Hair Growth

Should I do mesotherapy for hair?


Long, thick and strong hair has long been considered the real wealth and the main decoration of any woman. And, probably, there are few women who would not dream of luxurious, radiating health and natural shine of curls. But, unfortunately, nature did not give everyone a similar gift, and some ladies, regularly using various chemical means and high-temperature styling devices, also cause serious damage to their hair. Plus, there are a lot of natural causes for which curls can lose their former beauty, become dull, brittle and weak - hormonal changes in the body, for example, associated with pregnancy or menopause, age-related changes, etc.

To restore hair and accelerate their growth, a huge amount of various cosmetic preparations was invented and quite a few popular recipes were invented, but you usually have to wait for a noticeable result from their use for a long time. For a faster effect, you can turn to innovative methods of treatment of curls, one of which is mesotherapy. This procedure allows you to get rid of the problems of baldness, slow hair growth, dandruff and other dermatological ailments, and also helps fight excessive fat and even prevents the appearance of premature gray hair. You will find out what mesotherapy is, what advantages and disadvantages it has, how it is performed, what indications and contraindications it has.

Indications and contraindications for the conduct of mesotherapy for hair growth

Today, there are 2 main types of mesotherapy: manual (manual) technique and hardware technique. In the first case, a special cocktail is prepared taking into account the individual indications and characteristics of the patient and is injected into the skin with a syringe. The second option involves the use of a mezoroller (roller with spikes, needles). Like any other cosmetic procedure, mesotherapy has its own indications. Let's consider, in the presence of what symptoms this manipulation can be really useful:

  • various dermatological problems (dandruff, dry or moist seborrhea, etc.),
  • slow hair growth,
  • damage to the structure of the curls (increased dryness, brittleness, split ends),
  • blockage of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands in the scalp,
  • insufficient or excessive sebum secretion,
  • intensive hair loss, reduction of the head of hair,
  • impaired blood circulation in the scalp,
  • loss of natural pigments (graying curls),
  • lack of natural shine (dullness of hair).

As for the limitations to the conduct of mesotherapy for hair growth, then those are:

  • poor blood clotting,
  • diseases based on immunopathological vascular inflammation (lupus erythematosus, vasculitis and others),
  • diabetes,
  • malignant neoplasms,
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • idiosyncrasy drugs used during the procedure,
  • propensity to form keloid scars on the skin,
  • infectious diseases in the acute stage,
  • dermatological ailments of the scalp in the form of eczema, psoriasis or furunculosis,
  • endocrine system diseases
  • epilepsy, neurosis, irritability,
  • period of the menstrual cycle
  • age over 65 and under 15

Also, refraining from mesotherapy should be taken while taking corticosteroids and anticoagulants, as this can lead to various complications (for example, to slow the healing process of punctures and bleeding wounds).

Mesotherapy products

The solutions injected under the skin when performing mesotherapy, as a rule, consist of several components, which are selected individually for each patient. 1 injection may contain from 2 to 5 complement each other active substances. The best options to accelerate hair growth are cocktails, including:

  • vitamins A, C, E and group B (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, biotin, folic acid and cyanocobalamin) - they take part in many metabolic processes, promote the formation of natural pigments, saturate hair follicles with oxygen and stimulate the growth of curls,
  • copper and zinc peptide, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, etc. - these components inhibit the enzymes that cause dystrophy of hair follicles, which reduces the risk of androgenic alopecia,
  • amino acids (leucine, arginine, lysine, etc.) - they are important elements in the formation of hair and are responsible for the production of keratin,
  • hyaluronic acid - helps to provide hydration of the scalp, accelerates the growth of strands,
  • growth factors (VEGF, bFGF, IGF-1) - normalize the blood circulation of the scalp, strengthen the hair roots, prevent the thinning of hair,
  • Coenzyme Q10 - improves microcirculation of blood in peripheral vessels, supports the energy of living cells, awakens "dormant" hair follicles.

In addition to the listed components, the composition for mesotherapy solutions may include vasodilators and drugs that accelerate blood circulation, for example, minoxidil solution. But they are usually appointed only if hair problems are not the result of hormonal failure.

Description of the procedure

Mesotherapy for hair growth is carried out in cosmetology clinics by cosmetologists who have been trained. This procedure requires special training: approximately 7–10 days before the session, medication drugs that affect blood clotting are discontinued. It is forbidden to consume alcohol and fatty foods. During this period, a survey is conducted to identify possible pathologies in which mesotherapy is contraindicated. It is also recommended to make a test on the tolerability of the prescribed drug (for this, the specialist will inject a small amount of the solution into the skin and evaluate its reaction after some time) Immediately on the day before the procedure, you need to wash your hair without using a balm, conditioner and styling products that can clog up the puncture site, which can later become inflamed. The cosmetologist should carry out all manipulations in gloves. The very process of therapy looks like this:

  • Approximately 1 hour before the start of the session, an anesthetic (anesthetic composition) is applied to the skin. This stage is not mandatory, but it is better not to ignore it for patients with a low pain threshold.
  • Immediately before the procedure, the scalp is treated with an antiseptic (alcohol solution, chlorhexidine or Miramistin).
  • Next, a cocktail of the necessary components is injected under the skin. Treatment begins with areas of the skin bordering the hairline, and continues throughout the head (parting). Punctures are carried out using thin needles at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other. The depth of punctures can vary from 0.5 to 2 mm.
  • The procedure usually lasts about 40–45 minutes. At the end of the session, the scalp skin is re-treated with an antiseptic.

After mesotherapy, some patients may experience side effects in the form of hyperemia, edema, or itching. Such reactions may occur due to the individual characteristics of the organism, poor tolerability of the drug and other causes. Unpleasant symptoms usually disappear within a few hours, but in rare cases, small hematomas and crusts can form at the puncture site (this is a consequence of a needle falling into small blood vessels).

