at home

If you are not sure that you can cope on your own, call a friend who has already done this himself. And the best option would be to first visit the salon and watch a professional.

Choosing paint, forget about saving. The cheapest option may not be very high quality. Yes, and the most expensive may not be suitable. Better study the composition and ask for help from a professional.

For a day or more (but not less) before painting, correct the shape of the eyebrows. If you didn’t have time to do this before, you don’t need to pull the hairs right after. Let your skin recover a little. Adjust the eyebrows or the day before the painting, or the day after.

If you do not like the resulting color, you can wash it off a little. To do this, use a mixture of ammonia and lemon. But again, not earlier than the day after painting.

Yes, it is faster and cheaper to paint eyebrows at home. But if suddenly it turns out not the way you wanted, you still have to go to the master. So if you can find a little time, it is better to go to the salon immediately. At least, it will be possible to be sure that the result will not disappoint.

Do not paint eyebrows more than once a month. The skin needs a little time to recover.

How to paint yourself at home eyebrows - video

We offer you a detailed video painting eyebrows at home. It is clear, beautiful, high quality.

Be careful. Successful painting eyebrows.

Category: Makeup | Tags: eyebrows | 2 comments

Paint your eyebrows at home: 5 steps to success

Author Alexey Ozhogin Date May 25, 2016

It is known how well-shaped eyebrows are important for the beauty of a woman. Their design will allow you to adjust the visual contour of the face, emphasize the expressiveness of the look and add charm.Eyebrow care is desirable to carry out in the salon, but it is not always possible to use the services of a beautician and makeup artist.

Eyebrow care can be carried out both in the salon and independently - at home

If necessary, staining eyebrows at home can be carried out no worse than at the hairdresser, you must follow simple instructions.

Eyebrow tinting is a simple procedure.

We start painting

For painting hair and eyebrows at home you need to carefully prepare. At hand should be:

    tweezers or tweezers,

  • paint for eyebrows and eyelashes
  • cream,
  • tonic or other degreasing liquid
  • paint mixing tank
  • mixing paddle
  • brush and stick for application,

    Eyebrow brush

    Table of contents

    In order for your make-up to be flawless, you need to approach every detail thoroughly. Eye makeup will not iron expressively if the eyebrow shape is not properly selected. Each person's shape, thickness and width of the eyebrows are different.

    Now we will talk about how to paint eyebrows and care for them. Remember that when choosing the shape of the eyebrows is very important to consider the type of face and eye shape.

    How to choose a color for painting eyebrows

    Eyebrow shades are different and it is important to choose the right tone that is right for you. Having painted eyebrows in a certain color, you will have to live with this shade for some time. Before painting, you must choose the shape of the eyebrows and pull out excess hair. In order to choose the form that suits you, contact a professional. And then you can maintain this form itself.

    So, black color is suitable only for brunettes. If your hair shade is a little lighter than hot black, then it is better to mix brown and black when painting. Brown shades fit brown. But blondes do not recommend using eyebrow tinting at all. It is better to learn more about how to paint eyebrows with a pencil. The color of cosmetics for blondes is better to choose from shades of light brown and gray tones.

    Eyebrow dye is sold in makeup shops. As in hair dyes, this tool has instructions for using it at home. Before you start painting very carefully read the instructions and tips.

    Before you dye your eyebrows at home, you need to choose the appropriate color.

    To protect the skin around the eyebrows from unwanted staining, it is necessary to apply a nourishing cream around the eyebrows. Apply paint with a special brush or wand. Painting itself will take 10 minutes. Then you need to wash the cosmetic with water.

    Before the procedure, be sure to pass the test for an allergic reaction to avoid undesirable results.

    Tools for coloring eyebrows at home

    Eyebrow coloring products should be purchased in specialized stores. It is very important to choose the right shade of paint. It should be one or two tones darker than your hair color.

    For coloring eyebrows shadows it is important to choose the right shades of cosmetics.

    Owners of blond hair should pay attention to grayish shades, girls with dark hair - to black paint, and girls with red hair and brown hair - to brown tones of paint. To effect was natural, you can mix colors of paints. Thus, it will be possible to achieve the most approximate result.

