
Bad habits for hair: that is why your hairstyle looks unimportant!


Today, the Internet is full of useful hair care tips. Beauty bloggers vied with each other, “uncovering secrets,” which are often absolutely contradictory.

Today we have tried to collect 18 tips for hair care, which will help women of fashion in their difficult choice: curly - straighten, and even - wind.

1. Timely wash

Regular and timely hair washing.

Often we hear that frequent washing of the head leads to hair loss and deterioration of their condition. It is not true. Care for the scalp is extremely important, because it is her condition that determines the beauty and health of the hair. Therefore, you need to wash your hair as they are contaminated. That is, if your sebaceous glands are active and you need daily washing, do it.

2. Attention to the roots

Care for hair roots and scalp.

Most people pay too much attention to the ends of their hair, completely forgetting about the scalp, roots and hair follicles. To avoid blockage of the sebaceous glands, a high-quality cleansing of the scalp is required. Sometimes you need to use a scrub for the scalp, which will help get rid of dead cells, as well as hair that is in telogen.

Use the wrong comb

It turns out that the state of your hair style directly depends on the comb. If you regularly use a brush with natural boar bristles, then we advise you to immediately stop doing it. Otherwise, in the near future you risk shaving bald like Cara Delevingne (she did it for the sake of a new role, but you are not). “Such brushes can be used, but without fanaticism. - They have too dense “brushes” that literally compress hair and violate their integrity, ”says Cash Lavless, a stylist. - If you use them a couple of times a week, then nothing bad will happen, but more often I do not recommend it. And even more so in no case use them on wet hair (in the wet state they are too fragile and brittle). "

Tip: use a brush with nylon cloves (with rounded tips).

Braiding wet hair

“It doesn't matter if you make a tail, a pigtail or a bun, you should not braid wet hair,” says stylist Tommy Buckett. - Of course, while the hair is wet, it is easiest to collect and discipline them, but when wet, they stretch heavily and their internal connections are broken. As a result, they become super-fragile. ” If the "tension" of the hair is constant, it can lead to their loss.

Tip: if after all you had to urgently braid wet hair, treat them after - use nourishing and moisturizing masks.

Wrong oil

We all know that hair oil is a joy. But bear in mind that if you applied a butter product, and then decided to “polish” the whole thing with an iron or tongs, you literally “killed” all life on your head.

Tip: use thermal spray before styling, and apply oil only in the evening (when you do not need to do your haircut).

Wrong combing hair

We are accustomed to combing hair from top to bottom, but we need to do the opposite. Not literally, of course, but almost! “When you comb your hair, always start at the ends, and then just go to the bottom,” recommends the stylist Cash Loveless.

Tip: for the tips and roots need different products. And if you decided to do the styling, then use at least a couple of tools. Put the serum on the tips, and on the roots of salt or dry shampoo.

Often you touch hair

This also applies to simple random touch of the hands, and to obsessive thoughts again and again to comb the hair. Both of these habits have a negative effect on the state of your hairstyle. And however strange it may sound, but you only make your hair dirtier and scruffy.

Tip: do not touch your hair unnecessarily, try to turn your attention to something else. Or just fix the hair with a gum. And take it as a rule to comb twice a day: in the morning and in the evening for a minute - this will be quite enough!

Do not wash your hair

This can happen to everyone, especially if you do not regret shampoo and gladly put it on your hair (hopefully, this is not all for the sake of creating foam). Badly washed hair becomes thinner and brittle.

Tip: use a small amount of shampoo and do not be afraid to spend a little more time to thoroughly wash your hair. If you hear a creak, it means you did everything right! And yes, it is better to use cool water, it is useful for blood circulation of the scalp.

"Rub" hair towel

Do you dry your hair after a shower or bath wrapped in a towel? Good. But if suddenly you start rubbing them and shaking them, know that you do irreparable harm to your hair. Such a habit will quickly weaken your hair and make it more brittle.

Tip: you can get rid of the "rubbing" reflex, just take the habit of doing makeup or having breakfast right after the shower, for example.

Use cosmetics that are not suitable for your hair type.

It is irrational to use shampoos for oily hair if you have dry hair! So you do not just not bring benefits, but also cause damage. You understand: the means for dry hair are aimed at filling the lack of moisture, and cosmetics for oily hair - on the contrary, to dry.