To achieve a pronounced effect, injections should be done in a full course, consisting of 10–12 sessions. The first 4 procedures are carried out with a frequency of 1 every 7 days, the subsequent ones are carried out with an interval of 14 days, then after 3–4 weeks a few more similar manipulations are performed. The treatment ends with supportive procedures, and a second course can be prescribed (if necessary) in 6-12 months.

Recommendations after mesotherapy

To avoid the occurrence of various complications after mesotherapy, you need to follow a number of important recommendations:

  • within 48 hours after the session, you should avoid exposure to direct sunlight, visiting a swimming pool, bath or solarium,
  • Immediately after mesotherapy, it is not recommended to use any care products for curls, including hair growth activators and drugs for the treatment of alopecia,
  • for 10-12 hours you can not take a shower or bath
  • for the first time, you should refrain from massaging the head and other manipulations, in which there is a mechanical effect on the skin.

Summarizing, we can say that mesotherapy is the most effective of all the methods available today for accelerating hair growth and combating hair thinning. However, one should not forget that this method has certain disadvantages and limitations to use, which must be taken into account in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

What it is?

Mesotherapy is a modern method of influencing tissues, which involves the injection of drugs under the skin. Developed such a technique back in 1958 by the French doctor Michel Pistor. Initially, mesotherapy was an exclusively medical procedure to relieve pain.

But gradually, the technique began to be introduced into cosmetology, although it became really popular only in recent decades. Mesotherapy is the most common face, but many turn to this method to improve the condition of the hair.

Advantages and disadvantages of mesotherapy

To begin with we will list the main advantages of mesothetropia:

  • Benefit. This is a very effective procedure, because the active substances are delivered directly to the impact zone, namely to the scalp and hair follicles.
  • The patient himself does not make any effort, because all the manipulations are performed by the doctor.
  • The result is already visible a month after the start of the course of treatment, and six months later it becomes fixed and becomes even more obvious.
  • Long-term effect, which persists for 1-1.5 years. The use of local products (shampoos, masks, balms) does not give such a long-lasting effect.

Now cons of mesotherapy for hair:

  • The procedures are rather unpleasant and sometimes even painful.
  • High price. Yes, the full course of treatment is not cheap.
  • The likelihood of side effects. Although they do not occur so often, but still undesirable manifestations are quite possible.
  • The procedure has a number of contraindications.

Mesotherapy has the following indications:

  • Some diseases of the scalp, such as lichen or seborrhea.
  • Dandruff. The course of treatment will allow you to forget about this problem.
  • Alopecia. It should be noted that mesotherapy will help stop hair loss for a variety of its causes, including impaired blood circulation of the scalp and blood supply to the hair follicles, as well as the androgenetic factor and some others.
  • Slowing hair growth. Mesotherapy will stimulate growth due to the impact on the hair follicles, as well as extend the phase of active growth of each hair.
  • Increased fat content or, on the contrary, dry hair. The introduction of certain drugs will help to normalize the sebaceous glands.
  • The deterioration of the hair. The considered method allows you to act directly on the hair follicles, which means that they will work better and provide the hair with essential nutrients. As a result, the condition of the curls will improve markedly, they will become smooth, healthy looking and natural shine. In addition, split ends will disappear.
  • Mesotherapy is used to prepare the scalp for a hair transplant procedure.

Who is banned from this procedure?

As already noted, mesotherapy has numerous contraindications:

  • Systemic diseases such as lupus erythematosus or vasculitis.
  • Diseases accompanied by blood clotting disorders.
  • Taking certain medications, such as anticoagulants (means to reduce blood clotting), as well as corticosteroids.
  • Diabetes (decompensated).
  • Oncological diseases and neoplasms.
  • Lactation and pregnancy.
  • Individual intolerance to one or more components used for the introduction of funds.
  • Scalp diseases such as furunculosis, psoriasis, eczema and some others.
  • Propensity to form keloids.
  • Acute infections.
  • Exacerbation of severe chronic diseases.
  • Endocrine diseases, metabolic disorders.
  • Some mental and neurological diseases, such as epilepsy, neurosis.
  • Period of menstruation in women.
  • The patient is younger than 14 and older than 65 years old.

In total there are two main types of mesotherapy:

  1. Manual (manual) involves the manual injection of drugs with a syringe. Such a procedure requires the experience and professionalism of a specialist.
  2. Apparatus mesotherapy involves the use of special devices. In this case, the depth of penetration of the needles and the speed of injection are controlled by a special apparatus.

Preparation for the procedure

Preparation for mesotherapy includes several activities:

  • First of all, the patient should be examined in order to identify contraindications and prevent possible adverse reactions. In addition, at this stage, the specialist will find out which drugs are best to use.
  • A week before the start of treatment, you will need to refuse to take drugs that affect blood clotting.
  • A day before the first session, a specialist should conduct a test by making one injection and assess the patient's response.

How does mesotherapy work?

The procedure of mesotherapy is carried out in two stages:

  1. First, the scalp is treated with an antiseptic, which removes impurities and prevents infection under the skin. If desired, the patient at this stage, the impact zone is treated with anesthetic.
  2. The next stage is the direct administration of the drug.

The whole procedure lasts an average of 30-60 minutes. With the introduction of needles under the skin can cause discomfort or pain. The course of treatment consists of 8-15 sessions, conducted with an interval of 5-7 days. Repeated treatment can be started in 6-12 months.

Rehabilitation period

The rehabilitation period is usually short and uncomplicated. In the first few days, soreness, swelling, hyperemia in the area of ​​impact may occur. Touching the scalp will cause discomfort during the week. It is not recommended to sunbathe, wash your hair and undergo other procedures for a few days after the session.