    Never use hair dye to color eyebrows.

    The most common option to paint the eyebrows is a pencil. After you have chosen a particular shape and plucked out unnecessary hairs, you can begin to apply this cosmetic. Do not use eyeliner at all.

    The special feature of the eyebrow pencil is that it has a solid structure and a sharp tip. When applied it is possible to combine colors. At the beginning of the eyebrow it is necessary to apply a darker shade and gradually, towards the end of the eyebrow, lighten the tone. What color to paint eyebrows? The most important thing is to choose an approximate shade to the hair. Otherwise, the eyebrows will be as a separate part. In make-up is a very important combination of all shades.

    To paint eyebrows with a pencil is the easiest and most popular method.

    How to dye your eyebrows at home? Step-by-step instruction

    Coloring eyebrows with a pencil.

    • Sharpen the selected eyebrow pencil and place in the freezer for a few minutes.
    • Pre-prepared eyebrow area should be brushed with a special brush.
    • Apply a pencil with gentle movements, starting from the inner corner of the eyebrow.
    • You can not sum up the eyebrow in one, solid line, as the arrows draw.
    • It is necessary to delineate the boundaries.
    • For those with thick eyebrows, you need to brush your eyebrows with a special brush at the end of staining.
    • At the end should be shaded pencil.

    To color eyebrows using paint, you need to do the following:

    • Two, three days before the painting it is important to choose the shape and correct the eyebrows in order to avoid unnecessary inflammation after staining.
    • Be sure to wear gloves.
    • Prepare a paint (10 drops of oxidant per 2 ml of dye).
    • Apply a cream around the staining site.
    • Mix the paint thoroughly.
    • Use a brush to paint gently.
    • Wait 10 minutes.
    • Use a cotton pad to wash away the tool.

    How often do I need to paint eyebrows? Coloring eyebrows with paint can be done in a month.

    Phased technology for coloring eyebrows at home.

    After dyeing, hair growth does not stop, and therefore, it is necessary to make a correction after some time. If you have a thyroid disease or skin seborrhea, then the hairs may become thin and not evenly growing. Of course, in order to avoid such consequences, the disease itself must be treated. Feeding the hair on the eyebrows can always be a fat, moisturizing cream. Very well nourish the hair roots a variety of oils.

    It is undesirable to dye eyebrows during pregnancy, as any chemical effect can have a bad effect on health. In this regard, pregnant girls are not advised to paint their eyebrows. So what is the best way to paint eyebrows during pregnancy? Of course, using a regular eyebrow pencil and after washing off the makeup, nourish the skin with natural masks and creams.

    Experts recommend using homemade eyebrow care masks. For the preparation of such a tool, we need oil. It can be either sunflower, peach or flaxseed. The required amount of this oil is 10 grams. Next, take 5 grams of castor and 1-2 drops of camphor oil. All thoroughly mixed and applied. This eyebrow mask is perfect because it acts like food after dyeing in a hair salon.

    There is another simple popular recipe. It is necessary to mix 5 grams of vaseline oil, castor oil and beeswax. And apply this mixture every week.

    To care for eyebrows after dyeing should use a variety of homemade masks.

    There are vitamin masks. We need to cook dried figs in milk. Then it should be put in a gauze, which we previously turned into several layers. And attach this combination on the eyebrows. Next, put the compress paper and cover with a towel. This mask must be kept for 1 hour. This procedure is recommended to be done every week.

    First, determine the correct shape for you.

    How? Very simply, it requires a mirror and a pencil.

    First, attach a pencil so that it touches the wing of the nose and nose. Put a dot over the eyebrow - here the eyebrow begins

    After we put the pencil so that it passes through the middle of the lips. He touched the wing of the nose and passed through the pupil. Put a dot over the eyebrow - there should be a bend

    The last point - the end of the eyebrow is determined by setting the pencil so that it goes from the wing of the nose through the outer corner of the eye.

    What can paint eyebrows?

