
How to make a seashell hair?


Haircut shell on medium hair - a classic version of styling. Ideal for work or school, and for evening events. It is quite simple to perform it at home - the main thing is to decide on the type of desired styling and study the nuances of creating an elegant image.

To suit

The main advantage of hair - versatility. It looks equally beautiful on different hair lengths. But experts say: it will be easier to perform on straight curls. Therefore, girls with curly hair is better to pre-straighten them with the help of ironing.

Among the other benefits are also:

  1. Laying has many options. It will complement any image - casual, wedding, evening.
  2. If you practice a few times, then creating a hair in the next few times will take very little time.
  3. The ideal choice for owners of thin, weak hair. Putting curls in an elegant shell, creates additional volume. Also the strands can be corrugated or made easy to pile.
  4. The image can be supplemented with any accessories to your taste - a hoop, shiny hairpins, decorated bows, and pins, which will give it greater brightness and sophistication.
  5. For installation will not need special devices. With the job to handle even a beginner.

Required tools

By following the simple recommendations of experts, as well as preparing the necessary set of tools, you can quickly create a classic shell and its various variations at home. You will need:

  1. Massage comb. It is better to choose a large square or flat medium hardness. It will help to give the strands the necessary shape, to comb matted hair, without tearing it out.
  2. Brush with small teeth and a pointed tip. The accessory is indispensable for quickly separating curls, creating parting or pile.
  3. Curled pan with wide plates. If the hairstyle thinks smooth, with strict straight lines, then you should straighten your hair well before styling.
  4. Styling products - varnish, mousse, foam, gel. They should be firmly fixed and will help to keep the strands looking beautiful for the whole day.
  5. To fasten you will also need stealth, hairpins, pins.
  6. Upon request for a festive event, the curls can be decorated with various accessories - a rim, a bow, flowers, decorated with pins or a comb.

Important! Experts recommend starting to do styling when the hair after washing will be dry. Working with wet strands, you can not get the result, which was expected.


The basis of the classic French hairstyle is a simple plait. Having learned to make this element, it will be possible to continue making the traditional “snail” without any problems.

  1. Apply a little skin on clean hair, so it will be easier to work with them. Dry it.
  2. Comb strands, collect on the back of your head.
  3. Do not fix the tail with a rubber band, start to twist into a tight tourniquet. If you want a hairstyle to look more casual, you can make it a little looser.
  4. Wrap the tourniquet in a loop, hide the ends of the curls inside the shell.
  5. Secure the "snail" hairpin or invisible.
  6. Fine comb comb loose hairs back.
  7. Fix the result with varnish.

The evening version is created according to the classical scheme. But it can be supplemented with a variety of shiny or more restrained decorations.

  1. You can add gloss, using as a fixing varnish with sparkles.
  2. You can complement the image with small decorated hairpins, studs with pearls, scallops or rim with rhinestones.
  3. In the summer, fresh flowers can serve as an original accessory.
  4. You can leave one or more locks on top, not twisting into the shell. Screw or corrugate them. Strands will serve as an elegant face frame.

For such a special celebration creates a romantic, gentle image. Feminine styling will help decorate it.

Important! If the bride wants an original variation of the hairstyle - the harness can be assembled on the crown, almost at the neck, on the right or on the left - almost at the temple, twist it diagonally.

As decorations used live flowers, studs with rhinestones, tiaras, scallops. The seashell visually makes the girl's neck longer, and the silhouette is more elegant.

Double french bun

An interesting and unusual variation of classic styling. Particularly suitable for owners of thick and voluminous hair.

  1. Divide the curls into three parts. The first - strands of the upper part of the head. The second is the occipital region. Third - lower.
  2. Start working with the third part. Twist the strands into a bundle, guiding it upwards. Strand the ends of the strands into the shell. Secure with studs.
  3. With the separated curls at the back of the head, the same steps should be performed, but the second bundle should be fixed in a downward direction. The result will be two equally spaced "snails".
  4. Next, start working with the upper strands. They can be slightly combed by making a volumetric “tuft”. Or divided into two parts, twirl curls so that they fall, framing the face. Another option is to treat the hair with a small amount of gel, form a wave (which goes to the right or left) and fix it with invisible hair.
  5. At will decorate a hairdress with the decorated hairpins, hairpins, a hoop.
  6. The final stage is fixing the double shell with lacquer.