If the discomfort does not go away after a week or increases, consult a doctor.

What tools are used?

The drug used for the procedure should be selected by a specialist taking into account the existing problems and the individual characteristics of the patient. As a rule, cocktails are used, consisting of several components, such as vitamins (A, E, C, group B and others), minoxidil, hyaluronic acid, zinc, selenium, magnesium, copper, special complexes of growth factors, amino acids and so on.

Ampoules with the drug can be purchased directly from a specialist conducting the procedure, or in a specialty store.

The essence of mesotherapy

Meso for hair is injection injection under the skin. Having established the cause of hair loss or skin disease, the doctor selects the drug or prescribes a complex treatment, which includes additional components:

  • Nutritional Supplements.
  • Vitamin complexes and trace elements.
  • Amino acids.

Properly chosen injection cocktail allows you to quickly return the hair a healthy look, shine and strength. Thanks to this method of treatment, all nutrients get directly into the hair follicle. This method provides quick results from treatment.

The founder of this method is Michelle Pistor, a doctor from France. The way was started more than half a century ago, when the procedure was carried out to reduce the pain syndrome in patients. In the past few years, this technology has become unusually popular in cosmetology. With its help, thanks to innovative drugs, cosmetologists support the health of the patient's hair and body.

The technique involves the introduction of injections under the scalp or body with a special thin needle.. The depth of insertion of the needle does not exceed 4 mm. The distance between needle insertions is up to 2 cm. Such a method does not have pronounced pain, and a person can tolerate it normally. The average duration of one session does not exceed 40 minutes. To achieve the efficiency of treatment, at least 10 procedures are usually prescribed.

Results of the procedure

Mesotherapy for hair growth after a full course of procedures allows you to:

  • Accelerate hair growth.
  • Stop hair loss.
  • To improve the blood flow of the skin of the head - this essentially allows the hair follicles to saturate with oxygen and nutrients.
  • Improve the appearance of the hair thanks to getting rid of dandruff.
  • Normalize the sebaceous glands and get rid of unhealthy luster.
  • Achieve dense and thick hair on the head.
  • Eliminate split ends, restore hair structure along its entire length.
  • Improve the appearance of hair and return them vitality and natural radiance.

Many patients have noticeable improvements after the third procedure. The number of sessions and the intervals between treatment are selected individually for each patient, depending on the disease and its stage.

Indications for

Men and women come to mesotherapy sessions to eliminate various diseases of the scalp, among which are often found:

  • Diffuse and androgenic alopecia (complete or partial hair loss).
  • Various manifestations of seborrhea.
  • Increased fat content, dandruff or excessive dryness of the skin.
  • Slow hair growth.
  • Early appearance of gray hair.
  • The appearance of split ends and a violation of the structure of the hair, their excessive thinness. Such hair is prone to severe brittleness.
  • Various structural abnormalities of hair due to regular dyeing, extension or exposure to chemicals when curling.

In this case, the clinic specialist selects a mezo cocktail and prescribes the dose needed for hair restoration. Depending on the problem or another, cocktails may have melanin in their composition to stop premature graying.

Other cocktails may contain B vitamins and zinc, minerals and amino acids useful for hair. Their action helps to strengthen the hair follicles, eliminate the cause of dandruff and reduce the sebaceous glands.

Before the appointment of procedures to eliminate hair loss, the doctor prescribes additional tests to exclude pathological processes in the human body. In the absence of internal diseases, mesotherapy sessions are prescribed.

Types of mesotherapy for hair

In cosmetology practice, 2 types of mesotherapy are used, having their own characteristics:

  1. Allopathic. Its main purpose is to treat baldness and restore damaged hair structure. Allopathic cocktails are a mixture of vitamins of natural and synthetic origin, lipolytics, amino acids, vasodilators and antioxidants. Depending on the problem, a cocktail is selected, which is prepared in the laboratory by an individual order. All drugs act at the cellular level, strengthening the hair roots, removing toxins, restoring structure and providing a stimulating effect on the hair follicles.
  2. Homeopathic. Its main purpose is to restore the appearance of hair and stabilize the sebaceous glands. This method is distinguished by a minimum content in the preparation of active substances. This method is less popular, but eliminates the body's addiction to therapeutic substances and retains a positive effect for a long time. This method is characterized by the absence of allergic complications and side effects.

Technology holding

The technology of conducting sessions for the treatment of hair is not particularly difficult. Before the procedure starts by the doctor test for allergic reaction. It avoids unpredictable consequences. In the case of the use of drugs, the patient should inform the doctor about this fact so as not to harm the health and get a positive effect from the treatment.

In case of a negative reaction to the test and good tolerability of the components of the drug, the patient’s scalp is treated with an antiseptic. Depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, painful tingling may be felt.

To reduce pain, the procedure is performed at a fast pace.. For carrying out a mesotherapy very thin needles are used. Beauticians rarely use painkillers because of their incompatibility with the components of cocktails. In some cases, lidocaine is used as a local anesthetic.

After preliminary preparation, the specialist conducts the session. Due to the speed of the procedure, up to 400 injections can be administered per visit. Depending on the patient's problem, different methods of vaccine administration can be applied, which can affect the sensitivity of the skin.

Most often, cosmetologists conduct injections:

  • Manually. A standard syringe is used for such procedures and the established depth of its introduction. For the duration of manual administration of the drug can take from half an hour to 1 hour. It is impossible to say unequivocally about painful sensations: they depend on the individual characteristics of the patient, the composition of the medical device, and the scope of the composition.
  • Using an injection gun. In this case, the specialist significantly reduces the time of the session due to the semi-automatic method of injection. To minimize pain, you must select an experienced cosmetologist.
  • With the use of a meso-injector, which is a hand-held apparatus having a roller with thin needles. The essence of the procedure is reduced to holding a roller on the scalp, after which there are multiple punctures on it. A medicated cocktail is applied to the prepared skin, which is absorbed deeper and faster compared to the complete skin. This procedure is considered the most painful.