    As a result of perennial fashion on well-groomed natural eyebrows, a lot of various eyebrow dyeing tools have appeared:

    1. The most common and familiar way - a cosmetic pencil. This option is suitable for day or evening makeup, but it does not differ persistence, so pencil is not suitable for going to the beach or to the gym. There is nothing more untidy than makeup smeared on the face. In addition, the process of makeup using a pencil requires good artistic skills and a lot of time every day. The undoubted advantage of a pencil is the absence of harm to hair and skin. Eyebrow Pencil Eyebrow Shadow Eyebrow Wax
    2. Eye shadow and eyebrow wax. Such staining is more reliable than a pencil, but is not waterproof and is not suitable for extreme conditions. First, using a brush to apply shading on the hairs, and then fix the result with a special wax. The advantage of this method is that the eyebrows perfectly retain their shape throughout the day.
    3. Henna staining is considered more benign than resistant paint. The result lasts about two weeks. In addition, it has a firming effect on the hairs. From the minuses of this procedure: henna can flow or crumble, and the process itself is more complicated and longer than the dyeing of paint, therefore, it is almost impossible to carry out the procedure at home. Henna for eyebrows Permanent eyebrow paint Permanent eyebrow makeup
    4. Permanent paint gives lasting effect up to three weeks. The paint does not fade in the sun and is not washed off with water, so you can safely go to the beach, to the pool or to the gym, without fear that your eyebrows will “float”. It is possible to paint eyebrows both in salon, and independently at home.
    5. Permanent make-up (tattooing) is the procedure for introducing a special pigment into the upper layers of the dermis. There are various techniques that allow the shape and color of eyebrows to be as close to natural as possible. The result of the tattoo can stay for a year or more.

    How to paint eyebrows? The choice is made entirely individually. In order to paint eyebrows at home, you should prefer permanent paint, as its application is as simple as possible, and the result is resistant.

    What else is required for coloring eyebrows

    Seeing how to color eyebrows in the cabin, you can easily repeat the procedure at home. This will require:

    1. Eyebrow dye. It is better to choose high-quality, which can be purchased at a beauty salon or a professional cosmetics store. Eyebrow paint Brush for applying paint on eyebrows Fatty face cream Cellophane gloves
    2. Fine paint brush. It is better to choose a brush of medium hardness made of artificial bristles so that you can carefully paint over each hair.
    3. Oily face cream that protects the skin from staining.
    4. Gloves (rubber or cellophane).
    5. Eyebrow comb.
    6. Cotton swabs in case you need to adjust something.
    7. Black cosmetic pencil or black gel pen for marking contours. Eyebrow comb Cotton pads and sticks Black cosmetic pencil Micellar water
    8. Cotton discs for removing paint.
    9. Micellar water for skin treatment before and after dyeing.

    If you suddenly need to erase the paint from the eyebrows, you can use the "Curl" - a means for chemical perm hair, a few milliliters of which should be borrowed in advance from your master hairdresser. You can also consult with him what color is better for eyebrows, and consult about the shade.

    Eyebrow staining

    Once everything you need is ready, you can start painting. At the preparation stage, you should carefully collect the hair so that the strands do not fall on the face, since even individual hairs can smear the paint and spoil everything. A bang is better to stab or remove under the bandage.

    1. First you need to remove makeup. For this, it is better to use a cotton pad moistened with micellar water, or makeup remover. To permanently remove the remnants of cosmetics from the face, it is better to wash with warm water with the usual gel or foam.
    2. Eyebrows are well combed with a special brush, first from bottom to top, and then - in the direction of hair growth.
    3. Using black eyeliner or regular gel pen to draw the contours. The eyebrow should start from the line drawn from the wings of the nose upwards and end at the intersection with an imaginary straight line running from the bottom of the nostrils to the outer corner of the eye. To mark these points, you can use a long pencil or a ruler. Bending should be selected depending on the shape of the face. The angle should not be too sharp and sharp so that the eyebrows do not look unnatural. The thickness is chosen depending on the size of the facial features, but eyebrows should not be like strings or be too wide.
    4. Using a cotton swab, apply a thick cream around the eyebrows, without interfering with the drawn lines.