Step-by-step instructions for shell hair:

  1. Prepare your hair for styling. Brush your hair with a thin comb, sprinkling each with varnish. Highlight the parting. It will look very impressive with side parting.
  2. Collect the curls on the back of the head, not fixing the rubber band, twist into a bundle. Next, wrap it in a shell, hide the ends of the strands in the formed "snail". If you want a more restrained hairstyle - make the braid tight. To create a more romantic and careless look, leave your hair a little looser.
  3. The final touch - fixing styling varnish.

Important! If you want the effect of luxurious professional styling - do not scratch the front strands, leaving them smooth.

For many years laying a shell with bangs has not lost its relevance.

  1. Forming a harness, the bang must be separated, since in the future it can be effectively laid.
  2. To create a voluminous hairstyle, pin it back, after gently combing it.
  3. For a hairstyle in the style of the 60s, comb your bangs well, apply a little mousse, form a smooth wave out of it. Sprinkle with varnish, fasten stealth to keep the shape for the whole evening.
  4. It will look original if you separate the front strands with a hoop or silk ribbon.
  5. Experts advise you not to put a short bang, but just lightly spray it with a lacquer to fix it.

The history of the hairstyle “Shell"

In the present period it is difficult to find the discoverer of this hairstyle, as the chronicle of its occurrence is stored in the depths of the centuries. It is possible to see the curls laid in the form of a cockleshell on the canvases of European painters of the 17-18th centuries. Secular beauties didn’t even imagine how to make this thin hair style on their own, as they were served by court servants.

Hair "Shell" in the old days

The name of the hairstyle testifies for itself, since it is very similar in shape to a beautiful seashell. Simultaneously with the elegant name "shell", in everyday life used and the other - "bananchik."

Who is the "Shell" hairstyle?

The perfect option to create this hairstyle will be hair length to the shoulders, smooth texture. On straight strands the shell is very simple and looks perfect.

However, the shell type should be selected according to the shape of the face:

  • Oval shape. Any styling options are suitable.
  • Round form. It is better to complement the laying of thick bangs and curls on the sides.
  • Square face. An asymmetrical shell is made on the side. An asymmetrical bang also looks good.

And who does not?

The shell is not suitable for women who have the following hair types:

  • Short length. On a short hair the bun practically does not hold, but it is possible to try, having paid due attention to fixing means.
  • Curly structure. Hair that curls into tight spirals is simply impossible to put in a smooth shell. But with a certain skill, girls with curly hair will also be able to show off with fashionable styling, attracting admiring glances from others.
  • Rare density and fine structure. For women with very sparse hair, it is better not to make a shell, because the skin of the head that is translucent through the styling will not beautify any woman.

What is needed for styling hair?

To form a shell, should be guided by elementary tips. First of all, you should purchase a basic set of hair care products, which includes:

  • Round massage brush. It is necessary to give preference to a huge square or straight brush of medium hardness. This kind of tool can help you carefully comb the tangled strands and give your hair the desired configuration.
  • Comb with small teeth and a pointed handle. With the help of fine scallops it is very easy to divide strands, parting or combing.
  • Hair straightener. This tool is not replaceable in the case of the need to level the scrolling strands in order to give the styling the desired configuration with the most stringent features.
  • Varnish or mousse. Hair locking products can help keep hair styling intact for the whole day.
  • Barrettes Will require a set of invisible hairpins and hairpins.

To build a hairstyle, it is recommended to dry hair, as wet hair can affect the properties of laying.


There are a number of alternatives to traditional shells. However, any type of styling is based on the usual procedure for forming a French twist.