According to experts and patients, the manual method of drug administration is considered the most painless and productive.

Cocktail preparations

Among the main components for cocktails intended for the treatment of hair, use:

  • Vitamins of group B. They participate in the normalization of metabolism.
  • Some amino acids. These substances contribute to the formation of keratin fibers, which is a kind of building material for hair.
  • Zinc and copper peptides. In most cases, they are prescribed for alopecia due to the prevention of degeneration of hair follicles.
  • Hyaluronic acid. It promotes growth, nutrition and moisturizing hair.
  • Coenzyme Q 10. Under his influence, blood microcirculation processes in the skin are accelerated and hair growth is activated.

Contraindications to

No matter how good the method is, it has not only its own positive aspects, but also its negative ones. Mesotherapy sessions are not prescribed to patients:

  • In case of personal intolerance of one or more components of the medicinal composition.
  • During the period of childbearing and breastfeeding.
  • With oncological diseases.
  • With vascular pathologies.
  • With chronic renal failure.
  • With circulatory diseases.
  • With inflammatory formations on the scalp.
  • In the period of menstruation.
  • During the period of illness acute respiratory and viral infections.
  • With diseases of the endocrine system and diabetes.
  • With diseases of the nervous system.
  • In the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • With the tendency to form keloid scars.

In the absence of timely treatment for baldness, connective tissue forms at the site of the hair follicles. Mesotherapy sessions in this case will be ineffectual, and they can be used only as a preparatory procedure for hair transplantation.

Possible complications

Trust the procedure can only be an experienced specialist. It should be remembered that errors during a session can result in a violation of blood clotting or extensive hematomas on the head.

A quick and careless procedure can leave scratches on the skin, which can lead to infection. Some patients have reddened skin, headaches and a feeling of soreness of the skin.

Such reactions can be observed when using a needle that is not intended for mesotherapy sessions. Such needles have a larger diameter and are not adapted for multiple injections. As a result, they injure the scalp and cause complications after the procedure.

Some people find the procedures in the cabin prohibitively expensive and have sessions at home, which is highly undesirable. Mesotherapy requires a sterile environment and a professional approach.

Conducting hair mesotherapy

Mesotherapy for hair loss of the head is carried out in specialized institutions, where there are necessary conditions for the procedure. Reasonable question: how much does it cost in a specialized institution? Just want to warn that the pleasure is not cheap. But prices vary. Therefore, if you want luxurious hair, have to fork out.

The main condition for mesotherapy is sterility, as injections are made into the scalp. With a reduced pain threshold, anesthesia methods are used that make the procedure comfortable and safe. The whole procedure takes up to 40 - 60 minutes.

The course of treatment to obtain the effect ranges from 5 to 7 procedures. A smaller amount will not be able to convey to the bulbs the nutrients necessary for the growth and stimulation of the hair follicles. The amount can vary and depends on what will be the efficiency.

When conducting mesotherapy, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction, since a drug is injected into the head subcutaneously. Reactions are rare, but it is necessary to completely eliminate their appearance.

A hair mesotherapy is performed by injecting vitamin mixtures subcutaneously into the head. Cocktails for hair mesotherapy is determined by the doctor. The needle is very thin, is inserted under the skin for the required distance to the bulbs, so there are no traces after the procedure. Does it hurt or not? It all depends on the patient's sensitivity threshold. Up to four days, redness may persist at the injection sites, which disappears completely after 7 days. In addition, microtraumas, obtained during injections, activate the local blood circulation and metabolic processes, which allows accelerating cell renewal. Also today applied and fractional mesotherapy - treatment is carried out without painful injections. Is this procedure effective? In principle, the same effect is observed as with the “classical” one.

Photos before and after mesotherapy for hair:

Mesotherapy for hair growth has more effective results compared with shampoos or masks against hair loss, as it acts directly on the hair roots, rather than locally. Scientists have shown that hair follicles are at a depth of 50 mm under the skin, so local use of shampoos may be ineffective in the fight against hair loss.

Preparations for mesotherapy hair. The composition of such drugs include:

The composition of the cocktail can not only positively affect the falling hair, but also to control sebaceous excretions. In addition, mesotherapy can slow down the appearance of gray hair.

Vitamin cocktails are prepared individually in the required proportions, which allows you to more effectively and widely use this procedure, depending on the achievement of certain goals.

Does the first procedure help? Conducting hair mesotherapy allows you to notice positive results after carrying out three procedures. At the same time, not only does the number of hair fall out, but the processes of baldness also stop. After the full course of mesotherapy, the effect lasts for several months.

Benefits of Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy for hair for men and for women has several advantages compared with other procedures for hair loss:

  • It has biologically active effects on the hair follicles due to the subcutaneous administration of drugs,
  • it is possible to conduct simultaneously with physiotherapy, which enhances the effects,
  • The effects of drugs are local, which reduces the risk of allergic reactions to the body.

Indications for hair mesotherapy

Among the indications when you need to do hair mesotherapy, emit:

  • hormone-dependent hair loss and alopecia,
  • dry brittle hair,
  • split ends of hair
  • increased fat formation
  • dandruff,
  • dry and oily seborrhea, accompanied by itching of the scalp,
  • reduced or damaged hair growth due to increased ultraviolet radiation, taking certain groups of medicines, diets,
  • after chemical and physical damage to the hair during dyeing, curling, bleaching, misuse of hair dryer and irons for hair,
  • ringworm, which is manifested by foci of bald spots,
  • a change against the background of hormonal processes in the body, including after pregnancy and childbirth,
  • the early appearance of gray hair,
  • preparatory period before scalp transplantation,
  • androgenic alopecia, both focal and diffuse,
  • brittle, dry damaged hair.