    Apply the cream around the eyebrows

  • To mix the paint will need to find a small glass or plastic container, if it was not in the package with paint. In no case can not use metal. Before proceeding to the preparation of the coloring mixture, you should wear gloves.
  • In the capacity we place 1-2 grams of the dye mixture prepared strictly according to the instructions in the package. In order to mix the ingredients, you can use a toothpick or cotton swab, if the kit does not have a special scoop.
  • Using a thin or beveled brush, apply the paint on the eyebrows, starting from the outer corner. For example, you can first paint the outer part of one eyebrow to the corner, then do the same with the second one and then continue the design of the internal parts. This is done to ensure that the outer corners are more saturated. When applying paint, you should try not to go beyond the drawn contour.
  • The dwell time of the paint depends on the intensity of the desired shade, but no more than specified in the instructions.
  • The paint should first be removed with a cotton swab dipped in warm water, and then wash well with gel or foam, paying particular attention to the area around the eyebrows.
  • Now you can slightly correct the shape of the eyebrows and remove loose hair from the total mass with tweezers.
  • How to paint eyebrows at home - video

    A few more tips on how to wash off the paint from the eyebrows, if the color turned out too saturated, without resorting to extreme methods in the form of hydrogen peroxide and “Lokona”:

    • Apply a thin layer with a cotton swab on your eyebrows with castor, burdock or olive oil. After one hour, remove with a cotton pad dipped in alcohol-based tonic. Repeat the procedure several times to obtain the desired color intensity.
    • cut a cotton disc in half, moisten it in lemon juice, diluted with water, squeeze well and put on painted eyebrows. Hold no more than 10 minutes, constantly checking the result. After that, wash well with warm water and apply a moisturizer.

    Painted eyebrow care

    Eyebrows, like hair, require regular care before and after dyeing. Even well-dyed, the correct form, they will not look well-groomed, if the hairs are sparse and thin. Therefore, you should definitely pay a few minutes a day to properly care for them:

    1. Regular combing with a special small brush. Hairs should be carefully combed in different directions.
    2. Oil masks for strengthening and growth. Perfectly suitable olive, peach, castor, burdock oil.
    3. If the hairs are too sparse, you can use special means to stimulate growth. As a budget alternative, use alcoholic tincture of red pepper, menthol.Apply such masks should be very carefully, in a thin layer, preventing them from spreading.
    4. Lay with special gel or wax. These tools will help maintain the desired shape of the eyebrows during the day and visually make the hairs thicker and thicker.

    Beautiful eyebrows of the correct form always emphasize the eyes favorably, make the look more expressive. The better to paint eyebrows and what form to give them, is decided individually. In pursuit of fashion trends, we should not forget that the choice of outlines and colors should depend on the shape of the face, the color of hair, eyes and skin.

    Option 1. Pencil

    The choice of a pencil should be approached with all the responsibility, as well-chosen shade can work wonders with your appearance. Pencil need to pick up depending on the hair color and image created.

    Classic eyebrow pencil - black. But the blonde with black eyebrows, at least, will look ridiculous, and even vulgar, agree. Although one of my friends (natural blonde) regularly used exactly black. It looks, I tell you, terrible.

    How to choose the right color pencil:

    • Black pencil is suitable for owners of dark brown and black hair.
    • Dark brown eyebrow pencil should be used by women with red, brown and blond hair.
    • Beige or ash-brown pencil is perfect for owners of blond hair.
    • Reddish brown is just perfect redhead. But it has a rather bright and saturated color, so not every woman agrees to use it.

    For coloring eyebrows allowed the use of two shades of pencils. Thus, you can create a more natural effect.

    Attention! But there is one secret: a dark pencil should be applied at the beginning of the eyebrows, and a lighter one should be closer to the end.

    A few rules for using eyebrow pencil:

    • Do not paint eyebrows with eyeliner.
    • Choose a hard and sharp pencil.
    • Never press on the eyebrows with a pencil (you can hurt them).

    How to make eyebrows with a pencil? First you need to sharpen a pencil and put it in the freezer for a couple of minutes. So he will become even harder.

    Having determined the places that need to be corrected, lightly stroke them with a “hairs” pencil.

    Never "draw" eyebrows with one continuous strip. Just slightly outline their boundaries.