The key stages of the construction of this hairstyle are:

  • Hair preparation. To do this, apply the mousse along the entire length of the strands, then gently comb the hair along the entire length and dry with a hairdryer. Align unruly hair with forceps. Create a parting. More interestingly, this styling looks with a side row.
  • The formation of shells. Having picked up the curls on the tail, they do not need to be fastened with anything, but simply twisted in a tight braid. Next, create a loop from the rope, it is better to hide the edges of the strands in a shell or leave them free for further beautiful styling.
  • Fixing hairstyles. Secure harness stealth or hairpin. It is also possible to make the strongest harness, so that the shell becomes more distinct. If the curls are left hanging loose, it will give the hair volume and it will look the most romantic and natural. You can fix the styling, if you sprinkle with hairspray.
This is how the classic shell is performed step by step.

And this is a photo of examples of finished works:


For daily use, the best is the traditional version, made with laying to the side using a lightweight pile and simple fixation with pins. In this case, it is not necessary to fix the strands with varnish or mousse. You can leave the tip of the tail free.
Slightly messy look hairstyle is most suitable for everyday everyday life.

Particularly interesting this look looks like a bang.

In the event that it is necessary to appear during the working day at the official meeting of business partners, you only need to add one drop of gel or hairspray to thoroughly fix the shape, making the hair perfectly smooth. With this hairstyle, any woman will look well-groomed and stylish.

In order for the marriage not to be darkened by a badly laid hairdo, all factors must be checked, and it is better to take it several days before the marriage celebration.

Before marriage, it is best to “rehearse” the marriage hairstyle with your own hairdresser. It is necessary to discuss the feasibility and the number of decorative accessories, studs with rhinestones, expensive crests or tiaras. In addition, the method of fixing the marriage veil on the head is important, since the veil is fixed after the formation of the hairstyle.

Among the many options for this styling, you can select the most popular types of wedding hairstyles:

  1. wavy shells,
  2. double shell when laying bow
  3. french cockleshell
  4. classic French bun, but with the addition of wavy curls,
  5. shell with rhinestones or accessories.

Before you pick the curls in the harness, you should do the volume pile, then:

  • curl curls on one side of the tail,
  • fixed invisible, you can immediately use festive hairpins, because beautiful
  • hairpins are best to decorate in the process of laying, and not after,
  • the tips of the tail are alternately wound on a roller in a vertical position to the middle,
  • fix the flagellum with pins.

Then you can beautifully lay the bang, give volume, and options with long bangs should be fixed by means of medium fixation.

For owners of curly hair

Owners of long curls can easily put them in a luxurious shell. But girls who have curly hair, will not be easy. Sometimes it takes a long time to complete the installation, due to the rebellious strands, which are quite difficult to give the desired configuration.

There are quite a few methods to make changes to the standard image. For the formation of a perfectly flat shell, it is recommended to straighten the curls with an iron. When creating a harness, be sure to apply hair spray.

The tips of the curls can be placed inside the hair, then the styling will be the most voluminous. A distinctive feature of the formation of hair "shell" on long curly hair - this is an opportunity to add the original design of the curls.

To do this, just leave the very tips of the strands free and, using the means for fixing, create unique patterns on top of the hairstyle. Hair must be fixed invisible.

This kind of hairstyle is a more festive option. None of the owner of such a striking styling will not leave others around indifferent.

French bundle with weaving

The double French knot which is modeled in a special way with the help of canes looks good. This style is available only to owners of long hair.

Before you start laying, you must:

  1. align the curls with an iron
  2. make a small tail
  3. wind it on the back of the head with special sticks.

The original evening styling should be secured with studs; you can also fix it with stealth, then you need to carefully pull out the canes.

Shell with loop

The shell looks pretty stylish and elegant with a loop on the hair of medium length. The formation of this “masterpiece” does not require a large amount of time and effort, since it is easy to fill the ends of the hair yourself inside the bundle.

It should be borne in mind that for fixing the laying will require several more studs and stealth. This can help to firmly fix the harness and fix any strands.

Very often, the formation of shells on the hair of medium length is hampered by loose naughty strands. It is quite easy to eliminate with a comb with small teeth. For convenience, it is better to splash varnish on the curl, securing the very tips with pins.

With bangs

Quite a popular option among women is the hairstyle "Shell with bangs". At the same time there are options with straight bangs and lush. A short bang should be laid flat, and long can be given volume.

Laying is carried out sequentially.