Mesotherapy for hair: contraindications

Contraindications for mesotherapy hair are absolute and relative.

Among the absolute emit:

  • allergic reactions to the components of vitamin cocktails (side effects),
  • neoplasms of any organs, both malignant and benign,
  • diseases of endoriological organs,
  • blood diseases, including impaired clotting,
  • cholelithiasis,
  • mental illness, including epilepsy.

Among the relative contraindications stand out:

  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • reduced immunity before recovery,
  • inflammatory skin diseases
  • exacerbations of chronic diseases
  • menstruation,
  • medications that affect blood clotting.

Failure to follow these recommendations can have serious consequences.

Types of head hair mesotherapy

The type of drug for mesotherapy is selected individually depending on the patient's problem. Preparations for mesotherapy are:

  • biological.Elements are used as basis
    placenta and embryo
    animals. The drug provides fast
    hair restoration. Rarely causes allergies
  • homeopathic. The preparations have a light consistency, the base is not oily, which facilitates them. The result is noticeable after the first procedure,
  • oxygen,
  • microelement. The composition most often includes the minerals zinc, selenium, copper and magnesium. In addition, the composition contains hyaluronic acid and vitamins of groups B, C, A, E. The content of fatty acids and amino acids is increased,
  • multicomponent.

Mesotherapy for hair growth reviews collects mostly positive. Among the effects that are achieved by mesotherapy, there are:

  • antiandrogenic,
  • antiseborrheic,
  • anti-inflammatory.

Mesotherapy for hair loss: reviews of men and women

Reviews of women are much more common than reviews of men. Probably, the representatives of the stronger sex do not want to share the experience of the passage of this procedure, despite the fact that men quite often resort to the help of trichologists. Mesotherapy for hair loss reviews is positive, but there are also dissatisfied with this event. All the pros and cons of this procedure.

Feedback from a man regarding mesotherapy:

This woman shows her displeasure for the mesotherapy:

Positive feedback for mesotherapy from a woman:

What is mesotherapy for hair and how does it work

Mesotherapy for hair is a restorative technique that helps a person to overcome such phenomena as baldness, increased hair loss, dullness, excessive cross-section and thinning, seborrhea.

The essence of this technique is the introduction of small doses of various drugs into the surface layers of the scalp by microinjection, which ensures maximum penetration of the active substances into the problem area.

Advantages of the technique:

  • The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under the supervision of a professional. Conducting at home by an inexperienced master does not guarantee a good effect.
  • each patient receives an individual approach
  • no time to prepare,
  • allows the client to immediately return home to their lifestyle,
  • long-term results are ensured after the course,
  • no age limit
  • Receives positive feedback from patients with severe hair loss problems.

Mesotherapy in the salon or do it yourself

Many people prefer to do salon procedures at home. This is a saving of finances and time. Mesotherapy for hair at home has become a reality thanks to the appearance of such a device as a mezoroller. It is a pen with a roller, on the entire surface of which there are steel microneedles. These devices differ from each other needle sizes. It is for this main parameter that the device is selected. For beginners, it is preferable to choose a device with needle sizes not larger than 0.3 mm - this is safer and will not hurt.

The working principle of the mezoroller

The procedure itself is simple, but must be carried out according to a certain plan, subject to certain rules and advice.

The preparation is applied on previously sterilized roller of the device. After that, it is necessary to roll them over the skin of the head, piercing it to the depth of the needles. A medicine is delivered to the puncture site that delivers the necessary nutrients to the right place.

Important nuances:

  • Only one person can use the mezoroller
  • if the device falls on the floor, its thin needles may be damaged. Such a device in the future it is desirable not to use.


If you have come to a firm decision to complete a mezo hair course, then think carefully about where it is better to do it - in a salon or at home, because it is about your health. Judging by the reviews of people, home care is not for everyone.

Experts recommend to seek help in the salons or clinics where you can get expert advice on your problem. You will find the right drug and the number of procedures. Therapy in special institutions brings much better results than home treatment.

Mesotherapy for hair before and after

Mesotherapy for the head showed excellent results in eliminating the difficulties associated with hair vegetation. This technique is highly effective, has a small number of contraindications and does not cause pain in the process of multiple injections. For the procedure using special tools, which include vitamins and active biological components.

Thanks to the injections you can:

  • stop falling out
  • provide nutrition and strengthen the roots
  • to improve the quality of the hair,
  • accelerate growth
  • to awaken dormant bulbs, which will increase the density of hair.


These can be either special mixes, the cost of which depends on the manufacturer and efficiency, or cocktails, the price of which is somewhat lower. Preparations are selected on a strictly individual basis, taking into account the problem of the patient.

Medicines can be:

  • healing, consisting of natural and synthetic ingredients,
  • homeopathic, which include only natural ingredients.

Homeopathy is used much less frequently due to its lower efficacy, but on the other hand, it does not cause complications, allergic reactions, nor does it harm. The use of therapeutic agents requires special care - before their use, they must make a test test for tolerance of the drug - redness or itching should not appear on the skin.

Customer reviews after completing a full course of treatment or prevention note the positive effect and benefit of mesotherapy:

  • hair loss stops or decreases significantly,
  • their growth increases
  • new hair grows thickened, due to which the volume and density of hair increases,
  • hair becomes smooth, docile, shiny,
  • improves the condition of the scalp.

Mesotherapy: advantages and disadvantages

The benefit of mesotherapy is not only to improve and restore the hair zone of the head, this technique is successfully used in the fight against cellulite, fat deposits, age-related skin changes, stretch marks, scars, excessively dry or oily skin, dilated facial vessels and other problem areas.