    It remains to brush your eyebrows a little with a special eyebrow brush (this is how you blend the pencil and make it less noticeable) and your eyebrows are ready!

    Option 2. Eyebrow Shadow

    You can tint eyebrows with the help of shadows. Shadows, unlike pencils, will look more natural on the eyebrows.

    You should first brush your eyebrows, then use a sponge or brush to apply a small amount of eye shadow to the eyebrows. It is better to use black, gray and brown shades.

    Attention! Shadows should be matte, not shiny!

    Shadows apply only to the part you want to create. After application, brush the brows again. Excess shadows formed on the face and around the eyebrows - wipe.

    To dye your eyebrows with a pencil or shadow, it’s not necessary to go to a beauty salon at all; you can easily learn how to do it yourself. But coloring eyebrows paint - is another. The first time is better to still visit the salon and try to remember all the manipulations of the master, to know how to do it correctly.

    Option 3. Paint

    Choosing the right paint is not an easy thing. In addition to the shade, which after dyeing should be 1-2 tones darker than the hair, you need to decide on the manufacturer. Some unscrupulous manufacturers of paints use components that cause serious allergic reactions.

    Attention! If you are painting your eyebrows for the first time or have acquired a paint of an unknown manufacturer, be sure to perform a sensitivity test!

    How to conduct a test, you probably know. But just in case, let me remind you: apply a small amount of paint on the skin behind the ear or on the wrist and wait. If there is no reaction, you can use this paint.

    So, before staining (best for a day), you should adjust the desired shape of the eyebrows. This is necessary so that during the staining the inflammation around the eyebrows is already gone.

    Now we put on gloves and prepare the paint: dilute 2 ml of dye and 10 drops of oxidizer in a ceramic or glass container. The skin around the eyebrows pre-smear with fat cream, it is possible for children. Mixing the paint until smooth, apply it on the eyebrows and wait 10 minutes. After a time, wash off the paint with a cotton pad and running water.

    Important! Do not hold the paint on the eyebrows for more than 10 minutes! And never use hair dye for eyebrows!

    Eyebrow care after dyeing

    After dyeing, eyebrows require careful care.

    In the next few days is not recommended to use any cosmetics for washing. Because these tools can significantly change the color of the paint or make it pale and dull.

    When the hairs begin to grow, they should be plucked regularly, as they will be different in color from dyed.

    From the effects of dye, hairs can change their structure and become more brittle or thinner. To avoid such consequences, periodically lubricate the eyebrows with special creams or oils (very good use of castor or olive oil). It is also useful to comb eyebrows and massage.

    Folk coloring products

    Actually, I am a supporter of natural (popular) means, and not only in coloring. Therefore, I offer you the popular methods of eyebrow dyeing, as it seems to me, that give results no worse than cosmetic (consisting mainly of chemical elements).

    In order to color eyebrows with tea and coffee, you should grind 20 grams of coffee beans in a coffee grinder and pour half a glass of hot water, let it infuse for 15 minutes.

    Never pour coffee with boiling water! So too high temperature destroys almost all the useful properties of the drink.

    In parallel, brew black, preferably large leaf tea, without additives. After the specified time, strain the tea and coffee and mix. Take cotton pads and dip them in the mixture for one minute, then apply to eyebrows. This should be done within 10-15 minutes, periodically dipping the discs into the mixture of drinks.

    A mixture of black tea and coffee will not only color your eyebrows with a beautiful chocolate shade, but also make them more elastic, improve their growth, and give a healthy shine. This procedure should be carried out daily for ten days. The result will be noticeable after 4-5 days.

    A known eyebrow coloring agent. It is easily available on the Internet or in specialized oriental stores, as the plant is originally from Asia. It is sold most often in the form of oil.

    Apply the oil on the eyebrows with a brush from the mascara and leave for 30 minutes, after treating the areas around the eyebrows with a thick cream. Do not worry if after washing you will not see the desired result of staining. The fact is that the color after coloring with a bottle appears in a few days. To fix the result, you can repeat the procedure the next day.