Tip: go to the trichologist and ask to determine the type of your hair, and from the data obtained, select the appropriate shampoo, mask and serum.

Often you change shampoos

You should not experiment! If you have found a suitable shampoo for you, then do not rush to buy another one next time just to get to know him better. From such changes, your hair will become weak and thin.

Tip: Change the shampoo when your hair changes, for example after dyeing.

Do not protect your hair from the sun and cold

Imagine, a sun hat in the summer and a hat in the winter are not just fashion accessories, it is also a reliable protection of the scalp and hair from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays and temperature changes.

Tip: Do not forget to protect your hair in both summer and winter. By the way, at the height of the beach season, SPF and “after the sun” sunscreens help you.

Postpone the trip to the stylist

If you survive the regrown roots after dyeing is still possible, then dry and split ends are impossible. And all because they thin the hair along the entire length.

Tip: If your plans for the near future do not include a short haircut, then remember: you need to visit a stylist once a month and remove the length by 1–2 cm. If you want to grow hair, then be sure to use special means to care for dry tips and look to the master at least once every two months.

Forget to wash the comb

What do you think? Hygiene above all! With regular use in the brushes (as well as on hairpins, rims and other hair accessories), microbes start up, which with joy will “move” to your head at the first opportunity.

Tip: According to the stylists, you need to wash the brushes after each use - at least just to rinse them with water. You can arrange general cleaning for your gadgets once a month. To do this, rinse them in water with the addition of any antimicrobial agent (even a soap solution will fit) in order to disinfect them well.

Tip number 1: dry shampoo - your best friend!

Dry shampoos were a real discovery in 2014. With the help of these tools in the summer, we saved ourselves from oily hair, and with the arrival of winter, these shampoos help excellently on the second day after washing the hair to give it a more fresh look. Agree, daily washing of hair is a rather unpleasant necessity, especially not the most useful one. Dry shampoo helps to effectively remove excess fat from the roots, to make them more flowing, light and neat.

But besides these well-known facts, dry shampoo will help hide the regrown roots on dyed hair. Most manufacturers manufacture these products in the form of a snow-white spray, which, when sprayed, lightens the hair roots noticeably at the expense of small shampoo particles. Just spray your dry shampoo on the roots and brush them a little - now your dark roots stand out less against the grown tips!

Tip number 2: eyeshadow - so you have not used them yet

If your colored tips are much darker than the growing roots, then ordinary eye shadow will come to the rescue. Choose the shade that best fits the tips and using the brush “paint over” the native color on the roots. Also, this method is perfect in order to visually give hair density in the parting.

Tip number 3: a toothbrush not only for a radiant smile

Many girls are in no hurry to throw out their old toothbrushes. And rightly so! With this universal gadget, you can not only clean your favorite hair dryer, but also make the tail or beam more accurate and smooth.

  • Use a toothbrush to clean the air filter on your hair dryer. This will allow it to work much longer and reduce the chance of breakage.
  • If you have collected hair in a bun, and nasty “roosters” and baby hairs make you look like a dandelion, then a toothbrush will perfectly help to smooth all these irregularities on a hairstyle. Gently comb your hair and spray varnish on it - and you are ready to conquer the world.

Tip number 5: T-shirt or towel? We cherish the beauty of hair

You probably already heard that a towel can hurt much wet hair after washing. Almost all experts and hairdressers recommend stylists to dry their hair very carefully with a towel so as not to make them brittle and split. Now try using your cotton T-shirt instead of a towel: you will be amazed how gently and delicately it absorbs moisture and dries your hair, without at the same time injuring them.

Tips for hair number 6: beautiful curls without a hair dryer and curling!

What girl at least once in her life did not make romantic curls or playful curls? But all sorts of heating devices, such as hair dryers, rods and other stylers spoil our hair terribly, and good old hair curlers make it very difficult to sleep. What to do? You will help a simple Greek hairstyle. Take a bezel on the elastic band and a little mousse for curly hair. Just do a hair in the style of ancient Greek goddesses on slightly damp hair and go to sleep. In the morning, removing the bezel and dismissing your hair, you will find spectacular elastic curls.

Hair care has never been so easy. Now, armed with our simple and effective life hacking, you can greatly simplify and speed up your daily ritual.