  • First, when twisting the harness, you should separate the bang, saving it for further styling.
  • To reproduce the style of the 60s, you need to slightly comb the bangs and create a soft bend.
  • The resulting loop should be moistened with varnish and firmly fastened on the head, holding the wavy configuration.

An interesting option is a smooth French twist in a composition with large strands of bangs. In this case, you need to separate the bangs with a beautiful hoop or a handkerchief.

Evening option

When forming the evening version of the famous hairstyle, often use large and small rollers. The extended roller is a necessary component of a solemn hairstyle, if the exact model of the cockleshell and a peculiar volume are very desirable.

Thanks to this usual adaptation, it is possible to add a natural volume without the use of additional means of fixation, it is better to use mousse. The evening option can be decorated with simple or elegant accessories.

In order to make changes to the classic styling and get a luxurious spiral version, you should:

  • leave a series of strands in front or wrap the very hair ends,
  • put the bulls over the seashells and fix them with stealth,
  • to increase the volume, make the strands in the region of the crown,
  • lightly shaving a comb comb them inside the shells,
  • fix the hair with lacquer medium fixation.

Styling tips and tricks for styling

Laying "Shell" combines the beauty of the French charm and many variations of performance. With this styling, you can create an original and elegant image. Stylists say that this unusual method of hair styling will give the young lady a reverie and sophistication to the respectable ladies.

Stylists recommend shell hair for:

  • tall and slender women. Naked neck focuses on beautiful posture.
  • evening wear options. The styling emphasizes the sophistication and luxury of women’s attire, which should be of maximum length and always with bare shoulders or back.
  • ceremonial events and business meetings. The hairstyle creates a stylish image of presentability and charm.

The universality of the snail shell is considered the key to its popularity among girls of different ages and social status.
On a romantic date and an official meeting, at a wedding or an incendiary get-together, a similar hairstyle is equally useful.

Of course, a beach holiday, a tourist trip or a picnic in rural wilderness are not the best events for the formation of such an elegant hairstyle. But in all other ways it will be absolutely appropriate.

Luxurious styling of curls in the shape of a shell emphasizes the refinement and wonderful taste of a woman. Creating a unique hairstyle, a woman feels spectacular and extraordinary in all situations.

Hair styling features

This styling exposes the neck, and the image is immediately more graceful. Immediately striking your posture. No wonder that this hairstyle choose for many holidays, including for the wedding. Do not be upset if your hair is not very long - the average length also allows you to perform a shell. But the main condition for the implementation of hair still need to comply - the presence of straight hair. The shell will not be neat with curly strands, since it will not be possible to wrap the curls in a fairly tight bunch.

Shell is an excellent option for decorating the head for:

  • female students and graduates,
  • business woman,
  • teachers,
  • gymnasts, ballerinas,
  • brides.

Age does not play any role here - such styling will suit almost everyone! Young girls will get more femininity, because the shell is able to bring to the image a certain amount of mystery. And mature ladies will allocate a natural attractiveness by a cockleshell, having added tenderness to an image. And you can play on opposites, combining such a gentle styling with a rough style of clothing (vamp, gothic, avant-garde, hard rock). Such a fatal image is clearly not to be ignored!

Step by Step Execution Instructions

So, it's time to find out the sequence of creating such beauty on your head! Of course, you must first wash your hair then dry them in a natural way. Sure to apply foam on the curls - hair should not bristle, otherwise it will not be possible to perform a fairly smooth shell. The steps involved in creating a shell are:

  1. Just comb the hair on the left side, using the studs asymmetrically fasten them from behind. Very nice hairstyle will look on the head with a side parting, with a straight - the effect will not be like that.
  2. Next, you need to twist the strands inside - for this, as if, wind your curls around your thumb. The tips should be inside.
  3. Now secure the shell secured with hairpins. You can spray hair with lacquer.

Of course, from the first time it may not work out perfectly. For this it is necessary, so to speak, to tamper. Perhaps you should watch the video tutorial below.