    Perhaps the most common and affordable tool for coloring eyebrows. The stores sell henna with various shades for every taste. Dissolve henna to the consistency of thick sour cream and apply on eyebrows (do not forget about the rich cream around), soak for about 15 minutes. Then rinse with cotton pads soaked in water.

    Do you paint henna eyebrows for the first time? Then do not overdo it, but rather repeat the staining the next day. Because, you do not know how henna will color your eyebrows for the first time.

    I really like this way of coloring. Walnuts not only perfectly darken your eyebrows, but also make it for a long time. In addition, walnuts are very useful, they contain useful substances that positively affect the growth and strengthening of the hair.

    Attention! An infusion of walnut colors all that touches! Therefore, before the procedure, be sure to wear gloves.

    For staining you need 5-6 walnuts. Cleanse them of the shell, but do not throw anything away. Pour the shells and kernels with 0.5 glass of water and cook for 30-40 minutes over low heat. Then cool the broth to room temperature and filter. Stain cleaner ready!

    Using a cotton swab, apply the product to the eyebrows, soak for 30 minutes and rinse with cool water. If the shade is lighter than you wanted, repeat the procedure the next day. After the second procedure, the eyebrows become darker by several tones at once.

    Sage - is primarily a medicinal herb, it is very often used for the treatment of falling hair. Sage saturate your eyebrows with nutrients, eliminate damage and will promote their growth.

    To prepare the infusion, take a tablespoon of sage and pour 0.5 glass of boiling water. Leave to infuse for an hour, then strain and apply eyebrows to them. No need to flush! Infusion is quickly absorbed and tints eyebrows on the floor tone. For a darker shade, conduct the procedure daily until you achieve the desired result.

    I note that when dyeing the eyebrows with sage, it is not necessary to lubricate the skin around with a rich cream, since the infusion of sage colors only the hairs.

    A great option for painting eyebrows. You can safely call an alternative to chemical staining.

    With the help of soy sauce, it is easy to dye eyebrows a few tones darker. To do this, mix the soy sauce with vinegar 1: 1, put the mixture on the eyebrows and leave for 10 minutes. Then simply wash our face with warm water.


    I want to note that, in the main, folk remedies do not give an instant result, but they paint the eyebrows gradually, but they are absolutely harmless and safe not only for eyebrows, but also for the whole organism.

    Another tip: never dye your eyebrows (like your hair) on critical days! The result may be the most unpredictable.

    Cosmetic pencil

    This is the most popular, affordable and easy way to color eyebrows at home. Pencil can be used for both day and evening makeup.

    The disadvantage of a pencil is its resistance to water. Therefore, eyebrow dyeing with a pencil should not be carried out before visiting the beach, bath, pool. The advantage is the absence of negative effects on the skin and hair.

    Eyebrow Shadows and Wax

    Shadows and waxes can be used to create a casual or evening look. This method of staining is more resistant than staining with a pencil, but also washed off with water. Shadows and waxes are used at the same time: first, the shadows of the required color are applied, then fixed with wax.

    Eyebrow tattoo

    This method of painting does not suit girls who decide to paint the edge at home on their own. The procedure of permanent makeup is carried out by a specialist in a beauty salon after prior consultation.

    The procedure takes some time. The effect lasts a year or more. The procedure involves the introduction of a special coloring pigment in the upper layers of the skin of the eyebrows.

    Eyebrow henna

    At home, you can paint the eyelashes and eyebrows using henna. The advantage of this method is naturalness and safety. In addition, henna staining is more resistant than shadows, wax or pencil and holds on hairs for more than two weeks.

    The disadvantage of this method is the complexity of the procedure. During dyeing henna can crumble, drain. Therefore, the painting process takes a lot of time and effort.

    Eyebrow dye

    Every woman can paint her eyebrows with paint. This method of painting is simple - just follow the instructions for applying the paint. After painting eyebrow paint color will last 2-3 weeks. At the same time, the paint is not washed off with water and does not fade in the sun.

    Let us dwell on the last two methods in more detail.

    Choosing paint

    To get the desired result, you need to choose the right shade that suits you. As a rule, eyebrow specialists prefer eyebrow dye, which is one or two shades darker than your hair shade. Therefore, do not dwell on black paint. A brown, dark brown, graphite or dark graphite shade will look more natural and attractive. Also do not be afraid to experiment. If you are not satisfied with the shade after the first painting, try to mix paint of several colors.