Like any other procedure, mesotherapy can cause some harm, and therefore you need to know about contraindications before choosing this method of exposure to the scalp hair zone.


  • pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • critical days,
  • inflammatory processes
  • allergy to drugs
  • cancer,
  • epilepsy,
  • postoperative rehabilitation, etc.

Mesotherapy for hair loss

Most often, people are concerned about excessive loss, rather than the problems of the scalp itself. It is not always possible to stop hair loss, return shine and silkiness to them by folk methods or usual cosmetic means.

Impaired blood circulation in the scalp tissues, lack of nutrients, internal diseases of the human body, the effects of various external factors are the main causes of unpleasant hair problems.

Hair loss is considered normal if their number is not more than 100 pieces per day. If this rate is exceeded, then you should immediately consult a dermatologist or trichologist. It is very important to start treatment at an early stage, the purpose of which is to cure or reduce baldness regardless of the cause of the occurrence.

The reasons may be completely different:

  • heredity,
  • hormonal imbalance
  • nervous tension, stress,
  • serious illnesses
  • thyroid disorders,
  • diets
  • frequent complicated hairstyles
  • too frequent washing hair
  • blow-dry and more.

For or against?

Many people are tormented by doubts whether this innovative method helps. Mesotherapy for hair loss, judging by the reviews of many people, gives impressive results - the hair stops falling out and becomes healthy.

Hair mesotherapy: how often to do the procedure

How often it is necessary to do a mesotherapeutic course for hair, only the specialist decides in each case separately. But there is an average index for obtaining an optimal result, which constitutes the full course of treatment - these are 10-12 procedures with breaks of one week.

The duration of one procedure is up to forty minutes. According to customers, time flies by.

Recovery period

Meso for hair involves the passage of rehabilitation after treatment. Its duration depends on how long the marks of injections will heal. Usually the time is up to three days.

During this period, you can not:

  • wash your hair
  • swimming pool and bath / sauna,
  • do head massage.

Judging by the reviews of patients, these prohibitions do not bring people discomfort and in no way affect their lives.

What is scalp mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is an injection method to deliver to the scalp the substances necessary for the normal functioning of the hair. This is a cocktail of biologically active substances and vitamins that are needed daily by the hair and which are not sufficiently supplied to the hair along with the food.

The best tool for hair growth and beauty read more.

The main essence of the procedure is the introduction of special cocktails under the scalp, the composition of which depends on the problem being solved, the condition of the skin, as well as a number of other factors.

There are two types of mesotherapy: allopathic and homeopathic. Allopathic Cocktails include hyaluronic acid, vitamins, vascular agents, growth factors, they have a direct effect on the hair, instantly act on the hair follicles and improve the structure of the hair. Homeopathic cocktails are less concentrated and can not give an instant effect, they are aimed at restoring all body functions. Allopathic cocktails are used more often in the treatment of hair loss, while homeopathic cocktails are used when there are no particular problems with hair and their effect is less.

Healing cocktails for mesotherapy may be different from different manufacturers. All cocktails are focused on specific hair problems: improvement of vascular tone of the scalp, strengthening hair follicles, slowing hair loss, activating hair growth and awakening new ones, nourishing the scalp with nutrients and vitamins, treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp other.

Most Popular Manufacturers

  • Aesthetic Dermal: XL Hair,
  • Mesodermal: Mesopecia,
  • Fusion Mesotherapy: F-Hair,
  • MD Skin Solutions: Mesoline Hair,
  • Farma ID: ZN-SE-SI oligoelements,
  • BCN Scalp: Hair loss cocktail.

Cocktails for mesotherapy from the USA and Spain have proven themselves well, their effectiveness has been confirmed by numerous studies and results from patients.

A specialist (cosmetologist, trichologist, dermatologist) who will conduct mesotherapy for you must undergo a special course in mesotherapy and have the appropriate certificate or certificate!

Mesothepapia for hair loss

Hair loss is the most common reason for women to go to a dermatologist (trichologist); hair loss is considered a disease of the 21st century. Win hair loss can be after, when it turns out the cause of hair loss and an accurate diagnosis. Hair loss can be a signal of serious problems with the body, hair as an external "indicator" of a girl's health. To find out the cause of hair loss, the trichologist may additionally consult a gynecologist, an endocrinologist, a gastroenterologist, sometimes a neurologist and a hematologist, an immunologist.

Treatment of hair loss is to eliminate the causes of hair loss, maintain the body from the inside (medications), external means and methods for treating hair loss. As you can see, in the treatment of hair loss is an integrated approach and mesotherapy can be one of the treatment methods.

When folk methods do not help to cope with hair loss, mesotherapy can come to the rescue, but it is not a panacea for hair loss, you should not pin great hopes on it, especially with hair loss. If it does not clarify the reasons for the loss, mesotherapy will only temporarily reduce the loss, which will resume with time.

Features of the mesotherapy for hair

During mesotherapy for hair, special cocktails are introduced into the scalp, which include a number of substances that help to improve the condition of the hair. Substances that should be included in mesotherapy drugs:

  1. Vitamins of group B, especially B3, B6, B9, B12, B5 and B7 (biotin), they actively participate in metabolic processes, as well as vitamins A, E, K, C,
  2. A number of trace elements: zinc, iron, copper, silicon, potassium, magnesium, selenium,
  3. Amino acids - they are indispensable in the formation of keratin fibers and the hair shaft (arginine, cysteine, glycine, ornithine, glutamine),
  4. Coenzyme Q10 - antioxidant, activates hair growth and strengthens them, improves microcirculation of the scalp. It also blocks the hormonal causes of alopecia (hair loss),
  5. D-panthenol, which accelerates cell repair, restores damaged tissue and promotes normal keratinization of the scalp and hair,
  6. Hyaluronic acid - it is indispensable for active hair growth, strengthens the follicles and moisturizes the scalp.