Special conditions for hair care

It is always very important for me that a client leaves our salon not just with shiny hair and neat hair, not only with well-dyed hair and with care products that retain color durability. It is very important for me that the client's hair and his scalp be healthy after visiting the salon.

If a client has sensitive or reddened scalp, which often happens from excessive dryness due to stress or nervous overstrain, I prepare a mixture of 40 ml of water and 15 ml of soft shampoo and gently massage it into the scalp with slight pressure on the skin within 20 minutes. Usually, after such a procedure, there is no irritation or redness on the skin.

When dandruff flakes are formed, a similar mixture should be made, but with a shampoo for deep cleansing. You will notice that after a few minutes the foam will become more and more - and sticky and creamy. But after 20 minutes the head will be completely clean. If you carry out such a procedure 2 times a month, dandruff rarely returns again. But with a very strong dandruff, you need to see a doctor.

Once I had a client who complained that she could not afford staining because of skin irritation on the back of her head, and later it turned out that it was a tumor. Fortunately, everything ended well for her. But a little later a woman came to me, who had very similar skin irritation and was sure that this was due to a nervous breakdown. I plucked up courage and recommended her to clarify the cause of irritation at the doctor, since I already had a similar case. It really was a rapidly growing tumor, and our attention to her skin helped to successfully cope with the disease at an early stage. I always insist that the skin and hair of the client in the salon should be treated very carefully and healed professionally.

Hair Care: recommendations from Bern Mones

I want to give some tips on how to quickly and accurately provide good hair care without using expensive products that are not always available in Ukraine today.

Tip 1: dull or brittle hair

If your hair has lost its luster or your hair is easily broken, then your body may be deficient in vitamin A. Our body needs this vitamin to strengthen the structure of the skin and hair, their good functioning. Good suppliers of vitamin A are: liver, egg yolk, milk, cheese, butter. Beta-carotene, which your body extracts from vitamin A with fat, is found in carrots, broccoli, spinach, lettuce, cabbage, red pepper, beets, dill, apricots.

Tip 2: preserving brittle hair

In brittle hair is the risk to keep it - they hang limply. Agents with positively charged polymers — for example, oats or wheat proteins — target negatively charged weak points in the hair and cover small holes in the hair shaft. Thanks to this magnetic effect, the hair will receive help only where it needs it.

Tip 3: Basic Hair Strengthening

For weak and constantly brittle hair, it is recommended to regularly massage the head. With your fingertips you stimulate blood circulation and activates the work of the sebaceous glands, and this ensures the preservation of healthy hair and their good growth. Special lotions for the scalp will make this process even more effective.

Tip 4: gently care for dry hair

If the hair is so dry that it feels like straw, the additional stress is contraindicated by drying with a hot dryer. It is recommended to dry such hair only with a warm stream of air or use a special hair dryer with an infrared sensor.

Tip 5: gentle shampoo

Wet hair is very vulnerable, as this keratin scales on the surface of the hair are open like pine cones. Entering a spoonful of conditioner before washing your hair, you will make the shampoo less leached and save your hair from damage.

Tip 6: Shine for curly hair

Curly hair is usually dimmer than straight hair, because light reflects unevenly on it. Firming treatments and the use of conditioners bring energy and shine to such hair.

Tip 7: massage for dandruff

Improve the condition of the scalp oil massage, because vegetable oils contain large amounts of vitamin E, and it is useful to rub them into the skin. Special anti-dandruff remedies, such as shampoos, lotions or creams, are recommended to be applied on the scalp, while the renewal of skin cells slows down, and there is a calming effect. If there is no improvement within 2-6 weeks, you should consult with your doctor.

Tip 8: volume for hair

You will get more volume when styling your hair if you blow dry with a hair dryer, giving it a shape with your hands, and only at the end of drying will you use a brush to put the tips inside.

Tip 9: Hair and Nutrition

Strong, healthy hair grows only on healthy scalp. This requires, above all, vitamins and minerals. Hair roots can be healthy and strong only with a balanced diet (when there is a lot of vitamin C, biotin, zinc, iron and folic acid), then they become strong and the hair is quickly restored. Suppliers of the most necessary, vital substances for hair are fruits, fish, poultry, green leafy vegetables, milk, soybeans and whole grains.