    • If you are the owner of blond hair, choose light brown or golden brown paint shade. Blondes also suit colors with shades of gray.
    • If you have red hair, eyebrow paint is perfect for you. terracotta.
    • If you are brown-haired, you are very lucky. All shades of brown will suit you: dark brown, golden brown, light brown and chocolate shades. Also, you are perfect graphite shade. In addition, you can mix black and brown paint. This will allow your edges to look natural and attractive.
    • If you are a hot brunette, choose a paint of dark shades: black or dark brown.


    Today, manufacturers offer a wide variety of colors. On the market are paints in the form gel powder. If you paint the edge for the first time at home, get paint in the form of a gel - this will facilitate its application.

    Before painting eyebrows, it is important to test for an allergic reaction. Eyebrow dye is a chemical that can cause unpredictable effects: rash, itching, redness, swelling.

    Test for an allergic reaction the day before the intended staining. To do this, apply a little paint on your wrist or elbow. If within 24 hours there are no adverse reactions, the paint can be safely used for coloring eyebrows.

    What you need to color eyebrows

    Before dyeing your eyebrows you need to make sure that you have everything you need for the procedure. So, to dye your eyebrows with paint or henna, you will need:

    1. Paint or henna for painting eyebrows.
    2. Eyebrow tweezers.
    3. Cosmetic pencil that will help you draw the contour of the eyebrows.
    4. Cotton pads or cotton to remove the pigment from the eyebrows.
    5. Brush for applying paint and eyebrows.
    6. Spatula for mixing coloring pigment and oxidant.
    7. Cotton swabs are needed to "correct" the paint, if accidentally applied to the skin.
    8. A greasy cream or petroleum jelly will help prevent paint from entering the skin.
    9. Plastic tank for mixing paint.
    10. Rubber or cellophane gloves to prevent paint from getting on your hands.

    How to paint eyebrows at home

    After you have everything ready, the question arises how to paint your eyebrows at home. To paint the eyebrows paint follow the following guidelines.

    • Step 1 . Free your face from hair. To do this, just collect the hair in the tail and stabbed bangs. Hair that will fall on your face can ruin all the work - smear the dye on the face.
    • Step 2. Clean your face from makeup. A clean face is the key to your good luck. Indeed, often cosmetics can lead to the fact that the dye pigment does not work or "will take the islands." To clean the face, use micellar water or a special makeup remover. For the best effect after the makeup removal procedure, we recommend washing your face with warm water using soap, foam or washing gel.
    • Step 3. Eyebrow shaping. This is a very important stage, which is necessary before painting. Clear and regular contour - a pledge of beautiful eyebrows. On how to properly create the shape of eyebrows, we told in the last article: How to properly shape the eyebrows by type of face
    • Step 4 . Apply a thick cream or vaseline around your eyebrows with your fingers or with a cotton swab. Try not to stand up for the drawn eyebrow lines.
    • Step 5. In a prepared container, mix paint and oxidant according to the instructions on the package with paint. Use a spatula or a special stick attached to the paint to mix the paint thoroughly until smooth.
    • Step 6. Using a brush, apply paint to the eyebrows. For a more natural and clear outline, makeup artists recommend putting paint first on the outer part of the eyebrows, then on the inner part.
    • Step 7. Keep the paint on the eyebrows depending on the desired result. If you want to get the most saturated color, keep according to the specified time on the package. For softer colors, hold the paint for 5 minutes or more.
    • Step 8. Using a cotton pad, remove the paint from the eyebrows. After wash your face with warm water with special cleansers.

    Before starting the procedure, watch the following video to be more knowledgeable about eyebrow tinting.

    Henna eyebrow dyeing

    Henna is an excellent coloring agent. It will not only paint your brows, but also nourishes the skin and hairs with useful substances that will promote their growth and strengthening.

    So, how to dye your eyebrows with henna? To do this, follow the instructions below.