The composition of the drug may include more than 4o active ingredients for the prevention and treatment of hair, both in women and men.

Mesotherapy for hair acts in two directions:

  1. Special cocktails, which are selected for each patient individually, are delivered directly to the hair roots, to the depth where shampoos, tonics, balms and, accordingly, the useful nutrients of the cocktail are well absorbed by the hair follicles.
  2. Due to the injection method of administration of the drug, a massage is also made, thanks to which the active substances are better delivered to the hair roots. Irritant effect causes increased blood flow to the scalp, resulting in enhanced metabolic processes in tissues.

After a course of mesotherapy, both the structure of the hair and its appearance are improved. The first results will be noticeable, on average, about a month after the start of the course, and a pronounced effect is promised 5-6 months after the course of mesotherapy, this is due to the hair growth cycle.

Preparation for scalp mesotherapy

It is very important to find out the cause of the deterioration of the hair (loss, dandruff, dryness, brittleness), if you find the cause, this is half the battle in treatment. First you need to visit a trichologist (dermatologist, cosmetologist), who should examine the condition of the hair and scalp, as well as send for some tests (complete blood count, iron level test, hormones and vitamins). After studying the results of the tests, the doctor selects the necessary drugs for mesotherapy, if there are no contraindications to the procedure, then you can set a date and prepare.

Three days before mesotherapy, you need to stop taking medications that may affect blood coagulation (painkillers, aspirin, antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Two days before the procedure and after not drinking alcohol. Before the procedure, you should wash your head, but in no case apply the styling products (foam, mousse, varnish, gel).

How is mesotherapy performed?

As we have said, the lion's share of the result of mesotherapy of the scalp depends on the experience of the doctor, so do not hesitate to ask the doctor if you have a certificate confirming that he has completed a special course of mesotherapy.

To achieve an effective result you need to go whole course of mesotherapywhich is from 8 to 12 treatments. First, with an interval - one procedure per week, and then once every two weeks, sometimes one procedure per month (3-4 months) is assigned to maintain the result.

For achievement maximum effect drugs can also be prescribed orally, for example, zinc preparations for oily seborrhea or excessive oily hair, iron preparations for low levels of ferritin or hemoglobin, B vitamins or complex vitamins for hair.

With regard to daily cosmetic care, during the whole course of mesotherapy, it is desirable to choose a series of hair loss products: shampoo, mask, tonic, ampoule care.

The duration of mesotherapy, on average, ranges from 30 to 40 minutes. You can alternate different cocktails, after two or three sessions of mesotherapy, this is true for those cases if you have not made an accurate diagnosis of hair loss or changes in their structure.

The procedure can be manual (injections are made with a syringe) and hardware (injections are made with a gun), it is better when injections are carried out with a syringe.

The doctor must use special thinnest mesotherapy needles, up to 0.3 mm thick., they are sold in special shops, marked “for meso-injections”, these needles are intended for multiple punctures. During the entire procedure, the doctor can replace the needle 1-2 times more, then the pain syndrome will be smaller.

For convenience, during the procedure, you lie down or sit on the couch. The procedure is quite painful. To begin with, the doctor treats the scalp with an antiseptic. If you have a low pain threshold, you can use anesthesia (lidocaine solution or mixing the mezococteyl with procaine solution).

Injections are carried out fairly quickly at a distance of 1 to 2 cm. In partings, all over the head (about 100 injections), the skin of the head is tightened before piercing, so less pain is felt. After completion of the injection, the scalp is again treated with an antiseptic and a light massage is done.

After the first mesotherapy procedures, hair loss may increase, be sure to discuss it with your doctor, maybe he will prescribe additional vitamins.

After mesotherapy can not wash my hair On the same day, you need to wait for 2-3 days and for several days not to visit the sauna, bath, pool, stay in the sun. And as little as possible touch the hair and scalp.

Strengthening the effect of mesotherapy will help strengthen the mask and taking vitamin complexes for the hair.

The main advantages and disadvantages of mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is suitable for all types of hair: dry, normal and oily. Mesotherapy for hair has a rather high efficiency, compared with other methods of hair treatment:

  • significant reduction in hair loss,
  • improvement of scalp circulation,
  • hair strengthening and growth stimulation
  • hair structure is improved and compacted,
  • hair becomes thicker
  • the awakening of sleeping hair follicles,
  • improve the condition of the scalp,
  • treatment of dandruff and oily seborrhea,
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands,
  • hair gets natural shine
  • saturation of the hair roots with essential nutrients.


  • rather expensive procedure
  • pain during the procedure,
  • if the procedure technique is violated, atypical hematomas,
  • as a result of non-observance of the rules of asepsis and antiseptics, infection is possible,
  • possible allergic reactions to the composition of the drug,
  • the doctor may make too deep punctures that may touch the nerve endings,
  • redness and scratches on the scalp after the procedure,
  • Not all salons use high-quality raw materials, therefore, reviews of mesotherapy are so different,
  • headache after the procedure, as a result of painful stress and muscle tension.

Indications and contraindications for mesotherapy

There are a lot of indications for the course of mesotherapy, almost any deterioration of the hair condition can be solved with the help of this procedure:

  • intense hair loss
  • all types of alopecia (diffuse, nesting, AGA),
  • depletion of hair, weak and thin hair,
  • dry and fragile hair
  • slow hair growth
  • excessive cross-section of hair
  • dandruff, oily seborrhea,
  • excessive oily scalp.


Information about contraindications must be studied with the doctor who will do the mesotherapy.

  • menstruation period
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • poor blood clotting,
  • inflammation of the skin, wounds, irritation,
  • allergy to cocktail ingredients,
  • diabetes,
  • oncological diseases, skin neoplasms,
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • cholelithiasis.