Tip 10: hair conditioner

This is a mistake - to believe that the longer you keep the conditioner on your hair during rinsing, the better care will be gained. Improvers from conditioners give shine to hair and make it easier to comb - but they do not penetrate the hair, but only envelop it. Therefore, the exposure time of the conditioner on the hair up to 1 minute is enough.

Tip 11: for oily hair

The hair is washed with a mild shampoo or baby shampoo as often as necessary. When washing your hair, try not to massage the scalp too much, as this stimulates excessive sebum production. Between the use of detergents, you can degrease the hair by wrapping the comb with gauze or cotton, and so comb the hair. You can also soak the scalp with a tissue moistened with facial tonic for oily skin.

Tip 12: Proper Wash

Before washing your hair, it is advisable to clean them well, especially if a lot of styling products were used to form the hair, such as gel or spray. Most of these tools are easily removed from the hair with the help of special brushes and brushes. With regular hair washing, as a rule, there is no need to reapply detergent, unless, of course, the hair has been stacked with a lot of wax. A normal amount of shampoo is enough. Huge mountains of foam do not improve the effectiveness of cleansing hair. It is very important to wash the hair properly: this should be done carefully and not too hot with water, because the higher the temperature of the water, the greater the stress for the hair.

Tip 13: Shine and softness of hair

Long hair usually requires special attention, and for them you can offer care with olive oil, which will make them shine, make them smooth. After washing, warm olive oil should be applied to the hair that is still wet, spreading over the entire length and especially carefully brushing the tips with it. Leave the oil on the hair for at least half an hour. Enhance the warm effect of the oil can be wrapped strands of aluminum foil, then the effect of hair care will be much stronger. Try not to wash off the oil until the hair no longer looks greasy. An intensive hair mask that works very well can be made by mixing warm oil with egg yolk, a small amount of liquid honey and lemon juice, and then mix the mixture well.

Tip 14: How to choose the right brush

For healthy hair it is very important to have intact combs and brushes. Carry out the test: brush or comb on the back of the hand - the comb should not leave scratches. Rub it, hair should not be attached to it. The bristles of the brush should be soft and round or have round tips. When combing, the tips of the comb should always touch the scalp with round and not sharp edges. There should be no pressure on the brush at all. Important: brushes and combs should be rinsed regularly with shampoo and hot water to remove microorganisms.

Tip 15: more stability for hair styling

Despite the painstaking efforts in drying the hair, the voluminous hairstyle quickly collapses. But there is a trick that helps give your hair more stability. Dry hair, and then combed with applying a certain amount of mousse in several approaches. Separate the upper part and begin styling from the bottom layer of hair. We work with two round brushes: one of them is always left in the hair for cooling, while the next strand is laid and dried by the other with a brush.

Tip 16: hair styling without washing

With the help of special lotions - the so-called fresheners - you can return the excellent shape of tired curls or dull strands. True, it works for a short time. Apply spray freshener to dry hair - strand by strand, each strand with a hairdryer, letting it cool slightly on the hand.

Tip 17: Hair and static charge

In dry indoor air, especially where there are synthetic carpeting, as well as friction, for example, combing the hair, electrostatic charge may occur. In this case, the hair repel each other and take off. If you use combs made of natural wood or horny material, then this effect can be avoided. Flying hair may well be brought under control with a small amount of hairspray. Just spray a little varnish on the palm of your hand and go through her hair.

Part 2 of exclusive tips from Bern Mones will be published in the section Experts 12/12/14. Follow our updates!

Tip number 1: dry shampoo - your best friend!

Dry shampoos were a real discovery in 2014. With the help of these tools in the summer, we saved ourselves from oily hair, and with the arrival of winter, these shampoos help excellently on the second day after washing the hair to give it a more fresh look. Agree, daily washing of hair is a rather unpleasant necessity, especially not the most useful one. Dry shampoo helps to effectively remove excess fat from the roots, to make them more flowing, light and neat.

But besides these well-known facts, dry shampoo will help hide the regrown roots on dyed hair. Most manufacturers manufacture these products in the form of a snow-white spray, which, when sprayed, lightens the hair roots noticeably at the expense of small shampoo particles. Just spray your dry shampoo on the roots and brush them a little - now your dark roots stand out less against the grown tips!