    • Step 1 . Pierce your hair so that it does not interfere with the process of dyeing.
    • Step 2. Remove makeup from face with special makeup remover.
    • Step 3. Decorate the edges - create the desired shape with a pencil and tweezers.
    • Step 4. Prepare henna for staining. To do this, dissolve henna in a plastic or glass container: mix 5 g of henna with hot, salted water until a creamy mass is obtained. Let stand for 10 minutes. Add lemon juice. If you want to achieve a different effect from staining with henna, you can add cocoa and coffee to it to get darker and more resistant shades.
    • Step 5 . Apply a thick cream or petroleum jelly around the brow contour.
    • Step 6. Apply henna to the eyebrows, starting from the tips, gradually moving to the inner corner of the eyes. Leave to affect for 20-90 minutes depending on the desired shade.
    • Step 7. Remove the henna with a dry cotton pad.
    • Step 8. Apply to the tail eyebrows, starting from the middle of a little more henna. And leave to impact for 10 minutes. Such manipulations will help to achieve the most natural color of the eyebrows.
    • Step 9. Remove the henna with a dry cotton pad.

    After the henna dyeing procedure, it is not recommended to wet the edge, and even more so use aggressive peels, foams and gels for washing. Since simple washing can reduce the entire effect of painting to "no."

    If you want to dye your eyebrows with Basma, we recommend mixing it with henna in various proportions, depending on the desired shade. For a darker shade, mix henna and basma in a 1: 1 ratio, for lighter shades mix basma and henna in a 1: 2 ratio.

    Care for eyebrows after painting

    After dyeing, you need to care not only for the hair, but also for the eyebrows. If you have the right care, your brows will always be the correct shape, the hairs will be strong and shiny.

    1. The first step in the care of the eyebrows is their regular combing in different directions.
    2. After this procedure, we recommend lubricating the brows with burdock or castor oil overnight. This will give them strength, beauty. Also, oil contributes to the acceleration of hair growth, so that your brows will become thick and beautiful.
    3. Once or twice a week, make compresses with warm vegetable oil: olive oil, wheat germ oil, cocoa and others. To do this, heat up some oil and moisten cotton pads in it. Put a compress on the edge for 15 minutes.
    4. Regularly massage. It helps to improve blood flow, which will increase the supply of nutrients and oxygen, so that your brows will become strong and shiny.


    Each of the methods of painting eyebrows has its own contraindications. Therefore, before using a cosmetic pencil, eye shadow, paint and other coloring agents, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions for use, where possible side reactions and contraindications to use are indicated.

    We do not recommend staining with:

    • the presence of allergic reactions to one of the components of the product that you use to color eyebrows,
    • increased skin sensitivity
    • the presence of infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the eyes,
    • pregnancy and lactation.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    As with any procedure, coloring eyebrows at home has its advantages and disadvantages. So, if you paint the edge of the house yourself you:

    • Save money - to paint eyelashes and eyebrows in the cabin is often unreasonably expensive: you pay not only for the paint, but also for the work of the master, the atmosphere in the cabin and so on. At the same time coloring eyebrows will cost you more than 300 rubles. Instead, you can purchase the paint yourself for less money, enough for a year or more.
    • Save time - you forget to sign up for the dyeing procedure, your master is busy at a convenient time for you, you just forgot to come. If you paint the edge of the house, it will not take you much time. Plus, after applying the paint, for 20 minutes of its action, you can, for example, make dinner or watch your favorite show.
    • Get consistent results - Coloring eyebrows at home has the same lasting result as after salon painting.

    Painting eyebrows at home has one drawback - it is dissatisfaction with his own work after the first coloring. This is due to the fact that you are not an expert and the first coloring you might not get quite perfectly. However, you should not be upset, you will get a little practice and edge not worse than that of a master with extensive experience.

    And in order that the effect of painting eyebrows satisfied you from the first attempt:

    • paint brows slowly,
    • prepare all necessary inventory before the procedure,
    • before painting, for a day, test for an allergic reaction,
    • choose a quality paint that will suit you,
    • don't buy paint to match your hair
    • Do not use for dyeing eyebrows hair dye.


    Watch the video: What To Do What Not To Do Drag Makeup Tutorial (July 2024).