There are small tricks, which can help facilitate the execution of the snail hairstyle. For example, the hair must be well dried, otherwise the shell will simply disintegrate in the first few hours after creation. You should not apply a lot of mousse - you do not want to get the effect of unwashed hair? Even a very beautiful hairstyle will look sloppy! Do you remember the famous Cinderella? The cartoon on her head also flaunts a shell! Release a few curls on the front of the face and you're done - you resemble this kind heroine!

Another little trick: if your hand is not strong, and it is impossible to make a normal shell, then help yourself ... Chinese chopsticks! Just gather on the side of a low tail, clamp between two chopsticks. Well, then it remains to start to wind the curls to the middle of the neck on the sticks. The result is sure to secure studs. Do not forget to gently pull the sticks out of the hair.

French double bun

With a classic variation of hair, we figured it out. But let's consider an excellent alternative to the classics. Make the hair style snail in the French style.

Here, too, there is nothing particularly difficult. Looks like a hairstyle two seashells, they are twisted towards each other. In this hairstyle used the effect of mirror reflection. Bottom line: a great option for a festive evening!

So, thoroughly comb your hair, here too, the head should be washed. Double twist, in fact, done just like a classic. Although not without differences (otherwise it would not be a different haircut). At the back, twist the two straps opposite each other, then secure them together. The hairstyle is more fragile, so do not feel sorry for its fastening hairpins!

For curly hair

The above options are done on straight hair, as already mentioned. But for curlers there is a solution: a roller on curly hair get more romantic. It remains only to consider the step by step instructions hairstyles for curly curls.

With this installation, you will complement airy and light image of a young fashionista. In addition, your face may seem completely different to you - your hair will be beautifully framed. Do your hair curl up by nature? Well, great! The iron is not required to apply!

Such a snail is made the same like the classic version. First we collect hair in the tail - it can be long or medium, but for short hair to make a shell seems problematic. We do not use mousses and gels - we should not weight our hair. The hairstyle should look magnificent, therefore, having twisted a bunch, it is possible even to slightly slightly pull out of it slightly slovenly. After all, this is the highlight - precisely in the share of disheveledness and negligence! Due to this hairstyle and looks so interesting.

Additional touches

Any of the listed hairstyles can be supplemented, showing imagination and using various accessories. The phased process of creating seashells will be unchanged. With the classic version you can additionally pay attention to bangs and separate small strands. Leave the descending spirals in the temples area (twist them). This will help to emphasize the shape of the face, the neck will immediately become more elongated. And usually the tail hides inside the shell, but you can beautifully lay it around the helix, after making a corrugation.

And the jewelry will help make your hair even more stylish! You will shine at any celebration! Can take ordinary jewelry: sometimes it is enough to pin a shiny hairpin on the side to add a unique charm to the image.

With a snail hairstyle, you will become a real lady who knows how to present herself to society. At any event, light and feminine styling in the form of a shell (aka snail) will be appropriate. And if each time to use other decorations and otherwise make out the bangs, the hairstyle will always look in a new way. Experiment and amaze others with your sense of style.

Who is suitable?

The cockleshell is a versatile styling option that suits almost any girl. The only limitation is the length of the hair, a long-haired girl makes a bunch in the form of a shell, in extreme cases, it can be performed on medium hair (at least shoulder length). Performing this styling on short hair is possible only with the use of chignons and linings.

How to choose the option of laying under the shape of the face? As always, the most “lucky” girls with oval faces, they are suitable for a variety of styling options. If the face is round, then it is worth adding a thick hairstyle to the hairstyle and leaving the curls next to the face that fall along the cheekbones line free.

Girls, whose faces are closer in shape to a square or a triangle, should make an asymmetrical shell, that is, to form a roller not in the center of the back of the head, but to shift it to the side. An oblique asymmetrical fringe will complement the hairstyle.

Consider how to make the hair shell itself. In principle, this hairstyle is simple. Having trained, you can learn how to perform styling in 5-10 minutes. But, planning to make a haircut for the first time, especially before the solemn event, it is worth holding a rehearsal several times to acquire the necessary skills.