Tip number 2: eyeshadow - so you have not used them yet

If your colored tips are much darker than the growing roots, then ordinary eye shadow will come to the rescue. Choose the shade that best fits the tips and using the brush “paint over” the native color on the roots. Also, this method is perfect in order to visually give hair density in the parting.

3. The choice of shampoo

The real properties of shampoo.

No shampoo in the world can stop hair loss, as well as affect the speed of their growth. Therefore, you should not overpay for marketing tricks. Choosing a shampoo, you should focus on the scalp, and not on the structure of the hair. That is, if the hair at the roots is quickly contaminated, and the ends are dry and brittle, buy shampoo for oily hair, and apply moisturizing balsams and masks on the ends.

4. Haircut tips

About the need for haircuts tips.

The regularity of cutting the ends does not affect the growth rate of the hair or their health. It is rather a matter of aesthetics, if the tips are dry, weak and thin, it makes sense to trim them. If this problem does not bother you, you can not cut them at all.

6. Moisten the tips

Alternative means for moistening the tips.

Moisturize dry hair ends will help ordinary moisturizer. Spread a small amount of cream between your palms and run your hands through your hair. However, remember that you can use this trick only in extreme cases when there are no other special tools at hand. The fact is that the cream can make the hair heavy, which makes it look untidy.

7. Toothbrush for styling

Laying with a toothbrush.

Short growing hairs often stick up and spoil the hairstyle. Smooth them with a toothbrush. Put on it a drop of your favorite styling products and smooth the protruding hairs.

8. Neatness of hair

Quickly refresh your hair.

Powder or baby powder will help to refresh slightly greasy hair. Spread the selected product along the parting, and then thoroughly comb and shake off the hair. Powder and powder will absorb sebum, and the hairstyle will take on a neat look.

9. Fake bangs

Do you want to temporarily change the image or flash in front of your friends in a new image? Gather the hair in a high ponytail, separate the wide strand, perekinte her forehead and secure invisible. From the rest of the hair, make a sloppy bunch. If necessary, fix the hair with lacquer.

10. Beautiful curls

Beautiful curls without special devices.

You can create beautiful curls without special tools. Screw long hair will help a regular T-shirt. Twist it into a bundle, twist the strands on it and go to bed. Make waves on the hair of medium length will help gum for the Greek hairstyle.

11. Grown roots

Masking regrown roots.

Ahead of a series of holidays, but you absolutely do not have time to dye your hair? Hide the light regrown roots will help eye shadow. Apply the shadow with a wide brush along the parting. By the way, to create a festive look, shadows can be mixed with sparkles.

12. Fluffy tail

Bulky horse tail.

Even from thin sparse hair can turn out quite decent and magnificent. To do this, slightly wind the hair and tie two tails, the first, small, slightly higher, and the second more voluminous under it.

13. Roller for beam

Homemade roller for hair.

To hairstyle with a beam turned out beautiful and bulk stylists recommend using a special roller. If this is not, it can be made from the usual sock. Sock should be selected depending on the hair color. Cut off the nose part of it and gently twist, twisting it into a roll. Those who have already tried this one, and compared a homemade roller with a professional, argue that the first one keeps her hair much better, and her hair does not slip off.

14. Wash off undesirable color

Get rid of unwanted shade.

To correct the result of unsuccessful staining will help deep chemical remover or folk recipes. If you need to achieve results in a short time, you should contact the salon or use the purchase tool. However, if you are not in a hurry and just want to adjust the shade a little, use home remedies such as kefir and oils. For example, vegetable oils (olive, burdock and castor oil) not only draw the paint out of the hair, but also have a healing effect on the hair. Also homemade kefir will help to clean the strands. Apply it on your hair, fasten it with a shower cap, wrap a towel over it and leave it for at least half an hour.

Different types of curls.

Experiment with different variations of the wrap, changing the position of the curling. It can be held vertically, horizontally, twisted strands in the direction of the face or away from the face and each time receive a different set.

16. Beautiful curls

The secret of beauty curly hair.

Naturally curly hair has a special structure and often causes inconvenience to its owners. To make the curls look beautiful and structured, use indelible agents with silicones. Apply them on wet strands, comb a head of hair with a comb with rare teeth, and dry your hair with a hair dryer with a diffuser attachment. By the way, the fear of many girls over the products containing silicones is completely unfounded. Such funds are applied only to the length, and the only living part of the hair is under the epidermis.