Features of mesotherapy

  1. By mesotherapy is meant an injection intervention, the introduction of a cocktail of nutrients into the scalp. The specialist individually prepares the mixture, so the first results are immediately visible.
  2. This technology of hair treatment came to us from America and Europe, it was the local masters in the field of cosmetology who learned how to carry out mesotherapy for the skin and hair, we are interested in the second option.
  3. Health shots, or as they are called “youth cocktails,” deliver valuable substances to the follicles that extend to the full length. In a short time, you can achieve impressive results and awaken dormant bulbs for years.
  4. Especially often people resort to mesotherapy, who are faced with severe dryness and weakness, hair loss, slow hair growth. Despite its usefulness, mesotherapy has several limitations. Therefore, before it is held, a specialist consultation is required.

Cons and pros of mesotherapy

  1. The advantage of injection therapy is that the active ingredients are introduced directly into the area of ​​the problem. Hair follicles receive all the necessary substances to strengthen the structure and hair growth.
  2. The undoubted advantage is that you can count the fact that the patient is not making any effort to improve the hair. All responsibility falls on the specialist.
  3. The visible result is achieved after a month course use of drugs. After six months, the effect becomes more pronounced.
  4. After a full course, the effect is fixed by about 1.5 years. As for various cosmetics for big money, then you will not get a similar result.
  5. If we talk about the minuses, then among them it is worth highlighting the trouble of the process. Sometimes injections are very painful.
  6. Also, the disadvantages include the high cost of the entire course of procedures. It is not necessary to exclude side effects after injections. Such situations are quite rare.

Used drugs

  • The drug, which should produce a positive effect, is chosen exclusively by a specialist. The doctor will take into account the individual intolerance of the patient and existing health problems.
  • In most cases, experts resort to using cocktails based on vitamins B, tocopherol, ascorbic acid and retinol. In addition, the injection includes hyaluronic acid, minoxidil, selenium, zinc, copper, magnesium, and complexes to activate the hair follicles.
  • The drug along with everything you need can be purchased directly from the master or in a store that specializes in such products. The cost of 1 session depending on the components can vary from 1 to 7 thousand rubles.
  • Mesotherapy is a new-fashioned procedure that positively affects the condition of the hair of men and women. Therapy includes a lot of useful qualities, but it also has negative traits. Before any manipulations, match your desires to opportunities, because mesotherapy costs money.

    P Indications for

    Indications for the mesotherapy of hair emit such:

    • dysplasia,
    • alopecia (alopecia) androgenic or focal,
    • the rapid loss of strands
    • increased dryness, fragility of the hair, split ends,
    • seborrhea, itching,
    • graying at an early age
    • ringworm,
    • dandruff.

    We recommend to read: which affects the rate of hair growth.

    P Contraindications

    Like any other service hair shots have a specific list of contraindications. These include:

    • pregnancy,
    • lactation,
    • diabetes,
    • cholelithiasis,
    • allergic to constituents,
    • acute viral and infectious diseases,
    • skin sensitivity,
    • tumors
    • inflammation of the skin,
    • mental abnormalities (neurosis, epilepsy, migraine),
    • reduced immunity
    • low blood clotting,
    • menstruation.

    C The compositions of drugs for treatment

    Injections from hair loss are carried out with different drugs, depending on the problem being solved. For example, Mesotherapy can be of the following types:

    • microelement,
    • oxygen,
    • homeopathic,
    • multicomponent.

    Most often among the components of the injection for hair growth are the following components:

    • B vitamins, establish exchange processes, prevents strand fallout,
    • amino acids strengthen the hair, improve the structure,
    • Coenzyme Q-10, improves blood circulation, strengthens the bulbs,
    • hyaluronic acid, intended for the purpose of moistening, activating strands,
    • silver, normalizes metabolic processes,
    • zinc, selenium, copper peptides, lead to increased growth of strands, skin regeneration,
    • complex growth factors
    • minoxidil designed to eliminate androgenic alopecia,
    • cobalt, manganese, prevent the appearance of early gray hair,
    • growth factors provide nutrition, improve blood circulation.

    note, shots for hair loss may contain one or more components. The cosmetologist, depending on the patient’s condition, can mix several ingredients in order to achieve more effective results.

    There is also a classification of drugs. The following groups of cocktails are distinguished:

    1. Allopathic, are intended to address the problems of baldness and other serious violations of the hair follicles. Such drugs are found in the following brands: BCN Scalp, Dietbel: DERM - 36, Fusion Mesotherary.
    2. Homeopathic, are intended for the purpose of prevention, the general strengthening of the hair. Among them, the most common are: Mesopecia (USA), Dr. Corman (Israel) and Rivitacare (France).

    The most popular vitamins in hair pricks come from the following manufacturers:

    Spanish Mesoline Skin Solutions. Contain growth factors, hyaluronic acid, copper peptide, coenzyme Q10.

    F-Hair from Fusion Mesotherapy. Among the ingredients are a complex of vitamins of group B, zinc, extracts of plants of gingo biloba and tantallaziatskaya.

    XL Hair Aesthetic Dermal contains activators of metabolism at the cellular level, multivitamin complexes, stimulants to improve blood flow.

    ComplexMesopecia combines finesteride, pyrodoxine, d-panthenol, biotin.

    CocktailsHairloss consist of azelaic acid, which is considered a stimulator of the increase in strands, zinc, D-panthenol, Gingko extract, minoxidil.

    Keractive has such components as vitamins of group B, sulfur, amino acids, zinc.

    Meso Hair System intended to treat hair follicles with the help of such components: growth factors, coenzyme Q10, hyaluronic acid, copper peptide.

    After applying these drugs for hair loss, only positive reviews.


    Watch the video: The Difference Between PRP Therapy and Stem Cell Treatment (June 2024).