To complete the installation with your own hands you will need:

  • Hair brush. With the help of this necessary tool you will need to comb your hair well, achieving its perfect smoothness.
  • Comb with fine teeth and a pointed handle. This tool is required to smooth the strands.
  • Invisibles and studs.
  • Means for fixation. Before starting the installation, it is worth using mousse, and finally fix the result with varnish.

In addition, you may need additional tools:

  • Iron. If the hair is a classic shell, then the hair should be perfectly smooth and shiny. Therefore, if the nature of the curls wavy or disobedient, then they should be pre-treated ironing.
  • Comb for performing bouffant. If the hair is thin, then before performing the styling, you must first comb it.
  • Special pad-roller. When performing hairstyles on medium hair, the volume of hair may not be enough, so styling is done with a roller, placing it under the beam.
  • Pretty hairpin for shells. The classic version of hairstyles pin fixed, but you can use other options. For example, use a “crab” hairpin, or a hairpin in the form of a double-sided comb.
  • Decorations. When creating a festive styling, you can use a variety of accessories. For example, a hairpin decorated with pearls or rhinestones, wreaths of flowers, headbands, etc.

Step-by-step instruction for the classic version of the shell-shaped shell for long hair:

  • Training. The head should be washed, comb the strands well and apply a small amount of styling foam. You can wind the strands on large-diameter curlers in advance or straighten them with an iron.
  • Making a tail. We collect hair in a neat tail, not fixing it with a rubber band.
  • Twist the tourniquet. The resulting tail is twisted into a bundle. In the classic version of the installation, the harness is made quite tight, but if you want to make a more careless version of the installation, you can make the harness free.
  • We form a shell. The resulting harness is laid on the back of the head in the form of a loop and fastened with pins. The tips of the harness neatly tucked inside the instructed beam.

  • Adjust the styling. Now, with the help of a comb with small teeth, we adjust the styling and fix the knocked out straps with the help of invisible women.
  • Finish styling. We fix the installation with varnish and, if you wish, use accessories.

Styling options

The above describes the classic way of doing hairstyle, however, the shell can be done in different ways.

  • Wave. This is one of the most romantic styling options. Before doing the hair, hair is curled in the form of curls, and then make them any kind of shell. The tips of the hair while you can not hide in a bun, and beautifully lay the rings over the hair.

  • Spiral. When performing this option, hairstyles twisted into a braid hair is laid in the form of a spiral. As a result, the resulting bundle in shape really resembles a sea shell. This version of the shell can be made either perfectly smooth, or deliberately careless, slightly ruffled locks with your fingers.

  • Double. Unusually looks double shell. To perform the hairstyle, you need to divide the hair into two tails and lay each bundle separately.

  • Asymmetrical. When performing this styling, the tail is not collected at the back of the head, but mixed on its side.

  • Corrugated. In contrast to the classic version, to perform this hairstyle does not require perfect smoothness of the hair. On the contrary, the strands are treated with an iron with a special overlay corrugation. As a result, the hairstyle is more voluminous and looks very original.

  • Bow. The original styling is performed as follows: the tail is divided into three strands, and the average should be slightly less than the side. Of the two extreme strands form a bow, and the third strand is used for dressing the resulting bow in the middle.

  • From braid. This is an original variant of laying, it can be created on the basis of various methods of weaving. Spit can be ordinary, French, Dutch, etc.

  • With flowing curls. To perform this option, only the upper part of the hair is used; the lower ones are left free or curled in curls.

  • With patterns. This is a complicated variant of laying, its execution is available only to the master. They make one of the variants of the shell, and then from thin strands of hair, which were previously excluded their hairstyles, spread on the beam various patterns.

  • Mussels It is easy to make such an installation option, however, it takes a lot of time for a hairstyle. The essence of the hairstyle is that the hair will be divided into a number of strands and from each of them form a separate miniature shell, placing them close to each other.


There are a huge number of options for the hairstyle shell. A simple styling option is suitable for every day, since it will be possible to make such a hair in 10 minutes. But on the implementation of the evening version of the hair can take hours, but the result will be worth it. Various accessories will help to diversify the hairstyle.


Watch the video: How to make a Seashell Hair Clip for Mermaids Waterproof Mermaid Shell Hair Accessory DIY Crafts (July 2024).