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16. Beautiful curls

The secret of beauty curly hair.

Naturally curly hair has a special structure and often causes inconvenience to its owners. To make the curls look beautiful and structured, use indelible agents with silicones. Apply them on wet strands, comb a head of hair with a comb with rare teeth, and dry your hair with a hair dryer with a diffuser attachment. By the way, the fear of many girls over the products containing silicones is completely unfounded. Such funds are applied only to the length, and the only living part of the hair is under the epidermis.

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42 posts

Almost everyone knows the trick with the so-called lemon highlights. His authorship is sometimes attributed to Claudia Schiffer, and she repeatedly told about it. But stylist Kyle White from the beauty salon Oscar Blandi (New York), where many media faces are visiting, makes a very valuable addition to this secret.

The most natural results, according to the stylist, will be, if you combine lemon and orange juice. Before going out in the sun, apply a cocktail of freshly squeezed lemon and orange juice to individual strands or all hair. Hue blond, which will turn out to be more warm and golden, which means - more natural, according to White.

Get rid of the greenness

Chlorine and hard water can distort your blond hair color (this also applies to redheads), giving them a greenish tint. Negin Zand, a colorist who works with Jennifer Aniston, Cate Blanchett and Meg Ryan, gives his advice: “The red pigments of tomato juice will be able to level any cold shades, including ashy or greenish.” Interesting! I immediately recalled the anecdote about tomato juice, it turns out that in every joke there really is some truth, and pouring tomato juice on my head is not always just funny. And sometimes useful.

Dandruff, of course, requires the attention of the trichologist. But even at the time of treatment, I want the scalp not to itch, and dandruff flakes from the head do not fall on the shoulders. Ibuprofen tablets will help. So says Oscar Bladi, stylist and owner of a beauty salon Oscar Blandi (New York). Crush a few pills in your shampoo, and just as an apricot scrub cleanses your face, this mixture will remove dandruff and dead skin flakes from hair and scalp. You will get just a delicate scalp scrub.

Toothbrush hair

New York City stylist Sarah Potempa believes that a toothbrush is a great tool for hair. First, she advises using it as a comb when, for example, you need to gently fix some hairs in the ready-made styling. Secondly, a toothbrush can help a great deal with home hair coloring. It is plastic, does not react with dyes, and besides, it is the easiest way to paint over the hair roots with a toothbrush. And also, always use a toothbrush when you need a perfectly smooth hair surface, for example, for a horse's tail. Spray the brush with a styling spray or a strong hold varnish and brush the unruly hairs back. You will be surprised how much easier it is with a toothbrush than when using a large comb.

Eugene Toye, a stylist from the beauty salon Rita Hazan (New York), offers a very funny method of how to lift hair at the roots of hair. Do you know how the fabric gets tougher if you use starch? The stylist thinks that the same thing will happen with hair, if you sprinkle a little starch laundry on wet roots and then style your hair.

Master Ted Gibson from New York, who works with Anne Hattaway, agrees that for the treatment of split ends and thin ends, hair needs protein. And offers gelatin treatment. Dissolve gelatin in hot water and massage your hair. Leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Fighting heavily curly hair

The following tips are always snapped up by mulatto girls and those whom nature has endowed with voluminous and curly hair that is not always amenable to styling.Hairdresser Josh Barrett, who works with actress Drew Barrymore, recommends using a sunscreen that is expiring or has recently expired. To straighten the hair, apply a little cream on the palm and distribute on the hair. Another tip from a stylist is to use a wet soap. Straight with a piece of wet soap, you can fix restless curls, weight and straighten them, and give a haze to your hair. And Kevin Mankuso, creative director of Nexxus, a manufacturer of hair products, whose clients include Scarlett Johansson and Demi Moore, advises you to pay attention to lip balm. On heavily curly hair, it “works” like wax, straightens and models strands.

Brighter reddish tint

Kyle White at the Oscar Blandi Beauty Salon (New York) recommends using cranberry juice as a remedy for a brighter shade of hair. This is basically a tip for reddish and reddish hues. It is necessary to distribute the juice in the hair and leave it for 5 minutes (or longer, for a more dramatic effect). Then wash it off.


Watch the video: What Lets You See Your Real Self: Pictures or Mirrors? (July 2024).